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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 23, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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he brought the co-regime nii of the ministry of defense with him to an intelligence meeting, they promised to put him on a permanent feeding trough, which is rare, but natasha libernight’s chocolate cost dearly to alexander, who awaits his fate in lifortov. when you need to quickly transfer something from hand to hand, this is called instantaneous. as if by accident, two people collided and that’s it. one quickly passed on to the other, for example, a microfilm about the missile weapons of the ussr. such operations. always carefully
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prepares, the crusaders choose the scene of action in such a way that it is legendary both for the american, who for some reason needs to visit this particular place for some legal business, and for the agent who is also here, as if on his own business. in soviet films about spies, such operations are shown more or less believably. here, for example, is an excerpt from the feature film “resident mistake.” great car. work like a regular receiver, the voice of america easily picks up when the first transmission is scheduled, every second wednesday, from 22 to 23 moscow, and these are still frames in one famous television series, tas is authorized to declare: rancor is a bad trait, john, especially in our profession, a scout is obliged to reverently love his opponent. only then
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will he be able to strangle him, but often such operations for the cia end in failure, especially today, when the whole of moscow is almost completely covered with video surveillance cameras, they monitor literally every meter of streets, pavements, courtyards and entrances. in terms of counter-development, methods of work, they are the same, this is recruitment, agent.
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namely, worked out a long, long, long time ago, new you can't think of anything new in technology, that's for sure, technical support in intelligence and counterintelligence, it is constantly being improved, we are located in the large ninth lane, next to the new building of the american embassy,
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​​i saw this period when the american embassy was being built, every brick is there , which came from america, it was packed in a cellophane bag, it was sent directly from america, yes, well, from america for... made non-existent channels that were not intended for this or convinced them there that they were needed channels, and these were the so-called retractable microphones, because when the building was built, apparently the information was leaked that they were listening, because it
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cannot be kept, there were a lot of agents, including intelligence, as it turned out later, the so-called ...technicians and they are in those rooms that must be protected, screened, this is a special room for negotiations so that counterintelligence and the kgb do not listen to this, these are special windows, and this is made with special foil, so they were hammering, of course they were hammering the walls, well , naturally, we knew who was coming, but these were techies coming, which means they were so-called search engines. in professional language, it means that the team immediately, and the microphones on these channels were removed, they continued, there was nothing, they plastered over again, they did everything, we came out again, we listen again, 1991 came
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, a superpower, the soviet union collapsed, a new government represented boris yeltsin hastened to appoint a new democrat as head of the kgb.
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helpers, good people who are from patriotic motives, well, someone , of course, helps intelligence, counterintelligence, and solves their problems of ensuring state security for money. i simply came to destroy this organization, to destroy it as i understood it, but to destroy it while still preserving some special services, which in general should be, well, an unacceptable, not obligatory attribute of any state. vadim bakatin has already passed away. and we are unlikely to know the reasons for his action, but we can assume that we played a role in the act of such a rash decision we can, step aside, the long-standing, well
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-proven effective cia methodology worked, which was developed back in the fifties of the last century, and bore fruit precisely in the dashing nineties, the “troy” program, it was invented by intellectuals from american universities, philosophers, political scientists , mathematicians and historians. why was it called "troy"? not only fail to remind our viewer what it is and whose image it is? the ancient greek legendary poet homer wrote the poem of odysseus. it contains one significant episode: after the greeks removed siege of the city of troy. they left a surprise for the seemingly victorious trojans, a huge wooden horse on wheels, inside which a greek detachment led by odysseus was located. the trojans, considering the gift a sign from above, brought a giant horse into the city and placed this trophy in the central square.
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at night, when the victors were tired of the feast, odyssia and his warriors slipped out of the horse’s belly, opened the gates and let them into the city. greek army, the fate of troy was decided, since then the trojan horse is an image symbol of insidious plans, where under the mask friendship. troy. here are excerpts from the secret memorandum
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of this program. troy's report reflects a very high level of technical competence, political sophistication and common sense. it is necessary to use various means of communication to penetrate the iron curtain, in addition to radio balloons and other existing methods, direct mail is quite suitable. an exhibition of us industrial products opened in sokolniki park in moscow. by agreement of the governments of the ussr and north america, the same exhibition opened in new york, where soviet achievements were demonstrated. we brought to the americans models of satellites, nuclear power plants, space rockets, synchrophastrons, various machine tools, and so on. but the united states acted more cunningly. they brought us color televisions,
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dishwashers, electric juicers, american cars. it was a blow. the central committee of the cpsu did not see the catch in this cultural exchange and supported the idea, but many soviet leaders, like the majority of soviet citizens, had not been to america and could not imagine how life was this country. they believed that it was only good there. voice of america programs should, to the extent possible, address topics that truly impact listeners emotionally. our main targets should be the intelligentsia, skilled workers, officials, personnel of mechanized brigades of the armed forces, and residents of rural areas. invented and developed 70 years ago. the program is working against us now, essentially nothing has changed, the formulation of the task is the same:
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ruin the country, robot vacuum cleaner, smooth the metal of an american ford painted with miracle paint, which i wanted to stroke and caress like a woman, and the miracle of photography. i was demonstrating a polaroid camera. photographing people and many stood in line for 7 hours just to get a close-up portrait. they wanted to buy a souvenir that they could take away and show later to their friends and relatives. some wanted their children's photos taken so badly that they simply set up a scene for them and left them there. the process of filming with a paroid camera was for them something completely new. some of those present were technically savvy and thought so. the device was very well developed, precisely from a technical point of view, others, on the contrary, were completely
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unfamiliar with this process, and even considered it almost a miracle. our main call is a promise to end the repressive, intrusive totalitarian aspect of the soviet regime. there are two closely related topics that meet these requirements. the first emphasizes that the soviet regime is impersonal, harsh, and capricious. practically no respects the human dignity or fundamental rights to justice of a hardworking, decent, long-suffering people. the second emphasizes that the soviet people made great sacrifices and endured extreme hardship and suffering to create a great and powerful agricultural industry in the soviet union, but they were denied a fair reward for their work. at the exhibition, soviet citizens drank more. everyone started coming over as soon as
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they heard the announcement, it was just incredible, i really don't know why it caused such a stir, maybe because it was something american, some women. they said with annoyance that it reminded them of gasoline, and the men wanted to know whether this drink would make them drunk or not, for your health, they planned carefully.
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people always want to hear what they are not allowed to talk about or are kept silent, the forbidden fruit is sweet. this is what an ordinary weekday evening for a soviet family might look like, somewhere in novosibirsk, kiev, leningrad or moscow. wife in the kitchen, son doing homework, father in large room, living room or bedroom.
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data from the ussr central statistical office on the results of industrial work in february 1900, 1976, indicates that the working class of the country worthily celebrated the twenty-fifth party congress. the industry in february of this year increased its total production volume by 5.1% compared to the same period last year. thanks to increased labor productivity , 4/5 of the increase in industrial output was achieved; hundreds of millions of products were produced above the plan rubles in february,
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the breast, his receiver has a chest, he spins it at night, catches contra free, he was a merchant there for clothes, his mind has improved, he came to us not at all creepy, with an upset stomach, well, with a number on his leg, he came running extremely excited and with the message we were dressed up, as if our scientific liner
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was mired in triangles, disappeared, having spent fuel, all fell into pieces, but two... our crazy brothers were picked up by fishermen. the cia uses what they call their media resource within the media, so they injecting disinformation into the united states media around the world. there are wholly owned companies and media assets. which the cia uses to make money, just imagine, so the cia actively uses espionage just like other intelligence agencies.
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it’s all about money, about the role of the media, which only portray russia as bad, putin as bad. why? because the us military-industrial complex and media structures benefit from this, and from bad relations with china too. others in other words, the military-industrial complex thinks what it needs to do to sell a lot of weapons, make big profits and put them in its pocket. senators also need to be kept around, they are invested in this, because...
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we were shown these huge premises for servers, through which the traffic flowed, and it was interesting for them, which means that the whole thing
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was built in a former prison building, when the americans in march of ninety-nine they bombed yugoslavia, they also tore out almost all telecommunications structure of yugoslavia, that is, there was no connection, that’s why, because
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this is an act of vandalism on the part of the soviet government in relation to religion and the monastery, and it will be known to the whole world, western radio stations will talk about it, and khrushchev retreated, he did not want to look like in the eyes of the west and such a communist barbarian. this is the troy effect. today our russian youth are under the influence of this program. well, let’s say, in the twenty-second year, the prosecutor’s office recorded 17 crimes by minors, here they are, adults now, sitting on
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social networks from morning to night, and receiving negative information, as the americans say, these are worried people, worried about life here in russia, untrained people, we need to pay attention to them... this is the recruitment of agents of influence among the managerial elite russia. we will show you two people. one became a traitor, and the other remained loyal to his country.
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what did you want from me, a miracle, halay, mahalay, the demonstrator would know how to put this together in 5 seconds, we’ll figure it out without our demo, pray, black, throw the gang it’s also a sin, it’s time to pay, i’ll be in pain from here, if i go alone, i’ll quickly burn out, if there’s a chance with you, take it! more!
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on the day of remembrance and mourning, modern ukrainian nazis shelled donetsk and... cleverly in the dpr. three civilians were killed and four were injured. the kiev regime attacked civilians with missiles from american hymers missiles with cluster warheads. most intercepted air defense systems, but the destructive elements damaged houses and cars. su also launched a massive attack on the belgorod region. a civilian died another was injured. from the scene of the shelling , alexander korobov. today.


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