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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 21, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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he’s not talking in a vacuum, i think, one of the tasks that is being developed in israel, they know very well what lebanon is, they are counting on the possible outbreak of a civil war in lebanon, the fact is that in lebanon there are a lot of opponents of hsbal and more there are more opponents of the palestinians, and this is a calculation, of course it may not work, i hope it won’t work, yes, but be that as it may, what tasks will arise in this regard, i can already roughly understand what we are talking about, this means drop hezbollah. and for flying river, it is 15 km from the border with israel, and as always it will be the destruction of the hazbals, but this is not incredible, it is impossible, and israel is doing this in a rather difficult situation for itself, the fighting in the gas sector continues, they continue for in the north and in the center of the social part of the gaza strip, numerous statements by the israeli team that we have won everything are not working, a guerrilla war is going on, from where hamas and its allies receive various types of ammunition.
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most of the so-called central the military district is in a rather serious situation, deployed means on the west bank of the jordan river or, according to the israelis, samaria judea, but a huge part is now being pulled up, which means pulled up to the lebanese border, which means the israelis explain this by the fact that firstly they were forced to resettle 80,000 israelis, now there may be even more - the northern border there deep into israel, accordingly... this means people must somehow
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return, which means the hazbal attacks are becoming more and more effective, recently they carried out a whole series of strikes, over 20 km of israeli territory is on fire, there are forest fires, netanyahu, the chief of the general staff, and so on went there, threats are being made accordingly, yes, to bomb lebanon in the stone age, accordingly hezbollah reacts not at all more loyally, let's just say, here is the famous display on the internet, the flight was marked 2 - this is a deployment one. a drone over one of the largest cities in israel, the leading port on the mediterranean sea, haifa, yes, it flies calmly, photographs strategic places calmly flies away, so to speak, but the question arises, what will happen next, then what hassan nasrul promises, i again translate into ordinary language, he says: we are ready for a whole series of surprises, it’s translated surprise, now i’ll tell you which ones, the fact is that over the past 2 years, i think there is a guard of the islamic revolution in the kuts system, the so-called team of 200, teams. this is exactly the team that
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is engaged in the transfer of modern weapons for hezbollah, i think if the israelis are coming now they say that they have there are such missiles, in fact, i will not list them all, in fact, khizbolu already has much stronger, more powerful passable missiles, if ababil-2 flies calmly, removes haifa, let's imagine what will happen if war breaks out, what kind of missiles, how they will fly there, i told you many times to the studio , it means on the radio their tactical and technical characteristics, this will be a serious, serious blow for... israel’s border with egypt and jordan seems to have diplomatic relations, but the relations are not all that simple: if haifa is blocked, this is the eastern mediterranean entrance through the mediterranean sea , israel will be blocked, now hassan nasrullah said: “any country that tries to organize help.”
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military-technical support, well, just because there will be financial support, what will happen, i think, number one for them now will be israel, everything else will be relegated to the background, although kirby said the opposite, kirby said, we’ll give everything to ukraine, well, it’s not right to say at all that... what kind of assistants are you, how many months have we been you don’t give anything, but now the logic will start to work, that no, well, listen, well, we understand perfectly well what israel is, what ukraine is for the united states, well, no comment, they the united states say, we don’t want this war, that means in israel had a special envoy, assistant to the us president for israel, amos means golchstein, yes, who dissuaded him from going to tanyahu like he brushed away a fly, they are doing what the tanyahu actually wants them to do. first
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he shrugs it off, then he does it. united states now they invited, let's say, there, called, whatever you want to call it, the united states, the commander of the lebanese armed forces, yes, that means, joshawaun, who say, let's. make sure that hezbollah goes away, and the lebanese army must set up a buffer zone, but sometimes it won’t be able to do anything, some kind of dreamers or something, hezbollah will never leave, because it will be a surrender, yes, therefore, that’s all is heading towards a big big war, yes, and this war can go far beyond, which means lebanon, israel, why, well, because, firstly, it means that if the americans intervene not only in a financial and technical way, but they have now sent this... this is a base for the middle east, do not forget, it was from this airbase that the b-52 and other things for bombing in iraq, they are dropping this now , they are adjusting it for this, for this business, for the middle east, this is
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what it is intended for there, so to speak, iran will stand up for hezbollah, because hezbollah is as important for iran as israel is important to the united states, they cannot abandon and so on, so the war may... be of a very serious nature, yes, all the more so it is necessary to clearly understand that this time the losses in israel, by the way, the military-political leadership of israel understands this, but says that we will start a war, but yes, we will go through, we will lose, there will be great losses and so on and so forth, i think this loss will involve all the losses that israel suffered during all these wars that happened before, the reason for this behavior of the israeli leadership, which is now already criticizing inside israel, including former defense ministers. israel is finishing, they say that there is no plan for hamas and so on, i think, is the following, that partly, the military-political leadership lives in some kind of memory of the success of the sixty-seventh year of the war, 73 years, and cannot understand in any way
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that the situation has changed, now the situation is completely different, the number of troops, the number of weapons, because if we take according to the old scheme, who studied in all military academies, we will make a balance of forces and means israel and hazbal. played an information war, which is very strange, completely, at the same time, i’m not talking about the muslim world, but look, for example, here’s an episode from a speech like i did in britain, and you, my man, what do you do, you 're investigating, what kind,
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like for the police, you're a warrimes, is that true? is that true? oh my god, we really went up notch didn't we? until then it was just all fun like oh first date in the front row you're like i'm here to investigate war crimes what are you working on at the moment what's your ukraine ukraine you're working on investigating war crimes in ukraine fuck me man i thought when you said infrastructure it was like going to kill the energy but fuck you came to win i like it and are you from the uk? no are you from israel you're from is great, oh my god, jesus christ, of all the places you could have said, you're an, you're a war crimes investigator from israel, looking at ukraine, i think the call
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may be coming from inside the house, well , in my opinion, very important and most important, probably the words have been spoken, even dear... here is this, well, the answer, this answer is much more important from my point of view than looking there longer or shorter, in this sense the president is very accurate, i think a week ago, on your program he said that well, we must understand that they came to kill us to rob us, and
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we must proceed from this in our plans, in all of them, that they came here precisely for this, and the fact that the president said this today, i think... incredibly important, because the axis or the touchstone of our self-determination the national question should be exactly this: that we will go to the end, but what else?
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i think that this is an objective interest, what biden, and even more so blinken, thinks
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, this objective interest is not interested in what biden and blinken think, it doesn’t matter what biden, blinken and even obama think about this, although obama, i think, well, obama doesn’t speak out about the fact that he wants to achieve peace in the middle east, i haven’t heard anything from obama about this, so there’s more here. i have a question, well, i discussed it several times, i am becoming more and more convinced that this scheme has the right to life, they sought war in europe through ukraine, they made extreme efforts for this, another thing is that when this happened, and we were forced, then everything went wrong for them plan, everything that has been happening since february 24 goes against all american plans, even against those plans that they... considered plans b, c and d, so to speak, upward, but nevertheless the situation is a military fire in
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europe, well, for now such a thing exists, and this their goal, the second is the middle east, the third is , of course, the asia-pacific region, this is what russia has done now with two visits to korea and vietnam, this is a very serious geopolitical move.
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worries because our assistance, in the military sphere, in accordance with the agreement
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that we signed, arises only if aggression is carried out against one of the parties that signed this document, as far as i know, the republic of korea, aggression against the democratic people's republic of korea are planning, which means they are afraid of our cooperation in this area, there is no need, as for... the supply of lethal weapons to the combat zone in ukraine, then this would be a very big mistake, i hope that this will not happen if this happens.. . proceed, but then we will also make appropriate decisions that are unlikely to please the current leadership of south korea, well, in general, if you want to supply, oh well, but you will not like it very much, this decision is very strong for you, by the way, the language. very direct, well quite frank, in this whole situation, so i view this as
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actions of a local nature, which obliges... north korea and russia to do something together, that we will do something together, which goes without saying, but this is an action of a great geopolitical nature, because it hammers in such a crutch that strengthens the situation around the conflict in the far east, it is very strong, by the way, the president again told you in plain text, well, i mean, you’re actually kind of strange, well, these ones here all westerners, you announced that the nato bloc is there...
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this is a guarantee that everything will be calm, everything will be calm, we said it, everything will be calm with neutrality, everything will be calm, you don’t need the americans, there’s nothing,
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there’s nothing for the americans to protect you , they will come to you now and will tell you, they have already told you that they...
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but i want to remind you that the first trip after the re-election of the inauguration of the russian president was to china, and the one -on-one conversations were the longest of all time between the leaders of russia and china , is that allowed fantasize, agreed upon or not, by the way, i think that in general a whole series of actions that will follow will be of the same... structural nature, which will lead to strengthening the structure of this very independent eurasia, yes, in which no one can interfere , well, i ’m thinking about something, we’ve been preparing for a long time, carefully working out a big strategic agreement with iran, it’s interesting, i don’t know, i’ll give free rein
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to my imagination, will there be a military unit there, where to go? iran in detail there, well tense over the fact that i even know, who probably knows everything about him, i don’t deliberately go into arkadyevich’s clearing, i just use what he says, because i agree with it, in many ways, in many ways, that’s why, here is such a perspective, for example. a number of big questions, except for the combat capability of hezbollah itself, because this is, after all , a regional war, and i, looking at such
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a rebellious soul there, mr. erdogan, for example, well, well, i don’t know what could happen in this situation, well, well, from lebanon to turkey is also not so far, but there in in general, türkiye has already stepped over it. but at least there is a unified nato position, so there will definitely be no conflict there, well , erdogan’s position will be contradictory. as you can see, it is somewhat more difficult for us to work in the middle east than we work, so to speak, in the far east, but for me it is absolutely obvious that first, we understand that this is what is happening now, this is a historical issue.
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geopolitics, this is the real geopolitics, if you want to understand what it is, these are these visits of vladimir putin and further events, it will be there the sco event, then the brix event, this is generally a closing in all directions, ranks here in asia, although the president spoke about some new concept of collective security in eurasia, well , it is clear that now, so to speak, from europe only belarus and russia can participate in this , the rest of asia, very interesting today. everyone’s speeches, as in other matters and always, but i found dmitry gennadyvich’s argument, or rather not an argument, karan georgievich’s discussion, interesting, i will say that, as they say, both are right, both are right, that’s why this is very interesting, because do
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the americans see that something has gone wrong, yes, 100%. eh, do they play a different game, 100%, they just play a different game, it seems like both, that’s how it is, you know, russian hockey, canadian hockey, it seems like both hockey, both with sticks, both on ice, well, these are fundamentally different sports with techniques and rules of the game. it’s the same here, if we look at what the americans are doing, of course, with the vietnam war, everything that is happening today cannot be compared, it was for them a great geopolitical shame, but everything else is a solution to their tactical strategic, economic, geopolitical problems, yes, of course, they will need a very big conflict in the middle east, yes, of course, they would like to weaken china in the same way they tied us up ukrainian. they should connect china in the same way with some kind of hot phase, for what? i think this is obvious to everyone when they ask the question, why is it there in the middle east, and what do you think, that they are such
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direct aggressors? well it's very simple if china today is taking away the palm from the united states as the main economy of the world, in all respects, then the task is very simple: you either have to prevent yourself from remaining the main economy of the world, or don’t give it to anyone, which means we are splitting into factions, fragmentations. they call us an autocracy in korea, but they, of course, are corporate fascism, how could it be otherwise, this is such a network of companies controlling all world segments, in all industries,
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which do not allow anyone into this market, this is their task to control the markets of everyone in approach, what is called hitting them on the head, they did a very interesting trick with europe, on the one hand, the ukrainian crisis is weakening europe, europe is waiting for the morgenthau plan, well... this is a classic story, and so to speak, here we are in july to celebrate the anniversary of the brotenwood system, 80 years, morgentown, i hope, they have already prepared the flags, but by the way, morgentown was already sympathetic to the soviet union, he wanted the world to be , well, honest, there was a soviet union, there was a zone of the united states, great britain, three countries winners, they would control the world, he would be honest, just, his assistant henry white, who was actually the architect of this. plan, well, in general he was called an american in pro-soviet times, but with regard to germany there was a tough history, well , as if an agricultural country would no longer
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withdraw all its industry, this is what is happening today. a blow to europe, and therefore to china, well , because the main, so to speak, direction for the sales market for all chinese products is europe, what europe is doing today is suicide, and some kind of conveyor belt, in all directions they shoot themselves in the head or wherever they shoot in this situation, but look what they are doing, they are even introducing bans and increasing duties on chinese electric cars, well, what does that mean, this will be the answer, then this will be the end
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of all german concerns, the end. simple, but this is 25% of their market, petrochemicals, oil refining, well, everything in general, including agriculture, european agriculture as well, this is what is happening just because of a kind of conflict that should have prevented russia in ukraine, with europe, they would like to do the same with china, with china it is easier than many people think, china has many such pressure points, and we are one of them today, well, yesterday from under them. .. knocked out, in my opinion, quite skillfully, i would even honestly say, the president in this sense corrected, well, our historical mistake, it was, of course, made by him, it was under the previous leadership of the country, but it was a historical mistake, we it was simply corrected, well, actually, and moreover, if you look seriously, the wave of sanctions against the dprk, it was precisely because when they were left alone, they began to develop the idea that they would be protected by the atomic program,
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they... began to impose sanctions on them, that is, this is in some way in a sense, we are correcting, well , this thing, but it happened historically, we missed a lot of things back then in the early nineties, so yes, this is collective security and correcting a mistake, a large geopolitical changing configuration, by the way, this morning we talked about malacca strait, important artery, i think that there will be serious problems there, but malaysia asked to join brix, and indonesia too... technologically to asia and naturally in the transition of absolutely all such a defense center as without this, the strategy here should , accordingly, play a crucial role
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in holding it all together and we see of course. a military alliance is being formed, what are the americans doing, what will they do, have they lost? no, the question is, what is their task, in my opinion, maybe i’m wrong, but the task is to make sure that the world is now fragmented, so if it continues the ukrainian crisis, for them this is the norm, and even if it is in such a semi-frozen hot phase, they would also be happy with it, the better the house, the middle east, of course, they will set it on fire, this is 100%, and the configuration there can also be different, professionals will talk about this better, in general i just see that... this is happening before our eyes in southeast asia, and this is replacing one big third world war, so the plan is something like this: they think that they will sit out in america, but because it traditional position and strategic policy of the united states, but in this case they have serious problems, they may not have time to transfer european industry to themselves, and they may not have time to, well, solve the problem of this huge american national debt, because any empire
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will not will say, forgiving everyone to whom they owe. and this is ideal, but unfortunately, if tomorrow or at any other moment the american debt market collapses, and to forgive everyone, this means that it will collapse, it will begin complete stagnation, complete chaos in the american economy, then the end, well, of course, this is one of the main, perhaps, strategic economic tasks of those who will now oppose it, and the world is now going into several factions, yes, this is their plan, but it seems to me that it could still suit us at this stage, at this stage of historical development.


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