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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 24, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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12 ambulance teams are working together, andrey vorobyov reported this in his telegram channel. there are details that two victims jumped out of the window of the building to escape fire and smoke, but unfortunately died. yes, it is also known that the k-32 helicopter also takes part in extinguishing the fire. we are monitoring the situation. well, right now there are stills from the house. government, dear valentina ivanovna, dear colleagues, i want to start with the fact that last weekend in two of our regions, in dagestan and in sevastopol, terrorist attacks in derbent in makhachkhala, militants attacked churches, there were dead, there were wounded, in the crimea, a missile strike was launched from ukraine on sevastopol.
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they hit civilians resting on the weekend, among the wounded, among the dead , unfortunately, there are children, a joint medical team is already working there, immediately on instructions from the president, all services were mobilized, assistance is being provided, the government is constantly in contact with the president on this issue, we are taking all necessary measures to support our people, of course i want i wish everyone congratulations, who... ivanovna, for the position on the formation of the government of the russian federation, this year the federation council, with its powers, in connection with the powers and new norms of the constitution, for the first time held consultations on the candidates proposed by the president.
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this is exactly how we plan, for our part , to work with the federation council in the new government, to facilitate effective interaction between us, this is already happening within the framework of government hours, which...
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to the services, they are all executed, prepared the necessary documents, those that are in our knowledge, they are being released, if discussion in parliament is required, accordingly, the federal assembly is sent, i know that senators carefully monitor what is being done on government orders in the process of lawmaking, in the shortest possible time we will have to in accordance with the goals set by the president, update many national and federal projects, provide appropriate funding , taking into account priorities to support families, youth, and develop their own production in a wide variety of industries, strengthening our financial, economic, technological, industrial sovereignty, we expect that senators will take an active part in this, including as part of the preparation of the next draft three-year federal budget, also...
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when together with you, with colleagues from the state duma provided personal income tax benefits for those who voluntarily entered into contracts and defend the interests of our country. we actually acted here to free the guys from the need to pay also a state fee to obtain a number of documents, supported the proposal to provide land plots without a queue and free of charge, these are the heroes of the soviet union and... heroes of russia, full
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holder of the order of glory, defended the rights of family members, combat veterans, strengthening the guarantees of their employment, i ask you to continue, of course, to monitor how... things are going in this area, to advise us in the russian regions, the participants of the special military operation, their relatives, were regional benefits have also been provided, providing feedback to people on the ground on such issues, on sensitive issues, should, of course, be such, it seems to me, an obligatory component of parliamentary control, and we here would be grateful for its effective work. senators have unique competencies about the state of affairs in russian regions, and the president has repeatedly noted how important our direct connection with the regions is to understand what, as he says, is happening on the ground. therefore, the initiatives of the federation council on we are ready to assist in every possible way in expanding our own production in many industries. your proposal, dear valentina ivanovna, to create
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a competitive rehabilitation industry for the needs of people with disabilities, by the way, has already led to a very specific decision. in february, we approved a roadmap for localizing the production of individual products. components in this area, including the corresponding functional parts for prostheses, there is another proposal in the state duma, which was developed with your support, i mean the bill, which is aimed at increasing the share of domestic cars in the taxi fleet, and how many of them there should be in the regions, the heads of regions will of course determine for themselves, and of course i cannot help but note the most active position of senators on issues of children's recreation , i remember when we started... it was your initiative several years ago, we started with a billion rubles, now 2 billion rubles are allocated annually and uh, it gives the children the opportunity to go on vacation to health camps, get stronger, this is very important. a lot has also been done to combat counterfeit alcohol, and to support
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employment and provide additional employment opportunities for our youth, people with disabilities, senior military personnel, these and others... the ideas of senators always find a positive response in the government, and this can continue for a long time i can’t list them, but i’ll stop and ask you to speak, dear ivanovna, you have the floor. thank you, dear mikhail vladimirovich, dear colleagues, first of all, i want to thank you for the opportunity of such a direct substantive dialogue, the leadership of the federation council with you, dear members of the government, at our meeting - this is no longer just such a tradition, it is... an effective working mechanism based on the results of our last year’s meeting, you have already noted this, almost all of your instructions adopted decisions on which the subjects of the federation approached us. the president of russia
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has set a whole range of tasks for the executive legislative authorities in the horizon until the year thirty-six, national development goals have been defined, i think that them...
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which expires next year, because these two documents must necessarily be interconnected, if you agree, i would ask you to give appropriate instructions. the next topic that is on everyone’s minds, i can’t help
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but mention it, all regions constantly call this one of the most pressing problems, this is the shortage of medical workers and teachers in the regions, of course it is being adopted at the federal level, in the regions, but the situation , unfortunately, does not change dramatically for the better, naturally, it is difficult talking about the quality of medical care, if you can only get to a specialized specialist after 2 weeks, there are still huge queues at clinics, and this despite the fact that the president has set the task of modernizing the primary level of healthcare, clinics are certainly being renovated. equipped, new facilities are built, but when there are no doctors and no one to treat, then all these expenses do not give
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the effect that people expect, the state spends a lot of money on training personnel, well, in particular , to train, as you know, a doctor, the most a large, most expensive profession, for which large amounts of money are spent, but nevertheless the majority of doctors, including target doctors. and in our country, 75% of the budget admissions , as you know, most of them do not go to work in state medical institutions after graduation, it seems to me that the responsibility of medical universities should be raised not only for the quality of education, but for education, the formation of the true vocation of a doctor, so that the hippocratic oath is not a formality, unfortunately this is not given should pay attention, universities must accompany...
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the shortage of personnel in the system of the ministry of internal affairs is more than 150 thousand,
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the issue with district police officers is especially acute, and this is such a key position for maintaining public order, for example, in the kostroma region there is a shortage of district police officers of 90%, in some areas even in moscow up to 75%. and this is the picture in most regions, one district police officer. competitive, it is often less than what a courier or taxi driver gets, and these are people in uniform, and of course, what kind of law and order can we talk about in general? there is a huge turnover of mbd personnel, more people leave than the mia system joins, and thus the personnel shortage
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is growing every year. of the 15 types of benefits legally guaranteed for employees of internal affairs bodies. is not fully implemented or does not meet real requirements, more than 80,000 families of employees are registered as needing residential premises provided under social tenancy agreements, while 4.5 billion are allocated per year for these purposes, more than 75% of the objects of the ministry of internal affairs of russia are in non-standard conditions condition, need repairs and re-equipment. it seems to me that this is an issue that is already overripe, and one cannot bury one’s head in the sand and not notice this problem. i think it is important at the state level to reconsider the approach to remuneration of employees of internal affairs bodies, and of course increase the amount of funding for these needs. we understand the difficulties with the budget, but here the situation is already
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intolerable, in my opinion. before the 2012 reform . in the system of the ministry of internal affairs, the subjects of the federation had the right, they had the right to pay extra to the district police, to repair the building of the police department, to purchase vehicles, gasoline, when it was needed, which is important, official housing was issued to district police officers living in those microdistricts where they are responsible for order, maybe think about it and return... the right not to oblige, but to return this opportunity, because today the subjects of the federation cannot do this, otherwise it will be a waste of funds. i will say from my own experience, as a governor, this part has always been the responsibility of the regional authorities, there was not a single district without official housing, we have renovated all departments of internal
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affairs, and these are public places of power, people come, well, here’s a request the next time you’re in the region. go to a couple of police precincts, you will see this, so i conveyed to you mikhalavich, our personal meeting, we conducted a careful analysis, statistics, together with the regions, listened to their proposals, i would ask you to give instructions to seriously analyze the situation in the ministry of internal affairs and accept necessary solution for the report of the russian presidency federation. the next question: in each subject of the federation, hundreds of thousands of publications, objects of federal property that are not used for state purposes are in unsatisfactory condition, not only do they disfigure the appearance of cities, they continue to collapse, they are not involved in economic circulation, we
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turned to the federal property management agency , i want to repeat the federal property management agency with a proposal: to instruct its territorial bodies to conduct an audit in each region and determine the fate of each such object. rosimushchestvo at our request is currently conducting a pilot project in the yaroslavl region. you can ask someone to give mikhail vladimirovich the album in the meantime. please . i'd like you to look now. i think that you will be very surprised, even you, mikhail vladimirovich. what you will see is a pilot project of 2,500 objects, it is important that a decision has already been made, please transfer a number of abandoned buildings, including cultural heritage sites, this is the city of the golden ring, they have already been transferred to the house of the russian federation, their sale is being prepared,
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therefore i would ask you, well, don’t be a pilot here if you manage, i would ask you, dear one, to give instructions, please scroll through, you will see a unique case that we have in the treasury on the cadastral register, i would ask you to instruct the federal property management agency to carry out systematic work throughout the country, in all regions, and the treasury will be replenished , we need to look for additional income, budgets of all levels, cities will be renewed, senators are also involved in this work, we will... continue it, another pressing problem that i cannot help but mention is the area of ​​solid municipal waste management, so on ...
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make a scheme for placing container sites in each city, purchase new containers, new garbage trucks, determine a garbage collection schedule, organize at least basic waste sorting conveyors, engage in recycling, disposal, none of this, unfortunately, is happening and the practice of regional operators has not justified itself, in the majority. region, look at the networks, for each region, the main problem is people complain about untimely garbage collection, dirt at garbage sites, unauthorized dumps and so on. v
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in a number of regions there is simply a garbage collapse, here in the cove it is simply a catastrophic situation, for several weeks in the summer the garbage was removed, the reclaimer went bankrupt, a colossal problem, but at the same time citizens pay in good faith. for the collection and removal of garbage, according to the results of last year, 280 billion rubles were received from the accounts of regional operators, which are not accountable to anyone, so no one knows where this money went, they themselves write there and there is no one from above who would control it, regions - operators are not accountable to the regions, we asked the regional audit chamber to carry out such an audit, i hope...
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during pregnancy and childbirth for women dismissed from liquidated organizations before going on maternity leave, after bankruptcy, the woman receives
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an allowance of 900 rubles per month, and this is of course much less than what she should receive , since she worked, paid contributions in the course of her work, and of course this is not support at all, amendments were prepared jointly with the russian ministry of labor, eliminating... for attentive attention to the proposals federation council, we don’t invent them, we don’t invent them, we bring them to senators, subjects of the federation, after a meeting, reception with
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citizens, after appeals from governors, we find an adequate response in the government, i also want to say special words of gratitude to dmitriyovich grigorenko, vladimir aleksandrovich zhivulin for coordinating our interaction. my colleagues will complement me, thank you for your attention. valentin ivanovna, i will literally say two words, and i will answer, i will try to answer some of the questions that you raised in your speech, but before i start doing this, i want to say that we traditionally meet with you in june, and june 30 is the day of parliamentarism, i want to use the opportunity with all my heart, international yes, international day of parliamentarism , i want to congratulate you on the upcoming holiday.
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of course, i can say that the way our federation council works, it is a model for many representative government bodies, it is dedication, professionalism, and high standards in work. with coming happy holiday to you, friends. thank you. a few words on the issues you raised, they are all very important, we are in constant contact with them, but i will comment on several of the issues, in the order of what you started, on the spatial development strategy. recently. you know, we had a corresponding strategic session, very detailed, very systematic, colleagues from the federation council took part in it, and our work was organized to prepare a new spatial development strategy until the year thirtieth, and accordingly in the presidential decree of may 7 , 2024, we were accordingly instructed to approve a new concept of spatial development by december 31, 2024. what we
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are doing, we have seriously worked on all approaches to territorial planning today, which simply needs to be carried out using the national spatial data system, we have it under the constant control of the government and here issues will be related to the reduction of interregional differentiation and inter-budgetary relations will therefore play a big role here the role of reducing the number of entities with a low level of budgetary provision, here we are... in the near future we will return to it again, and you are absolutely right, this topic is under constant control of the government, we will approve it by december, and i know that in the interdepartmental group that we created to develop the strategy includes respected colleagues, yatskin, kutepov and shevchenko, if i understand correctly what exactly this working group means today will, let’s say, look at all the
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regulations and the main strategic documents that are needed in terms of personnel for medicine, this issue is very important, we are discussing it, but a lot has been done, i just want to be fair to say that in our healthcare education system we are constantly working on how to improve the efficiency of work, we the methodology is established for educational organizations, the target numbers for university admission and budget places, accordingly, the forecasted need for personnel is coordinated, firstly, with higher education. currently federal state educational standards higher education, medical, pedagogical profiles require mandatory internship, but the target enrollment is immediately from three to 5 years, i absolutely agree, here we have targeted training anyway, you can’t escape, so to speak, from targeted training, because you just obliged to work, which means we have it in the twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth years.
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145,600 training places financed from the federal budget, this is 4.0 more than last year, in medical specialties up to 90%, in pedagogical specialties up to 30%. by specialty healthcare and medical sciences reception twenty-twenty-two increased one and a half times from 14.00 to 21. this is already the case, but the most important thing, you are absolutely right, prepare a high-quality doctor, high-quality prepare a medical worker. to date, a number of other decisions have been made in order to stimulate the influx of qualified employees, including medical workers, on behalf of the president. you know, we have made appropriate payments to populated areas of up to 50,000. tatyana alekseevna, i won’t be mistaken, 50,000 doctors and 30,000 average workers and up to 100,000, ah, that means these are 29 and 13.
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education science for personnel of the ministry of internal affairs is a very important question, it will be necessary, of course, to look at all the possibilities, including the budget, here anton geondovich, i ask you look, in order to fulfill all the instructions of the president , we are additionally allocating the necessary volumes of budgetary allocations to the relevant ministries and departments, including for the material incentive system, we will consider all the proposals that we have and report to you absolutely
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they said correctly, then... russia, because it’s still possible.


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