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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 21, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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other international associations, european nato states, including, of course, when they are ready for this. vladimir putin especially emphasized that the priority for the russian armed forces remains the conduct of a special military operation. here you feel an inextricable connection in a special way. you will have to solve a wide range of responsible and important tasks. first of all. to protect the rights and freedoms of russian citizens, active assistance to our military personnel in conducting a special military operation remains a priority, in first of all, to ensure law and order, legality and the peaceful life of people in the liberated areas, in the investigation of the crimes of neo-nazi punitive forces, who must answer for their atrocities, for crimes against civilians, for terrorist attacks, for the shelling of our towns and villages.
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that you can save yourself, i only save others, there are no former disobedients, what did you want from me, miracle, hahalai, mahalai, the demonstrator would know how to put this together in 5 seconds, we’ll figure it out without our demo, pray, black, throw bro it's a sin too, it's time to pay.
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and as i understand it, the reaction that our colleagues were just talking about in the west, and it’s a little worried, to put it mildly, i... even said, well, hysterical, why? well, we are neighbors , we cooperate, we cooperated before, as has already been said, now we are deepening this cooperation, what's the matter? well, the reaction is wary, studying, and of course, not very friendly, this is understandable, the fact is that ours are two, in this case.
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large and small triangles, there is the usa, japan, south korea, usa, japan, australia, ookos, okos, triangle, yes, with
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non-regional participants, australia, great britain and the usa, australia is the only regional participant. received very actively continues to receive new impulses for its expansion, there is pillar one and pillar 2, focus 1, focus 2, which. repent on different levels of other countries in the region, that is, there is a non-stop process of creating new systems under the auspices of the united states, naturally surrounding china and russia in the asia-pacific region, when two neighboring countries, russia and the dprk, having a common border, including a territorial border, they talked about what development is for us...
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how can we find a middle ground here, is this possible? the question is very correct,
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in my opinion, the developers of this document managed to find this golden mean, since on the one hand they took into account, first of all, what the leaders of our states have already repeated this repeatedly during the visit of the dprk leader. in september last year to our far east, that we will be guided primarily by the interests of our two countries, and not by some abstract obligations, but at the same time taking into account, without violating those norms of international law, those international obligations that we influenced ourselves, so in this document it really is a comprehensive strategic partnership, it contains various... articles, there are articles, so to speak, of a military nature, which,
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which were not previously in our 2000 treaty , which say that in the event of an attack, if one of our sides becomes aggressive from external forces, then the other side automatically comes to its military aid with military assistance, but this is in the case of aggression against one of the parties. created, appropriate mechanisms are provided that will put these principles into action, but this is only part of this really big agreement, it talks about other areas of cooperation, in the field of education, and medical, and economic, nothing is said, i want to immediately, maybe even pre-empt your question: what the west has been talking about a lot lately, that
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russia may start supplying lethal weapons to the dprk, that’s not what we’re talking about words, in general , the supply of weapons is not said, it is said that if, i repeat, the parties become victims of aggression, then they come to the aid of each other by military means, i will recall here the words the president said. i understand that this is not in the contract itself indicated, but we mean it, and our
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president also said that military-technical cooperation is not excluded, that is , this is also a question of the future, probably of development, it seems to me that this really infuriates our western former partners. alexander, you are certainly right, this is exactly what was noted , but when it is noted in statements, it can be done. in a stricter and sharper form, when this is stated in the texts of the articles of the agreement, this is naturally done more carefully, they are spelled out in the agreement these thoughts, but of course more carefully and... restrainedly, that in case of aggressive actions we can take adequate actions, and automatically, in accordance with the operation of the agreement, this is exactly what we talked about, so to speak, at the rhetorical level , now this has taken the form of a legal document, which is
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a qualitatively new level of relations between our two countries and perhaps... a reaction to hostile actions against our two countries. and aleksandritenovich, let’s just say a few words about how you a great expert on north korea, but what kind of country is this militarily? we know a lot that there are nuclear weapons there and so on. and the country, how far it has advanced in recent years, because we periodically look at the situation in this country, we also looked at the confrontation that trump had, at first a powerful confrontation. uh, with someone else, then they seemed to even hold some kind of summit, they tried to find aircraft carriers there, the americans urged them on, and the north koreans were great, they withstood this pressure, from a military point of view, what the a country? here in your question lies the answer, a policy of powerful pressure, when three
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aircraft carriers were driven by the dprk and threatened to incinerate it with nuclear weapons, as you... remember, in the seventeenth year, trump and kimchenin , in such a peculiar manner of dialogue, threatened each other and argued about who the nuclear button is bigger, trump said, and my nuclear button will be wider, but during the periods of attempts at negotiations, which took place and were generally unpromising, the dprk confirmed its ability to defend itself, because these negotiations themselves began opponents, based on the fact that it is not possible to defeat the dprk with military force, to crush it, or it will be extremely costly with an unacceptable level of loss
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of events for the united states, only on this basis they began negotiations, and over the past year... we we see that kander is achieving and has achieved very impressive successes in the development of missile technology, a wide variety of types of missiles, both ballistic cruise missiles, and launching from underwater installations, well, a wide variety of missiles, different types of missiles, here is the rszz with a diameter of 600 mm, capable of firing almost 300 km, and... this is also, by the way, a potential carrier of nuclear tactical weapons, that is, the line of nuclear missiles of the dprk in recent years, firstly, has immeasurably, consistently expanded, improved and achieved results that are taken seriously by opponents of the dprk,
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and you know, in my opinion, even some reports about hypersonic tests. because it was the soviet union that was then an ally of the country in the korean war of the fifties, then the help of the soviet union was extremely important for preserving the sovereignty of the country, and as i understand it, the tension in this part of the world, in this part of the world is now quite
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serious, and i understand that it will continue to increase or not, there are literally two words. on your side, what do you think? well, unfortunately, you are right, the tension is serious, uh, on the part of kyugu, from the thirty-eighth parallel, we see ongoing military exercises, both unilateral by south korea, as well as joint exercises with the united states, now trilateral maneuvers with the participation of japan have become the norm, nato is being built, is being invited, and it has already become the norm. in general, it has found a residence in the region of east asia, so it would seem about a completely unnatural phenomenon, the north atlantic ocean, that is, everyone is drawn here.
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us homeland security jake sullevan. among the main topics, increasing the production of weapons and ammunition, stoltenberg admitted that the existing capacities are not enough, and it is necessary to involve japan, just south korea, australia, although they are not members of nato. how far is the west willing to go? conflict with russia, boris ivanin found out. ukraine can attack anywhere on russian territory. another hypocrisy of the white house: they themselves put american weapons in the hands
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of ukrainians, they themselves aim at targets, they themselves give orders, but cynically deny everything, citing the agreement with kiev. does the agreement you entered into with ukraine allow you to shoot it with american weapons directly across the border on russian territory, if the troops. danger was recorded in switzerland following the so-called peace summit, another a clear illustration of the fact that instead of peace , the west discussed only escalation there, this is
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permission for themselves, since reconnaissance means and these weapons themselves can only be used by the americans themselves, by american specialists, but not autonomously by representatives of the ukrainian armed forces. american weapons. in general , western weapons have previously been used on russian territory, in this case these statements that america has allowed itself something there, the kiev regime at the present time, is an element of the information war in in the context of the obvious defeat of the kiev regime, the summit in switzerland nevertheless ended in defeat for ukraine, the british magazine spectator summarizes. the countries of the global south have turned their backs on kiev. even the western allies are running out, if you believe what politicians said behind the scenes, one of them is quoted in the article. it is quite obvious how this conflict will end:
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a ceasefire along the front line, plus a guarantee of security for kiev, instead of full membership in nato, no formal concessions of territory. ukraine will become similar to cyprus, which is part of the eu but does not recognize that it was divided. nato will conduct a military mission in ukraine, the hungarian prime minister revealed the plans of the alliance.
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maybe i can handle this. why do you think you will succeed? other people think so, i hope they are right. by the way , it was hungary, which was invariably against inciting a conflict, that for the longest time refused to agree to the candidacy of the head of nato, an open russophobe and a long-time supporter of the kiev regime. ryuta was even forced to promise viktor orban that the alliance would not support ukraine outside of nato. will ukraine become a member?
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american aircraft are immediately answered by the s-400 mobile air defense system, which triumphantly lives up to its name. however, already now, as defense minister andrei belousov noted, russia also owns...
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9:00 pm
the future, such thoughts scare you, you can just close your eyes, but you know what the outcome will be, open your eyes to your future, start with a long-term savings program in a non-state pension fund, the future! the main economic event of the week in our country is the sharp strengthening of the ruble. well, it would seem that this is good, but as they say, there are nuances. to begin with, i’ll still remind you what happened, you can now see dollar rates on the charts, at this moment, about 3 days at the beginning of the week, and the dollar rate by...


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