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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 21, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, watch, watch, in the app or on the website. the russian military destroyed almost 400 ukrainian armed forces drones in a week, and... 114 drones were shot down this night,
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the ministry of defense reports. the russian army carried out 14 group strikes with high-precision weapons, during which military equipment storage facilities, the infrastructure of military airfields, as well as electrical substations that ensure the operation of ukrainian military-industrial complex enterprises were hit. in 7 days , the kiev regime lost almost 14,000 militants, hundreds of pieces of military equipment were destroyed - tanks, combat and armored vehicles, artillery pieces, launchers. rszzo including foreign production. well, now let's go to the telegram channels and talk about the news that is happening at the football championship. yes, interesting messages from euro 2024. look at this photo, what we see here, well, the ukrainian flag, of course, has the inscription givas elections back on it. in general, you don’t have to translate it, but we will translate it anyway. return it.
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we are registered, unlike this comrade, but is he registered? i suspect that there may be some kind of personal conflict here, maybe this fighter once spoke out something about tishchenko somewhere, maybe his friend’s group spoke out, maybe this is a business dispute, because it’s clear that krakin covers a certain one.
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tcc went for bread? this is the situation in lutsk, where a guy drove away the military commissars by spraying them in the face with a gas canister, and somehow they immediately lost the desire to issue a summons. what not you can tell about the tzkashniks in rovny who shot at the hood of the car, trying in any way to get the drivers out of the car in order to forcibly mobilize them into the armed forces of ukraine. you serve ukraine, but not you, and i am not ukrainian, you are a draft dodger. their task is to fulfill their plan, and if.
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non-residents did not appreciate the humor of the ingenuity of the odessa resident, the plan was foiled, but it is possible that others dressed as ukrainians will take revenge for the caught odessa resident, for example, like this, in one of the courtyards someone accidentally set fire to a car with the license plates of the armed forces of ukraine, or maybe it was this man, here it’s nothing less than an irony of fate in ukrainian, a mobilized dry worker who returned from the front learned that his wife had long been building a relationship with the very employee of the shopping center who mobilized him. blew himself up right in the car where he was driving as a fellow traveler, asked the driver to take him to and this guy, apparently desperate, gastomelya, wanted to escape to belarus, we approached the roundabout, he said to me: dad, take
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me to the belarusian border, and i will give him i say, i won’t have luck with you, i immediately realized that he was taking a grenade out of his pocket and saying, nothing, the only thing that ukraine is tired of is simply meat assaults, throwing positions in a ratio of 10 to one or five to one on positions on the line of combat contact, and for this, unfortunately, a lot of meat is needed, they do not perceive the mobilized as soldiers, they perceive them simply as, let's say, bodies with which you can plug some bald spot on the line of combat contact, the only way out is to surrender. call the volga to walk with your hands raised towards the position of the russian army, from there the black hearse is much better visible the kiev regime, which is getting closer and closer to the banking system, but even along the way, it will not pick up the dry landers thrown for slaughter. evgenia petrukhina, ivan kuznetsov, olga alvukhina,
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news. the capital court today placed four students of the russian university of medicine under house arrest. investigators believe the boys tried. buy a test and bribe the teacher. margarit semenyuk, together with investigators, tried to understand the details of the corruption scheme. yes, margarita is in direct contact with us. margaret, we welcome you, but the scheme, to be honest, is not a new, well-known scheme. what details are there in this case? so, colleagues, i welcome, indeed, four students of the russian university of medicine from the courtroom. the budura court today put them under house arrest for 2 months, that is, until august 18, they will be under house arrest with certain restrictions and prohibitions while the investigation continues. among the suspects are rach sargsyan, khalil babayev, muslim muslimov and makhach bulbov.
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they are suspected of mediation and bribery to receive credit, as well as to collect money from junior students to also receive it. tests, i note that the hearing took place individually for each defendant, quite quickly, the young people, naturally, covered their faces with medical masks, put on hoods, tried in every possible way to turn away from our cameras, naturally they did not answer the questions, but the lawyer answered, he is not authorized to do anything then give evidence and somehow we are not ready for this, all questions are for the investigation. i note that the scandal around the university is rapidly flaring up, over the past about 20 students and teachers were detained for several days, i note that as students of the medical university said,
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people really helped in this way to help students pass exams and get credits, but... collecting money there, transferring it to teachers, many students never received positive assessments, in connection with this, the relatives of some students wrote a statement to the police, and i suggest now... listen to the comment of one of the students who spoke about the schemes that were carried out at the university. i am studying at muus evdakimov, now rum, in the third year of the faculty of dentistry. little is known about the situation related to the exams, i only know that the people who sold the exams created fake pages on social networks, vkontakte, instagram, etc., and wrote to people who needed it, set a time and place, and transferred funds . they promised that the exam would be passed almost immediately, even in some situations they said that there was no need
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to come in and answer anything like that. i would also like to note that people who they sold the exam, they did something bad to the people who bought it, because knowledge is not bought, knowledge is not acquired. among the evidence, there is also correspondence between students in instant messengers.
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providing housing to large families. from the problems of defrauded shareholders to the city of st. petersburg has become a city of social standards, despite the huge number of problems and challenges that now exist, starting from 2019 to the present day.
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the new line of the capital's troitskoye metro will accept its first passengers in september, about this said the mayor of the capital sergei sobyanin. today he inspected the progress of construction and carried out the technical launch of the first four stations. these are novatorskaya, peoples' friendship university, generals tyulenev and tyucherskaya. the length of the section is more than 8 km. currently, 20 metro stations are being built simultaneously. today we are carrying out a technical launch at four troenskaya stations. metro lines from bgl to mkad, from
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novatori to tyuchsky station, in total these four stations will be used by about 3,000 passengers at launch, then about half a million stations will receive passengers already in month of september. governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov visited the kantimirov tank division and congratulated the soldiers on the holiday. june 26 will mark the 82nd anniversary of the formation of the legendary connection. the head of the region visited the museum of military glory and the hall of memory of the heroes of the northern military district. he noted that the kontimirovtsy have been participating in the special operation since the first days. every tenth person received state awards. always highly values ​​brotherhood, culture, personal qualities and fighting qualities of everyone. we understand. that the kantemirovskaya division, the glorious kantemirovskaya division, from the first day to
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spearhead, we have just visited the memory room and you were invited here to thank, of course, to congratulate you on the day of the formation of the division. a sudden check of the readiness of the armed forces to carry out missions as intended has begun in belarus; military units and units of operational commands have been involved. operations, as well as missile forces, air force artillery, air defense forces. at the first stage, issues of operational occupation of designated areas, organization of security and defense, taking up combat duty, and then will be worked out. to be completed combat training missions and inspections involved training grounds in the bresse and govina regions. and about personnel changes at the russian state university for the humanities , the ministry of education and science reported that andrei loginov had been appointed acting rector of the university. previously, he served as deputy minister of justice. the previous rector, alexander bezborodov, left his post of
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his own free will. in addition, the position of university president was abolished at the russian state humanitarian university and introduced. position of scientific supervisor. on the eve of memorial day, the fsb declassified new archival documents about the brutal crimes of the nazis during the great patriotic war. one of the declassified documents speaks of atrocities against the inhabitants of stalingrad. the national center of historical memory under the president, at a conference in tas, presented an act of an emergency state commission to establish and investigate german atrocities. russian invaders and their accomplices dated june 27, 1943. it says that the troops of nazi germany during the occupation of the dzerzhinsky district of stalingrad from mid-september to november 15,000 inhabitants were forcibly sent into slavery in 1942. the document notes that initially the german command tried to deceive the residents to go to germany, they promised work,
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good treatment, food, but of course they did not believe them. and when the locals didn't come. all the victims we remember on june 22 are victims of hitler’s deliberate policies. documents about the nazi killing of children and wounded soldiers in crimea have also been declassified. among them there are testimonies of witnesses, eyewitnesses about the mass atrocities committed
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by the nazis during the occupation of crimea. the document talks about mass executions of civilians, including children in anti-tank tanks. rve in the area of ​​the village of novosergeevka , simferopol district, in addition , testimonies of witnesses about the facts of the destruction of the civilian population of the village of laki, bakhchesarai district, by hitler’s punitive forces by their accomplices were published. there is no justification for monstrous crimes and there is no forgiveness in the documents; data is revealed that, for example, elena govalova, the sister of the head of the partisan detachment pavel barbary, tied to a bed in her own house, and then doused with kerosene and set on fire. declassified archival materials complement and detail the documents of the republican and city emergency state commissions known to historians, reflect the testimony of eyewitnesses to the atrocities of the nazi occupation regime and point to the perpetrators of these crimes. the presented documents cover in detail the composition and activities of the sd,
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security service and guf field gendarmerie units operating in simferopol. and further. sb russia published a declassified document containing testimony from a former subordinate of the third reich's propaganda minister, joseph goebbels, werner wächter, about a massive disinformation campaign to conceal germany's plans to attack the soviet union. as the department noted, in order to make the attack on the ussr sudden, the germans used many channels to disguise their plans and disseminate false information both within germany and throughout europe, but already from mid-summer 1940 . the wehrmacht began preparing for an attack on the ussr, although at the beginning of the year hitler declared friendship and peace between germany and the soviet union. today , on the eve of the day of remembrance and sorrow , the candle of memory memorial event, which has already become traditional, will be held in irkutsk. it will take place from 21:30 to 10 pm at the eternal
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flame of glory memorial. similar events are also organized in other cities in the region. an international event will also be held in irkutsk. well, in kazan they created an association of cities and municipalities of brics plus countries. this decision was made at an international forum, the participants of which were about 200 mayors and vice-mayors of cities from two dozen countries. every day you can feel that brick is becoming stronger, more powerful, and this manifests itself in a variety of ways. spheres, for example, sports or culture, for example, the fact that this association includes cities and municipalities that are home to more than 2.5 billion people, what is this figure alone worth, in more detail, elmira. from mogilov. the first ever forum of mayors of brix plus countries brought together 200 mayors and vice-mayors from china, turkey, iran, india, brazil, morocco and
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indonesia. even on the sidelines, representatives of their countries talked about how important it is to direct common efforts to create a comfortable life in their cities. when the brix countries decide something, it affects the whole world. discussions among our national leaders lead to important decisions. however, they do not materialize on their own, so it is important to structure our interaction. southern african countries want to learn from russia’s experience related to technology, artificial intelligence, and are interested in the issue of solid waste disposal and development public spaces. during the forum , dozens of agreements were signed that regulate cooperation in the exchange of knowledge, specialists and the development of tourism between countries, extensive accumulated experience in the economy, education and culture of russia. will be shared with brazil, south africa and ethiopia. in our country today there is something to share, but at the same time we are always open to dialogue, we are not afraid to learn, we want to see what has already
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been developed, but from today’s agreements, of course, we expect both new tourist flows and new system ones after the signing of the agreements , joint projects, exchange of experience in establishing contacts, the quality of life of millions of people depends on such friendly communication at the round table.
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this is not just a group, it is the future of the world, an organization that creates a new world agenda, based on sustainable development, the exchange of unique experience in all areas, and even if representatives of twenty countries speak different languages, but today unanimously, friendly countries should have their own voice on the international stage, while maintaining respect for traditions and culture everyone. ilsurmet became the chairman of the association, 200 participants voted unanimously. the association includes cities and municipalities. inhabitants of the planet. meetings will be held twice a year. the next meeting will be held in brazil next year. elmira smogilova, vladimir yurkov, lead
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kazan. and now about the most important topic for the agro-industrial complex, food security. the share of domestic seed selection will be at least 75% by 2030. this is a statement from the minister of agriculture oksana. lud, she made it on all-russian exhibition of achievements of the russian agro-industrial complex field day. yes, she also noted that the share of domestic agricultural machinery has already increased significantly. our correspondent vera moroz visited the main agricultural exhibition of the year. in the open air , flagship agricultural machinery, advanced developments in breeding and agricultural technologies. this is the largest annual exhibition of achievements of the agro-industrial complex. field day, this year it takes place on... 63 hectares to be covered in 3 days, farmers from all over the country came here, maxim levshunov from the omsk region, in his on the farm, he grows wheat and
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legumes, and also breeds dairy cows. domestic selection and seed production are close to me, and i am passionate about it, so i mainly use it on my farm, we use domestic selection, domestic varieties, so i believe in our science, i know it.
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equipment from classics and grain harvesters to this year's premiere of a prototype of road construction equipment, this is a telescopic loader that is produced in rostov-nadon. multifunctional machine for farms. previously , 80-85% of such equipment was imported from abroad. we have been thinking about ensuring the country’s food security for a very long time; once upon a time ruselmash produced only combine harvesters. today we produce the entire range of equipment and it cannot be said that we produce for any particular unit or type of equipment. rate, the entire train of equipment, starting from tractors, soil cultivation, then equipment for crop care, equipment for harvesting , equipment for primary processing of crops, we produce all this equipment, it’s all participates in creating food security. the share of selection of domestic seeds will also increase; by 2030 it should be at least 75%, the ministry of agriculture noted. the exhibition covers 18 hectares of the best examples of domestic crops.
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wheat, barley, peas, mustard, rapeseed, flax, corn and soybeans, which are now becoming promising crops, they also talked about the current agricultural season, while it is turning out to be difficult, farmers generally coped with the may frosts, but the ministry of agriculture turned to the governments with a request to pay compensation for the affected gardeners, - said the head of the ministry, the possible onset of drought in some regions is now being discussed, in the southern regions in the central part of russia, over the past... months it has been very dry, that is, at first it froze us, then it was very dry here , and this situation, of course, can greatly adjust our expectations in principle, but for now the forecast for a harvest of 132 million tons of grain , we are keeping 86 million 86 million tons of wheat, 28 million tons of all oilseeds, then we’ll look at the weather, until it rains, all they know that the rains have started, that is, now the grain
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is gaining volume, so... we will look further, but we believe that we will collect 132 million tons. the issue of food security became the main topic of the plenary session; the promotion of domestic products to foreign markets was discussed. this season, according to preliminary figures, russia will reach first place in the export of barley from all countries, but barley has always been such a niche crop for us, and well, mainly intended for the domestic market, but this year we made a breakthrough, well, this season, yes, that is, from july 1st to july 1st. and we are expected to take first place in barley exports, so here this is another record, another achievement of our agricultural producers and traders. for grain exports, adjusted duties on supplies from russia will begin to apply on july 1, the minister noted. she also stated that the ministry of agriculture expects an increase in world grain prices due to a decrease in production volumes. vera moroz vladimir shabalin, sergey minin, alina nizbakieva. news.
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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations. to bring russian digital solutions to a new height, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, what is the overall situation with production, raw materials and exports, what is our product like?
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18:00 in moscow, we continue, russia will conduct the work. over promising weapons, to increase the supply of the most modern weapons to the troops, including drones, vladimir putin said. today he met with graduates in the kremlin military universities. the president noted that today the grandchildren are faced with the same threat as their grandfathers faced 80 decades ago. vitali.


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