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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 20, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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about the situation in the conflict zone in the report by alexander belibov. after 8 months of bombing the gaza strip, tsahal seems to have decided to shift its focus to the north. there has been a noticeable revival in the israeli theater of operations in recent days. the israel defense forces are conducting intensive air strikes against hezbollah targets. fighters from the lebanese sheid group are responding by increasing attacks on the border areas of israel. the country's defense minister and chief of army staff is at the meeting.
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it will be impossible to avoid our missiles. israel must wait for us on the ground, in the air and on sea. the hazbalah leader also noted that the movement could attack targets in the mediterranean sea and even in cyprus if the country's authorities continue to provide israel with its ports and airfields. there are two nato bases on the island, akrotiri and dhekelia, which could become targets for the lebanese group. however, the main target in the event of the outbreak of a full-scale conflict, of course, will be israel itself, where the targets have already been reconnoitered, the video that caused a lot of noise... in which a lebanese drone flies over haifa and is filming several strategic objects, for example, the israeli navy base, makes it clear that in hazbal they know where to hit if something happens; a greek merchant ship was heading to the port of haifa, passing by the yemeni coast, but the houthis first shot down the ship, and then the cargo ship lost its speed, which the team managed to evacuate, was sent to the bottom using unmanned kamikaze boats. the ansarallah movement itself has already
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stated that if israel invades lebanon, the attacks will not only continue, but will become even more widespread. according to lebanese media through the us embassy in beirut, the leadership of hezbollah had already been given an ultimatum, according to which the lebanese movement must withdraw its units beyond the litani river, that is , several kilometers from the border. otherwise, israel will launch a ground operation, but if tel aviv can start another full-scale war on its own, it is unlikely to emerge victorious without the help of washington. at the same time, the american administration has already made it clear that , to put it mildly, they are not delighted with tel aviv’s plans. alexander bilivov, dmitry cherbakov and danil gabdulin. news middle east. a credit sbercard is beneficial in any situation. the interest-free period begins every month.
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his visit laid out the foundation for our bilateral relations, and we are also preparing for the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our two countries. your visit is very important, since we signed this very important agreement, our relations have been developing very well and steadily expand, strengthen. your current visit.
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and are grateful to the russian people for the selfless help and support that i provide to vietnam in our struggle for our independence.
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remains our reliable friend and partner, the relationship between us has stood the test of time, you just said this, dear comrade secretary general, including during the years of the heroic struggle of the vietnamese people for their independence, these relations are based on trust in mutual assistance, which allows us solve the most difficult problems confidently move forward, it is symbolic that... the timing of my visit, it tells us, coincided with a significant date,
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the thirtieth anniversary of the signing of the treaty on the foundations of friendly relations, which laid the legal basis for their further development, we are firmly committed to deepening the comprehensive strategic partnership with vietnam, which remains among the priorities directions of russian foreign policy, are ready to continue active joint work on... over all the years , about 75 thousand vietnamese
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specialists have been trained in russian universities. within the state quota more than 300 citizens are currently receiving education in russia. today, my plan is to meet with graduates of soviet and russian universities; i know that among them there are many outstanding citizens of your country who have made a great contribution to the strengthening of russian-vietnamese relations and development. i would also like to note that russia and vietnam have similar positions on many pressing international issues; we share the ideas of building a fair, democratic, multipolar world order based on international law, principles of sovereignty and equality of the state, closely. and constructive interaction within the framework of international associations, primarily in the un. and
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of course, we appreciate your balanced position on the most acute crisis situations. today we have a good opportunity to discuss the key issues of multifaceted bilateral cooperation and the priorities of joint work for the future. and of course we will consider the current situation in international affairs. our current visit will not... i have no doubt, will give a good, additional impetus to the progress of our relations in the entire broad agenda of russian-vietnamese relations. thank you. these were shots from hanoi. vladimir putin met with guyen phu chong, general secretary of the central committee of the party of vietnam. by this time, the meeting had already ended, and negotiations with the chairman of the national assembly of vietnam were still ahead. next, watch the program “there is a solution.” how hobbies and hobbies develop into highly paid jobs, why employers are really hunting for
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college and technical school graduates, who helps businesses grow high-tech young personnel for specific production tasks. miracle construction, nuclear power plants, high-speed trains, office high-rises, everything that surrounds us, an experienced welder had a hand in almost all of this, why is prestige growing? working professions, what solutions are there for training specialists and is it possible to do without high technology? now many managers have begun to think about switching to welding, if you know three types of welding, you will always be valuable, these guys have salaries of 200 and 300.
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those employers who do not yet participate in the professionalism program are few. they were embarrassed, but when we told them, they lined up, yes, they said: we want everything. all this activity of mine grew out of an amateur hobby, first diving, now this is my profession, that is , i am a diver, i am an operator of manned underwater vehicles, and much more. we must extend such approaches to the entire system of secondary vocational education, including training personnel for schools. hospitals, clinics, for the service sector, tourism, cultural institutions, creative industries. production is becoming more technologically advanced, it requires highly qualified, specially trained personnel, solutions, federal project professionalism, training for the specific needs of the economy. in 2022 , 290 colleges joined, this year there are
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already 1,250, and the number of participants has quadrupled. training programs are developed with business. study faster with an emphasis on it and practice on advanced equipment, mentors are specialists from the very companies that are looking for employees. senior mate please go up to the bridge. how captain's mates are trained, to go on a circumnavigation of the world, to learn how to disperse from other ships under drawbridges or to survive a storm, cadets can do all this virtually even in college long ago. before being sent on a real flight, which is important, the training program was adjusted to the specific requests of employers, how realistic this simulator is, about 80%. we are creating all sorts of options, for example, to let in the fog, to create, for example, some conditions for such a dangerous divergence, all this naturally, the engines are noisy, but there are no seagulls.
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valery zamyatin, teacher, instructor at the college's educational and training center. academy of water transport, with more than 40 years of experience in the fleet, is now teaching cadets to cope with the most difficult situations on virtual water. your vessel may be in ballast when loaded, you need to train your hand, so this simulator, they help a lot. what is the current situation in the industry with personnel? is there a shortage? it even gets to the point that some ships cannot enter navigation. shipowners agreed to ensure that wages corresponded to international levels, and this also does not completely save the situation. the team has a solution, it has already come to the moscow transport college, it joined the professional ranks in 2022, they started with two professions, from the new academic year, training will begin in all specialties. in 2024
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, the academy of water transport followed the same path, they are also starting with two specifically. was a captain on the moscow canal. cadets get to know their future place of work almost from the first days. straightaway two shipping companies participated in the development of the curriculum, and from the second year full-fledged practice. we will assign a certain mentor to candidates for money , help them train the teaching staff in production, so that they come to us to see what level of training is needed
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on a certain ship, a certain vessel. at the start, we became partners with professionals. about 200 companies, now there are eight times more of them, personnel are forged specifically for the needs of a specific enterprise, this is one of the conditions for educational institutions to qualify for support in the form of grants, and you can receive up to 100 million rubles. we're starting the morning with you in a beautiful place, little eagle, we have unusual coffee, chocolate, what is it? this year marks the first graduation of professional students. there is now an opportunity for colleges to create their own enterprises, the guys themselves have developed colleges in kamchatka, such chocolate here is made from cranberries. as needed, can you also eat it with crab? there is probably no such chocolate in the world. how can we now summarize the interim results of the program?
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professionalism has given a huge impetus to the development of the entire system of secondary vocational education, this is the ability of the enterprise to prepare according to its own programs, reducing the course of study from 4 to 2 years, we prepare for the tasks of the industry. which are necessary, business, it is pragmatic, it counts every penny, every ruble, so we said, for our 100 million, at least 10-15 million, direct your funds, they are no longer just investing money, they want to get a return, but this means they are also interested in training qualified personnel, how much more the practical part has become, in colleges on average the practical part occupied, maybe the maximum. 60% maximum, today in professionals at least 80%. this year the first graduating class is about 130 thousand guys, we see that
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almost all of them have found jobs, and the average salary of college graduates is slightly higher than the average salary of graduates of higher educational institutions, working in prestigious and technological professions. by 2022, thanks to the national education project , it was possible to renovate more than 300 workshops, colleges and technical schools replaced their equipment with the most modern ones, and then the professional staff helped equip over 250 more laboratories and workshops with the latest technology. by the way, another 1,500 will be modernized this year; on the yaprov.rf portal, in the section where you can study , you can choose a college without leaving your home and find out what professions are used there. in your region. bloggers are different, for example, today we are visiting alexey petrukhin, who
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has been telling how to weld correctly on his page on social networks for 5 years. well, my grandmother is always she said that you need to be a cook to cook, but now i cook metal. why did you decide to become a welder? my uncle was a welder. i decided, well, we also need to move in this direction, plus everything, when i skateboarded in my youth , i wanted to make ramps and springboards. alexey petrukhin, a welding instructor, for 3 years in a row his students took gold at the olympiads of blue-collar professions, now helps large enterprises teach staff to work on new equipment, and at the same time promotes the brutal profession on social networks, showing it to youth and fashionable people. when you were studying, what was it like then? this can probably be compared to horror films, you go into workshops, broken chairs, welded with electrodes that had been lying there for a year, they are all worn out, like now, now
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virtual welding machines have appeared in some colleges, and the guys coming from school can understand them whether it’s a profession or not, new technologies are emerging. this is what to do with those people who used to work on those technologies that now do not exist, they need to be retrained, they need to be further trained, there are people who are engineers, managers, they say that this is acceptable undercooking, that is, the pipe is slightly undercooked somewhere, they say that pasta, spaghetti are better when they are aldent, this is not your method, no, there are various nuclear industries in production, there are heat exchangers , these pipes are called noodles, these are noodles, but there shouldn’t be any aldent there either, and we are moving to coluga in... the vocational education technopark is preparing personnel for training under 10,000 teachers per year with high qualifications and thereby an emphasis on new technologies.
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we opened 30 laboratories, choosing priority ones for the economics of the field, they not only teach on modern equipment, but also prepare orders for business. the needs of business and enterprises in the real sector of the economy are being synchronized; the clusters being created are equipped with modern equipment that is also available at enterprises. in this sense, the technopark is a lifesaver for improving the skills of teachers. how does the technopark differ from the usual sites, from the same colleges where personnel were previously trained? technopark is, first of all, preparation masters of industrial training directly for the tasks that exist in enterprises in colleges, in order to teach these skills themselves. industrial training masters must master them at a high level, what would not have happened when the teacher 50 years ago was at the enterprise and no longer even knows where
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the technology has gone? of course, starting next year, as part of new national projects, we will be renovating the dormitory; many children from different regions want to study at one college or another. my parents moved with me from sakhalin specifically so that i would enter the krasnodar college of architecture and construction. why didn’t you stay on sakhalin? there is no architectural technical school there. future architect elizaveta. orloch is also trying himself as a journalist in a college-based media center. the goal is to talk about the advantages of professionalism in the same language with applicants. here in orlyonok they are doing a report on early career guidance. there is a solution. this is the third time i’ve been on the oceanautics program, never at home would i be able to just take a deep dive and land with pier in a life jacket, imitate rescuing a drowning person, and also watch such
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a cool one. not related to the sea, yes, some are studying to become oceanographers, our center already has several specialists, and these are just graduates of the oceanautics program. the space of opportunity to find a profession to your liking is as large as the sea, and training takes into account new approaches and new technologies. and not only in colleges , they help a lot in deciding on a career in life, for example, becoming a diver or an ocean explorer. earlier. all releases of the program have solutions
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that can be found now. social networks, but in the meantime we will find out what is hidden at the bottom of the sea.
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russia is ready to establish a long-term one. direct supplies of hydrocarbons to vietnam are aimed at strengthening the strategic partnership, loud statements by vladimir putin: the negotiations between the leaders lasted almost an hour and a half, over 10 documents were signed, what are they talking about? defense minister andrei belousov assessed the progress of the construction of new barracks in primorye and demanded compliance schedule strictly. just try the timing. also. next up is a sports complex for
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the marine corps and a weapons storage facility. another order - to complete five high-rise buildings in vladivostok, when will they be completed? the united states intends to change power in ukraine, says the svr. zelensky now suits washington, but they are easily ready to sacrifice him, who can come in his place? a new aggravation between hezbollah, which is threatening strikes, and israel, which has declared its readiness to attack. just rhetoric so far, but leadership. supposedly spoiled an ultimatum was delivered, what does it contain and what tactics does washington choose? today is a reserve day in schools, the unified state examination is taking place, graduates are writing an exam in mathematics, and the minister of education kravtsov personally came with an inspection, and what are the conclusions? russia is targeting ...


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