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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 25, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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sergegina's news the hour is short: 22 victims of the terrorist attack were brought to the isu from sevastopol to moscow, more than half of them were children, seven in serious condition. condition, everyone has already been admitted to the capital’s
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hospital, everyone is receiving all the necessary treatment. in dagestan, the total amount of assistance to the families of those killed in terrorist attacks, as well as to the victims, was announced. 50 million rubles were allocated for support. a total of 26 people were injured and another 20 died. the republic has been in mourning for three days since monday. in the donetsk direction, the russian military thwarted an attempt at rotation units of the armed forces of ukraine on the front line. the mortarmen successfully completed the combat mission. the crews of the vasilek automatic guns destroyed the infantrymen who intended to attack our attack aircraft. julian asansh was released and immediately went to australia. american media claim that the journalist entered into a plea agreement with the us prosecutor's office and, thanks to this, was able to leave the uk. the high court in london granted asandzh bail. in yakutia , the team to fight forest fires is being expanded, their area is rapidly increasing. it's on
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already over 500,000 hectares of taiga. to date, 175 large outbreaks have been recorded. most of the northern regions. there, rescuers are trying to keep the fire away from populated areas. ground troops and aviation are working. from yakutia, reporting by vitaly prokopyev. black charred marks on the body of the earth look like burns. from above you can clearly see where the fire is heading. the aviation firefighting team is ahead of the curve. experts do not immediately approach a burning forest; first, the fire must be localized; for this , a high-power detonating cord is used. power, its firefighters are laying it a couple of kilometers from the edge. we attach the waveguide to the machine and we will make an explosion with the machine. once the preparation process is completed, everyone moves away to a safe distance. the wave from the explosive is so strong that it shakes the ground. mineralized stripes do not allow the fire
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to advance further, but in order to completely extinguish the forest fire, ovine protection fighters will have to face the elements face to face. complicating the fight against fires is the terrain , hills, swamps and sharp cliffs, it takes a lot of time to get from point to point. we walked somewhere for 5-6 days, at the beginning we walked a kilometer, and then there were long distances, like the distance of a hill. the terrain is hilly and there is no water. if possible, they try to set up a camp closer to water bodies in order to quickly replenish fluid reserves in backpacks, because it rains infrequently in these parts. the sun is now at the peak of its activity and in the northern regions it practically never sets beyond the horizon. its powerful rays constantly heat dry moss, which is abundant in swampy areas, which is why the number of forest fires is growing so quickly. today we are planning to deliver
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twenty pcs to zeryanka, we are increasing the forces in the tatinsky district by 12 pdps, we are also expecting the arrival of 17 pdps from buryatia to aldan for their subsequent transfer to the olekminsky district. through the joint efforts of the ovelesookhrana and the russian ministry of emergency situations, at the height of the fire it is possible to contain all the information and quickly transfer it to the operational headquarters. already here, all kinds of measures and decisions are being taken to combat forests.
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continues to rise according to hydrologists' estimates already today it can reach dangerous levels, there is a threat of flooding of low-lying farmland. heavy downpours can aggravate the flooding in the middle reaches of the ob. now the main floods are observed in the khantemansi autonomous okrug. when it rains in ugra and what other regions will be covered by bad weather, we will tell you immediately after the advertisement. what will your summer be like? with free shipping, summer will be carefree, everything for your summer at the mega market, for example, everything for makeup with discounts of up to 40%. june 28 parade of planets, get ready for an expedition to the arctic, twenty
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the best percentage in the sberbank online application, what we bring from travel savita cashback bonuses for... your next trip. the avito trip will go as planned with cashback and bonuses. the urals are at the mercy of atmospheric fronts. thunderstorms with squally winds have been raging here for several days now. and this element has not even reached its peak yet. when will the showers reach their maximum intensity and will the weather improve at least by the weekend. this is the weather, a joint project. russia-24 channel and centrophobes, i’m ksenia, hello, today is the fourth day of a big thunderstorm in the urals. the precipitation is so heavy that it even falls in apartment buildings. images from kurgan. here the weather turned bad over the weekend and
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hasn't improved since. on monday , 14 mm of moisture fell in the city, a total of a third of the monthly norm in just three days. however, for this once there was a flood. fewer of the problems of the kurgan residents, where more troubles were brought by thunderstorms and storm winds, air currents accelerating to 16-22 m/s tore off roofs from houses and swept away the local fair, but because of lightning, part of the city and another dozen and a half surrounding populated areas points were left without electricity, look what’s going on here, our lights were turned off, the mound the day before was at the very epicenter of a big thunderstorm, but it fell in other regions. precipitation was observed in areas in the southern middle urals in ugra. intensity rainfall in some places reached 45 mm in 12 hours. the culprit of the protracted nastya in the ural region is an extensive cyclone. it spun
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on the wave of an atmospheric front that moved here from the european part of russia. further east, the siberian anticyclone does not allow the bad weather zone to pass through, so... clouds pour over the same areas. the center of the vortex is still moving north and today the main precipitation zone will shift to the polar urals, as well as to the middle ob region. if we talk about large... cities, perm will suffer the most from the elements. here it is not nasty who will peak in the first half of the day. the intensity of showers can reach 12 mm in 6 hours. due to the north wind it will be cold, no higher than +14°. the amount of precipitation in the capital during the night will approach 20 mm. however, in other regions the weather will not be called calm. yes, the precipitation will not be extremely heavy everywhere, but it will be over a vast area. thunderstorm activity is expected from the east of the komi republic to southwestern siberia, which means
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that in these areas the rain may turn to hail, lightning will flash in the sky and intensify wind. the urals region should not count on a quick improvement in the weather; huge temperature contrasts in the zone of atmospheric fronts will persist for several more days, which means thunderstorms with heavy downpours will continue to rage. moreover, at the end of the work week the weather will improve. even worse, another small vortex will flow into the cyclone zone from the south, which will lead to the activation of frontal sections. in kurgan, for example, today there will be rain again, about 20% of the monthly moisture norm, and thermometers will show +20°. then for a couple of days precipitation will weaken and warming will begin. on friday the air temperature will reach +30. but this is no reason to rejoice. in hot conditions, the atmosphere. will become even more unstable on saturday with intense showers again. now our
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joint column with roscosmos is a photo from orbit and another alarming forecast for nizhnevartovsk. this city in the east of the khanteman autonomous okrug has not yet experienced heavy rainfall, but this evening the weather will deteriorate and about 15 mm of moisture will fall in a few hours. then a few days later. weak rains and a new increase in precipitation by weekend, why this extremely unfavorable forecast can be seen on the satellite image, the flood continues here, as of monday , a thousand household plots and more than 300 houses remained flooded in nizhnevartovsk. new rains may lead to a new rise in water in the middle reaches of the ob. that's all for me, goodbye. we have 1,500 branches, more than 7 million. clients and financial solutions that suit everyone. rosselkhozbank, more than you think.
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economic news, ministry of finance continues fulfill obligations towards foreign investors. the novel is in rubles, taking into account sanctions that risk depriving european businesses of this profit. the russian ministry of finance paid the coupon on several eurobond issues at once, as is now customary in the national currency. the amount exceeded 34.5 billion rubles. in terms of dollars, this is 394. the funds were transferred in full to the national settlement depository, which , by the way, recently, together with the moscow exchange
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, came under western sanctions due to the bans on operations introduced earlier by washington and brussels in dollars and euros, coupons on foreign currency government bonds are paid through a special ruble account at nsd. due to new restrictions, foreign investors , through the efforts of their own officials, may soon lose this way to profit from investments in our country. the outflow of foreign direct investment from russia has changed. influx, this follows from a review of the un conference on trade and development. the document was presented in geneva. according to the calculations of the organization’s experts, if in the twenty-second year foreign investors withdrew from our country more than 15 dollars, then at the end of 2023 an influx was recorded that significantly exceeded 8 billion. at the same time, on a global scale, last year foreign direct investment decreased by 2%, and the decrease was recorded for the second year in a row. in addition, it is emphasized that if we exclude significant fluctuations in the indicators in several european economies, the decline exceeded 10%. among
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developing countries, china had the largest decline -13.5%. but especially alarming. the authors of the report were concerned about the situation in europe as a whole. the inflow of investment into europe and north america decreased much more than in other parts, mainly due to the weakening of the mergers and acquisitions sector, and this, as we know, is very important for developed countries, so here the reduction exceeded 14% for europe and 5% for america. the american corporation apple is violating the digital law adopted this year. markets of the european union. the european commission came to this preliminary conclusion. the investigation is ongoing. the claims are that the company does not give application developers the opportunity to freely provide users with access to alternative payment methods for content. the law provides for large fines of up to 10% of global turnover for the first violation and up to twenty for a second violation. a major
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record label is suing artificial intelligence startups. this is reported by thenew. the labels accuse the services of illegally using the composition to teach neurose how to write music. according to the lawsuits, this will not only create competition for live performers, but will make their work cheaper. companies demand to pay 1500 dollars for each copied song, which, according to them, is more than 2.0. the final exchange rate for the dollar today is 87 rubles 37 kopecks. euro 94 rubles and 7 kopecks. thank you, i'll tell you briefly. 22 victims of the terrorist attack of the armed forces of ukraine were brought from sevastopol to moscow, more than half of them were children, seven were in serious condition, all of them had already been transported to the capital’s hospitals, each was receiving all the necessary treatment. in the zaporozhye region , russian artillerymen helped motorized rifles dislodge the ukrainian armed forces from a position north of rabotin. the crews of multiple launch rocket systems destroyed the hail
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firing points, positions of drone operators, as well as enemy fortifications and equipment. does it mean for a bank to take on financial responsibility, what does it consist of, what can they require from a loan guarantor? details from stanislav bernwald in the program instructions in a couple of minutes. travel with alfabank, choose where to fly in the alfa travel service and receive
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loyalty sber thank you updated. pay with any sber card and get twice as many bonuses as before. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants and others. and even a category for everything. transfer money to sber from other banks for free and receive cashback of up to 70% from partners, we’ll save more money with a subscription. some people have probably encountered requests from their closest relatives or friends to become a guarantor for a loan. one visit to the bank, a few signatures, and the person receives the money. actually in fact, in such a scenario, you need to immediately turn off your emotions and... think about serious financial responsibility. we’ll tell you what it is in 5 minutes in this episode of the instructions program. first of all, you need to understand that a guarantee is not a simple formality, not
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for show in a contract, it is a real willingness to fulfill the borrower’s loan obligations, in other words, an agreement to repay the debt if he stops paying. in most cases, the creditor stipulates joint and several liability in the contract. this means that the bank may require payment debt as from a loan. liability, the bank can send a demand to one guarantor or to all at the same time, while the bank can demand both full payment
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of the debt and part of the debt, well, as a rule, in practice it is always required to fully fulfill obligations under loan agreements, if we say about subsidiary liability, then here the creditor, in this case, the bank can demand payment of funds from the guarantor only in the case. if the borrower has not fulfilled his obligations or in any way does not respond to demands placed on banks. another important point is that the guarantor, in any case, is responsible to the credit institution to the same extent as the borrower, that is, neither in the bank nor in court can one refer to his supposedly secondary role. the amount will include the principal debt, interest and accrued fines without any discounts. by the way, if it goes to court, the guarantor will also have to bear the legal costs along with... related expenses of the bank, if the debtor himself can no longer pay. if the borrower and guarantor do not pay, the bank submits lawsuit against everyone. as a rule, this
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happens after 2-3 months of delays. banks can independently set the terms and periods after which they go to court, this is the bank’s policy, taking into account civil legislation, the requirements of the central bank of russia, but most often this happens within... within 3 months, this is due to the norms bankruptcy legislation, according to which, if the debtor does not fulfill the requirements for more than 3 months, an application for bankruptcy can be filed against him initiation of proceedings to declare the debtor bankrupt. the court considers the claim in most cases in favor of the bank , establishes a debt repayment schedule, if this schedule is violated, the case is transferred to the bailiffs, and they have the right to apply the same measures to the guarantor as to the borrower, namely to arrest and block accounts. cards, assign a monthly deduction from salary in favor of the bank, seize and sell movable and immovable property to pay off the debt and, of course, limit travel abroad. since the guarantee is
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this is a way to ensure the fulfillment of obligations, then after the bank makes demands in court against the guarantor, it receives a court decision, according to which the guarantor is also obliged to repay the debt. then, in accordance with the norms of the legislation on enforcement proceedings , all the same tools can be applied to the guarantor as to the borrower. i don’t want to force the issue, but even death does not release the guarantor from financial obligations; they are passed on to the heir. in addition, no payment a guarantee negatively affects your credit history. if such a person needs a loan in a couple of years, an unpleasant surprise will await him at the bank. when completes instruct.
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we do not urge you to never act as a guarantor, but you need to take the situation seriously, evaluate the solvency of the borrower and your financial capabilities. so, let's repeat the most important thing: by acting as a guarantor, you undertake, if necessary , to fulfill the borrower's loan obligations, and in full. if not the debtor, neither the guarantor does not pay, the bank can sue both of them, and if the situation does not change. - this is to pay off the creditor. the surest way to complete the guarantee questions remains, if you want to know how to avoid incurring unbearable financial obligations with just one signature, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we will bother the experts and will definitely tell you about everything in one of the next issues of our program.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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victims of the attack on sevastopol in moscow, they are being provided with assistance, the united states is directly involved in this terrorist attack - said our permanent representative to the un. russian air defense repelled a new attack by the ukrainian armed forces, as progress is being made in the avgeevsky direction. a lesson for the us about the importance of freedom of speech. whistleblower of american secrets julian assange has been released from prison, where is he now and what is the reaction in the world. forests are burning in yakutia, firefighters are trying to keep the fire away from populated areas, there is a flood in the primorye region, and they are eliminating the consequences of prolonged downpours. the main theater award - golden masks distributed in moscow, who became the best and how the anniversary went.


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