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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 22, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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there were no specialists of this level in vietnam. nikita khrushchev was in no hurry to directly enter into the conflict, but leonid brezhnev, who replaced him, decided to intervene. the vietnamese made an offer that was difficult to refuse. in exchange, the ussr would receive captured samples of the latest american equipment. military aid flowed like a river. from 65 to 74 through a group of soviet military personnel. more than 6,000 officers and generals, and more than 4,500 conscript soldiers passed through specialists. these were air defense specialists, anti-aircraft crews complexes, pilots, repair and restoration team specialists, navy officers, representatives of the ministry of the navy, journalists, in the end. after the video distribution in the ussr, the second part of the american film rambo , numerous legends appeared about hundreds and thousands of soviet paratroopers who swarmed in...
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the nam jungle, however, these stories are not supported by documents; on the contrary, the military-scientific group of the ministry of defense, which was also called trophy hunters , experienced difficulties . often under convenient pretexts vietnamese representatives hid the crash sites and delayed visits to the damaged equipment. it also happened that the chinese representatives were the first to arrive on the spot and had already managed to remove all the most valuable items. china put pressure on vietnam, because all the food aid went through... without which hanoi simply would not have survived, the vietnamese had to catch between two forces. in addition to military assistance, the ussr offered assistance in the civilian sphere, for example, in personnel training. vietnamese students they began studying in the union back in the fifties . after the outbreak of the war , soviet engineers, doctors and civilian specialists went to vietnam. the soviet union helped build and restore about 300 enterprises, including.
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such as the huaben and yali hydroelectric power stations or the thang long bridge. the joint soviet-vietnamese feature film coordinates of death, shot in 1985, was dedicated to them. a famous vietnamese screenwriter prepared materials for it. and the prototype of the main character is the american kat, who gives a press conference exposing american crimes, became the american actress and anti-war activist jane fonda. she actually visited in 1972. as much as the dprk tries to be isolated, vietnam insists on openness in all directions. putin was received very warmly in hanoi, and military-technical cooperation and oil and gas were discussed.
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it is well known, by the way, last year us president joe biden himself paid a state visit to vietnam for the first time, this is the first time the president of the united states visited vietnam on a state visit, it was decided to establish a comprehensive strategic partnership between vietnam and the united states. and i want to note
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especially that it was this independent foreign policy of vietnam that brought and is bringing good results for our country, thereby creating and continues to create favorable conditions for the successful development of the country at the present stage in the new one. difficult international situation, so we have no fear, we have no reason to refuse to pursue such an independent policy, such an important stick for us, on the contrary, we will press to develop relations with partners all over the world, especially from the russian federation. and
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we won’t return the base in kamran? i don’t think there ’s another specter looming in russian-vietnamese relations besides washington: beijing. relations between vietnam and china are not easy historically, now the prc is so strong that all neighbors are wary, almost every one of them, vietnam is no exception, there is a contradiction with china in the south china sea, in vietnam it is called the eastern sea, and russia - an increasingly close partner of china. china is our big neighbor, and china and russia are both major powers in the world. and both, both countries are permanent, permanent members of the security council, the united nations, everyone knows this, so i think that the rapprochement of these states, i think,
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should be aimed at maintaining peace, stability, security, not only in region and throughout the world, this is... firstly, and secondly, as for vietnam, both russia and china are comprehensive strategic partners of our country, we we are developing relations with china and russia globally, suffice it to say that last year, too, chinese president qi chimping paid a state visit to vietnam, this year, today we have a state visit of president putin to
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vietnam, this is fully consistent with the goals and interests of an independent foreign vietnamese policy, in addition, we understand that russia always stands for maintaining peace and stability in the region, and as for the situation in the eastern sea, the tension there, the situation there that has arisen recently, then we hope... that russia will always advocate the maintenance of peace, stability, free navigation, free air traffic in the eastern sea, in accordance with international law, we will provide, especially
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the un convention on the law of the sea, adopted in 1900 82, therefore. we think that cooperation between russia and china cannot pose any concern for us in general, or the situation in the south china sea in particular. the first socialist, as the armed sino-vietnamese conflict is sometimes called march '79. the name appeared by analogy with imperialist wars. but there is one more thing: a strange war. it started suddenly and also ended unexpectedly. each side explains this differently. vietnam gained independence from chinese rule only in the 10th century ad, but relations remained strained until a joint
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struggle against european colonial rule began. then the country was united by communist ideology. beijing helped vietnam fight first against the french occupation. beijing, relations between moscow and hanoi only strengthened. at the end of the seventy-eighth year , an agreement on mutual military assistance was signed, the ussr received military bases in vietnam, akhanoi began to make territorial claims to china and demand that chinese citizens
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seize several cities. hanoi announced general mobilization, but then china announced the end of the operation and began to withdraw troops. the official reason for the operation was considered to be the need to protect chinese citizens in northern vietnam who were under repression. but the eviction of the chinese has begun much earlier, and not only in the north. and they did not flee to the prc, to malaysia, thailand and hong kong. according to the vietnamese version, beijing feared the creation of a so-called council belt.
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399 rubles. alfabank is the best bank for business. send all payments and transfers without commission, open a business account with alfabank. this coming thursday, all of america, and a large part of the world, will be glued to the screens; the first debate of the main contenders for the post has been announced president. usa, joseph biden and donald trump. debates in american companies are always a climax, but such intrigue as now can only be found in history. one applicant is literally lost in the space of time, the other has a good chance of ending up behind bars 2 weeks after the verbal battle. paralympic selection,
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simple. so guess about the november result. there is a person in the usa who believes... is never wrong, historian alan lichtman, a professor at the american university in washington, accurately predicted the winner nine out of ten presidential elections since '84. the only miss was in 2000, when george w. bush became president rather than al gore, but there the winners were ultimately decided by the supreme court. lichtman is confident that the mountain will win. just stolen, my system is not polls and ratings, because they are not forecasts, but snapshots of reality, they have no scientific or prognostic value, my prediction method is based on the analysis of data from all presidential elections in the united states, since 1860, when lincoln was elected until 198 when
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reagan won, i developed this system in eighty-one with '.
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he worked at the institute of physics of the earth, the ussr academy of sciences, then was the founder and first director of the international institute of the theory of earthquake forecasting and mathematical geophysics of the russian academy of sciences. by the late sixties, his authority was so high that during the geneva nuclear test ban negotiations, the ussr and the us relied entirely on his expertise to set standards for distinguishing between seismic signals coming out. underground nuclear explosion and earthquake tremors. using mathematical algorithms, for the first time in history, he determined the patterns of seismic activity and, based on them, developed an effective method for predicting earthquakes. the essence of his method comes down to the analysis of a seismic chain, in which a series of small tremors in a region entails
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strong earthquakes. specialists from the university of california, de cayley assemblies. earthquakes with a magnitude of eight or higher that occurred in the world after eighty fifth year in june 2003, for example, the keilis boroka group reported that within 9 months an earthquake with a magnitude of at least 6.4 would occur in a 500-kilometer section of central california and in december a 6.5-magnitude earthquake destroyed
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dozens of houses in pas roblis, 40 people were injured injuries. in july of that year, the group predicted at least a magnitude 7 earthquake in japan's northern islands, and on september 25, hakaido island experienced a magnitude 8.1 tremor. according to keighley assembly algorithms in 2010-2012, geophysicists predicted earthquake in chile, japan and off the coast of sumatra. the scientist used his mathematical method not only in seismology. in december 2006 with his help. predicted the beginning of an increase in unemployment in the united states, followed by a recession and a global economic crisis. the method is still used today to predict economic downturns and level peaks.
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elections, the ruling party has more seats in congress, through previous ones, is there internal party competition for a candidate, is the economy in recession
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during the current presidency, is there serious military or foreign policy failures during the presidency, whether rivals have charisma and are national heroes, and so on. the world is changing, american society is changing, really?
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surveys have no scientific value; they are just impressions that do not reflect the real picture. if the democrats follow the advisers' lead, they will lose, just like in 2016. according to my system, the greatest chances of success.
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the keys are incredibly stable, they have given correct results for 40 years. no other system can even get closer in the accuracy of the results, but
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i don’t have a crystal one. i am a historian, the keys are based on history, there is always a possibility that something so monumental or catastrophic will happen in the future that it will change the very course of history. we have no way of knowing until it happens, so there is no way to modify the keys in advance. another uncertainty for allan lichtman, foreign policy or military success. or failure is a significant factor for elections, we would venture to guess, especially now when the world is experiencing a military-political crisis, in which the united states is actively involved. there is only one problem: it is increasingly difficult to distinguish success from failure, the world is complex, non-linear.
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let's translate it from clerical to understandable. it's not so scary if you have instructions.
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today is a day of memory and mourning in russia. on this day in 1941, the great patriotic war began. all over the country , those who died defending their homeland are remembered. a requium concert was held in argeve, where songs from the war years were performed. in moscow, at the victory museum , 1,418 candles were lit in memory of the victims. days of the great patriotic war. a commemorative event, fiery pictures of war, took place in grozny. the composition of the candle depicts an oil pumping machine and a soviet aviation aircraft. these are symbols of the chechens’ contribution to the victory in the great patriotic war. it was in chechnya that aviation fuel was produced, which was supplied to the aircraft of the soviet army. on the day
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of memory and mourning, chairman of the state duma. vyacheslav volodin, together with the deputies , laid wine and flowers at the eternal flame on the worship mountain in memory.


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