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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 23, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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in sevastopol, june 24 has been declared a day of mourning. vysu was attacked by long-range american atacoms missiles. five people were killed, including three children, and about 140 people were injured. vladimir putin is in constant contact with the social bloc of the government and the military. this was stated by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. the head of state expressed condolences to the families of the victims and instructed to provide all necessary assistance. this was reported.
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the investigative committee opened a criminal case under the article terrorist attack on another crime kyiv regime yana charbatye. it is now impossible to get to vuchkuevka beach. a cordon has been set up at the site, a large number of operational service employees are working and no one is being allowed to go further, because the beach is still being examined by explosives technicians. there was a lifeguard, a shrapnel hit him in the head, but according to eyewitnesses, on the beach at that moment , despite the injury, he helped people hide in the cafe building. under fire, this man was taking the bus driver out.
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kiev attacked the city with five atacoms missiles to create as many casualties as possible. their filled with cluster munitions, the plane was sent from moscow, which means that in order for the children, as soon as they receive first resuscitation aid, to be sent to receive medical care at the best moscow children's hospital, vladimirovich putin called, our president almost immediately expressed his condolences all commands have been given to the dead and injured,
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a combined team of specialists from the federal center has been sent to all federal authorities to assist those injured as a result of the shelling by the ukrainian nazis disaster medicine of the russian ministry of health, federal medical centers of hospitals in moscow. based on the results of joint examinations of patients, decisions will be made on further treatment tactics, including the need for medical evacuation. the provision of medical care to victims in sevastopol was taken under the personal control of the russian minister of health, mikhail murashko. the un secretariat needs it. condemn the act of terrorism committed by the ukrainian armed forces with the help of the united states. this appeal was made by the official representative of the ministry of foreign affairs, maria zakharova. special the cynicism of kiev and washington is that a strike on the beach on a weekend inevitably meant a large number of casualties among civilians. on the reaction to the actions of the zelensky regime - natalya solovyova. trinity day, families relax on the beach in sevastopol on the weekend. a cluster munition attack on civilians is nothing less than a terrorist attack. the russian foreign ministry says:
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the kiev regime chose the day, time and place deliberately. but we understand perfectly well what lies inside the essence of the kiev regime. it's a deep-seated hatred of everything connected. with russia, with russian, russian culture, and of course, with orthodoxy and christianity in general, these are literally ritual, and i believe that’s what they can be called, the crimes they commit coincide precisely with major holidays. russia will seek an international response to the criminal shelling in sevastopol, especially since ukraine used american atacoms missiles to strike civilian targets, which means that the blame lies primarily with washington, and not only. everything in kyiv flight missions for the american atakms operational-tactical missiles are entered by american specialists based on their own us satellite reconnaissance data. therefore, responsibility for the deliberate missile attack on civilians in sevastopol lies primarily with washington, which supplied
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these weapons to ukraine, as well as the kiev regime from whose territory this attack was carried out. the military department promises that such a crime will not go unanswered throughout the city. but i wouldn't, because firstly, from a point of view in terms of the technological use of these weapons, but goal setting is still done at least with the permission of the developer, that is, this is an american -made missile, the lock martin control is accordingly located there, so at a minimum there was agreement with
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the americans, they are already writing about a hybrid strike on a peaceful city on both sides of the ocean, the western press is restrained in its wording, but the numbers of casualties speak for themselves. russia says ukraine killed. people as a result of the missile attack on crimea, delivered by the united states, writes reuters, without including the number of victims in the headline, so as not to shock readers. al-arabiya looks like a carbon copy, but for some reason atacoms calls it not american, but ukrainian. the british telegraph office is also resolutely defending the united states. insist, sunbathers run screaming for cover as ukrainian missiles explode over a crimean beach. and those who are really behind these monstrous attacks were repeatedly spoken by the russian president in hanoi. following his visit to north korea and vietnam, he once again stressed that it is in vain that those supplying long-range weapons to ukraine believe that they are not at war with moscow. those who supply these weapons believe that they are not at war with us, well, i said, including in pyongyang, that we then reserve the right to supply
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weapons to other regions of the world, bearing in mind our agreements with the democratic people's republic of korea , i don’t exclude this either. russia will conduct a thorough investigation of this terrorist attack, and a criminal case has already been opened. natalia. the terrorists are positively trying to escape. an interception plan is in effect. on the evening of june 23, unknown persons fired at the synagogue and church of derbentia. let me remind you that according to the ministry of internal affairs, one police officer was killed and another was wounded. during the extremist attack, proteer nikolai kotelnikov, who served for more than 40
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years, was killed. the chairman of the synodal department of the moscow patriarchate for relations between the church and society and the media, vladimir ligoida, spoke about this on our channel. it's clear that. no one was injured, although there is information about dead or injured guards, now i can’t say for sure, the police are working now, they are engaged, in general, we are praying, his holiness the patriarch is praying for the victims and those killed in it, this is, in general, a difficult
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situation, residents of makhachkala are asked to refrain from traveling along a number of streets to ensure unhindered work . law enforcement officers and special services with such a request to the residents of the republican capital, the mayor of the city made such a request, and now from makhachkala, where unknown persons fired at a traffic police post and a church, they are not letting anyone in directly from us, uncoupling, that regarding the information, it has been confirmed at the
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moment, this information has not changed, that six law enforcement officers were killed , there is also information that two civilians, this has not yet been officially confirmed, and up to 20 people were injured, for now this is information about the victims, as for are there enough medicines and resources in hospitals? as far as i was told in the republican hospital there is enough of everything, another thing is that doctors are now fighting for the lives of some victims. as i said, i am in makhachkala, behind this there is a church cordoned off a short distance away, so far again conflicting information is being received, sounds of shooting are heard periodically, that is, perhaps there is a battle going on now with terrorists, the truth is still unclear, they managed to barricade themselves in the church or in a private house, i can’t say here yet for sure, because this is not officially reported, but shooting is heard, the battle is also going on in derbent... a synagogue was hit by an orthodox church, police officers were also fired upon,
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it is reported from derbent that you yourself spoke about this, the death of a clergyman has been confirmed, at the moment shooting has resumed, just like here, a planned attack, it began almost simultaneously, the results have not yet been reported, because the work is carried out not only at the place where the sounds of shooting are heard, but also information is received about what about the license plates, the make of the cars in which other members of the group may be hiding. it is still unknown how many people took part in the attack; conflicting information is also reported about shootings in different parts of other cities, here law enforcement officers turned to local residents, to republicans, to dagestanis, so that they check the information specifically from dagestani sources, because there is information that foreign telegram channels have become more active, which intend to spread various fakes in order to sow panic and so that... .
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i said that there is footage taken by eyewitnesses from the city beach, which shows that at least three unknown people were detained, however, as i already said, there is no official data on how many people took part in the attack, what kind of participation those detainees took, whether they were part of the group or aroused suspicion, is still unknown, unfortunately, and i also wanted to clarify with you about the situation in the city itself, that is , as i understand it, this is still local yes it happens, that is, for example, makhachka airport. is this all working as normal now? yes, yes, the main facilities in the republic
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are operating as normal, the most dangerous areas in derbet makhachkali, they are already cordoned off, work is already underway here, even during the live broadcast, i don’t know, it was for you whether heard or not, single shots were heard, before that the shooting was more fierce, so the work is still ongoing, but there is no panic in the republic yet, the situation on the ground in derbent in makhachkala is kept under control, yes sarkar. thank you, we will be waiting for new information from you about what is happening in these minutes in makhachkala, said our correspondent sarkar magomedov, it literally just became known that the security forces in north ossetia have been transferred to an enhanced duty regime after the terrorist attack in dagestan. the head announced this of the republic sergei minyayla. he, like many other regional leaders and experts , expressed the opinion that the terrorist attack on dagestan was clearly orchestrated from the outside with the goal of shaking things up. social situation and
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called on citizens to remain calm. ramzan kadyrov assessed the event in dagestan as a vile provocation, an attempt to create discord between faiths. many experts are already saying that the attacks were prepared in advance and that the holiday of the holy trinity was not chosen by chance. there are already opinions about who can. be customer from abroad, as irina yarovaya noted, the united states has taken on the role of financier of international terrorism, and the citizens of this country must call their politicians to account. well, that's what state duma deputy abdulkhakim gadzhiev said. of course, neither i nor other dagestanis have any doubt that these terrorist attacks are in one way or another connected with the intelligence services of ukraine and nato countries. against the backdrop of the successes of our troops in the northern military district zone, this is an attempt to shake up the situation in our country
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from the inside. of course, this is a terrorist attack under the guise of pseudo-religious vines. strength law enforcement agencies have enough funds, the situation is under control, an operational headquarters has been created headed by the head of the republic, sergei alimovich melikov. the head of the republic melikov holds his hand, the most necessary measures are taken in such situations and decisions. operational search activities are underway aimed at capturing and eliminating terrorists. an interception plan has been introduced. there is no doubt that all terrorists will be destroyed, as of today , four of them have already been destroyed in makhachkala, according to preliminary information in makhachkala there were five, only one left,
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the derbend temple at the time of the attack, but according to preliminary information they managed to avoid a collision with the extremists. the church and synagogue burned down after a militant attack. six police officers were killed. 12 were wounded in dagestan. shooting resumed on the streets of derbent. in security forces. reported that they were looking for a black lada vesta car in the city. sounds of shooting can be heard in makhachkala. an interception plan was announced in dagestan, and the identities of the attackers are being established. two militants were eliminated. the work of the security forces continues, the ministry of internal affairs of dagestan reports. a counter-terrorist operation regime has been introduced throughout dagestan, an operational headquarters has been created after the attack by police officers, reports the head of the region, sergei melikov. he called the attack in derbent. and makhachkala with attempts to destabilize the social situation and called on citizens to remain calm. the investigative committee opened a case of terrorism . the makhachkala diocese expressed its readiness
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to help the victims and relatives of the victims. the head of chechnya, ramzan kadyrov, called the terrorist attacks in makhachkala and derbent a vile provocation and an attempt to create discord between religions. patriarch kirill condemned the terrorist attack in sevastopol on trinity sunday. according to him. the bloody cruelty and amazing cynicism of the terrorists who attacked the great orthodox holiday, the day of the holy trinity, once again speaks of the abyss of the spiritual and moral the fall of the perpetrators of the crime, for whom truly nothing is sacred. now the situation is in a special operation zone. this morning the russian army attacked the training site for flight and technical personnel in the ukrainian armed forces. all objects are hit. total . during the day, the enemy lost almost 2.0 militants, 75 ukrainian drones, 33 himmers missiles, alha vampires, as well as an
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ariste air defense missile launcher made in germany were destroyed. well, in the kharkov region, where there are fierce battles now, our military used a new type of weapon, it is more accurate, and therefore much more effective. these are air bombs with a universal planning module. our war correspondent found out the details. this is how russian aviation operates in the skies over the kharkov region, this is a strike by a su-34 bomber, a high- power aerial bomb, on a temporary deployment point, the formation of the kiev regime in leptsy. fierce fighting continues near the village in order to deprive the enemy of combat stability; the pilots strike with three-ton bombs with planning and correction modules. at all, this is the first combat use of aircraft ammunition of this caliber with a planning module. application successful. after the explosion, the radius of continuous damage is slightly more than
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200 m. and the bomb fragments themselves retain lethality within a radius of a kilometer. in addition, aviation, using such ammunition, has a strong influence on the moral and psychological state of enemy fighters. some units simply refuse to take positions during... combat operations, tough battles, slow advancement, a consequence of the fact that in the sky above the main factor that determines the nature of the battlefield is the constant presence of a huge number of kamikaza drones, both ours and the enemy’s, which are the kind of small, maneuverable, inexpensive, long-range and ultra-precise kamikaza drones that can provide. superiority even over superior enemy forces, this large fpv drone, by the way, can be smaller, now it is not only anti-tank weapons, not only
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counter-battery weapons for destroying enemy infantry, it is also a way to destroy air defense targets, it is also a station carrier electronic reconnaissance, electronic warfare, communications, these are means of remote mining, this list will be...
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there are practically no men anymore, there are half as many utility drivers, their places will be taken by women, according to the new national retraining program, this is about 100 people, shit from one to the other well, the side must be gathered to stand, they have already caught everyone, they are tightening the screws on ukrainian refugees in europe, in germany, independent citizens must work or go home, the head of the csu opposition party in the bundestag calls on ukrainians to look for
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work. jobs must be offered and this must be part of integration, the basic principle must apply: start working or return to safe areas in western ukraine. i do not know who you are? tell me, who are you? military commissars hide their faces and call people to patriotism while holding them at gunpoint. it turns out that these are no longer tsk, but squads of policemen. for the interests of the west, because from overseas, big brother is watching everything, while the west doesn’t care about the ukrainians until the start of the heating season, 120 days, it is necessary to restore the energy structure of ukraine 50 billion dollars, officials and leaders admit, there is no way without blackouts this winter if we do not restore existing damaged plants, if we do not improve the capacity of intersystem power lines, if we do not build these
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distributed... large-scale attacks on russia. natalya goncharova will continue the topic. kiev is trying to convince washington to lift restrictions on striking deep into russia with long-range missiles. according to the associated press, the ukrainian armed forces are demanding permission to strike 150 km from the border, or even further. usa may agree. terrorists have always found support from the states if it is beneficial to the american authorities. for example, extremists of the prohibited azov movement calmly underwent training from pentagon officers. even. when
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congress banned supporting these neo-nazis. here is their commander with a us special forces camp training certificate. after zelensky included the azovites in the army, biden completely lifted all bans. the escalation is growing. hungary demands to stop the madness. from july 1, budapest will take over the eu council, prime minister viktor orban promised to try to reason with european politicians. the most important points: we want to increase the competitiveness of the european economy. we are for ending the war. targeted by the alternative for germany party, its representatives will create a faction of sovereignists. in the european parliament. the main goal is to restore economic ties and normalize relations with moscow. to create a faction, an alternative for germany, 23 deputies from seven countries will be needed, while the party itself occupies 15 seats in parliament. this association is extremely right-wing parties could influence the european union and the french election campaign.
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donald trump also talks all the time: at a rally in philadelphia he promised that if he wins , he will end the ukrainian conflict even before the inauguration. now, under the leadership of joe biden, the world is on fire, inflation is raging, and crime is out of control. in europe, there is chaos, the middle east is exploding, and this terrible president is dragging us straight towards world war iii, which we will fight. that's why you need to tell joe biden in november, "you're fired." american media believe that the outcome of the election can be decided by the trump-biden debate. abc reports that they are trying to train the current president to stand calmly for at least 90 minutes and repeat the main points of his election program. natalya goncharova, lead. the lebanese hezbollah movement launched several drones with explosives this morning towards israeli territory. one drone intercepted the system.


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