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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 20, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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also next in line is a sports complex for the marine corps and a weapons storage facility, another order - to complete the construction of five high-rise buildings in vladivostok, when will they be completed? the united states intends to change power in ukraine, says the svr. zelensky now suits washington, but they are easily ready to sacrifice him, who can come in his place? a new aggravation between hezbollah, which is threatening strikes, and israel, which has declared its readiness to attack. and in schools today is a reserve day for taking the unified state exam. graduates are taking an exam in mathematics, and the minister of education krovtsov personally came to inspection. and what are the conclusions? russia is aimed at. strengthening the comprehensive strategic
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partnership with vietnam. our country is ready to establish long-term direct supplies of hydrocarbons. we can also talk about modernizing the existing gas station. these are just some of the statements made by vladimir putin in hanoi. putin has already met with the secretary general of the central committee of the communist party of vietnam. earlier, negotiations took place with the president and prime minister of the socialist republic. my colleague anastasia efimova is closely following the progress of the visit. she joins the broadcast. so, anastasia, first of all, a number of agreements have been signed. what are we talking about there? in what areas will cooperation develop? well, we are talking about a variety of areas, from economics to humanitarian, and of course, strengthening ties between the two states is a key priority. our dear friend, comrade putin, the words with which the meeting of the russian president with the general secretary of the central committee of the party of vietnam began. and about friendship - these are not empty words. naguyen phuchonk studied in graduate school in moscow, also there defended his dissertation, as did many vietnamese citizens. that the close ties of the two
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countries here have a special personal dimension, as the russian president emphasized, hanoi is a reliable friend and partner, relations with which have stood the test of time, are firmly committed to deepening the comprehensive strategic partnership with vietnam, which remains among the priorities of russian foreign policy, are ready continue active joint work on a wide range of topics, including economically...
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the secretary general of the central committee is the first person in political system of vietnam, because the leading role of the communist party is enshrined in the country's constitution. if we talk about the form of government, then this is a parliamentary republic, and the executive branch is represented by the prime minister. before the start of negotiations with him, the russian president was shown a kind of photo exhibition, here are frames illustrating the different stages of relations between moscow and hanoi, clearly demonstrating both the scale of interaction and intensity; there are more than eighty interstate and intergovernmental agreements between our countries agreements. during the current visit , a number of important bilateral documents were also signed. the dialogue is intensive and substantive, there is reliable, well-established effective interaction between ministries, departments, regions, and along party and social lines.
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energy, science, education, the key signed agreement concerns the further deepening of interaction between states that are already strategic partners; they strictly adhere to their obligations and are ready to go further. let me emphasize that the positions of russia and vietnam on them largely coincide or are close. our countries are firmly. defend the principles of the supremacy of international law, sovereignty, and non -interference in the internal affairs of other states, coordinate efforts at key multilateral platforms, including the un, as well as within the framework of the russia-asean dialogue at east asian summits. when discussing
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the situation in the asia-pacific region , mutual interest was expressed in building a reliable and adequate security architecture based on the principles of the btr. non-use of force and peaceful settlement of disputes, in which there will be no place for a closed military-political bloc. the documents were signed following negotiations with the president of vietnam, which took place in a frank manner, to quote tolam. let me remind you that he has been in office for less than a month, but before that he was the minister of public security and came to moscow in this status, so the current round of negotiations is essentially a continuation of contacts that the presidents today agreed to strengthen and...
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arrived on the aurus, in fact, like everything vladimir putin, as always , followed these negotiations, and while the presidents were communicating in the palace, there was a real excitement at the palace. called by the russian leader's car, police officers, members of the vietnamese protocol service, and pioneers who greeted the russian guests today want to take pictures near him. due to his busy schedule, the head of state , of course, could not see this, but he conveyed greetings to the citizens of vietnam with gratitude for the warm welcome, which
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brought a sincere smile on his colleague’s face. perhaps about interest in kaurus, then lama his subordinates had already reported, or he just managed to look out the window. yes, anastasia, thank you, anastasia efimova, about the results of vladimir putin’s negotiations with the leaders of vietnam. the progress of the russian leader's foreign trip is being closely monitored by western media. thus, bloomberg drew attention to the fact that the vietnamese authorities ignored criticism from the united states when they decided to accept vladimir putin. the authors of the article note that hanoi sees in russia strategic protection and support in a whole list of areas, including energy and weapons. the new york times recalls that moscow has long been in charge. source of weapons for hanoi and suggests that now the russian leadership wants to maintain this position, and cnn observers believe that vladimir putin is pursuing two goals, namely, he wants to strengthen economic ties with friendly countries, and also show that the west’s attempts to isolate russia have not achieved goals. defense minister
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andrei belousov is in primorye today, he visited the military camp of the marine corps brigade and the pacific fleet and checked how construction of new barracks for military personnel is underway. there will be six of them there; a storage facility for weapons and military equipment will also be built, as well as maintenance and repair points, plus a sports complex. the minister instructed to ensure strict control over compliance with construction deadlines, which means you will report to me monthly the number of mechanisms and the number of people, just try to meet the deadlines. the minister of defense in the snowfall area in vladivostok demanded that the construction of residential buildings for... employees be completed as soon as possible. andrey belousov instructed to intensify work on five unfinished high-rise buildings. the head of the military department was informed that two houses would be built by the end of the year, two more would be commissioned in july 2025. as part of a working trip to the troops of the eastern
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military district, andrei belousov also visited the okeansky sanatorium near vladivostok. military personnel undergo treatment and rehabilitation there. the building, which is more than 90 years old , is in need of large-scale reconstruction. the minister of defense checked the condition of the diagnostic and treatment base and ordered to organize the supply of the necessary equipment, and also include the sanatorium in the program of rehabilitation centers for participants in the special operation. belousov noted that the creation of conditions. for the speedy restoration of the health of svo participants, this is a priority task. the head of the military department held a meeting at the branch of the nakhimov naval school in vladivostok with the participation of the regional leadership, the tof command and representatives of the relevant central military command authorities. today we inspected capital construction projects ; of course, a lot needs to be done. give away both the command of the vanyuken fleet and
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the ministry of defense should be the main task. well, now there is fresh footage from vietnam.
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this was footage from vietnam. vladimir putin laid a wreath at the memorial to fallen heroes. and now a short advertisement. stay with us. you owe the bank. i have already ordered
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well, now we see footage, the russian president has arrived at the ho chi minh city mausalee, at the moment a guard of honor has been formed, maximum attention, of course, to the visit of the russian leader to vietnam, let me remind you that the most important agreements have already been signed, meetings between vladimir putin and the leadership of vietnam have taken place, russia remains this country’s traditional partner in the military sphere and the main supplier of weapons. aurus has arrived, vladimir putin gets out of the car , accompanied by him, and heads to the mausaleum, now the military salutes him.
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big fuck,
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this was footage from vietnam. vladimir putin laid a wreath at the hashemina mausoleum. well, now to the capital, a cold atmospheric front has covered the capital region. the day before, meteorologists warned of heavy downpours with thunderstorms and hail. it was reported that up to 40 mm of rain could fall in places. in moscow, the rain has already started, our correspondent, anna voronina, joins the broadcast. so, anya, greetings, well... apparently, yes, the rain is certainly heavy, a real downpour, what's on the streets now? well, yes, hello, colleagues, it should be noted that that literally 15 minutes ago at the point where
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we were, it was still calm, but a squally wind had already begun; indeed, today it is expected to reach up to 30 m/s. the wind, we were already lucky to get caught in it, together with the rain, the downpour began quite suddenly, and now visibility is minimal, it should be noted that drivers now need to be more careful on the roads, there is still a risk of death, which the mayor warned about the day before moscow sergei sobyanin, he noted that it is expected and asked muscovites if possible today, refrain from walking as much as possible; up to 36 mm of rain should fall today, which is almost half. all the monthly norm, and it should be noted that outside of the hour, apparently, in the hour that has now begun, 20 mm of precipitation is possible,
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this is almost a quarter of the monthly norm, mega showers will be significant, along with flooding, here we are already now we see how water practically fills the roadway , the sidewalk has to stand in the water, it is expected, of course, the moscow authorities warned about falling trees and damaging roofs, but meteorologists made some adjustments to their forecasts compared to yesterday evening, let's listen, the bad weather will be very powerful, at its peak, at its peak at about 15 o'clock, about 15-20 mm of moisture can fall in just 3 hours, this ... a quarter of the monthly norm, in such a situation , flooding is almost inevitable, given that powerful cumulonimbus clouds will provoke
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powerful ... squalls, hail, it should be noted that right now there is lightning sparkling above me above my film crew, thunder is booming and the rain is only getting stronger, naturally, for this reason, today it was decided to temporarily close the parks of culture and recreation for the period of bad weather, as well as the summer cafe and summer verandas, we will wait for them to open again, but i think that not earlier... from tomorrow, the zoo has also temporarily stopped its work, for the sake of the safety of animals, all the festival sites in the city are also not working today, along with dance floors, moscow airports are still operating as normal, flights are not are canceled, it should be noted that emergency services are on standby, everyone needs to be careful, they warn, power grid companies have prepared emergency power sources for bad weather...
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so, strengthening the strategic partnership with vietnam is invariably among russia's priorities, vladimir putin said at the meeting with the country's president tolam. today is the second day of the russian leader’s state visit to the republic ; prospects for development, including economic relations, are discussed, which has already been discussed come to an agreement, konstantin will tell you.


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