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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 23, 2024 8:00am-8:30am MSK

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this night, ukrainian nationalists again tried to strike a number of russian regions with drones. one of the most massive attacks was on the bryansk region. since the beginning of the day, our air defenses have destroyed 23 enemy drones. the head of the region, alexander bahamas, said that there were no casualties or damage. several uavs were shot down, also in the smolensk region. and now about the actions of our military on the front line.
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damaged combat vehicles are transported here to the repair battalion of the central military district. t-72b was damaged by the enemy at in the direction of vdeevsky, was evacuated by our repair and evacuation group, dismantling the turret, fuel tank, welding the fuel tank, ours, of course, are better, they are more mobile and their combat power is much better and more effective. news: lugansk and donetsk
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people's republics, line of military contact. and in kiev they announced a certain quote that would decide the entire battle with russia. they stated that american and french instructors have already been deployed to ukraine for this purpose. but next time. anti-war songs, flowers, children and even cats as a symbol calm, this is a peaceful rally in kaiserslautern, germany, against the ringing militarism of the west. hundreds of people are walking along the streets, literally calling on posters, a world without nato, i am not at war with russia, living under the supervision of the united states, the people of germany are tired.
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knows about everything, just answering from the shoulder is not his strong point, the country is covered by nazism, endless trials for cases and fraud. ukraine is asking for weapons, the coalition is tearing the blanket, but it all looks extremely comical. the scandalous trip of the german minister of economics to china caused a stir. by your refusal meet with habok, the chinese authorities wiped berlin’s nose, the newspapers write. a video has gone viral on german social networks; it clearly shows the fall of germany under such and such politicians. she has been very successful in turning german industry 4.0 into 0.4. sister trampoline, you better jump on the trampoline again. while she was doing trampolining , she injured her brain. and it seems that all that germany can do now is just for show, talking about some kind of power of the bundesphere and some kind of nato unity. to these large-scale alliance exercises in alaska, germany pompously sent over thirty fighters and helicopters, and old ones at that. german
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tornadoes had difficulty making it to the training, the media write, to transport them across the atlantic, german fighters were forced to refuel in the air 11 times, and many aircraft broke down completely along the way, so... it’s better to give tatel to berlin to kiev, it will work there, the germans joke on the internet , but the ukrainians are completely unlucky, another attack from the portuguese national team, a sticker with a crossed out flag of ukraine was noticed on the players’ bus, cries of anger on social networks, to lisbon ukrainians are threatening not to go; they, who dreamed of europe, having fled the european union, suddenly saw the light. all these stories from ukrainians that we are about to defeat russia, we will return the borders there to the turn of the ninety-first year, this is complete, because...
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potential conscripts are fleeing the country through unequipped sections of the border, while most of these fugitives are still detained. excitation in the middle east, several dozen palestinians were injured as a result of an israeli army raid on a
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refugee camp in a village in the western bank of the jordan river. this is reported by the vafa agency. footage appears on social networks showing a military jeep with wounded people tied to the hood, he claims. that this was a civilian whom the tsakhal suspected of involvement in the militants. according to media reports, at least 40 more people were killed in the north of the gaza strip as a result of an israeli airstrike on hamas targets. in turn, tel aviv announced the death of a serviceman during hostilities. the times of israel previously reported that the number of military personnel killed the israel defense forces have grown to 35 people since the start of the operation in gaza. and here are night shots from tel aviv, where the largest protest against the policies of prime minister netanyahu took place since the start of the escalation of the conflict. about 150 people took part in the action; they demand an agreement with hamasa on the release of all hostages.
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the us military has destroyed three houthi drones over the red sea in the past 24 hours. the central team reported this. journalists caught the leaders of the youth wing of the banned federal republic of germany, ultra-right party rodina. young people, including teenagers, celebrated the so-called solstice holiday, exactly as the notorious hitler jugent did: torches, room burnings, nazi symbols.
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the authorities routinely stated that they could not influence this, because german laws allow such events if no more than 200 people participate in them and they take place on private property.
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does not accept discrimination either on ethnic or political grounds; in general, the support of our country is felt our athletes. they talked on the sidelines about high-tech sports. drone racing, one of the most exciting disciplines of gaming of the future, proved itself at the first- ever competition in february. today russia proposes not only to create an international racing federation, but also to hold a series of competitions on the territory of the brix countries. digital football is when the score in a computer simulator is transferred. on the real site has become an absolute hit at the games of the future, it is not surprising that at
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the brix games, this game enjoys incredible popular with spectators, the final match between the national teams of russia and kazakhstan attracts full stands of the kazan basketball. it became clear that it simply wouldn’t happen even after watching the console: computer football, the russians win 6:5, in real life kazakhstan equalizes the score right away. the russian team itself punishes the opponent for mistakes in defense. result 7:9 victory of the hosts in the match for bronze: venezuela is stronger than brazil. i am sure that this format has a great future, it is a very interesting format, i think it will be very cool for the audience. thanks to the fans for the stands were full today, the atmosphere was great. the inimitable gymnast lala kromarenko put a spectacular highlight in the sports program of the brix games. phenomenal exercises with the ribbon made her a two-time champion of the games, and the stands of the gymnastics palace were happy.
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the competition itself was as bright, emotional and inspiring as kromarenko’s exercise with a ribbon, which she did despite doctors’ recommendations to take care of her knees. stas ridikultsev, stanislav petrov, anton senchenko and karen melikyan, news from kazan. in rostov region established the production of traction electric motors. such motors are installed on ivolga trains. previously, they were made only in latvia, but domestic development is not inferior to imported ones. ekaterina kharundzhia will tell you all the details. the new asynchronous traction electric motor is a unique russian development, such motors are installed on rolling stock and volga series 3 and 4; previously they were produced only in latvia, but now here on the don. the novocherkassk company was the first in the country to begin manufacturing the heart of an electric train. and the domestic analogue, experts say, is no worse than the imported one. all thanks to the professionals who work here every day. my specific job is... it is correct, without any defects and sent for testing, everything is identical, only the only thing is that
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everything is much smaller there, it is small, the rest of us are all big. this company was created at the cherkassy machine-building plant, they produce more than twenty types of traction engines, they approach the work responsibly, before the motor is transferred to use, it undergoes a serious test, specifically here the bearings are checked for quality and the vibration level of the motors is monitored to confirm the functionality of the finished product. in the bearings of the engine, there are defects, wear of the separator and separator, wear of the inner ring, wear of the outer ring, there are lubrication defects, there are vibration defects, based on this, the masters decide whether the engine can be allowed to operate, the motors will be sent from novocherkassk to the tver carriage works, where the orioles themselves make them. this year on don plans to produce more than 500 unique engines. the electrical engineering company does not stand still; they continue to expand their own production. industries in russia, all construction and installation work must be completed ; now the enterprise is undergoing a lot of work
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to reconstruct the new building. this year of work, in parallel with this, new equipment was purchased, we are undergoing a deep modernization of the enterprise together with the industrial development fund. the full launch of the new production is planned next year. ekaterina kharundzhia, igor zalunin, don, novocherkask. well, now footage from telegram channels shows heavy rainfall in the city of lyon in france. a flood has begun in the city, footage appears that the street has literally been transformed. even the stadium where the music concert was supposed to be held was damaged by the flood. bad weather in russia too, a cyclone with tropical rainstorms reached the urals ; a powerful storm hit yekaterinburg, the street was flooded, and trams stopped in one of the districts due to the fact that the tracks were in water. the motorist was practically swam across flooded areas, water rushed into residential
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buildings in the kurgan region. in addition to the thunderstorm showers, there was also hail, the consequences of bad weather. as reported at the airport, despite the flooding, the air terminal is not working normally, now the project is the world in the palm of your hand, history day by day, what led to the rise of nazism in germany, why such ideas became popular in europe and america, look about it right now. on june 22, 1941, the great patriotic war began. victory in it came to
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our country at a terrible price. today washington and london are trying to belittle the feat soviet. people and show that russia was weak and technically backward, saying that this is why the wehrmacht troops were able to come so close to moscow in 1941, and if not for the help of the allies, the soviet union would not have been able to win at all. the second front did not open until the last moment, when it was already clear. that the soviet union would defeat germany, a second front had already been opened, and most likely it was opened only to show that the allied troops were also in germany, so for them it wouldn’t have been entirely great either, if our soviet troops had reached the border with france,
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or even more so had reached paris, it wouldn’t bother anyone...
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to show that at the expense of american and hollywood films, to show that a huge there was a contribution from the usa and great britain in the victory over germany, but these are films, this is not true, they are a little different, yes, events did happen, but they were exaggerated in this way, precisely using and reshaping the information space to suit their format, according to essentially the results have been rewritten war. today, if you ask in europe who won the great patriotic war, all young people will say that the americans won, that london, that is, the allied forces. when we talk about the activities of the wehrmacht, we need to remember that it would have advanced even faster
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if not for the soviet-finnish war. the soviet-finnish war allowed us to seriously move our state borders away from leningrad. under the terms of the moscow peace treaty, the karelian isthmus went to the ussr, a sample of sorted, a number of islands in the finnish bay, part of the finnish territory with the city of kuoravi, part of the rybachy and sredny peninsulas. lake ladazhi completely entered the borders of the ussr, and the petsamo region, occupied by soviet troops during the war, was returned to finland to supply germany with nickel. in addition, the ussr received a part on lease. khanka islands for a period of 30 years, for the establishment of a naval base there. moreover, it was during the soviet-finnish war that our troops were really able for the first time in such difficult... harsh conditions to generally feel and understand what war was like in cold climate, this led to changes in clothing, this led to changes in the field
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of weapons, this led to changes in the field of preparing tanks for cold conditions, you see, that is , the victory in the soviet-finnish war gave us a lot of technical changes. on august 23 , a non-attack agreement was concluded between germany and the soviet union. according to the secret additional protocol to the treaty, finland was included in the sphere of interests of the ussr. the treaty with germany, and the non-aggression treaty with germany, was concluded on 10 years. we understood that this agreement was unreliable, we understood that we had little time, we tried to do everything possible in order to prepare our country, we were indeed outplayed a little in time, to some extent the unsuccessful start was due to . the fact that the system of distrust in international relations between countries that had already participated in hostilities was so strong that even
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churchel’s letter to stalin that germany was transferring its troops to poland and romania aroused distrust on the part of stalin, in to some extent, this was considered a fact of attempts to involve. ramsay, who only from may to june 21, sent about 10 cipher telegrams, where there was a message that there would be a war on the twenty-second, but the zorgs did not believe, just as they did not believe other intelligence officers, because stalin believed that that hitler... will follow first of all his hegemony in europe, until he conquers everything, he will not move towards russia.
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hitler quickly conquered all of europe, and there is a kind of history of such blitzkriegs as denmark, 6 hours, the longest war is norway - it is 2 months. well, for example, i have doubts that this was not a conspiracy, that this was a fictitious war, especially since all these countries, subsequently the entire industry, it was not destroyed, it worked for the hitler machine, which means there was some kind of collusion, including between london, the americans and the european leaders, respectively. the assumption you just heard, of course, requires documentary evidence.
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there were some nuances, for example, that the price dropped for lamb, our intelligence officer reported that
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this was due to the fact that they began to slaughter cattle in order to prepare warm clothes for war, taking into account this technological cycle, the production of warm clothes, shoes and so on, stalin thought that no, that means... of course, a gigantic moment for our history is the powerful resistance of the soviet
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troops, the most powerful, soviet airfields. we were not defeated, as they usually say; indeed, we resisted as best we could. meetings of the leaders of the three great powers of the anti-hitler coalition, the usa, the soviet union and england at the yalka conference, which took place from february 4 to 11, 1945, became, as it were, a concentrated expression of the will of the people to bring the war to a victorious end and destroy fascism. at the conference , historical decisions were made that ensured the unity of the three powers in... in the fight against fascism, plans for the final defeat of fascist germany were agreed upon and questions were discussed about the treatment of germany after its defeat, about the creation of the international un security organization, about yugoslavia, about poland, and the far east. to do this , first of all, it was necessary to draw new state borders on the territory recently occupied by the third reich. at the same time, it was necessary to establish not
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official, but universally recognized everything. parties demarcation lines between the spheres of influence of the allies, a matter that was started at the tehran conference. secondly, the allies realized that after the disappearance of the common enemy, the forced unification of the west and the ussr would lose any meaning. the adamant goal of the yalta conference participants was the destruction of the german militarism of nazism, the elimination of taking control of all german industry that could exist. used for war production, the removal of all nazi and militaristic influence from public institutions from the cultural and economic life of the german people. 100 years have passed and the world has experienced so much blood, pain, horror of what happened, in our country alone 27 million people died, and for us, of course, nazism is an impossible story, russia is a multinational country, it
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country... confessional ones are really very valuable to us, and we understand that any games of nationalism are very dangerous. not in europe. in europe, unfortunately, today conditions have again arisen that are, among other things, a consequence of the extremely difficult migration situation in europe, in which the ideas of nazism are again appearing and raising their head again. you and i remember, just recently on january 7, the most difficult event in italy, when in italy it reared its head. modern neo-fascist movement, recently in france neo-fascist movements have not is dying down, and a new neo-fascist movement in germany periodically manifests itself, these are actually very difficult indicators that indicate a serious economic crisis, the most important thing is that industrialists do not want to play on these sentiments, because this has already been ours in the history of our world, our human civilization, it has already
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ended very badly. unfortunately, the world has not learned, there is something old german saying, from the times after the war, where it was said that somehow fascism will return, it will not say, hello, i am fascism, he will say, hello, i am anti-fascism, so they are convinced there that they are far from fascism, but if you look at all these methods with which they are now acting, against everyone who has different opinions, and not only about ukraine, now about all topics, starting from climate change, even this cannot be discussed. so all these methods remind me very much of germany, in the thirties you can now think about how they started turning off all the opposition media in the thirties, we can think about how 35 introduced russian laws, because if we look at the baltic states with these non-citizens, then this is not much different from the law of the thirty-fifth year of hitler’s reich, so even though they are there it’s not...
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attributes of the power of nazi germany, this is a swastika, which was present at all the nazis used the cross, and striking lightning. in germany, fascism emerged with pronounced features of racism and anti-semitism, which was called “national socialism.” nazism became characteristic features. ism and racial hygiene, totalitarianism and leaderism, the eradication of all types of equality and democracy, as well as the desire for the militarization of society and military expansion. well, we see, for example, all this so-called russophobia, and where there were already cases in germany where they started breaking the windows of a russian store there.


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