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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 21, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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what was signed with the korean people, i think that, so to speak, the configuration is already approximately clear to many, which is being built, it will be signed with someone, there may be similar agreements, there may be others with someone else, but they are already being restored in essence, this camp is being built that will oppose the colonial policy of the west, in relation to, a few words regarding zelensky, well, i am sure that the west will exchange him sooner or later, i am convinced, that is, they will say so... our successes on in the foreign policy arena they will be forced to pump up ukraine even more with weapons , so to speak, they will try to burn down to the very end as much as possible in order to inflict maximum damage on zelensky, so to speak , they will sooner or later write him off as a suicide bomber, i have no doubt about this, hence the conclusion, but having written him off they they'll blame us for this anyway , they'll still blame us for this, so maybe there's something... stop chopping the viper
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off the tail piece by piece, maybe it's time to cut off the head, so to speak, and so to speak this situation, she understands, the ukrainian government is structured in such a way that they need to be given a reason to betray, but if there is no kiev government, everyone on the ground will start looking for ways out here, so to speak, and come to an agreement, they should be given the opportunity to transfer, they just need so that the kiev elite will run away or be liquidated or run away and... everything will fall apart, everything there, everything there is based only on fear, but this is based on what can i say, the sbu are working, the tsrushniks are working, so to speak, yes, unless he runs away or is liquidated the top, there are several people there, i assure you, everything will fall down there, and this will save many human lives, especially ukrainian ones, yes, this will probably make our task easier, so i really want to believe and hope that after all, this one a hard crushing blow to them does not tan.
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vladimir, yes, thank you, well, if we are talking about the agreement between russia and north korea, then in essence we need to understand that this is an agreement between two nuclear states, we have only nine such states in the world, well, those, well, in general, including israel, pakistan, india, yes, even those who are there either don’t admit it, or are still keeping silent about the presence, and this is a completely different picture of the world, why are there just such hysterical statements, all sorts of labels are hung there, and stories, there’s dehumanization, yes. is happening precisely in the information dumps of both the west and the post-ukrainian space, and i think that we will see the consequences of this agreement in the near future, that is , quite quickly, because time is being reduced in terms of the capacity of everything that happens, that is, there will be no need to wait years to implement something, but it’s happening right here now, it’s just a remark, well, trains are going well, aviation flies confidently, it will be even better, i think, well, well, people in north korea, taking into account not...
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i can’t help but say about the white angels, because this organization is such, you know, well, if we look at the structure of those who are included in it, then these are all former police officers, ukrainian police, of course, most often expelled from the authorities for some reason - corruption, for some kind of criminal offenses and so on, there are quite a large number of volunteers, and we understand that volunteers in ukrainian realities are most often parasites who have fueled the conflict throughout.
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children for the export of live goods, and even those criminal cases and those high-profile events that occurred with the arrests of traffickers, child traffickers, they took place in transcarpathia, and most often this was the former director of an orphanage, that is, first the director of a school with a trace of corruption, then the director of the orphanage, then a lot of characters, and there were even stories about this in ukrainian media directly, where a child cost 2,500 dollars, the mother received...
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will find, but what is happening in the post-ukrainian space is not even just out of the ordinary, this is a state that should be destroyed, liquidated, just for its attitude to babies and old people, yes, because this is a state policy of trading in everything possible, yes, everything possible, in the literal sense, including murder and forced abortion, if you need abortion material for stem cells and others, this is a topic business, which is of the highest quality, if this word... quality fits this definition, was built under a us citizen who became the minister of health, then they raised it to a completely different level, now she just had the corresponding nickname, yes, yes - yes, madame death, doctor death, madame death, yes
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minister death, she was not a doctor, she was a nurse, well, doctor is like in quotes, then you said it correctly, and you know why i literally for a second, why they is this the same thing that is active? because, so to speak, rich europeans, these are white people, and rich americans, these are also white people, they will never transplant an organ from a black man there, never, slavic genetics, it is considered very good, and so to speak, it is for many suitable, they select people in advance who are suitable for medical reasons, you remember that rockefeller changed seven hearts, someone believes that he was waiting for some kind of catastrophe, these were just people who lived, they were selected in advance when this creature needed another heart just.
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ways to communicate and move quickly, yes, lay down arms, not fight, taking into account the fact that the overwhelming majority of these people just hid for these 2 years as best they could, but now they are being grabbed wherever possible, yes, in my one in the hometown of zaporozhye, temporarily occupied by the nazis, there are about 130-140 permanently operating checkpoints that change location, that is , it’s impossible not only to move from district to district, but from a small block to another block, well, you’ll most likely end up towards you, people. they don’t just organize themselves, they don’t just make some kind of telegram channels, something else, most often these are groups of people who trust each other, there are 40-50 people there, that’s the definition of olives and sunflower seeds, olives are tetskashniks, sunflower seeds are directly policemen , which help the tts officers grab people, so
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this is an indicative moment that now they have an anti-crisis, they have it with the zelensky regime, and the reich - in order to intimidate the mobilized so that they do not cross over, this is practically cinema, yes... in the style of such hollywood, he began to give out something every day, literally within one day a story about the executed in quotes and vysushnik, whose head was cut off, attached to ukrainian equipment, and placed in the zaporozhye direction, but as always , drone, poor quality, not entirely clear, no reference to the area and this happens all the time. further, a wonderful man, a real hero of russia without any involvement, a man who received this title on the zaporozhye front, a guy from dagestan, timerlan - abu-talimov, how is he indicative? the fact that he took the call sign omsk in honor of his commander, also a hero of russia, evgeniy gruzdev, but the commander of the kingdom of heaven died, in fact, saved his subordinate, yes, timerlan took this call sign in memory of the commander,
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a story immediately appears about the fact that under the command of timerlan , ukrainian prisoners were shot, yes, which they were going to do, that is, here we already see two components, moreover... dehumanization and a scare that do not switch to peaceful side, don’t give up, they will cut off your head, shoot you, in general, anything is said, and at the same time a blow to an attempt to strike at the project is the time of the heroes, because timerlan is one of the finalists, this is a person who, well, deservedly passed, now tsypso ukrainian information dumps, if we just monitor and type in basic queries for the names and surnames of these people, we will see that it’s just temniks pouring in one after another.
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and the world population came and brought something of their own, they took it from us, but when it was necessary, when we had to leave, this woman came up, well... a woman about 50 years old said, then she brought bananas and they said: uh, don’t be offended, but when you leave, we ’ll talk about you like that, we all really want to live , but unfortunately, not everyone survived after ours left, but we see what a provocation there was, well, those bandit boatswains were there, yes, yes, i’ll say more if we’re talking about a butch, well, here i am i have contact with several families, naturally, i will not put these people in danger, but they ready to testify, god willing, after the victory. these are people who escaped from bucha after, who know everything perfectly well what happened, they are now safe, but not in russia, well, let’s put it this way,
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and there is an agreement with them to give testimony, i would like to draw attention to the material of the british newspaper financial times, in which is shown regarding the actions of the western military-industrial complex, regarding how production began to gain momentum, well, again, this is not in the sense of not relaxing, you and i are not relaxing, we we understand this perfectly well, the order is worth several billion.
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but joint, of course, this is in quotes, these are western developments that are legalized, supposedly under the developments of the zelensky regime, this is an analogue of ours, the same lancet, they called it bulava, that is, which also has machine vision, yes, with the function of tracking goals and so on, what i’m saying is that i completely agree with igor that we need to hit the decision-making centers, we need to bring them into one hole, exactly where the main devils are sitting, all other people will not turn into devils, seeing in
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please, it is no longer up to us, when all the subjects interested in these negotiations will take what is on their table and with them.
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many people say that their response in america is that in general we need to listen, we need to enter into negotiations. here kirby declares. the us authorities made a difficult but necessary decision to change the priority of supplies of military equipment planned for the near future, in particular patriots and nasams, to other countries, send them to ukraine instead. the united states will continue to transfer air defense systems to israel, despite the decision to prioritize ukraine and reorient the american ones. to ukraine, will not affect taiwan. explain to me in russian what this means? so, it’s not israel and taiwan that are calming down, but they’re throwing, throwing, yes, of course, at the same time i want to draw your attention to the fact that this, well, we understand everything, yes, we talked a lot with mikhail mikhailovich and andrei fransovich, we understand that where everything goes, they finally
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return to their canon, conquest air supremacy for a successful ground operation. for biden it is a matter of life and death. 60 billion have been spent, obligations have not been fulfilled, it has not been shown what they are going to do, although they were supposed to report, as they see, there is no control, which means that before the elections in november they need to show some kind of result, they are gaining , army, all possible means will be allocated for this in order to strike at our systems.
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and of course, this is the first time that such a bomb, of this caliber, has been used in combat with an mpk, the deflection of the bomb purely along the course is tens of meters, which doesn’t really play any role, because the reference radius of continuous destruction is 230 m, the fragments retain their fighting power at a distance of 1,240 m, well , this is only one bomb, you can throw them
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, for example, but that’s it, what he writes is the fighter bomber, a great fellow, by the way, michal mikhailovich, well, we also have fap 5.000, i was at an exercise where our bombers threw these bombs, i will say that the crater from this aircraft ammunition is so very very impressive, another thing is that it’s true that only the tu-22m3 can lift it at this stage, we used them, we stood up in a pose, there were eight or nine, we didn’t use 5,000 grooves of steel, but such ammunition is available. there is, we have one, i think, and it will come down to speed, well, for now, as i understand it, there’s not even a question of a module there yet, that is, for now they are just free fall, yes, yes, but again- after all, it’s always not so much a matter of the presence of some kind of weapon, it’s always just a matter of quantity and massive use, and i think that only from this will our
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military-political leadership when making certain decisions, but we have a lot of orthodox chiguniya. as for the situation in ukraine itself, rumors continue to circulate there about a possible replacement for the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, general syrsky, well, in general , they had high hopes for him, but there were no clear results, at least he turned out to be russian, yes, but what - some clear results, at least tactical successes, in general, for the entire time of his leadership of the armed the forces never followed up, so in this... they are starting to look for a new candidate for the post of commander in chief, several names are named, among them, including the name of the head of the main intelligence department , kirill budanov. i think they would have appointed him faster, but it would have been faster, i personally compare this with the fact that in 1945, in germany,
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heinrich gimbler was appointed commander of the vistula army group, the result would be approximately the same, he would overwhelm everything it’s possible, they’ll tell me, well, like, you somehow treat him poorly, quite it is possible that this is some kind of hidden military leadership talent and if he is appointed, that in this post... he will show all his best qualities, become a diamond of the first magnitude in the crown of the ukrainian armed forces and achieve success on an operational-strategic scale. how's evanno? this cannot be, because this can never happen. yes, indeed, during the armed struggle, well, some people show themselves very clearly, for example, before the war he was already, for example, a butcher, for example, or a dental technician, during the fighting actions showed itself very well in... these results, but the trouble is that no higher than
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a regiment, but above a regiment, yesterday’s blue-collar employees cannot prove themselves, if, for example, we talk about a corps, an army, an army group, then there a completely different level of training, education, service, experience is already needed, this is what kiril budanov has, of course.
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again, it may entail any consequences, after all, when this or that commander works, after all , the headquarters, the heads of branches, troops, services always work with him, they work together, get used to each other, because each commander has his own style, for example, and if some new person is appointed, then usually for some time, well, there are transition processes, because again people begin to work together again, get used to one or another style of work, well... well, as they say, he always traveled with his headquarters, that is, he is appointed, for example, to the position of commander of the front troops,
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for example, from the position of army commander, he takes with him the entire headquarters, which up to this worked with him in the army, he is transferred from one front to another, his entire headquarters moves there with him, that is, this excludes any transition processes that may arise in this case, and they may be of varying magnitude , much. but nevertheless, but nevertheless, they will definitely be, as for these conversations that have arisen, leaks about a possible change of command, it is quite possible that after all this is connected precisely with what kirby said, that all- still the united states they expect much greater success from the armed forces of ukraine, it is quite possible that this is what these personnel changes are intended for, and they are going to strengthen the same thing directly with weapons and military equipment, but if for... this is far from the best option for the armed forces of ukraine , well, we’re not worried about them, he just doesn’t have any data to
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successfully lead operational-strategic formations, there are a number of other names, it’s quite possible that this will mean kirill budanov, of course, but it will be some kind of completely candidate that no one expected, i would have been trying to bully ermak, as for zelensky’s team, if we talk about this, then i am in principle. as a fan of skalozub, colonel skalozub is unusually attentive to detail and, in general , is even a kind of military chicane, so when i look at zelensky’s team, every time i want to ask, guys, who are you? in fact, you will pay attention to every international forum, no matter where it is, in romstein, in switzerland, in washington, some non-team arrives, which should represent the military-political leadership of ukraine, according to the protocol, more in appearance. they resemble a team of loaders from the neighboring market, they, uh, as a rule, god knows what they’re wearing, they’re unshaven,
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that could be done, of course, well, apparently they think that... we represent a country at war, i’m here one might say that he only moved 5 m away from the trench, and before that he was fighting there , but in reality all this is not so, everything must somehow be justified by the situation, what if you want to show that you are there on the front line, then you must then be dressed in the field uniform of your army with all the necessary equipment, well then , indeed, this is the situation at the front line, but if you find yourself somewhere in another country, you must comply with the protocol, and you you have to shave there with a soldering iron.
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as for, that is , i would change a lot of things, as for the overall situation, of course, at the forefront, the region, well , of course, of course, it’s too early to reveal the champagne situation is serious, and the combat and operational capabilities of the armed forces ukraine, well, in connection with the transfer of new types of weapons, military equipment, f-16 fighters, in general, of course, will increase, we need to be prepared for this, that is, no relaxation yet, no one means we need to prepare our reserves, we need increase our equipment manifold. i just spoke with the guys who are storming krasnohorivka, well, brilliant guys work there, but they say the enemy got a bull, we feel it, we see it, and of course there is a war going on in pividronov, and we see how this topic is developing now, as we predicted, as they are going the same way that aviation was going, so we now need to protect our intelligence agencies, that is , you stopped here for a second, they caught up with you and devoured you, so
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constant development, constant... development and all bureaucratic obstacles must be cut off in the most severe way, otherwise it will be hard, but we have schools, what’s most important, we have schools, and i see how, well, in the north, yes, that’s where the ukrainians began to panic, why? because, okay, we made some progress there, but we immediately began to dig in, that is, we are immediately building defensive lines, then to have something to rely on, this is very important, that is, we are not lazy, we act according to the regulations, stopped, dug in, excuse me, i’ll just tell you, two rules of infantry: got into an infantry fighting vehicle - sleep, got out of an infantry fighting vehicle to dig in, which means well, i’ll show you on sunday, guys, chemists and a military general, he’s just handsome, three orders of courage, he ’s so real, he’s had regiments for a long time...
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so he managed to assemble them, the generals are already there, they get paid less often, and he says, well, they came under fire , there is terrible, i say, i was surprised i dug in with my helmet at such a speed, i didn’t expect this from myself, because you want to live, at such a speed you start to dig in, my obediences are gray, they are over,
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pray, blacks, and giving to the lads is also a sin, it’s time to pay, i’ll burn out of here, through me alone i’ll go, let’s go to sleep quickly, if there’s a chance with you, take it, he didn’t do anything bad to the children, who else will do it to anyone, not the novices, is it wrong with you?


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