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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 22, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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today in russia is a day of remembrance and mourning on this day in 1941 the great patriotic war began. all over the country, those who died defending their homeland are remembered. a requiem concert was held in varzhevo, where songs of the war years were played, in moscow, at the victory museum, in memory. a commemorative event, fiery pictures of war, took place in grozny. the composition of the candle depicts an oil pumping machine and a soviet aircraft. these are symbols of the chechens’ contribution to the victory in the great patriotic war. it was in chechnya that aviation fuel was produced, which was supplied to soviet army aircraft. on the day of memory and
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mourning, state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin , together with deputies, laid wine and flowers at the eternal flame on poklonnaya hill. in memory of those killed during the great patriotic war. earlier, the speaker of the house addressed the russians. he called the feat of his fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers sacred. in kazan, on the ninth day of the international brix games, 50 sets of medals were competed in seven disciplines. among them are rhythmic gymnastics, fencing, and chess. the so-called sidekick is a fight on belts, in which all 10 gold medals were won by russian athletes. rhythmic gymnasts from russia also confirmed their status as the best in the tournament. there are less than two weeks left before the early elections in great britain and , judging by polls, the ruling conservative party will suffer a crushing defeat and will become only the third political force in the country. and prime minister irisha sonoka has every chance of losing even his own. including for stopping
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the supply of weapons to ukraine. the broadcast will continue with a new film investigating arkady mamontov, main opponent. about the history of the creation and activities of perhaps the most powerful intelligence organization in the world, the us central intelligence agency. watch right after the short commercial. dedicated to our senior loved ones, convenient loans, excellent deposits in the branch and online, special conditions, especially relationships, thanks to purchases at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in the apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers on mega...
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what is it, guys, what's the matter, guys, what's the matter, almost 80 years ago, a secret war is going on on the streets of moscow, washington, st. petersburg, new york and other cities of the world. spies, counterintelligence officers, agents, are trying to get information and inflict as much as possible. to the enemy, the battlefield can be anything, a street, a bar, a restaurant, a hotel, an apartment - this is a secret war, it can be much worse than usual, the central intelligence department today in moscow lost its spy, he was caught on
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instant, that’s what the program is called information to your agent. the main enemy is not only the cia, for example, it is generally obvious the united states of america, and if we talk about the main enemy in the person of intelligence, there is the us intelligence community, which includes various units. after the second world war, the cia retained elements of the so-called
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strategic service operations, they were engaged in covert activities, the purpose of which was to overthrow the government and influence them. cia
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1945, the summer has not yet died down with the volleys of the great patriotic war, the second world war, and the special services of the united states of america had already begun to create conditions for carrying out subversive operations against the soviet union, for these purposes they recruited a contingent from among the total number of nationalists, representatives of various diasporas of the soviet union, well, most of all,
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of course, among them were ukrainian nationalists, banderaites, former nazis accomplices. in july 1945 , the first meetings of the organization of ukrainian nationalists, the leadership of this organization with representatives of the intelligence services took place great britain and the united states of america, and somewhere closer to the fall in... the future president of the united states of america, isinhower, also participated in these negotiations, as a result, an agreement was reached that the intelligence services of the united states of america, great britain, would provide support to the organization ukrainian nationalists in subversive activities against the soviet union, just imagine, this was the summer there, july-august 1945. allies, the united states of america, just recently this meeting took place on the elbe, as one
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from the symbols of the alliance of the soviet union and the united states of america in the fight against nazism against hitler's germany, and here the allies are already preparing such a stab in the back, and they are participating in these actions. in august 1945, the americans dropped two atomic bombs on japan and destroyed them.
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soviet intelligence reported to joseph stalin 4 years before this terrible tragedy and proposed a plan on how to get all the materials of american developments; already in the spring of 1942, soviet nuclear scientists began to create atomic bombs. in march 1946, former british prime minister winston churchill declared an anglo-saxon cold war on the soviet union at fulton college. from stetin on the baltic to trieste on the adriatic , an iron curtain fell on the continent, on the other
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side of the curtain were all the capitals of the ancient states of central and eastern europe. warsaw, berlin, prague, vienna, budapest, belgrade, bucharest, sofia. all these famous cities and populations ended up in their areas. pax americana system. the basis of this world in american style the dollar was to become,
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or more precisely 35 dollars, with which the united states proposed to replace one troy ounce of pure gold, the main means of payment for all trade transactions in the world. this happened in july 1944 at the british conference. the soviet union signed the agreements, but in december 1945 refused to ratify them, that is , it became the main obstacle to the global hegemony of the united states. from that moment on, a secret war against the ussr began. they perceived the threat from the soviet union. this is not just a political opponent, but a geopolitical rival and competitor. and this very worried the american leadership , so they sought to weaken
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the geopolitical competitor. history of the founding of the cia. very interesting, its creation actually did not go according to plan, the department was established as part of the national security act of 1947, according to which the national security council was also created, in order to obtain approval from the fbi the creation of the cia, president harry truman promised the director fbi john edgar guevre that the cia would be a division of the fbi. it was a lie, he deceived. he did this simply to silence hoover, and then when the cia was finally created, it was presented to hoover and congress as an organization that was created specifically to fight the soviet union and communism. in fact, the us was the last major country to establish an intelligence service. they previously had a
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wartime organization called the office of strategic services, but it specialized in combat. with nazism, the goal of the cia was to fight communism, after which the course of first destroying the soviet union, and then russia, never changed. in 1951, with the participation of the central intelligence agency , the so-called american committee was created. liberation of the peoples of russia, which after some time established, as you remember, radio free europe, one of the main mouthpieces of such evil anti-soviet propaganda. listen, listen, today a new
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liberation radio station begins its broadcasts by representatives of russian anti-communist groups. a coordination center for the anti-bolshevik struggle was created to liberate the homeland from the communist dictatorship. it was the americans and the british who coordinated the supply of ammunition to the bandera underground in western ukraine. the soviet government managed to stop the terror inspired by tsuruyomi 6 only in the mid-sixties. it was a long time, in general, somewhere until the year sixty-four, our total losses were quite large, this is 25,000 people of our troops, but there were more of them there were more opponents of these, those who were hiding in bunkers, significantly, they were, it was necessary to open these caches, what was there in these caches, nationalist
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literature, compiled from the west in particular, well-functioning communication systems. underneath these loud slogans were hidden the specific political goals of the united states: to bring this or that state under its control. another method was definitely used for this: recruiting traitors among the elite of the victim state. a striking example of an operation
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to demolish legitimate power was guatemala in 1954 this was one of the... first cia experiments in regime change. guatemala is a small central american state on the isthmus between north and south america with a population of 3.5 million in 1954 . today the population of this country exceeds 19 million people. in the middle of the last century, guatemala was an agricultural country and grew tropical fruits. banana plantations accounted for more than. in 1950 , jacoba arbit was elected president of guatemala by popular vote. during the years of his leadership of the country
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arbins systematically carried out reforms. his decision to nationalize banana plantations owned by the american united fruit company was a mistake. the us cia, and his brother john foster dalis, then us secretary of state, was one of the founders of this company. this decision of arbins played a decisive role in the fate of his country. in march 1953, soviet leader joseph stalin died. guatemala was the only central american country that... brought its condolences to the soviet people, a gesture of respect from
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this small country and the recognition of the merits of the soviet generalissimo did not go unnoticed in washington. guatamalo was considered pro-soviet. country, and this was one of the reasons why the operation was a success. the white house gave the go-ahead to tser. early in the morning of june 18, 1954 , a c-47 plane appeared in the skies over guatemala city. having made a circle, he dropped a thousand leaflets on the city calling on the country's president armens to resign. a few hours later, the same plane began dropping not leaflets, but molotov cocktails and grenades to sow panic among the city's population. a year before the invasion of
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guatemalan territory in november 53, the cro created the voice of liberation radio station. by the way, the americans will use this technique in all countries against which they carried out subversive activities. cia officers worked at this radio station instead of journalists.
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john foster dales, brother of alain dales, director of the cia, shakes hands with colonel castile armas, who is servilely bowing to the junta's lavalier. he has
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a wad of dollars in his breast pocket. cia chief allen dalis and ambassador us in guatemala john purifoy distributes money to armed mercenary commanders. and the indigenous people work like slaves loading united fruit company ships with bananas. at the feet of the ambassador. a bomb with the face and smile of us president dwight esenhower. behind him, the archbishop of the catholic church marian rossel i orlyana blesses the aggressors over the bodies of the murdered peasant workers, women and children. it was a glorious victory, as us secretary of state dalis said about the coup in guatemala. the painting itself was considered lost in the world, but it was found only in 2000 in the basement. pushkin museum in russia. mexican artist diego rivera brought this painting to the ussr. he was treated in moscow. he left the painting with
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us as a gift to the soviets. union, only after almost half a century the picture was released. the cia's first covert operation program - guatemala, is one of the most famous examples, but there are dozens of similar cases. look at the dominican republic, mexico, greece, turkey, italy, south korea, south vietnam, we're talking about countries all over the world, look what happened in places like...
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as soon as the september 11 terrorist attacks happened, they began to do whatever they wanted, whatever
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they wanted. latvia, lithuania, estonia, poland, ukraine, all were happy to host the police officers with the kidnapped person. yes, the cia sent prisoners to third countries to make their work easier, to keep their hands clean. the united states likes to say that it is a law-abiding country, a nation governed by the rule of law.
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