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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 23, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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continues to move, no stopping, this especially applies to the officers, you must constantly urge the personnel, because fear, uncertainty and the unknown are more frightening than the danger itself, it’s clear that when you get involved, when you go into battle, it’s no longer scary, it’s already there reflexes, the beginning of the armed conflict in the dpr , many mines were empty, the miners went to the front, after dangerous work underground they could not be intimidated.
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as i said, i was a signalman, but in the twenty- first year i quit, in the twenty-second year, since it started with that, i immediately went yes from the first days the military registration and enlistment office voluntarily went, without waiting for a summons, i was tired of waiting to look at all this, we also had to help, help out everything, and a little i had to change gears to another rifle unit, well, everything worked out too, we entered the wok, it’s very important to pile more, because the situation may be different, the enemy may not understand what happened the first time. the wound will be a shock and he will have time to react at all, so after the grenade we pour as much as possible and go deeper. in a rifle regiment, military personnel of different professions and nationalities, fighters from regions of russia from north to south. private orda served in the northern military district zone for a year and a half, participated in assault operations, pulled the wounded out of the battlefield as part of an evacuation group, and was awarded the st. george cross, fourth degree. i serve the modern ones. mobilization,
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if i’m not mistaken, it’s been a year and a half since my relatives have been calling, the summons has all arrived, but what came and came, i went if i needed it, why do you have the call sign horde, well, this is firstly connected with the place where i’m from, when i just mobilized there and my friends are like that, all of you you will be a horde, as it were, and since this is connected with the place where i come from, i try not to disturb this call, worthy of showing itself.
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how are your relationships in the company, have you found friends here? military camaraderie is probably the strongest friendship that exists, well, at the moment there are no closer people than we have here, we are one family, we try to always support each other, both in a combat situation and on vacation, but there are tatars, here i am, as if they were talking, yes, as if russian, maybe someone else there is, here, by the way, like nowhere else in life, you take a closer look at people, even when i came on vacation, i noticed that you start to take a closer look at people, people are as open as a book, as if when something doesn’t happen according to plan , there on the front line, you can immediately see your face, both orthodox and muslims are fighting, respectful relations towards each other? yes, of course, well, where would we be without this, as if
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we were doing one thing, you know, or as if at any moment, any person, you can pray more than once that he will come to you came running, so yes, this is a good relationship, it’s clean in the back, everything is clean, clean, 300, lights out, the exit is unsafe, maybe at the end, you worked at the mine, since 2007, yes, i was until the seventeenth year, just 10 i worked for years, yes, yes, i worked until i became the foreman of my electrical shop.
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the knees were bent, pressed, fire, it was clear that this operation had taken place. our life was divided into so much that we kind of got here, now it turns out, after that we are no longer civilians, and you can’t even call us military, military is a profession, but here we are in war, here all the other values ​​are already different, here people are fighting, they understand that every day
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these events are associated with great risk, when there is an entry, exit, guys, participation in hostilities, everything is done - only at the command of the commander, here you can’t jump to anyone else, it practically depends on the commander whether you will remain alive today or not, turn around, cling to your backpack, we are working, you as a company commander, what is the responsibility? i consider my main task to be the preservation of the life and health of personnel in order to subsequently fulfill assigned tasks. what was and is the hardest thing for you here? not being able to help your comrades when completing tasks. there are situations when a unit, a neighboring unit, performs tasks, but due to certain circumstances we cannot do anything. in general, we try
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to support and cover neighboring units, including our own guys. if the trench is empty, this is additional attention to what the enemy is. most likely leaving him, mined the position, i had a dream of how as soon as we mobilized us - just go out the gates of the unit there with a military id, that there is a stamp of demobilization, and you understand, you understand that everything, damn it, all this nightmare is over, but that was then, that was well, a year ago, now such a dream no, now we need...
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a machine gun, then i received the first wound , they opened fire on us for 3 hours, well, from the side of the chest, not too strong, then i got up, then we entered the battle, started with grenades, after you were wounded, you got up again , but
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it so happened that the first bullet passed here, just under the shirt, well, it caught the left side, got up, everything was fine, continued the fight, guys... they reported that there were guy wires in the trench, that is, it was hard to get there, plus the birds flew in, the guys started making nightmares, the second bullet had already arrived i can see from the side of the seven, it also went under the shirt, hit the cross, ricocheted, i was shooting at that moment, it ricocheted, tore my right breast, entered my arm, came out through my arm, there of course i had to roll away, i already had the strength to get up there wasn't, so... already rolled back, but the assault went well without two hundred, the guys there all remained alive, the enemy left the position just at the moment when we were finishing the assault, so we can assume that we took the position on the left cleanly, the rear was cleared, clear out, i moved out
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from the evacuation group, but the first one helped the commander, they took him out, and then i had to take myself in the future, and then i led the storm operation. company commander yalta, yes, that’s right, yes, yalta, i’m with him, yes, platoon commander of the first, not only him was wounded there, yes, another guy there got his leg caught, yes, i saw, yes, how he was already... being wounded, rolling back, then we would have gone up to the high-rise, took off the armored vehicle, provided first aid, but they evacuated him from there, it was scary , honestly, it’s scary, yes, it’s scary, yes, that something won’t work out, yes, and if something doesn’t work out, then it could lead to even more serious consequences. when the boys carried him out, i was ordered to stay in position, so to speak. my close comrades, then he also wounded me and how glad i was. heard this the hardest thing, even when i myself still doubt that i
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did the right thing then, that is, they told me to stay in place, but i wanted to be closer to them, as if to help, and these are the hardest, as it were well, they are all alive, thank god, i say, they are tough guys, a drone dropped a grenade, and i also received shrapnel wounds to my face, but... it caught me, eight shrapnel remained in my face, but after being wounded you could n’t demobilize, where to go, why, and how to further defend all this, that is, you didn’t even have such thoughts, there weren’t any thoughts at all, i would like to get back from the hospital as quickly as possible, to quickly help my guys, well, this is a family, this is a second family, our second family, when it rains, especially hard, this is generally the most cool... years, this is the safest weather, yes, yes, it would be
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great, like this, especially to change, well, in the sense of when, because when there is heavy rain, the birds don’t fly, and if there is still a strong wind, generally great , and then it took a long time to recover after being wounded, well in principle, it took a month and a half, but even when i returned, i immediately went with my other volga to... the exit, well, of course, then i realized that i kind of got excited, did it too early, but just as an athlete i know that when getting injured is very important to integrate into the training process, into the competitive process as quickly as possible, then psychological trauma will not occur. yalta is a professional athlete, winner of the world and european championships in traditional karate, international master of sports. in nineteen he assembled a team and this look sport was officially registered in the dpr. a year later
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, his athletes already went to the european championships. six people from the republic fulfilled the standard of an international master of sports . a month before mobilization, yalta himself won gold at the russian championship. fate decreed that sports awards were replaced by two orders of courage. whenever possible, military personnel continue to train. you can’t knock the athlete out from the inside with anything.
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it wasn’t difficult for you to adapt at the front, but on the contrary, even i found what i was looking for all the time, what was missing in real life life, in sports, well, entering into a battle, a real one, already from a direct collision, i didn’t feel fear or anything like that, i won’t say that i enjoyed it, but i understood what had to be done,
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katyusha. our guys not only fight, but also manage to engage in creative work, which they dedicate to the memory of heroes and the great holiday, victory day. the battalion commander was so athletic, energetic, that’s a plus with a creative approach, with talent, we started very modestly, at first with holding events in several sports, at first we started with
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mouth, as if inside, now it’s the same thing, only later the whole battalion was involved, we already recorded videos from... the grave, so well, we’re trying to record our own videos, music videos, yes, so that we can send them to our relatives, well, for myself. what did you perform at saur mogila? at saur’s grave we sang the katyusha song together with the children and our unit’s service members. how do the children greet you? they support, let’s say, and well, they greet you enthusiastically, but they wave their hands,
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and when you look at how they greet you, at their smile, at their eyes, well... you understand that everything you do is not in vain, you sing, write poetry, i play the guitar and sometimes sing, there are guys who write poetry, there are guys who draw pictures, the apple trees have dawned, the fogs have floated over river, katyusha came out to us on a high one.
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i was at my grave, well, yes, it touches my soul, there are these men who fought for the same cause that i fought here, how i really understand them, what it was like in the position, when everything arrives, how... then this really touched my soul, this is a grave, to be honest, how did the idea to record videos come about, well , the idea appeared a year ago, having already been separated from our loved ones for quite a long time... we decided to record a video on the elements of konstantin simonov, wait for me, so we’ll send it to our loved ones back home so that they don’t watch it, you saw us, wait for me, and i will return, just wait, wait, when the load comes, yellow rains, wait, when
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the snow is blowing, wait, when it’s hot, wait, when others are not expected. forgetting yesterday, wait for me, and i will return, do not wish well, to everyone who knows i’ve learned that it’s time to forget how i survived, only you and i will know, you just knew how to wait like no one else, on the donetsk scorched earth, tell us what songs you play, well , the songs we mostly play are military ones, they are not related to the great patriotic war war, with the afghan war, this is firstly a tribute. in memory of respect to our elder comrades, our fathers, our grandfathers, who defended this homeland, who sang these songs, and secondly, this is a rise in, let’s say, mood, patriotic mood, fighting mood, i often dream about my home dear, the forest is dreaming about something of its own,
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the gray... cuckoo across the river, how long i have left to live, is counting, the gray cuckoo across the river, how long i have left to live, is counting, i pressed affectionately against the flower, the stalk of wild rosemary. you sound a lazy cuckoo, measuring my dates in life. i messed up several times, of course, but why was katyusha chosen for the video, and we thought so, and
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the battalion commander decided, why don’t you sing katyusha, everyone knows the song, this summer it will most likely be possible to again organize the passing of the gto standards together with the officers all-around, uh-huh, gerov sports, table tennis. by the way, it’s also a very interesting, very popular sport among military personnel, the popular bench press, the barbell, in principle it’s quite simple and at the same time kind of indicative, then we’ll hold it, make a big celebration, a general one, yes, starting from tug-of-war and some kind of relay race some kind of military relay race, you just need to stretch out the whole thing for a few days, because the unit, the unit is performing a combat mission. so that they too all participate, for what? is it worth living? i really want to live for my children,
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i want to live for my family, i want, i want to see this world that will already come, when everything will be quiet, it will be, well, almost 10 years, and the children are already growing up for a generation, my wife has arrived, she says , she tells me in kindergarten, my dad went to study for me, but he’s an officer. year, due to the fact that yaroslava’s father, as it were, was mobilized, she was invited to the kremlin christmas tree, here in the kremlin for real from school, she went to this
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christmas tree, there was a wish tree on the christmas tree, where any child came out, made any wish they wanted, and this wish was fulfilled, well , some have a computer, some a laptop, some a bicycle, and my daughter came out and said: i want to perform on the big stage, dmitry anatolyevich responded to this. already a girl is singing with me, who took part in the tree of wishes program in our house, she had a desire to light up with the kivtsov light, during this time her dad, vladimir,
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who is here with them for a few years, now he is here, which means appropriated by the power , it was nice that my daughter started his solo career. on the stage of the kremlin palace, after all, the wish came true, yes, more than anyone could ever wish for. yaroslav. at the end of the concert, elderly middle -aged people came up to say hello, some cried, of course it was exciting with words of gratitude that we were fighting and it was unexpectedly
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such a pleasant experience, what do you dream about, what are your thoughts? i don’t look ahead too much, of course about demobilization, how those mobilized to return to their home, hug her, hug my mother, but i would like... my mother and my mother-in-law, as if elderly people should send them somewhere for treatment to some resort, i don’t know, well, i’m thinking about this, well, now i’m thinking about it, but i myself, what do i need, in the near future i need to think about how every moment, every moment, every minute of your life becomes simply priceless, you begin to understand this, and every moment when you spend with loved ones, with family people, then in general - there is gold, even when you get home, just passing by , if you drop by for lunch there for work, you sit down, you you treat every moment with trepidation, this
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is very, very important, life is already becoming, it... well, there are plans, one might say, so good, the values ​​of the worldview have changed, they have only strengthened, i realized that we are following the right path, we are doing what must do, protect, protect civilians, protect children and their territory, the territory of russia, the soldiers of the rifle regiment
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liberated marinka, victory. made it possible to move the front line away from donetsk, because ukrainian militants attacked civilians from this settlement as well. our heroes are participating in assault operations to liberate villages in donbass, the names of which cannot yet be revealed. they gradually move forward and push back the enemy. very soon they will install the russian flag and victory banner in another city.
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and let's start the release with the news of the last hour from sevastopol, where a missile attack by the ukrainian armed forces was repelled, as reported by the governor. city ​​in its telegram channel, according to preliminary information , five air targets were destroyed in the sky over the equator, but fragments of the downed targets fell into coastal zone. according to the rescue service in the uchkuevka area, 12 people received shrapnel wounds. in lyubimovka, according to preliminary information , two people were injured. also, on the territory of one of the villages in the northern country, as a result of falling rocket fragments , a small fire occurred in a residential building. in addition
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... in the area of ​​the lazul boarding house


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