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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 23, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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registration of marriages in real estate transactions, but they became known earlier than kiev wanted. and the media specifically throws into this kind of narratives in order to test the response, to see how citizens react, and if citizens splash out a negative reaction about these events and, so to speak, new decisions in the media, then of course they are trying in some way replay the situation, and just at this moment those same talking heads appear, representatives of the authorities who say that no, no, a little... not so, everything will stand a little differently, but i repeat, they will in no way be able to tell the truth that in reality government services for men of advanced age will be prohibited if you do not transfer information about yourself to the tsk. well, those who still manage to avoid attention have little room for maneuver. for example, you can go to the boryspil museum, where, unlike other public places, military commissars do not visit too often, but even there, instead of cultural enrichment, they offer harsh...
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ideological pumping. during the second world war ii, very fierce battles were fought in boryspil, the city was captured in 1941, captured by soviet troops, only 2 years later in 1943 our city was liberated by the ukrainian resistance forces, saving it from occupation. you see how history is cyclical. to understand, on september 23, 1941 , boryspil was occupied by hitler’s troops. exactly 2 years later, on september 23, 1943 , he was liberated by the red army, and the so -called ukrainian resistance forces, that is, ukranazi policemen loyal to the third reich, of course, did not show up at all fight for freedom. these are the banderaites who walked through the forests, who caught pregnant women, ripped open their bellies, who drove people into huts and set these huts on fire, who were the most terrible punishers and the most monstrous cannibals, and now that’s all... the center of zaporozhye has returned,
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there is a military store, on the sign of which there is a nazi eagle, and the man who goes around filming this video is surprised that i ended up there in 1941, but it seems not, here is the grandson of that same grandfather, lesnoy, now continues his work. in summary, the cyclical nature of history mentioned by the boryspil tour guide is indeed indisputable, but in a strictly opposite sense, because 80- odd years later, the ukrainian land is again... the authors of ridiculous fakes, which we will definitely continue to expose in the stopfake program on the russia 24 tv channel.
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the thermal dome will turn huge territory of the planet into a double boiler. which regions will be affected by unbearable heat this summer? we'll talk about this in the next 20 minutes. what other topics will we touch on? this june will go down in history weather observations: endless showers, thunderstorms, hail, and then a powerful storm, how long will calm in the atmosphere remain? the americans backed down and decided not to expose nato airfields to russian attacks. where will the f-16s promised to the kiev regime ultimately be based? climate change at the summer olympics, what scares athletes most at the upcoming games in paris? you are watching the main weather program, i am vadim zabuchenkov, hello, migorevni have finally exhausted their strength, but in the final weather the cataclysm turned out to be epic;
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the center of the country was not only flooded, but also blown away by a stormy wind. we’ll talk about everyday life and the elements in our review, and then we’ll move on to forecasts. a ten-force storm hit the central region of european russia, moscow was covered by thunderclouds in a matter of minutes, thunder rumbled in the sky, lightning flashed, but the most trouble was caused by a squally wind, its gusts exceeded 20 m/second, the air flow pressure reached 50 kg per meter square, this is some kind of horror, what is happening, this is ah, cars ah... with such a wind, significant destruction occurs, the wind knocks down trees and uproots them, so it is not surprising that in moscow the disaster turned out to be so destructive; during the storm in the capital, two people died, 35 were injured , these are copper sheets, oh-oh, on the yenisei street, sheets of iron from
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a construction site flew into the window of a tram, injuring two passengers, bad weather added to the work of a car service center, a huge number of trees were knocked down in the city, over 1200, of which they fell on those parked on the streets cars, in total more than 600 cars were damaged, live reporting of the events, here is leningradsky prospekt, ta-tarata 1 2 3 4 5 six, seven cars, seven cars, just hoba, in the moscow city area, due to the wind tunnel effect, the wind increased to such speeds that it was difficult to stay on your feet. in the moscow region , a phenomenon completely atypical for the middle zone was also observed: tornadoes were recorded in the istra and lobninsky districts. eyewitnesses filmed the trunks of the vortices descending to the ground. we will live like in kansas. those who were unlucky who were caught in nature by the violence of the elements. footage
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from ramenskoye people tried to quickly leave the pine forest when the weather suddenly deteriorated, but it was not so easy to do, their path was constantly blocked by trees blown down by the wind, they had to get out of the car to remove them from the road, look how windy it was, it all the trees, in this video the culmination of a ten-force storm, large-scale logging after a thunderstorm in the area of ​​cuba near moscow, at the end of the working week the mega-showers subsided,
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century, on thursday for the entire period observations, and the previous extreme values ​​were immediately exceeded almost three times. tropical showers are not just a stylistic turn. this month i have said more than once that extreme rains are associated with the invasion of air from africa onto the russian plain. that's what happened this time. the southeast of the region was at the epicenter of overheating and again there were heat records here. in some areas of the astrakhan region, thermometers for the first time this season even rose above + 100. but let’s return to the floods. now moscow has stopped one step away from
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the most important thing until june's rainy record. only once in a century and a half of the capital's meteorological history has more precipitation been recorded at the beginning of summer; with a high degree of probability, by the end of the month the 1909 milestone will be overcome, and if you believe the statistics, it usually comes after a super-wet june. a warmer, drier july than usual, but what the calculations of our models say on this topic, i will tell you in the next program, but for now we will witness a reversal of the weather trend, in the coming days, a whirlwind that has created record floods in russian the plain will circle over the urals, the crest of the azores anticyclone will stretch from europe to the western borders of russia and along the periphery of this focus to the center of the country. north atlantic cyclones will begin to break through, the main difference in their area is cooler
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air, and they usually bring little precipitation, so central russia will say goodbye to a warm anomaly, for example, in moscow, until monday, significant precipitation is unlikely, and daytime temperatures will not exceed + 22-24, and from tuesday it will rain in the capital again, fortunately not much, but... the thermometer columns will drop below the climate norm in the afternoon +19:21. on other topics, national security adviser to the us president jake salevan said that f-16 fighters will be deployed on the territory of ukraine, but where, given the destroyed infrastructure, does the kiev regime plan to receive these... let’s ask yevgeny teshkovets. evgeny, there was talk that the f-16s
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would be based in eastern europe. the americans changed their minds. vadim, indeed, earlier many western media, citing sources in the pentagon, did not rule out placement of transferred f-16s outside ukraine, primarily in poland or romania. but, apparently, the states have decided not to expose their allies to russian attacks for now. about the future location of f16 this week. biden's national security adviser jake sullivan said. in an interview with pbs, the american yazdrib , who professes the strategy of war to the last ukrainian, clarified that the aircraft transferred to the kiev regime should be stationed in ukraine. military experts believe that the united states still took the signal from the kremlin seriously that any airfields where f-16s will be based, including outside ukraine, will become legitimate targets for the russian armed forces. when. the involvement of airfields on the territory of nato countries directly in combat operations, and
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the russian armed forces will strike at them . most likely, having received a similar signal from our military-political leadership, the americans decided to replay this story a little. the same american tv channel suggested that a possible future location fighters will become a military airfield in lviv. the fact is that the united states previously developed a reconstruction project. railway from the polish-ukrainian border to the sknilov station, it is located just near the airfield, and it is planned to replace the wide soviet gauge with a narrow european one, so that trains with nato equipment do not have to be re-shoeed with other wheelsets. reconstruction of the airfield itself is not excluded, but how will the attempts of the kiev regime to create an aircraft infrastructure end? we have already seen. in the spring, information appeared about the preparation of three reserves. for f-16 in lviv, khmelnitsky and ivano-frankivsk regions. there were even specifics: supposedly
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the main air base would be located in the city of kolomyia, not far from the border with romania. and all these objects were immediately struck . the missiles landed at an airbase near the city of stryi. the above-mentioned kolomyia airfield in the ivano-frankivsk region, as well as the starokonstantinov airbase in the khmelnitsky region, came under a similar attack. taking into account the last statement. russian vks and in ukraine. apparently, according to the plan of the united states, in the future it will be necessary to systematically remove the airfields of this conflict in square, no stone should be left unturned. and then on friday. the dutch minister of defense confirmed that ukraine will be able to receive the fighters promised to it this summer, and also approved strikes on russian territory. our army is ready for such a scenario. i know one thing: our pilots, our pilots have been preparing for this for a long time, and they don’t have an arrogant mood, they take this very seriously and very responsibly. i really hope,
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that our guys with enormous combat experience and motivation will overwhelm these. thundering falcons. russian president vladimir putin has repeatedly emphasized that the supply of new weapons to ukraine, including f-16s, will not change the situation at the front, but will lead to a prolongation of the conflict and its escalation, and american fighters will burn in the same way as american abrams and german leopards. the olympics in paris may be the last in history, the reason is extreme. heat, which will make it impossible to hold competitions in the summer months, there is a high risk that athletes will simply die, unable to withstand the terrible heat. will an abnormal heat wave cover france during the upcoming games, let's ask tatyana belova, tanya, will the athletes compete in a semi-drafted state? vadim, this cannot
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be ruled out; the intense heat in july-august in paris can really undermine the health of olympic participants. the western press is now making loud headlines. deadly heat threatens the lives of athletes at the paris olympics. extreme heat can cause athletes to repeatedly fall into frills during competitions, in the worst case they will die from the extreme stress on the body. the authors refer in their articles to the latest climate report called fireball. heat risks at the paris 2024 olympic games. the report claims that the tokyo games marked the beginning of a worrying period. trends: summer olympics are being held in increasingly hotter conditions. gnobat is beaten primarily by athletes who participate in outdoor competitions. for them, the risks are the highest, from sunburn and heat cramps to heat exhaustion or even cardiac collapse. for athletes, the consequences can range from minor performance problems caused, for
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example, by sleep disturbances or last -minute changes to competition schedules, to serious health deterioration and stress. heat-related injuries. as global temperatures continue to rise, climate change must be seen as an existential threat to sport. the last summer games in tokyo were recognized as the hottest in the history of the olympics. the situation made worse by incredibly high humidity. at the finish line, the athletes vomited and lost consciousness. they were taken away from the hot sports arenas in wheelchairs. russian tennis player daniil medvedev fell ill three times during the match. japanese doctors will do the math. that in total, due to the heat at the olympics , 131 athletes sought medical help, a large loss of fluid, we are losing not just h2o, but fluid, we are also losing a huge amount of microelements, vitamins, potassium, magnesium, sodium, which contraction is involved, including the heart muscle, that is, this is where there is a certain danger, the authors of the above-mentioned report
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are confident that the paris games have every chance of surpassing the takiya anti-record, 1924 annual... the temperature in paris increased by 1. 8°. since 1947, the french capital has been hit by 50 heat waves. in the era of global warming, their frequency and intensity have increased. but the heat isn't the only concern ahead of the olympics. another headache organizers - the village, where triathlon competitions are to take place, as well as the opening ceremony of the games. for more than a century now, swimming in the main waterway has been prohibited. the river is rightfully considered the dirtiest in europe. even at the stage of preparation for the olympics, experts trumpeted the unacceptable excess of the concentration of fecal bacteria and e. coli in the river waters. the french authorities assured that they would clear the hay by the start of the games. president macron has repeatedly promised to swim in the river. huge amounts of money were allocated for the river cleanup, but
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the quality of water in xina still raises many questions. scientists believe global warming will destroy us. summer olympics. in 70 years, only eight cities in the northern hemisphere will be able to host games in the summer, two of which are in russia. st. petersburg and krasnoyarsk. abnormal heat threatens not only paris. meteorologists published an alarming forecast. this year , the thermal dome will cover vast areas of our planet, where more than a quarter of a billion people live in total. people are already suffering from unprecedented heat in mexico northeast america. what is a thermal dome? and will temperature anomy affect russian regions? we'll tell you in our material. they fall dead right from the trees, all because of the extreme heat that has established itself in the state of tabasco.
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this cub is in critical condition, he was left alone without a mother. due to abnormal fat, hundred-book monkeys died in mexico. zoologists have discovered at least 83 dead howler monkey carcasses in the state of tabasco. on the coast of the gulf of mexico the air heated up to 45°. those who you are... found themselves in severe condition with dehydration and fever from sunstroke. the mortality rate of these animals is high because something is happening to the climate in the region; there are no more favorable environmental conditions. in other words, one of the links in the ecosystem disappears. the heat dome also covered the united states, with extremely high temperatures stalled from the midwest to the east coast. it’s unbearable to be in megacities; concrete and asphalt make the air even hotter, governor of new york state. attracted national guard to provide assistance in emergency situations. we've experienced snowstorms, floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes, but this extreme
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heat wave could cause many more deaths. the national weather service reports that this wave is the longest in decades, with air warming above 40°. the reason is the thermal dome. it is formed in an area of ​​high pressure, which hovers over a certain area for a long time and retains heat in it. the resulting effect can be compared to a double boiler, oven or pan, which is covered with a lid. in our case, the role of such a lid is played by an anticyclone. hot air masses seem to be sealed under the influence of a high pressure area. a heat wave has killed at least 52 people in northern india. most of the dead were destitute and poor people forced to work in the open air. in total, from the beginning of march to mid-june , at least 110 deaths from fat were recorded in the country, more than 40,000 people were hospitalized with heatstroke. extreme weather events will intensify in russia, this summer is a prime example of this. at the beginning of june in the center of the country,
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the temperature corresponded to mid-summer levels. then the heat was replaced by mega-showers, thunderstorms, tornadoes, hail, and squally winds. such hysterical weather is a consequence of climate change, experts explain. meteorologists estimate that june 2024 could be one of the hottest. in the history of the planet, now our traditional column is space weather forecast, which we compile together with our colleagues from iran space research institute, the sun has gone down and the week has been surprisingly calm in terms of geomagnetic activity. there have been no storms or even mild disturbances in recent days. although formally solar flares were observed, and in considerable numbers, they were all weak and did not affect the earth in any way. generally speaking,
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such a positive course of events was a little unexpected, since the forecast for the week was noticeably more intense, the sun was present all week and is still present, by the way, two very large active centers, the risks were at a fairly high level all week, but in the end they did not... it must be said that the risks in general have not yet been eliminated, the active centers are still on the visible side of the sun, so if a large emission suddenly occurs, then at the beginning of the coming week it will could potentially catch the earth, but in general we are entering a new seven-day period with a rather calm sun, but let’s not forget that now our star is at the maximum of the cycle, and... this means that active centers can arise literally from scratch, practically per day. however however,
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the sun does not yet provide any direct grounds for serious concerns. that's all, enjoy the weather, whatever it is, goodbye. we have 1,500 branches, over 7 million customers and financial solutions to suit everyone. rosselkhozbank is bigger than you think. still, my obediences, they are over, and not all these, forgive me, lord, you have all the hope, you are completely wild guys, this is your obedience, you yourself will be saved, just save others, former disobedients, it doesn’t happen, why from me? philip, miracle, akhalay, mahalai, the demonstrator would know how to put this together in 5 seconds, we’ll figure it out without our demo,
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pray. be black, it’s also a sin to abandon the lads, it’s time to pay, i’ll pour water from here, if i’m alone , i’ll burn quickly, if there’s a chance with you, hold on, he did something bad, there’s someone else who’ll do it to whom, disobedients, you’ve got the evening.
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in our country, if it’s a sport, then with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a folk one, we love traditions.
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we honor our history, value family and strong relationships, and admire how the country is blossoming. there are even more achievements ahead of us. fall in love with the country more by exhibition russia. we watch to know everything about russia. the best historical series, watch, watch in the app or on the website.
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on the day of remembrance and mourning, modern ukrainian nazis shelled donetsk and... cleverly in the dpr. three civilians were killed and four were injured. the kiev regime attacked civilians with missiles from american hymers missiles with cluster warheads. most intercepted air defense systems, but the destructive elements damaged houses and cars. the su also carried out a massive attack on the belgorod region. a civilian died another was injured. from the scene of the shelling , alexander korobov. today.


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