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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 25, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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case in point, this will be an honest detective story. and secondly, they are essentially at the same time, even if they don’t know anyone, they are essentially at the same time, so many of the radical islamists say, we are against america, but nothing like that. no, you
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are not against america, you are with it, right now in derbintechkala, you were together with america, you were at one with america, you helped america, you helped the american satanists, you helped them, connected there, not connected, let it be special services seem to understand this, but in essence, in essence, you are at the same time with them, this is completely obvious thing, the next point about extremism, listen, i know that... sometimes, so to speak, muslims are offended there, but there is nothing to be offended here. it seems to me that the presence of radical extremism is a fact within the vast islamic world, but it is stupid to deny it, it exists, it exists, unfortunately, it exists, and it seems to me that it is just the business of the muslim community, mind and so on, to get rid of it. , this is one, one of the main challenges facing those people who believe that islam is a religion of peace, for me, for example, much closer is this phrase: islam is a religion of peace. but this phrase must be proven by deeds, and
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if you don’t prove it by deeds, then, so to speak, it turns out that it’s kind of hanging in the air, these people are closer to me, but what is inside the islamic world is the challenge of extremism, extremist ideology, this is obvious, and in general extremism of various kinds, ranging from terrorism to there , relatively speaking, in principle, justification of some kind of criminal aggression, and so on and so forth, it exists, this thing exists, yes, when they object, but they are not true muslims, i agree with you, i think so too, but they call...
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i knew about this and said: well, okay, as if this is not a problem, but why? but because i internally sympathized, that’s the problem, so i personally, so to speak, yes, i think that this inter-religious world is a huge value, and people who really adhere to traditional islam, like would be, and the statement that islam is a religion of peace, these people, as it were, yes, undoubtedly, is much more important for us closer in any case, but to deny the presence of extremist ideas that are widespread, so to speak, among some... layers of people, is simply stupid and says: well, you know, this is, well , this is so to speak, nonsense, this is so to speak, well so you better not say that at all, because you understand that they are not real believers, and i can’t determine whether they are real or not, it’s none of my business, because i’m not a muslim, i can’t determine whether they are real or not, i met people like this, everyone says that they are real, therefore, in fact, this problem must be solved from the inside and russian sovereignty is very important here.
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in this area there must be sovereignty, an independent interpretation, so to speak, yes, of all, all important, that is, dogmatic things within the muslim community, so that we can see, yes, that this is so, and not so, and otherwise they will be judged by actions, by his actions, you see, here he calls himself, which means so-and-so, hiding behind the name, so to speak, of god, and what action he does, then we will judge only by actions, the latter, it is also extremely important to understand, yes, to the question of risks and so on.
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all of these are especially widespread, which means, unfortunately, sentiments among the huge mass of migrants, they come from central asia, in this central asia there are actually problems with preachers. extremists are even worse than here in some places, i know this because i worked in some of these countries, already there, so to speak, but they are being brainwashed, there they study in schools where it is written in the history books, what the entire period together with russia and the soviet union is an occupation, for those who are not aware, in all post-soviet countries except belarus, in local history textbooks, the historical period, so to speak, being in the russian empire and the soviet union is presented as an occupation in one way or another degree of complexity, then, therefore, when these people...
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economics and economics, all this is important, undoubtedly, but you understand that your economy can be covered with a copper basin if the country begins to be torn apart, and this is a very real prospect, so to these things just like that, let’s keep quiet and you keep quiet and you keep quiet everything will be fine, but it won’t be, unfortunately it won’t be, so
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these things need to be taken not only under strict control, so to speak, this should be one of the first priorities, especially, i conclude, which is really completely indifferent to our enemies. how to blow up russia, in general they don’t care what slogan you are speaking under, what you think there, so to speak, what you are talking about, and so on, so on, etc., it’s generally completely theirs, so to speak, i don’t care at all, but you’re ready to say so, well done, and you’re ready, and you, and you ’ll do too, i think that these things need to be very clearly understood, advertising, in our country, if it’s sports, then... records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one, we love traditions, honor our history, value family, strong relationships,
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and admire how the country is blossoming. there are even more achievements ahead of us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition, of course, time is speeding up, everything is happening against the backdrop of a colossal change in the political landscape, and dim, when grandfathers they are fighting, on the twenty-seventh,
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a catholic is sitting, who tried to butt the pope, after working for more than 3 years in the ministry of internal affairs for the minister, charry last week began work as deputy director for communications in the white house, this is the fag on the left,
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this is our friend , what kind of communication there is, that’s what we’re talking about, between whom and with whom and what parts of the body they communicate, well, in general. obviously, these will be able to connect, so you know, this is the new deputy director for communications of the white house, tyler cherry, god, yes, he's catholic. well, yes, it really must be said that at one time the association of american catholics, so to speak, decided that he should be deprived of the holy gifts, but yes, he took them by badging, well, there was one church in the federal district of columbia, we see in the federal district of columbia , yes, anyone can find there, who no, i don’t know whether she gave him the holy gifts or not, she stated that she gave him the holy gifts, in modern washington from the statement to the implementation there... but speaking of values, i , by the way, i liked this woman's performance.
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the great replacement theory is no longer a theory, but a reality. and what’s interesting is that the establishment will either deny its existence, or , recognizing it, say that it is good that the indigenous european population will soon cease to be the majority on their continent. the vision of the future is a neoliberal, unrecognizable europe, where every city becomes like brussels, ugly, dirty, unsafe, with zero social cohesion, where buildings are constantly being built and never seem to are ending. ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the new world order. and what is the antidote? a strong, christian europe, consisting of...
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we must spend billions and billions , the eurocrats there are now telling us that the euro is for the national sovereignty of ukraine. this is a dutch politician, i can pronounce his name, here is the surname vlaardingerbroek. it was difficult for me. ask! today , the decision of the council of the european union on the fourteenth package of sanctions was published in the official journal of the european union, and although we have... policy experts, in general, most often do not, so to speak, take an easy approach to analyzing
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sanctions, because we see how the russian economy is confidently overcoming them, but nevertheless, i would still like to look a little at this phenomenon, understanding that by arranging all this activity and organizing sanctions, they are going to destroy our economy and achieve a strategic defeat over russia, that’s why the sanctions have goals.
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the fourteenth package, it seemed to hit from all calibers, it hits from all calibers at all targets, as they think, but still a few european idiots, absolutely, these are very important moments, because they really show the deplorable state of the european economy, its such a strategic decline compared to other centers of power, let's say, all the brothers...
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or almost there have been reduced to a minimum by more than 3/4 of russian gas supplies are directly through ukraine or through turkey, so now the europeans are organizing these sanctions in a package of fourteen, in fact they are forcing russia to sell lng only to them, that if lng supplies to europe are not limited in any way, then transshipment from europe further to
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other ports, and this is precisely the subject of sanctions, as for technologies that. are prohibited from supplies, otherwise naovatek really was a little romantic, apparently considered himself one of his partners, his partners were not only the french, but also the chinese, but we know that the chinese imposed sanctions, so on the one hand, of course, he has problems novatak with the construction of these two plants, which he named next to yamal, arctic spgg and next to murmansk will be, but on the other hand there are technologies just for us, in fact , sanctions in all cases are not a challenge for us... it is necessary to develop and implement capacities in order, well, industry in any field, in order to solve problems associated with sanctions, especially since gazprom, at least miller clearly stated last year at the st. petersburg forum that
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gazprom has 100% of the technologies needed to produce rich natural gas in small complexes, like what is now near vyborg , here so maybe i don’t understand something well, i still have a technical education, well, no, i understand that this does not apply only to the niva’s front axles, which are now in the 156th year of niva’s existence, it suddenly turned out that there is an incredible secret from soviet times. the supply has run out, so now it’s only rear-wheel drive, there are no more specialists, and what to do with it, the last one with a pension was called in, but if we don’t talk about what we can’t talk about in saw society, i mean about these people who are engaged in ours automotive industry, then this is where the problem lies, at one time we had a whole direction t, which was remarkably capable of
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everything that the enemy was trying to hide, pull out and deliver, but that’s not enough, right ? no, no, if they say that we have problems, i don’t know, to produce one moment, and not to know the technology, i don’t understand this part, by technology, westerners understand first of all, of course, the whole cycle, including production, so we can’t steal it, oh, maybe the most honest people work in business, because stealing is bad, so what? they didn’t say it right away, but i think, of course, even somehow, in general, in the end now. novotek has built or created facilities that will allow doubling the production of lng russian gas by 29, but the problem for us is that liquefied natural gas projects are being implemented simultaneously in australia, in the united states, in the russian federation, and then , that now the obvious shortage of lng in 3 years
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could turn into a different situation, so everyone needs to hurry up, they really need to promise faster, so the europeans on the one hand, they remember themselves.
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we who have planes, who are not under their sanctions, or what? well, from the same series, here are the sanctions against singers and artists, but you know, although our attitude to the consequences of sanctions or their study is sometimes quite facile, but still what struck me was the sanctions announced against the pioneer camp artek, and despite the fact that here, too, you can probably smile, but when we look at or know european history from their... mechanisms, you know, the deprivation of human essence, yes, of other people or what is commonly called dehumanization of the opponent begins with children, and children have something to do with it, but okay, then let’s look at it differently, just a minute, we know that they are satanists, we know that they are an enemy who wants us
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to inflict a strategic defeat, what do we expect from them, no, we are waiting, so they announce sanctions, well, something like how the great patriotic war is going, hitler introduced the thirty- seventh package of sanctions against the soviet union, well, this is no longer in any way, well, absolutely true , that is, why are we surprised, the very fact that they are announcing some kind of sanctions surprises me. much less than the fact that we sell our real ones for their meaningless euros or dollars, which we cannot even sell, we cannot buy anything that we need and bring, yes, i completely agree, here these measures that i cited regarding lng and regarding the transit transportation of goods by cars, these are measures with which they are trying to force us to serve their economic interests, so the faster we do not know the technology, but come to the st. petersburg mountain, there is a brilliant litvinenko, he has amazing teams. well , talk to them, you will have technologies, use your own science, well , you have to invest, you have to act actively, every time we wait for another package of sanctions, well
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, okay, idiot barel, they think that as a result of this our economy has become worse, although according to statistics it’s exactly the opposite, let’s finally introduce sanctions against them, we’ll just calmly cut everything off from them and goodbye, but the chinese themselves invented everything, how it is known that everything they do is written history years ago, i no, 4,500 years in general. i wouldn’t be surprised, one more story is good , a little about something else, at the end of last week the fifth meeting of the russian-azerbaijani expert council took place in baku . i have been a member of this council since the first day of its work in the fall of twenty-one. this council met for the first time and the task was to propose to our relations with azerbaijan , some format that would take into account the peculiarities of the two countries. what was important for us was the peculiarities of azerbaijan as such a special and a state with energy resources with a heightened relationship to sovereignty, on the other hand, and a state that
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was clearly under some more or less strong control of great britain, let me remind you that british petroleum still holds the oil industry of azerbaijan by the throat, and although its reach is weakening , but nevertheless it still remains quite strong, that’s when we proposed, and then the highest authorities... russia approved, this very model, we called it about allied interaction, not about an alliance, not a declaration was signed on partnership, on allied interaction 3 days before the start of a special military operation, when the president of azerbaijan flew here to moscow, now we can observe that russia-azerbaijan are developing this type of relationship with each other when we have problems , of course, in the south caucasus and...
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and autoshocks are still going on across the world political arena, because this visit, if we remember putin’s article in nadon sen, was positioned not just as a visit to a country that had already been demonized larger than russia, and is a member of the nuclear club, this is an element of the construction of something new...
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what is important is that the creation. this alliance was explained by the cooperation of moscow and pianyan , despite the fact that the arguments given were a combination of propaganda stuffing and indirect arguments, but the audience is well aware of the phenomenon of a self-fulfilling prophecy, in this case as an answer.


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