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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 21, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a benzolo country. take russian digital solutions to new heights. there are prospects. ours are more brutal. yes, ours are more brutal. there will be more. how exactly does the number help? on your original questions, what about production, raw materials and exports in general? what is our product?
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brix prosecutors held talks in st. petersburg this week as part of russia's chairmanship in this organization. valentin matvienko discussed the results of the meeting with prosecutor general of the supreme people's procuratorate of china, yingyong. the speaker of the upper chamber noted that the russian prosecutor general's office has close working contacts with their chinese colleagues. this is a good example of legal interaction between two key government agencies against the backdrop of expanding russian-chinese ties itself. our joint work within the framework of brix is ​​a very important area of ​​our interaction, which we are also developing through parliament . thanks to the efforts of the leaders of our states, russian-chinese relations reached an unprecedentedly high level of comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction. the leaders of our countries are in constant contact and meet very often.
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kirov region, what are people complaining about? as for benches, trash cans, public toilets, this is generally a disgrace, but the mayor of the city of kirov needs to be given a serious message and the implementation of large-scale projects with the support of the federation council, which of them is a priority. high scores for the most popular specialties in russian universities have started. reception
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the company will continue to accept documents until july 25, and the main stage of admission is august 3-9 and a single target admission, which is important for applicants to know: this year it will remain possible to apply to five universities, choosing up to five areas of study in each of them instead of ten, as it was before: to preserve the memory of the feat of the fraternal peoples in the great patriotic war, the goal of the unique memory train project, which traditionally started on... the day before the official start of the route towards belarus from moscow the train set off with some of the participants, and our correspondent, yana ponferova, will travel with them to the cities of military glory of russia and belarus. at 19:50, the participants of the memory train project are preparing to set off through the cities of russia and belarus, they get to know each other and after a couple of minutes they are already singing together the japanese toys have sailed. fogs over the river! all of them
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passed a strict selection process, each wrote an essay and a video story about the heroes of the great patriotic war in their family. i had two grandfathers, great-grandfathers, they both took part in the great patriotic war, and they were rare soldiers and reached berlin. i wrote about my grandfather, who traveled a long way and, moreover, he visited belarus, that is, he defended it in 1900. in the year forty-three, his military path lies from the crimea, belarus and to poland. by the way, getting on the memory train was not easy. this year's competition is the same as in the top universities - 50 people per place. of course, i don’t expect to win, it was a great surprise and delight for me that i still i was able to pass the competition, and out of 50 people they still chose me. it was a surprise, because i didn’t expect it, i wasn’t even, so to speak, aware of what i was doing in general. i am participating in
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such a project, but they told me that i was participating, they accepted me like that, and it was unexpected, i was very happy, this year for the first time eight cis countries are participating in the project. as you can see, the flags of these commonwealth states are painted on the carriage. from this platform , high school students will go back in time, like in a time machine, and walk the roads of the exploits of their ancestors. deputy chairman of the federation council, konstantin kosachev, he personally supervises the project, gave parting words to the participants. when you step onto the train for the first time, which will become yours, your home for the next two weeks, i hope you will be amazed at what you see, and you will know exactly what you are...
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in what you are about to see, and most importantly , been through. don’t spare your soul, don’t spare your heart, invest every moment, invest in each other, because all this will be your own contribution. the first one greeted the project participants deputy speaker of the upper house of parliament, andrey yatskin. the memory of the great patriotic war, the second world war, concerns all the peoples of our country. it’s very important who will pick up this baton of historical memory, is it true about historical memory? now the time has come to get on the train, there is everything for a comfortable journey, spacious shelves, two restaurant carriages, a carriage of showers, by the way, the guys really liked it, this train is like a house on wheels, everything is modern,
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new and most importantly comfortable, but this is not the only surprise , guys, show me what they gave it to you, they gave it to you, you liked it, very, so generously. got underway, the landscape outside the window quickly became cool, we like everything, we still have a lot of other gifts there on the train, it was very different in the morning from their compartments the guys saw the city of brest, there they were joined by participants from belarus, finally in full force of 200 people visited several memorable events, then there will be a tour of the metropolitan area
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as such a problem is so acute among the residents , people need to hear why the toilet
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is all that outrages, more than a week has passed, the city of kirov, well, it needs to be solved, they wrote more. the kirov region complains about the lack of street lighting. please respond. i am monitoring the situation with rural cultural centers very closely. it’s good that alexander valentinovich, you started doing this work, one new one was built. this year it is being repaired, but the problem is so advanced, why the kirov region was not included in the program for the social development of rural areas, it needs to be included, and in order to be included there must be design and estimate documentation, we will support. by the way, the senators supported the need to reconstruct the sredneivka rural
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cultural center and the richevskaya music school, and also build a world -class campus in the kirov region. the project is planned to be introduced on the initiative of the federation council. the region's utility infrastructure also needs support from the federal center. senators will draw the attention of the ministry of construction and housing and communal services to this in order to include kirov projects in the state program. in the region, with the support of senators, they intend to solve other pressing problems that citizens are concerned about this, including the development of the transport network, in particular shipping. and another task is to strengthen the banks and reconstruct the drainage system of the reservoir in the city of belaya kholunitsa. this is our report. now the persian is already about four meters
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into the ground - it has fallen off. and before , the road here was wide enough so that a fire truck and an ambulance could pass. every year lyudmila shitova’s house is getting closer to the water. if earlier the woman was glad that she lived near the largest reservoir in the kirov region, now she is afraid. 30 years ago, when she moved to belaya kholunitsa, the shore was ours. meters further. now the distance between the water and her house has been reduced to two. during hurricane floods, the coast is flooded and destroyed. gradually the earth disappears, it just collapses in whole layers. that is, the slabs will float away in another two or three years. in the basement of the cheese, the house is settling and is about to become covered with cracks. the building of the neighboring school has already had to be repaired more than once. the water is approaching him. and we have already repaired it twice. we have already completely redone that corner. and here she is and then here she is already. the consequences are already going on again, now they are already going on, to solve the problem, it is necessary to carry out
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bank protection along the entire coast, where there are houses. the cost of the project is over 120 million rubles. therefore, the regional authorities turned to senators for help; the project also included the construction of a drainage system on the streets closest to the reservoir. the groundwater level begins to rise, it is unstable, the higher the water, the higher the water level in the belokholunitsky reservoir, the higher the groundwater level and the residents suffer. for more help. in one the regional authorities turned to the federation council for the project. in the kirov region they want to restore navigation along the vyatka river, primarily in order to transport cargo, sand and crushed stone, which is mined on the river bank; this is more profitable, and besides, it will reduce the load on roads. in our village of girsovo, a few kilometers from us, a deposit will be discovered. here we see a dredger with a sorting complex that will extract sand and gravel; tugboats will load it to barshi and bring it to this port. in order to return navyatka shipping. it is necessary to clean the bottom deeper, as it was 30 years ago; in addition to cargo ships, they want
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passenger ships to return here again. pleasure boats will be launched from the old passenger port to the cargo port, further downstream 10 km, and this is for a start, then the route will continue, even more than 20 km, tourists will be able to see the steep banks from the water. the regional authorities are counting on the support of the center, if the federal agency for maritime and river transport approves the project and will help finance it. then within 5 years traffic along the river will be restored, first within the region, then, who knows, maybe the povyatka will be able to reach the kama. daria vozhigova, mikhail chuprasov, kirov region. tips to the volga. by december 1, a new list of measures is expected to appear to improve the health of our longest great river, deepen the bottom and preserve unique water bodies. senator vladimir pushkarev told us about this. we considered a federal project for the improvement of the volga within the framework of the national ecology project , about 16 regions were also involved in
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implementation of this project, quite a lot of activities were carried out, the main ones were single-depth work, cleaning the territory from vegetation, and if in numbers, then 1.324 km of the planned work were completed, work was also carried out on repair, reconstruction and construction of municipal cleanliness facilities, the formation a new list of events that will be approved on december 1, it is planned to combine this with other events throughout the russian federation, this will also include dredging work for laying fish passage channels, work will also be carried out on the reconstruction and construction of treatment facilities, one of the indicators in the decree of the president of the russian federation vladimir. putin was told about the reduction of polluted wastewater by
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three times and they were achieved, and new goals were also set to reduce polluting wastewater by half for all basin rivers by the year 30. in the federation council, do you represent the yamalo-nenich autonomous okrug, if there are rivers and lakes there that need improvement? by prepared for yamalonilensky district. design and estimate documentation for the rehabilitation of lake khanto in the vicinity of the city of noyabrsko, townspeople have always used it for recreation - all generations, of course, spent time there in nature, today there has already been quite strong and mild pollution of the lake, and those events, which are now laid down for its cleaning, for clearing the vegetation, of course, they will improve the health of this lake, make this lake more comfortable and cozy, and also the region
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has already begun to carry out work to bring the shore. lines in a comfortable state, where there will be walking areas, sports grounds, and recreation areas and also all the necessary infrastructure for residents to be in this place. this week the university admissions campaign started. this is an important and responsible time for former high school students who intend to expand their educational horizons and follow the path of higher school. exactly.
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retake one exam, will have time to meet the deadline, especially since it will continue almost until july 25 acceptance of documents, well, the main stage of enrollment is august 3-9. will anything change in the admission rules? there will be no special changes in the admission rules for this year’s admissions company, but i would like to remind you that in accordance with the decree of the president of the russian federation, a pilot project is being implemented in six universities. in these six universities, admission will already take place according to the new rules for basic higher education and specialized higher education. tell us, what are the features for graduates from new regions? as for graduates from new regions, they admission opportunities are somewhat wider, since they can enroll both based on the results of the unified state
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exam, and on tests conducted by the higher education institution itself. in addition, will be taken into account. and individual achievements, it is also important to note that out of 620,000 budget places, 73% are sent to the territory of the russian federation, regions, leaders are the republic of tatarstan, rostov, novosibirsk, tomsk regions, the republic of bashkaratstan, but it is very important that 29,000 places are sent to our universities new regions. what other changes are coming? svetlana temerbulatova will tell applicants what quotas exist, as well as where to submit documents. isopretal devices created robots, as they say, without leaving the school desk. just yesterday , a student, today an applicant sergei khranskevich, decided to connect his life with the profession of the future. robotics is a very promising area in general. in the future, of course, we plan
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to modernize absolutely everything, some smart things will appear, even now there are smart lamps, smart posture correctors, a smart table. they can go where humans can't, of course, and can help in some difficult emergency situations. applicants also choose the field of informatics and computer technology, pedagogical sciences, and economics and management. this year, it will remain possible to apply to five universities, choosing up to five areas of study in each of them instead of ten, as was previously the case. this will allow each applicant to more accurately determine a specific area of ​​future professional activity. the changes will also affect the target. training is a way to obtain a professional education with subsequent employment; the company enters into an agreement with students and guarantees a place in the company after graduation. this year, the rules for targeted admissions have changed; all offers from employers are now collected on the unified state service jobs in russia. universities take this information into account and calculate the number of places based on it. target quota. today, it is not a child who is looking for
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an employer with whom a contract has been concluded, but he can go to the portal today on purpose. targeted training, study in the interests of the enterprise, do an internship at it, do your final work at the enterprise, then work for 3 years at the enterprise, only after the competition takes place among those who wish, a targeted agreement is concluded, the system is more transparent, clearer, submit documents and, accordingly , can participate in the competition until july 25; for this,
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applicants need a passport, certificate, snils, n, for young people registration certificate, there are several ways to submit documents. last year, the most popular method was the state services portal; approximately 65% ​​of applicants submitted documents to our university through government services. about 25% of the guys applied. documents through our website, about 10% are those who came here live and submitted documents in person during the admissions campaign at the university, while there is also an interesting inverse relationship, the largest share of those enrolled is from those who came in person. enter out of competition orphans and people with health limitations can obtain the required minimum scores on the unified state exam; there is a quota for children of participants in a special military operation; without entrance examinations , children who have already... will be enrolled in the university...
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despite the fact that changes were made in the nineteenth year unfortunately, collective claims have not been fully introduced into legislation; their number is, well, insignificant compared to other claims, and there are two reasons for this: firstly, citizens are not informed about the initiation of a collective... the second claim is that class actions are now very difficult to find; you need to know the details of the case and the court in which this case
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is being heard. the bill that my colleagues and i are preparing will include the creation of a system where there will be information about all class actions that have already been filed, information about claims that are planned to be filed, and it will also be possible to join quickly and easily to which. class action lawsuit, which is already being heard in court, but how will this platform work? there is, if a person wants to join a class action lawsuit, what should he type into the search, everything will be systematized by topic, by direction and by defendant, let’s say there is some situation, for example, with an airline, it will be possible to search by the name of the airline find the class action you need and join it with just a filing. statement on this information platform, currently the minimum number of lis is 20 people, in our bill we want
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the number to decrease, it is already 10 people, in order to be able to more quickly unite into groups and , accordingly, defend their rights as a group in court already, in what cases such class actions can be the most effective, what will be their main advantage? before ordinary lawsuits, if we are talking about the advantages of class actions, i would highlight three, firstly, this is cost savings, basically all class actions are directed against large companies, corporations, legal entities, it will be much easier for the team to find highly qualified lawyers to pay them for their services, this is the first, the second is efficiency, efficiency not only for the people, but also... for the judicial system, look, if you take, for example, 100 lawsuits or one class action, it is clear that the time that will be spent on the
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trial, it will be the same, both for one claim and for a group of claims. collective lawsuits have more weight, they attract more attention, and for a company that is suing such a group, reputational risks are very important, so they trying to resolve these issues before completion. court hearing, what other requirements will be imposed on class actions? class actions must be characterized by homogeneity of claims by the same defendant. it is also very important that a representative be selected from among the publishers who will represent everyone else in court, or it should be some hired outside lawyer who will also represent the interests of all the publishers in court against some company or corporation. as of june 1, the appointment rules have changed. size
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which directly depends on the family’s income and is paid from 2023, the list of income items has been updated, which of them are now not taken into account when assigning benefits, you will find out in the next few minutes, but first i’ll tell you who can receive a universal payment, how it is calculated and how it is design. so, this benefit is targeted assistance, which does not exclude a number of other social benefits for families with children, including so-called maternity benefits. citizens of russia can count on it income below the subsistence level in the region. permanent residents of the country raising children under 17 years of age, as well as women who are just expecting a baby, but under one condition: it is necessary to register with a medical organization in the early stages of pregnancy up to 12 weeks. for such an expanded range of recipients, the benefit was called universal. a single benefit is paid in several sizes, all of which depends on the family’s income, the average per capita income is calculated accordingly from seven, and
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a comprehensive assessment of need is necessarily carried out.
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rental of property and income received abroad. when calculating the average per capita income , some income to the family budget is not taken into account. including payments from maternity capital, tax deductions, the single allowance itself - child care allowance for up to one and a half years. but the elements, as noted above, are, on the contrary, taken into account. by the way, since the summer the procedure for recording them has changed. when the bailiffs collect these funds in court, the social fund independently finds out their amount. the innovation applies to
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cases where the recipient indicates the size child support itself, for example, the parents entered into a notarized agreement or a monetary issue, decided what is called words. there is such a nuance here: this amount should not be less, if there is one child in the family, 1/4 of the minimum wage, if two children are 1/3 or more than three children in the parents, and 1/2 of the minimum wage. the benefit is of an application nature and can be applied for only once. parent or adoptive parent. you can submit an application through the state services portal or contact in person department of the social fund, as well as at the mfc. the list of required documents includes a passport, marriage and birth certificate . сnillс and account details where the payment will be transferred monthly. i note that you can only get it on the world card. now let’s look at cases when benefits may be denied. the benefit is assigned to citizens taking into account a comprehensive assessment of need. this term combines
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three conditions. first, the average per capita family income is no more than the subsistence level, secondly, the property of family members falls within an established list, for example, if a family has an apartment and a house, this is not a reason for refusal, but if we have two cars, then this is a reason even with a low income. third, adult family members had earned income or an objective reason for its absence. for example, the husband has a salary. for the entire billing period, he does not need to confirm valid reasons, but the wife’s income is only an allowance, it is not from work, and she will have to justify the lack of income, for example, having many children or caring for a child under 3 years old will do. the universal benefit is assigned at 12 months, then, if the family still has little income, a new application is submitted. next week the senators.


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