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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 22, 2024 12:30am-1:00am MSK

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he says crazy things. how much sincere disagreement there is, and what can be attributed to the pre-election criticism of the opponent, will become clear if trump’s comeback does take place, but in europe his words seem to be taken at face value, and they are trying to play out the situation so that he does not have the opportunity to win back back. the british guardian does not rule out that in a hurry they might make a mess. ukraine and its supporters are pushing the white house more firmly. promises to admit the country to nato at the 75th anniversary july summit in washington. their the desire is understandable, but it is a dangerous idea that would commit the united states to long-term defense of ukraine while creating serious vulnerability for nato. as a result, the alliance will be weaker, not stronger, than it is today. nato membership is also not the best option for ukraine. for the same purpose, to insure against trump, they are increasing the pumping of weapons into ukraine. the white house announced.
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if it succeeds, although i don't understand how to achieve it, there will still be a price to pay for it that is simply not worth it. the task is to reconcile the germans with the price that they pay for the government's anti-russian policy, it doesn't get any easier. the main propaganda horns were red hot. at the beginning of may, the factory of the arms concern diehl, which produces arst air defense systems, burned in berlin. deputy editor-in-chief of tabloid build, ronsheimer, has finally matured for...
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the russian state may be responsible for the fire at the enterprise of the german arms concern diehl. according to my information, foreign intelligence informed german services about the presence of specific information about russian involvement. the most remarkable thing about this is that just the night before the following information appeared on the evening news. the cause of the fire was apparently a technical malfunction. experts from the insurance company came to this conclusion.
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project and even tried to pay off the attacks of the trump administration with a promise to invest a billion euros in the construction of infrastructure for receiving american lng. there was time, but it has passed forever. the fourteenth package of sanctions already presupposes a refusal to purchase russian liquefied gas. agreed. in brussels is in a great mood about this. i welcome the agreement on the fourteenth package of sanctions against russia. this is a tough package, even more so.
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the delicious calendar returns to a tasty point. we give 100% cashback every friday when paying with alfabank cards.
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suvorov schools and even then the admiral graduated in 1948. in 1943 , nikolai kuznetsov conceived the idea of ​​​​creating naval schools. on the one hand, there were many orphaned children who needed a social lift. these were the children of red army officers who died at the front. on the other hand, it was necessary to train personnel for the fleet by analogy with the kadit schools before.
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after the collapse of the country, serving in the navy became extremely difficult in northern towns
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polar gadzhieva in kamchatka officers with their families were destroyed by the state and literally survived; raising children in such conditions was very difficult at that time and the prestige of nakhimovsky began to fall; graduates entered a variety of civilian universities; fortunately, education made it possible; now the situation is changing; as a rule, we have the majority. to maritime educational institutions, traditionally, almost every year, some of the students, and 3 years ago there were three people, enter the flight school, continuing the tradition, so to speak, brought up on the exploits of appakidze, our children enter the military medical academy, specifically the naval faculty, because they strive to be naval doctors to serve on ships. nowadays, boys take exams in mathematics, russian and english to enter the fifth grade.
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competition: 3-4 people per place. the teenager’s health is also assessed. for all 7 years, the children take the same subjects as in regular schools, but some disciplines are studied more closely. here is astronomy, there is a special dome class for it. from september 2024 astronomy was removed from the school curriculum. at nakhimovsky it remains an elective, because a real sailor must be able to find it. accordingly, our boys, our future sailors, also need to be able to navigate the starry sky, and by determining the coordinates of a star, you can determine the coordinate, that is, the longitude and latitude of the area, an additional large layer of discipline is the basics of naval training, perhaps officers will not need to tie nautical knots, but this is a tradition; flag semaphore is also taught. this
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this type of communication will never be cancelled, it is silent on the air, does not attract attention with flashes of light, and does not require technical means. fyodor elenin, a strict teacher, teaches, by and large, not so much discipline as a love of the sea. during the lessons, they also discuss books beloved by generations, about treasure island, about two captains and about a white whale. without romance , there is no love for the sea at all, because one of the tasks, indeed, is that we are no longer teachers, then even... we are people who must raise children, that’s it. love for naval service, love for them to want to become naval officers, love for the sea, nakhimovites are not allowed iphones, only in the evening they can call home from a push-button phone, that’s why they read a lot , they seem more mature than their peers, probably because they made their choice at
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the age of 11, and this is how my rank appears , nakhimovitsa, and i wanted to be at sea, because... i have a dynasty of sailors, my dad is a captain of the first rank at a military higher school, and my grandfather is also an officer navy. the younger ones look up to seniors, from the ninth grade, nakhimovets bears the proud name of python, this is, of course, an internal nickname, but long-rooted, python from the word pupil. as far as i know, one becomes a python only after the ninth grade, there will be a so-called initiation rite there. or this kind of paint, as far as i know, which washes off well, so they coat it with paint, then back to lake podakhimov, this is a rite of passage into a python, in the summer the nakhimovites have practice in the leningrad region, they go sailing, rowing, they also conduct a ritual here initiation into pythons, fish scales are painted on the body of toothpaste, which must be washed off
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by swimming in the lake, a kind of initiation rite. sports are important for future archi officers, swimming is a compulsory subject, everyone should swim, in the spring there is rowing on six-oared boats, sixth-graders lean on the oars, but for now they lag behind the older ones, their boats glide easily, along the small neva along the embankment named after admiral makarov, from calluses appear on the hands of the oars, this is the real romance of the sea, the feeling of elbows, commands, nakhimovskaya fosters loyalty and the ability to make friends. come to the rescue, that’s the only way the crew will be a family, as the song says, three together, hop, four, well done, hop, i was a military man, yes, that was my favorite job, yes, now i have a second favorite job, which i’m really proud, therefore, here in st. petersburg, this nakhinovsky school, it, here, it carries some kind of very
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positive emotion, yes, as they say, a very sacred place, that is, the generation of minokhimites, this is it must be perceived, it must be absorbed, and it must be transmitted children, to show children that this is the best thing they can ever have in life. georgiy muru, the son of the famous specialist in the field of ship lifting nikolai petrovitsa muru, he graduated from the nakhimovskoye derzhinka, just like his two older brothers, now a captain of the first rank, director of the 51st central design and technological institute of ship repair, he shows a badge. nakhimov school, which he is proud of and which he always wore on his jacket, even with some violation of the regulations. then there, that means, already in the course of some kind of joint activity, something may change, but makhimovich is primary for me, and this special brotherhood, python, yes, nakhimov, it, well, besides the feeling of pride that i
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have a direct relationship with him, it accompanies me all my life constantly . helps me in various matters, and absolutely unimportant, official, everyday, achimovites, one way or another, well, different ones occupy their places in life, niches, posts, which means areas of activity, we all stick to each other, regardless of who is in which i graduated from the nakhiyonov school in 2010, and here i am at the ship repair plant, when my boat comes in for repairs, they bring crew lists. the first thing i do is look for nakhimovskaya, which means the pythons remain faithful friends for life ; they remember nakhimovskaya as the best years of their lives, they grew up in koluga. entered due to the fact that at the age of 15 he was already a candidate for master of sports in swimming, he recalls that studying here was much more difficult than at an ordinary provincial school, after nakhimov he
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graduated from the higher naval engineering school named after zerzhinsky, well, these 2 years spent here, of course, so if you evaluate the events were so concentrated that it’s impossible to forget it all and it’s impossible for it all to somehow go away from memory i came completely .
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they strive for this, so if they don’t take someone, they even get offended, there have been such cases, they reported to me, today the nakhimov school of the ministry of defense has
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four branches, which are located in all the fleets of our country. in the pacific ocean vladivostok, in murmansk on the northern fleet, in kaliningrad on the baltic, in sevastopol on the black sea, the construction of the fifth branch in mariupol has been completed, accepting documents there has already begun. every year nakhimovites take part in the victory parade. red square everything is strictly according to schedule, in order, this year it was the kaliningrad branch, next year it will be the anniversary year, the year of the eightieth anniversary of the great victory, the head school located in st. petersburg will participate in the parade. what do you need for your trip? road - to where there are no roads, close ones, to drive. further technology, to take a break from civilization and plenty of space for photographs. jetur, created for travel. magnet,
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in russia, june 22 is a day of memory and sorrow, the anniversary of the start of the great patriotic war. in 1941, at 4:00 in the morning, nazi german troops invaded the territory of the soviet union. a fierce bloody war began, which ended with the complete defeat of nazi germany and the countries that supported it. soviet union.


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