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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 25, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

3:30 am
come to the country stronger at the russia exhibition. we watch to understand the world. educational programs. and documentaries, watch, watch, in the app or on the website, it’s easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it’s easy to make a deepfake, change your voice, we will expose all the fakes.
3:31 am
russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia 24. i’m boxing by correspondence - that’s of course a wonderful sport, but still , when we see it, then we will understand, we need to work in this direction, no, the afghans, undoubtedly, there are very difficult relations there, now we will begin to be close friends with the taliban, it is clear that with tajikistan, based on this, difficult problems will arise the situation, well, this is generally an area where it is very necessary, unfortunately, the situation has already arisen.
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not so linear, i don’t agree that the west is preparing for war, the west is waging war, this is what we need to understand very clearly, because democracy is on the program, not our understanding agrees.
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now ursula is waiting for us to die like flies, of course, introducing the fourteenth there now, they immediately announced not that the fourteenth, they say that we have begun preparations for the fifteenth, and there in the fourteenth package, for example, i was surprised, this is from of the cold war, something believed that they would now approve or disapprove russian patents, but not all, they would accept them, that is, in theory , counting on the fact that we would all send them there, and then, accordingly, they , what you need to take for yourself, what you don’t need.
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in any trade agreement these are intellectual property rights, so we must follow this, it seems to me that they don’t, so when they conclude now, they mobilize all their... yosok it definitely definitely can definitely can definitely they think let’s argue let’s check yes, maybe volodya will have to someday , i think it’s true, they go to others, there’s no point in checking what’s established, why hit the water with a rocket , why hit the water, well, there will be a strait of the name
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comrade stalin, i think that maybe we can get by with other means at first, no less, i can’t party, my posedon is idle. it’s not idle yet, we only have one submarine armed with it, we need two, calmly, okay, the united states is wrong, but at least the cold war, while it’s in america, they have a chance to survive, states, states they are counting on something else in the sense that the main thing in the cold war is to destabilize the internal situation, the internal situation, this is the idea of ​​decolonization. you can interpret russia, guys, this is what makhachkola is, they will dismember it like this, wilson spoke about this at one time, it was there in 1914, he spoke about it, spoke about it, kennen, reagan spoke about it and so on, russia is a colonial power that can, in
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principle, be destroyed from within, russia has a core, but orthodoxy, but the bolsheviks destroyed orthodoxy in our country, and not only orthodoxy, but also others. traditional religions, and then what came, came, of course, on this bare field some grains fell, which are not ours at all, which were sown by them, now they are actively cultivating them, why, it is necessary to create military hysteria throughout the world so that russia turns out to be, well, absolutely evil, but the americans proceed from the fact that they are absolute good, which means there is absolute evil in the world, absolute evil, yes, we are absolute evil, of course, we are absolute.
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well, from here, so to speak, you can always draw the whole line, that is, emelyan looks like this in french and says: but parkuaba and nepa, yes maybe, but there was money there, there was french money there and a lot of it, so everything was going towards this now, mainly from the inside , they don’t know, why don’t we, comrade, dig it up from the inside, let’s say, don’t we put it here on our kamala kharis, your pillow, by the way, this is a provocation, right? volodya, well, of course you said, you know, i didn’t expect this at all , because kamala, yes, she will bring closer exactly the end that you have been sprouted right all along, so i think that our bet, i think that now,
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when you are in a hurry all the time, you know, you are in a hurry, you are in a hurry to live and feel in a hurry, and what can you do, comrade solovyov.
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the fourteenth package of sanctions, what will the fifteenth be? for example, when we went and began to deal with north korea, it was a proactive step, sharp, clear, that’s what i’m talking about. across the dnieper, destroy all hydraulic structures, strike at
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decision-making centers, calmly warn you about your proposal, my proposals are quite clear quite simple, this is to destroy the dam on the kiev reservoir, not only it, well, you understand, yes, that i understand well that the left bank of kiev and well, already in 1961 there was only a small breach there, no and nothing. they are ironing belgorod, they have now started hitting the city with cassettes, hitting peaceful targets, what happened in sevastopol yesterday, today in belgorod, i have to feel sorry for them for 3 days, explain, citizens, you have 3 days , volodya, leave the kiev reservoir - this is four cubic kilometers of water and this is water, a wave up to the fourth floor, that’s all flies off, and then it is filled with silt, yes.
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the adoption of this extreme american bill on aid to ukraine, how it was drawn up and what disputes there were around it, now some details are being sorted out, why many did not want to actually go for, so to speak, funding, so to speak, because what to give, relatively speaking, here a certain discussion arose around 155 mm shells, so i don’t know what the west is preparing for there and what europe, what america, what kind of war is preparing for with 15 mm shells. they they cannot produce sufficiently, they have plans to build new factories, but this is the production of tens of thousands
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of shells per month, while the needs of ukraine alone are there, and also to close holes, that is, apparently there is no such possibility here, the only way out is to support terrorist activity, this is really why the five eyes network exists, it has, so to speak, a corresponding line of activity, no one has ever hidden this, let me remind you that the five the eye is almost an acoustic. followed the next american package,
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the european package of sanctions itself, which generally demonstrates that, well , they still have some kind of shells that are sanctioned, but these shells are definitely hitting something completely incomprehensible, that is, they are essentially they produce for their citizens, for their elites, for the owners in washington, they produce, as it were, some kind of, i don’t know , demonstration of sounds, yes artillery sounds, well, i would like to congratulate everyone, again, who fell under these... against this very same administration , against these very people, against these very elites,
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is actually beginning the next stage of riots within the west itself, which means, yes, i understand that we have no friends there, even among those people, for example, who are there, well, crimea in visited at one time when he became russian, like salvini, yes, how to put it so, you shouldn’t think that we have friends there in the west, you need to be more careful with them there, but you still need to understand, i always compared confrontation. populists, people like the girl here showed that there is a sort of normal world, a world of sovereign states, nation states, although the nation state is more like that, the 19th-2nd century, now something else is probably needed.
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well, i don’t know polina gagarin, so to speak, i ’m not that familiar with her work, but arteek is not as familiar with them as the people who imposed sanctions against her, so you can really imagine, here the commission is sitting listening to the fire gagarin and says, yes , yes, yes, listen, our opposition, which is sitting there, put it up, here they are they throw in these names, i just want to understand who that is, i don’t know, just to see the faces of these people who look at polina and gagarina,
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they say, she’s young, beautiful, sings well, exactly.
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it’s just that we need to endure, endure and do everything to win, sometimes to win you don’t need any feat in the style of tearing yourself in half, you just need to endure and observe a certain internal external discipline, in everyone’s own place, to understand that in this way, in fact, victory is achieved, i understand what kind of military work, what a feat people are doing on the line
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of combat contact, but each of us must still understand that this is necessary, this is time. you need to endure it, as you endured the northern war in your time, this is still not a situation of the great patriotic war, it most likely will not be like that, and most likely there will not be a nuclear war, maybe, yes, so to speak, but don’t worry, it will happen, it will be okay, then i won’t worry, but not in our theater yet, but the northern war, so to speak, but the northern war, this is, in my opinion, very a good example, when infrastructure developed over 20 years, the most beautiful city in europe was built simultaneously with the urban environment. with all the pies and at the same time we fought to be a superpower, so that we would all be called up, then not particularly so, so to speak, they attacked us, that’s about what we need to do, the only thing...
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that means so. “i’m very tired of all these fairy tales about kindness, oh well, but they don’t know, they don’t understand, let’s face it, we’re dealing with terrorists, the kiev regime is terrorists, they have been since 1914, an attack on the beach of sevastopol, this is news, well, let's remember , not so many years." children, i didn’t see, the murder in
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odessa, europe saw anything, didn’t see, the terrorist attacks that happened one after another, i saw, i didn’t see that we now want them to suddenly stand up and say, oh, you know, yes, really , how bad, it’s necessary, what a nightmare, it’s an absolute nightmare, it’s just a fag in every sense of the word. the european union considers information from russia unreliable, close to zero reliability, scum, go look the families of those killed in the eyes.
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of all kinds and types, you, who believe that above all, this is your right to perversion, you hate the russian people, that’s why yesterday’s bloody condensation in sevastopol makes you happy, and it’s interesting how the whole rhetoric of ukraine instantly changed, that’s it, it’s not ours anymore people, everything, civilian occupiers, the scumbag podol say that these are civilian occupiers, that they are dead children. civilian occupiers, yes, but not a single person in crimea now has the slightest doubt about how nenko treats them, or rather those who
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... captured her, so they definitely don’t need a cessation of hostilities, that means budanov gives an interview to the americans and explains what his plans are, how he is going to strike deep into russian territory, because every russian should feel that there is a war going on, but here everyone constantly says that it’s really impossible, there’s no need to fight with a peaceful population of ukraine, ah-ah-ah, let's feel sorry for them, let's give them...
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plundered from the donbass, don't give a damn that ukraine sent them, even forgetting to take out the sandwiches left in the microwaves, well, of course, with us, well, what are you, but what are we for, of course, and we are already fighting with a scalpel so as not to god forbid nothing happened, the number of civilian deaths is less than the number of palestinians killed as a result of the action...
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welcome to asia, the heart of the continent beats here.
4:00 am
well, let’s put it this way politely, any kindness of ours is perceived as weakness and they spit on us, so they say: let’s do it that’s it, let’s destroy it, come on, there are no targets in crimea that cannot be destroyed, now they are not only hitting crimea, they are trying to strike at our nuclear power plants, all russians must suffer, but we don’t stop them, forgive us.


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