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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 25, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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22 victims of the terrorist attack of the armed forces of ukraine were brought to moscow from sevastopol, more than half of them were children, seven were in serious condition, all of them had already been transported to the capital’s hospital, everyone was receiving all the necessary treatment. in the zaporozhye region, russian artillerymen helped motorized rifles dislodge the ukrainian armed forces from a position north of rabotin. the crews of the hail multiple launch rocket systems destroyed the firing points of the drone operators' positions, as well as enemy fortifications and equipment. juliana sanche was released after almost 2.0 days imprisonment in a maximum security prison, the high court of london released the journalist on bail, it is reported that the creator of wikileaks immediately flew to australia.
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and rdkb there are four children, three boys and one girl. the schoolchildren's condition is serious as a result of the ukrainian armed forces' attack on sevastopol; they received mine explosion injuries. a computed tomography scan was performed, a full range of laboratory instrumental studies is being performed, and further treatment tactics will be determined. in total, more than twenty were delivered from sevastopol to the capital victims, including 12 children. according to doctors, the condition of the evacuees is satisfactory, worsening.
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we were preparing, dozens of teams, ambulances and several helicopters arrived at the airport, carefully preparing to receive patients from sevastopol in order to immediately fly to federal and metropolitan medical institutions. the victims
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were immediately taken by helicopter to emergency pediatric traumatology and surgery. medical care for all victims, depending on their condition and the nature of the injuries received, will be provided in the largest multidisciplinary hospitals in the capital. the patients are at the yudin hospital and the sklefosovsky botkin institute. on june 23 , more than 150 people were injured in sevastopol, 79 are in hospitals, they were injured in a fall. a team from the disaster medicine center immediately flew to the city to provide all the necessary assistance. specialists from the yalta multidisciplinary medical center of the federal medical and biological agency of russia promptly arrived, including leading resuscitators, anesthesiologists, traumatologists, psychologists and neurosurgeons. they quickly carried out a number of complex operations. we managed to save a girl born in 2018. the child's condition is now stable. the united states
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is directly involved in the terrorist attack in sevastopol, stated russia's official representative to the un vasily nebendya. according to him, this terrorist attack will be discussed at the next security council meeting on ukraine in july. about the reaction of the west, victoria koroleva. the united states responded to the demarche to the american ambassador in moscow in connection with the terrorist attack in sevastopol. according to a state department representative in russian mindy. allegedly claimed that the united states regrets the civilian casualties , however, no one is going to stop pumping kiev weapons, as the associated press agency reports, the united states is preparing to allocate $150 million to ukraine for ammunition, but they don’t even think about being responsible for the deaths of civilians . we do not have any assessment of the main attack, including who exactly is responsible for it.
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there is no doubt about the involvement of the united states in the crime in sevastopol, said our permanent representative prion vasily nebenze, the pentagon doesn’t show it. we don't have any information. indicating whether civilians were killed or not. of course, as i understand it, this is what we will talk about with the ukrainians. we made it very clear that we did not want civilian deaths. meanwhile, the european union continues to discuss how to spend the proceeds from russian assets. as the head of european diplomacy, josep borel, promptly stated, the money will go towards missiles, artillery and air defense systems for kiev. there will be 400 million euros. available within next month and another billion by the end of the year, they will be allocated to ukraine for these three purposes: air defense, ammunition and supporting ukrainian industry, overcoming or bypassing these structural difficulties that we have faced over the past year and a half. some western
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politicians are already clearly feeling a general fatigue from the ukrainian conflict and are increasingly paying attention to the problems that have accumulated at home. so, for example, denmark will stop. ukrainian pilots to fly fighters, will instead focus on mastering their new aircraft, french president emmanuel macron also radically changed his rhetoric. he stated that he was no longer going to send troops to ukraine, and moreover, he was ready to talk with the russian president. i believe in the power of dialogue and i would continue the dialogue with vladimir putin. there has been no dialogue in the last few months, but i do not rule out conversations on one topic or another, including the issue of nuclear power plants. or about something else, but i say sincerely, i believe that it is always important to continue the dialogue. more and more countries are calling for dialogue with russia. so in the slovak parliament emphasized: the west is losing to russia and the whole world is rebelling against it; the turkish foreign ministry warned that as the conflict continues, the threat of a nuclear
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clash will only grow; they recalled that the russian president has already clearly outlined the conditions for a peaceful settlement. victoria koroleva, news. in the southern donetsk direction , russian artillerymen sharply intensified attacks on enemy fortifications and equipment. each combat crew fires dozens of shells. the volleys become especially powerful in the morning. our war correspondent, sergei samokha, will tell you why. shot. the guns practically do not fall silent, because the active movement of our troops began in this section of the southern donetsk direction. the crew does everything to support the infantry in the offensive. and destroys enemy fortifications, strongholds, well, every day, night, day we often work with infantry and equipment each time. the intensity of fire is higher than ever, the consumption of ammunition is very high, positions in the ssu are literally flooded with fire, maybe 70
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in 2 hours, maybe 100 in 3 hours, always differently, like, well, when an offensive is underway, with such intense work in an intensified ... mode, the supply connections also work, the gun must always have a full ammunition load, mostly we the work goes on in the morning, because there is an offensive, uh, this work is related to the supply of ammunition in order to organize it in due time. the crew of the d-20 gun of the vostok group from sakhalin has been working in the same composition since the beginning of the northern military district, according to the fighters, in recent months there have been artillery duels have practically stopped, but the enemy still... snarls, well, they don’t fly much, the main thing is komikazes, drones, well, everything else is this, and so, well, the shells don’t fly, the art of camouflage that our fighters use helps keep the gun and crew intact mastered to perfection. now the sky in this sector is literally flooded with drones, scouts, and
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the main task is to camouflage the weapon so that it is not visible not only from the sky, but, in principle, here even from a distance of just a few meters.
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the more, mobilization tightens and speeds up. rumors are growing in ukraine that the age could be sharply lowered from 25 to 18. wikileaks founder juliana. released from prison and left the uk. he was granted bail by the london high court after nearly 2.0 days in a maximum security prison. it is known that the journalist is now in australia. american media claim that assange entered into a plea agreement with the us attorney's office and, thanks to this, was released . let me remind you that the states accused journalists in espionage due to the publication of official materials about soldiers in afghanistan and iraq. for these charges, assange faced up to 175 years in prison . foreign politicians and journalists have already commented on his release;
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colombian president gustav petra congratulated the journalist , calling his imprisonment an attack on freedom of the press on a global scale. former us attorney general robert kennedy said that the american government should erect a monument to asanju in washington as a lesson about the importance of freedom of speech. tucker carlson believes that assange was able to turn back history by avoiding an extension. and former us presidential candidate vivik romoswamy called the journalist's release a desperate attempt by biden to gain voter support on the eve of the elections. now economic news, maria filippova joins me. mash, good morning, the state duma will discuss the indexation of pensions for working pensioners. roman, good morning, the review will be based on the same parameters as for unemployed senior citizens. today the state duma will consider in the first reading a bill on indexation of work payments. pensioners, according to the document, the review will be carried out in the same way as in the case of non-working people, twice a year, as was the case before
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2016. another nuance: working elderly people will receive an insurance pension payment in the amount established at the end of this year, and those not received for 8 years of indexation they are compensated after dismissal. according to experts, among other things, such a measure will also allow people with experience to remain in production. increase in the amount of work pension. increasing its effectiveness. chapter an element of interaction between generations in business and diplomacy of the european union called it legal to use stolen proceeds from frozen russian assets for financing. kyiv regime. jazzep barel made this statement at a press conference following a meeting of the heads
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of the ministries of foreign affairs of the european union. from his words it follows that a common european consensus of all 27 countries is no longer needed to make collegial decisions. now brussels dictates everything. at least in terms of withdrawing profits received from investing blocked sovereign funds of russia. barel described in detail when these funds were going to be transferred to ukraine. 1 billion and 400 million euros will be transferred on the third of next month, another billion before the end of the year. we understand that this is legal, since one country did not take part in the decision making, and therefore does not have the right to participate in the decision about the purposes for which the money is allocated. the official, of course, hinted at hungary. budapest refused to take part in the discussion of the adventure of transferring income from frozen assets to ukraine. russian assets and... continues to block the allocation of 6 billion euros to kiev from the so-called peace fund, funds from
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which are planned to be used for the purchase of weapons. china is trying to reach brussels through germany so that it abandons its intention to introduce protective duties against electric vehicles from china. bloomberg reports this with reference to its sources. according to them, in beijing during the visit of german vice-chancellor robert habock, he was offered such a deal. china is cutting tariffs on european cars by a large margin. volume engine, and berlin will use its leverage to influence brussels. however, bloomberg points out, the catch is that european cars with powerful engines, on which china charges a 15% duty, are primarily german and it will be difficult for germany to prove that it acts in the interests of the entire european union. in addition, the 48% that brussels wants to impose on chinese electric cars is most likely dictated by washington, which means that berlin will be listened to even less. a third of sales are european. last year accounted for the chinese market, and if beijing will introduce a 25% duty, the first to suffer
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will be german luxury car manufacturers; let me remind you, they voluntarily abandoned the russian market. at the end of the exchange rate, the dollar today is 87 rubles 37 kopecks, the euro is 94 rubles and 7 kopecks. roman, thank you, now to the latest messages: the best moscow doctors are helping victims of the terrorist attack of the ukrainian armed forces on sevastopol. the ministry of emergency situations delivered a special board. there are 22 wounded in the capital, including children in serious condition, all of whom have already been placed in moscow hospitals. usa directly involved in the terrorist attack in sevastopol using ataka missiles. this was stated by russia's official representative to the un vasily nebendya. according to the diplomat, the crime of the kiev regime will be discussed at the next security council meeting on ukraine in july. russian pilots in the northern military district zone destroyed strongholds and manpower of the ukrainian armed forces. the crew of the mi-35m attack helicopter successfully completed the combat mission.
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the military received the coordinates of the targets from the aircraft controller on the ground. after the attack, he confirmed the exact hit of the missiles. forest fires are being extinguished in yakutia, there are 175 large outbreaks in the republic, over 500 thousand hectares are burning. the most difficult situation is in the north of the region, in one of the areas the fire is approaching houses, rescuers are trying to stop the flames. the republic's authorities allocated 50 million rubles in aid to the families of those killed in the terrorist attacks in dagestan, as well as those injured. the specific amount of the sum will be calculated based on the severity of the injuries. in total there were. for 26 people. doctors assess the condition of the family as serious. another 20 people died. armed militants carried out terrorist attacks in makhachkala and derbent on sunday. they attacked a synagogue, two churches, and also a traffic police post. among the dead was an orthodox priest who served in one of the republic’s churches for about 40 years. in dagestan, starting monday, there is three days of mourning. belgium strongly
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condemns the terrorist attacks committed in dagestan and expresses condolences to the victims. he talks about this. in a statement by the kingdom of mida, law enforcement officials spoke out against violence against civilians in china. an official representative of the chinese foreign ministry said at a briefing that beijing condemns the acts of violence expresses condolences to the families and loved ones of the wounded. the head of the eu diplomatic service also condemned the terrorist attack and wished a speedy recovery to the victims. the head of the investigative committee today is waiting for a report on the causes of the fire in fryazino near moscow, a lot burned there the day before...
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the fire was assigned the third level of complexity, aviation was also working, two k-32 amphibious helicopters dumped water directly on the roof, in addition, the authorities of the moscow region sent 16 ambulances, one the man was saved, he was noticeably poisoned, and is now in custody. intensive care unit at the avl, we will definitely visit him, as for the other people who were in the building, according to various estimates, there may be four or five of them, two people died, and at least two more people, respectively, rescuers will continue the search. people were trapped on the upper floors of the building, they were cut off from escape routes,
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the ministry of emergency situations said. the investigative committee opened a criminal case. investigators of the investigation department for the city of shchelkovo, so the fire rose. the former building of the plot research institute on the territory of the fryazino industrial zone caught fire. it became private property back in the nineties. 30 companies, individual entrepreneurs and small enterprises related to light industry were registered here. the building has not been checked for fire safety since 2017, as follows from the spark contractor verification system. then serious violations were revealed, which, apparently,
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have not been corrected in recent years. that’s why the prosecutor’s office initiated an inspection of the tenants regarding how... these standards were observed. emil mirsaev, eva fedoto, dmitry shestukhin and anton odarchenko. news. sports news in the studio ilya kostin. ilya, good morning, writes that the head coach of the russian national team, valery karpin, has extended his contract with the national team. good morning, roman, yes, this information really got through. somewhere they write that they extended the agreement for 2 years, somewhere that for as many as four, but in any case , there is no official confirmation from the russian football union yet, so wait. russian goalkeeper sergei bobrovsky won his first career stanley cup at age 35. his club florida pans defeated edmonton in the decisive seventh match of the final series with a score of 2:1. bobrovsky stopped 23 of 24 shots in this meeting. carter verhaeghi and sam reinhardt scored the goals for florida. matjaas janmark
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nylen scored for edmonton. in addition to bobrovsky, two more russians became stanley cup winners for florida: forward vladimir tarasenko, for whom this is the second such trophy in his career, and defenseman dmitry kulikov. note that that any russian hockey player has won the stanley cup for the ninth season . florida became the champion for the first time in its history; the club has been in the league since 1993. during the final series, the panthers were leading 3:0, they squandered this advantage, losing three matches in a row, but still put the squeeze on the opponent. the last time this happened was at the decisive stage of the nhl back in 1945. at the european football championship, one of the teams again saved itself in stoppage time. italy scored against croatia. in the eighth added minute, this match ended in a 1:1 draw. in at the beginning of the second half, the penalty was not converted by croatian midfielder luka modric, but just
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a minute later he scored the first goal in this match. matyaat zakanii distinguished himself as part of the italian national team. the croatians eventually finished third in the group with two points. they retain their chances of reaching the playoffs, but they are minimal. let us remind you that among the eight teams that finished third in their groups, four were the best. indicators will advance to the next stage. the italians scored four points and took second place in group b in the 1/8 finals; they will meet the swiss team. the winner of group b was the spanish team; in the final meeting of the preliminary round, they beat the albanians 1:0. the only goal was scored by midfielder ferran torres in the thirteenth minute. let us note that the spaniards , compared to the first two meetings, which they also won, changed 10 players from the main squad. the pre-guaranteed first place in the group allowed head coach luis dala fuente to test the reservists. in the usa these days
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the overseas equivalent of the euro-america's cup is taking place. one of the favorites of the tournament, the brazilian team in the opening match could not defeat modest costa rica. the meeting ended in a goalless draw. on the 30th minute, brazilian defender markinos blocked rafin's free kick, but the referee. goal due to offside. as part of costa rica , spartak moscow forward manfred ugalda spent the entire match on the field. the only thing he got was a yellow card. zenit announced the transfer of two football players to st. petersburg: yuri gorshkov from the samara wings of the soviets and sergei volkov from krasnodar. the amount that zenit paid for the russian national team midfielder gorshkov is not specified. the contract with the twenty-five-year-old football player was concluded for 3 years with the possibility of extension for another season. gorshkov himself noted that he was very happy and playing for zenit was his childhood dream. volkov signed a contract under the 4+1 scheme,
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a twenty-one-year-old defender, who is a graduate of krasnodar, reached the final of the russian cup with the southerners and became the silver medalist of the premier league. now about tennis, russians ekaterina blinkova and diana schneider at competitions in bathomburg beat the champions of the big tournaments. helmet the sixty-sixth racket of the world blinkova was stronger than the us open 2019 champion bianca andree sku, who represents canada. two games were enough for our tennis player to win. 6:4 - 6:2. in the second round, balenkova will play with brazilian beatrice hadat mayeya. diana schneider defeated the former first racket of the world, german angelique kerber, in the opening match in germany. schneider also managed two games, 7:5, 6:3. in the next round the russian will meet.
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in the next 3 years there will be active work with population in the regions, support for small medium-sized businesses, as well as lending to the real sector of the economy. the head of vtb, andrey kostin, spoke about the bank’s development strategy at a meeting with vladimir putin. according to kostin, current plans are being implemented successfully. the bank completed its digital transformation and achieved record profits. last year it amounted to 432 billion rubles. this year , net profit will be even higher; the group has raised its forecast closer to 500. in the first 5 months, net profit under ifrs exceeded 229 billion rubles. thus the level
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return on capital exceeds. would be more active in the regions. today, the vtb network covers approximately 50 million citizens of the country. by the end of the three-year strategy , they plan to double the figure to more than 100 million. during this period, 300 new offices will be opened, 200 of them in small medium-sized cities where the bank is not currently present. already this year there will be a branch in new regions. in addition, the range of bank services in crimea will expand significantly, with
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increasing volumes among the priority areas. lending to crimean and sevastopol enterprises plan to achieve these goals through the integration of vtb with the local bank rnkb. now it is the largest in the region, more than 200 branches, rnkb clients are over 2.5 million residents and about 100,000 legal entities. we have a subsidiary bank there, it is the largest in crimea, called rnkb, we created it at one time, it has approximately 2.5 million clients and... about 100 thousand small medium-sized businesses, so it was decided that we are joining this bank because the tasks are growing, the crimean region is developing rapidly, therefore, starting from the new year , instead of rnkb, vtb will now have a direct presence in crimea , as if such decisions have been made. residents of crimea will be able to gain access to vtb financial products in the coming months, and the full transition to the vtb brand is planned to be completed next year. due to
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network expansion. in the regions, the number of bank offices will increase by 40% over 3 years and reach almost 2,000 branches; by the end of 2026, the network will cover all 89 regions and 700 cities of the country. in our country, if it’s a sport, then with records, if it's a national holiday, we love traditions, we honor our history, we value strong family.
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relationships, we admire how the country is blossoming, there are even more achievements ahead, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition. we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the website. it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. in pursuit of views
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, entire locations are changed. seregina's news is short: 22 victims were brought from sevastopol to moscow terrorist attack in usa, more than half of them were children, seven were in serious condition.


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