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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 20, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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serve the heroes who bring victory closer under contract. vladimir putin arrived on a state visit to vietnam at the invitation of the general secretary of the communist party central committee. this is putin's fifth trip to this country. in hanoi they will meet with the entire top leadership of vietnam, the leader of the communist party, the president and prime minister, as well as the chairman of the national assembly. it is planned to discuss the development of strategic partnership in the trade, economic, scientific and humanitarian spheres. and also exchange views on international and regional issues. house
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during the negotiations, a joint statement and the signing of about twenty bilateral documents are expected. on the eve of vladimir putin's visit, the most influential vietnamese newspaper nian published an article by the russian leader. putin noted hanoi’s independent policy, commitment to the principles of a fair world order, as well as a balanced position on the ukrainian crisis, and is grateful for assistance in finding real ways of a peaceful settlement. well, as for bilateral relations. energy. with the assistance of rostom, vietnam is working on initiative to create a center for nuclear science and technology, joint ventures such as vietsof petra and gasthan dat show high efficiency. about a country that remembers well both soviet aid and the bloody american intervention. our correspondent in the region. vladimir putin is visiting vietnam
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for the first time in the last 7 years and less than a month after the new president of vietnam took office, that is, the meeting with the russian leader is the first high-level contact for the renewed leadership of this country, which in itself is eloquent a sign of which foreign policy course the current vietnamese authorities consider a priority. flocks of motorcyclists flood the streets of hanoi with the first rays of sunshine and the city life continues to bustle. does not stop until late at night, so russian flags were hung in the central squares even before dawn. vietnam, a country with a population of over 100 million people with a very difficult history, can afford a trade turnover of $200 billion with its rival neighbor china and $100 billion with its former enemy the united states, while maintaining independence of course in choosing trading partners. the figure of an american pilot kneeling.
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senator from arizona and us presidential candidate who lost the 2008 election. by the way, john mccain himself, who visited hanoi several times before his death, was never able to forget the insult and expressed dissatisfaction with how the vietnamese themselves preserve the memory of his participation in the fate of vietnam. john mccain's suit and parachute in the museum on the site of the huallo prison, where american prisoners of war were kept, mostly downed pilots, curious photographs, this is the exact moment when he is taken out of the water, and here is a vietnamese doctor.
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provides first aid, right on this bed, john mccain was admitted here with broken limbs, vietnamese doctors put him on his feet, although he later claimed that he was subjected to inhuman torture here. there is no evidence of this, but it is known for certain that the vietnamese themselves were subjected to torture in this prison when the casimats haolo were under the control of colonialists from another western democracy, france. national flags portraits of the founder of independent vietnam in hanoi stand side by side with memorial ones. symbols of our country of those times when the vietnamese fought for their independence, first with the french, then with the japanese, and then with the americans, lenin park, where there are always fresh flowers, a popular vacation spot for hanoians of absolutely all ages. there are many reminders of soviet-vietnamese cooperation in hanoi, from industrial facilities to monumental architectural structures. 6 years ago, when donald trump and kimchin-eun came here for a summit. main
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the press center was located in the palace of soviet-vietnamese friendship, built by our specialists. until now, russia is the main supplier of weapons for the vietnamese army, created more than 40 years ago bilaterally. jv petra is the largest oil corporation in the country, but the main task now, and this is what the visit of the russian president is dedicated to, is to use the experience of the past to reach a new level of cooperation. an example of continuity of traditions. a joint russian-vietnamese ophthalmology clinic in hanoi was opened in 2009. with since then, it has opened two similar branches in other cities, and they are planning to open another one in the near future. thanks russian.
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ho chi minh city, where the russian president will lay wreaths and pay tribute at the memorial to fallen heroes, has been taking place since the beginning of the week. all ceremonial events of the visit will take place after vladimir putin’s negotiations; he will meet with all three key officials of the vietnamese leadership and the president. the prime minister and the general secretary of the country's communist parties, based on the results, a package of documents is being prepared to be signed, the visit will end with a meeting with graduates of russian vietnamese universities, as well as a concert at the grand opera house. sergey mengazhev, alexey pichko, east asian news bureau, vietnam, hanoi.
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well, now konstantin churikov will talk about the prospects for cooperation between russia and vietnam in the energy sector. the state visit of the russian president to vietnam will formally last 2 days, but. the main program is scheduled for the second day, june 20. as noted on the kremlin website, vladimir putin will hold negotiations with all four leaders of the country. this is the general secretary of the central committee of the communist party of vietnam, president, prime minister and chairman of the national assembly. it is planned to discuss the development of partnership in trade, economic, scientific, technological and humanitarian spheres, as well as exchange views on current issues of international politics. based on the results of the negotiations, it will be accepted. a joint statement and a number of bilateral documents were signed. according to russian presidential assistant yuri ushakov, trade between our country and vietnam is actively growing. last year trade turnover amounted to 5 billion dollars, which is 8% more than in 2022. well, in the first quarter of this year, trade volume
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increased by more than a quarter. the size of trade is very small, and only five total 5 billion. we had a serious drop in this amount due to... billion dollars, that is, it is twice as much as is being sold now, we have the potential to increase imports of textile products from vietnam , shoes, seafood, coffee and so on, including under sanctions, imports of products from vietnamese medium
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and high-tech industries, yes it becomes the opportunity to replace the import of smartphones, household and office equipment from unfriendly countries. moscow and hanoi actively cooperate in energy and mechanical engineering. medicine, agriculture. of the large companies, projects in vietnam are being developed by gazprom, zarubezh neft, naovatek and rosatom. a free trade agreement between the eurasian economic union and vietnam has been in force for several years. according to the hanoi times newspaper, as of april this year, russia is implementing 186 investment projects worth about 1 billion in vietnam. dollars. they primarily relate to the oil and gas, mining and manufacturing industries. as for counter investments, vietnam has 18 investment projects in our country worth more than one and a half billion dollars. vladimir putin's visit to hanoi will give additional impetus to the development of cooperation in many areas, and one of them will be the fuel and energy complex.
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this was previously reported by russian ambassador to vietnam gennady bezdedko. according to him, being one of the world leaders in nuclear energy, moscow is ready to provide hanoi with the most modern technologies in this area. among the rather serious projects that will probably be discussed today is the construction of a nuclear power plant in... tourism remains a promising area of ​​cooperation. before the pandemic , up to half a million of our citizens visited vietnam annually. after
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the flight restrictions are lifted. the russian tourist flow in the twenty-second year amounted to 40,000 people, in the twenty-third - 125,000, but in the first four months of this year in 79,000 of our tourists vacationed in vietnam. actually, where do our interests coincide with vietnam? we are talking about the development of value chains. which are currently undergoing significant changes, from the russian point of view, the first of all we need and the most interesting will be intermediate goods, these are various types of microelectronics that we can use in our value chains. vietnam, in turn, of course, is primarily interested in receiving resources - russian countries, we also have technologies in areas of energy, mining, manufacturing that may be of interest to vietnam. experts note the enormous potential for developing
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cooperation between russia and vietnam. what is important is that moscow and hanoi hold similar views on many international problems. this means that it is easier for state leaders to find a common language and build up trade and economic ties. today they are developing dynamically and should reach a new level after negotiations between the leaders of both countries. vladimir putin arrived in vietnam. immediately after the visit to dprk pyongyang, the leaders of russia and north korea signed a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement. the results of the state visit in the report by alexey konopko. russia brought a whole package of proposals to the dprk, they prepared their own here in advance, so the most important signing was just a few hours after the start of negotiations. chairman of state affairs, korean people's democratic republic, comrade kimchen and president of the russian federation.
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restrictions within the framework of various kinds of international obligations. in this regard
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the russian federation does not rule out the development of military-technical cooperation with the korean people's democratic republic, in accordance with the document signed today. korean friends take an objective, balanced position on the topic of ukrainian settlement and understand the true initial causes of the crisis. i would like to thank our korean friends and personally comrade kemchen. for organizing recreation for the children of deceased participants in a special military operation in the korean children's camp sondowon. the great interstate treaty, which is of a strategic nature, was concluded just 9 months after comrade president putin and i discussed the issue of concluding a new interstate treaty at the vostochny cosmodrome last september. i especially want to emphasize that the birth of the very...
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how many came here today is unknown, but there were clearly more people willing, only here, in the only place in the city , portraits of kemchinin and vladimir putin are located, next to each other. first near the podium on license the korean leader appeared. next are both delegations, the russian, more than
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representative lavrov, manturov, novyk, belousov, starovoid, murashka and a dozen and a half leaders. the governor is here. an iconic unit, standing in a convertible , vladimir putin and kimchenun drive around the entire square accompanied by fireworks and my native country is wide , performed by a korean military orchestra. you can clearly hear people chanting the name of the russian president; translators will later tell you what it was. korean-russian
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friendship is solid, we welcome putin. also greeted by hundreds of phinyang residents. last year, the countries celebrated the anniversary of the establishment of bilateral relations, and it was with putin’s first visit here that the resumption of full-fledged partnership after the lull of the nineties was associated. russia and the dprk have been linked by strong friendship and close good neighborliness for many decades. interaction between our countries is based on the principles of equality, mutual respect, and mutual interests. korean government. appreciates the important mission and role of a strong russian federation in maintaining strategic stability and balance in the world, and also expresses full support and solidarity to the russian government, army and people in carrying out a special military operation in ukraine to protect sovereignty, security interests,
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as well as territorial integrity. on the sidelines all this time, sergei lavrov moved from hall to hall, his counterpart tsoisonkhi. the woman at the post of head of the dprk foreign ministry, denis manturov, was animatedly discussing something with his korean colleague, the whole delegation has a lot of work here. the leaders' negotiations are taking place at the residence of the leader of korea, kemsusan. it is almost impossible to unambiguously translate this word into russian; in fact, it is three words: gold, mountain and water. as the translators say, this is something like a concentration of all the best, but also a truly real oriental flavor. the most important part, of course, is theta tet. there is a program for... walking outside, but it’s very hot there now. despite its relative secrecy, north korea trades with more than a hundred countries around the world. the first places in terms of turnover, of course, belong to china, india, and vietnam; the volume of trade with our country last year increased ninefold. 5 months of the current one, then another 54%. moscow and pyongyang have protocols on cooperation in education, science, transport, medicine, and
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now there will be a comprehensive strategic partnership. and immediately the heads of the ministry of transport sign their sectoral agreements with their colleagues. and the ministry of health, but of course, there will be new documents; there is interest on both sides in the development of those areas that will be formed. our colleagues have certain achievements, including in the industrial sphere. the ussr and russia helped their korean friends with technology in space peaceful atom, well, as a gift, the newest russian car was sent to korea by the president himself, and today, as it turned out...
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judging by the footage, at a very high speed, vladimir putin took his korean colleague for a walk, here is the way back for the steering has already been done by the new owner of the aurus. pyongyang is hampered by 2.0 sanctions, they hit insurance, shipping, electronics, some were introduced by the un security council, they are the only ones that are legitimate, the rest is on the conscience of washington, because of whose plans to hit the dprk pyongyang started its nuclear program. the koreans fully support the russian fight against such a policy. the us koreans fully understand the reasons for the svo, we highly appreciate your consistent and unwavering support for russian policy, including. in the ukrainian direction, bearing in mind our struggle against the decades-long imperialist policy
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imposed by the united states and its satellites on the russian federation. only recently russia blocked the american initiative in the security council to extend the work of experts on sanctions against the dprk. inspired by the united states and its allies , the indefinite restrictive regime of the un security council in relation to... asia and russia and korea pursue an independent and independent foreign policy and do not accept the language of blackmail and dictatorship. we oppose the practice of applying politically motivated sanctions and restrictions. these illegitimate actions will only weaken us.
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we will follow strictly, but even in difficult conditions, the koreans manage to develop construction and industry and high space technologies; the united states has brought a new factor of instability to the asian region, the aucus alliance, the twin brother of nato with the same leadership in washington, while britain and australia are still in it, but new zealand is a member, and japan and south korea are cooperating with nato with all their might. at the beginning of june, as if testing the waters , the head of the pentagon asked austin if washington would help if ... wants to host a nuclear submarine. the united states and south korea are already preparing military exercises this month; according to media reports, they will practice a nuclear strike on their neighbors. our assessments regarding the root
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causes of the escalation of military-political tensions coincide. this is a confrontational us policy to expand its military infrastructure in the subregion, which is accompanied by a significant increase in the scale and intensity of various military exercises. moscow helped phinyan respond to american aggression back in the middle of the last century, just a few years after liberation from the japanese occupiers in the world war. flowers at the monument to soviet soldiers
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still lie all year round; our delegations always come here. the ussr was then the first to recognize an independent state with its capital in phingyang. since then, friendship has not weakened. in honor of the guests, kimchenun is hosted by the sovereign.
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the orthodox church found its own temple here in the mid-2000s; it was built at the insistence of kimchenyr, although the parish is more than a century old. after a truly large-scale two-day visit , kimchenyn also saw off vladimir putin personally and received a return invitation to moscow. the russian president has vietnam ahead of him. russia and north korea agreed to develop cooperation in healthcare, medical education
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and science.
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treaty on comprehensive strategic partnership, which was signed by the leaders of russia and the dprk. experts from south korea are speculating what is behind this agreement? who wins more, putin or kim? i think they benefit equally. putin is likely counting on getting the artillery shells he will need in ukraine. and it is important for kim to enlist the support of a major nuclear power. now not only china, but also
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russia is behind him. officials in the white house, seeing a clear threat to american hegemony, immediately decided to intimidate the whole world, they say, for good neighborliness and friendship, hide the insidious intentions of moscow and pyongyang, classic rhetoric for the biden administration, which is losing political points in light of the presidential elections. we are concerned about the rapprochement of these countries, not only because this process seems to be on the ukrainians in the donbass , north korean artillery shells are being used, but because moscow's rapprochement with phinyang undermines security in...
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vietnam during the war, the united states, dying from hunger, came to the rescue soviet russia came to us, supplying equipment and food. thanks to this, we survived the battlefield and united the territories. we are sincerely glad to see vladimir putin in hanoi, as in pyongyang. russia sees a like-minded person in vietnam, the president emphasized. i like russian leader vladimir putin, i am confident that his visit will make an important contribution to the development of bilateral relations between our countries. it is a great honor for my country to host vladimir putin. his trip will deepen the trusting relationship between hanoi and moscow, primarily in the areas of diplomacy and economics. the russian leader’s visit to several asian countries at once clearly demonstrates that the collective west has failed to isolate moscow from the whole world. the kremlin will continue to pursue an independent sovereign policy based on an equal and confidential dialogue. it's time.


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