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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 25, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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so, the founder of wikileaks, julian assange, has been released from prison and left the uk. the high court in london released him on bail after 5 years in a maximum security prison . it is known that the journalist is now flying to australia. american media claim that assange entered into a plea agreement with the us attorney's office and, thanks to this, was released . let me remind you that the states accused journalists of espionage due to the publication of official reports. materials about the wars in afghanistan and iraq. for these charges, asanju faced up to 175 years in prison. conclusions. foreign politicians and journalists have already commented on asandzh’s release. thus, the president of colombia, gustav petra, congratulated the journalist and called his imprisonment an attack on freedom of the press on a global scale. former us attorney general robert kennedy said that the american government should erect a monument to assange in washington. as a lesson about
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the importance of freedom of speech. tucker carlson believes that assange was able to turn back history by avoiding an extension. and former us presidential candidate, viv ramaswamy, called the journalist's release a desperate attempt by biden to gain voter support on the eve of the election. we will return to this topic later on air; a report from our correspondent in the uk, alexander khabarov, is being prepared. for now, let's move on to other topics. in the belgorod region , a civilian was killed during shelling by the ukrainian armed forces. the shell hit one of the private houses in the village of belovskaya. the elderly woman died on the spot. the yakovlevsky urban district was also under attack. the enemy sent six drones at him. in a populated area, a builder two civilians were injured, one of them was hospitalized. two apartment buildings were damaged. in the village of bykovka, the windows of two private houses were broken and the roofs were cut. and in
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other news: four children injured as a result of a ukrainian armed forces missile attack on sevastopol are in serious condition, this was reported by doctors from the russian children's clinical hospital, where the patients are being treated. a total of 22 people were brought to the capital. the special flight was carried out by an aircraft of the ministry of emergency situations. it is equipped with all necessary medical equipment, including ventilators and cardiac monitors. during the flight, the wounded were accompanied by doctors. will tell you the details . there are four children in the intensive care unit of the russian children's clinical hospital, three boys and one girl. the schoolchildren's condition is serious; as a result of the ukrainian armed forces' attack on sevastopol, they received mine explosion injuries. a computed tomography scan was performed, a full range of laboratory and instrumental studies are being performed, and further treatment tactics will be determined. in total , more than twenty victims were brought from sevastopol to the capital, among them 12. children according to prices
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according to doctors, the condition of the evacuees is satisfactory, there is no deterioration, everyone endured the flight normally. employees of the main directorate of the ministry of emergency situations of russia for the republic of crimea provided comprehensive assistance in transporting and delivering seriously ill children on board the il-76. 18 personnel and eight units of equipment from the russian ministry of emergency situations were involved. during the flight , the victims were accompanied by specialists from the ministry of health and doctors from the spas center detachment.
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79 are in hospitals, they were injured when fragments of an atacoms rocket exploded in the air. immediately to provide a team from the disaster medicine center flew to the city to provide all necessary assistance. specialists from the yalta multidisciplinary medical center of the federal medical and biological agency of russia promptly arrived, including leading resuscitators, anesthesiologists, traumatologists, psychologists and neurosurgeons. they quickly carried out a number of complex operations. we managed to save the girl.
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year of birth, the child’s condition is now stable. maria valieva, denis tsitseronov, alexander kutoteladze and nadezhda nefodova, lead. applications for compensation for damaged property and cars. as for the beaches where the tragedy occurred, explosive technicians were working there all these days. and now in direct communication from sevastopol, our own correspondent yana shcherbataya. yana, greetings, what can you say about the condition of the wounded? yes, alexander, greetings, indeed, at the moment there are still 57 people in sevastopol hospitals, these are both adults and children with various conditions, degrees of severity and also with various injuries, and of course, most of them are fragmentation , in the sevastopol
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at the moment, the state of emergency of regional importance continues to operate, the vuchkuevka beach, where this tragedy occurred, is still closed at the moment, the fact is that there may still be unexploded cluster munitions there. it is known that the day before specialists finished examining the shore of the beach , divers are now working there, access to the beach will be opened only when, of course, it is safe, but it is worth noting that during the tragedy in uchkuevka on june 23, people , of course, ran away from the beach, abandoning everything , what a there, they saved themselves, they saved their lives, today the headquarters opened, where people can come to pick up their things, i will also note that cars were damaged by shrapnel, a lot of broken glass, today it opened with... the social commission is assessing the damage, after the damage has been assessed and the government will accept applications for compensation and payments to victims will begin. alexander, yana, thank you, our
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correspondent, yana shcherbataya, was in direct contact from sevastopol. the usa is directly involved in the terrorist attack in sevastopol, about this said russia's official representative to the un vasily nebenze. according to him. this attack will be discussed at the next security council meeting on ukraine in july. victoria koroleva will talk about the reaction of the west. the united states responded to the demarche to the american ambassador in moscow in connection with the terrorist attack in sevastopol. according to the state department representative in the russian foreign ministry, lyn tracy allegedly claimed that the united states regrets the civilian casualties . however, no one is going to stop pumping weapons into kiev. how reports the associated press. the united states is preparing to allocate $150 million to ukraine for ammunition, but i don’t even think about being responsible for the deaths of civilians. we do not have any assessment of the main attack, including who exactly was responsible for it.
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there is no doubt about the involvement of the united states in the crime in sevastopol, said our permanent representative prion vasily nebendya. euros will be available within the next month and another 1 billion by the end of the year, they will be allocated to ukraine for these three purposes. air defense, ammunition and support for ukrainian industry. overcoming or bypassing these structural difficulties that we have faced over the last year and a half. some western
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politicians are already clearly feeling a general fatigue from the ukrainian conflict and are increasingly paying attention to the problems that have accumulated at home. so, for example, denmark... will begin to train ukrainian pilots to fly fighter jets ; instead, it will begin mastering its new aircraft; french president emmanuel macron has also radically changed his rhetoric. he stated that he was no longer going to send troops to ukraine, and moreover, he was ready to talk with the russian president. i believe in the power of dialogue and i would continue the dialogue with vladimir putin. there has been no dialogue in the last few months, but i do not rule out a conversation on one topic or another, including the nuclear issue. station or about something else, but i say sincerely, i believe that it is always important to continue the dialogue. more and more countries are calling for dialogue with russia. thus , the slovak parliament emphasized: the west is losing russia and the whole world are rebelling against him; the turkish foreign ministry warned that as the conflict continues, the threat of a nuclear
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clash will only grow; they recalled that the russian president has already clearly outlined the conditions for a peaceful settlement. victoria queen, news! the republic's authorities have allocated 50 million rubles in aid to the families of those killed in the terrorist attacks in dagestan, as well as to those injured; the specific amount will be calculated based on the severity of the injuries. a total of 26 people were injured. doctors assess the condition of seven of them as serious. another 20 people died. armed militants carried out terrorist attacks in makhachkala and derbents on sunday. they attacked a synagogue and two churches, as well as a traffic police post. among the dead is an orthodox priest who served in one of the republic’s churches for about 40 years. in dagestan, starting monday , there is three days of mourning. belgium strongly condemns the terrorist attacks committed in dagestan. and expresses condolences to the victims, the mid-kingdom said in a statement. the head
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of the eu diplomatic service also condemned the attack and wished a speedy recovery to the victims. against violence against civilians and law enforcement officers acted in china. an official representative of the chinese ministry of foreign affairs said at a briefing that beijing condemns the acts of violence and expresses its condolences to the families and loved ones of the wounded. the number of deaths as a result. a strong fire in the moscow region has not grown, emergency services reported that this morning four bodies were found on the seventh floor. thus, six people have already become victims of the fire. the head of the investigative committee, bastrykin, is expecting a report on the causes of the fire today. the fire broke out yesterday in administrative building and covered 5.000 m2. to escape, people jumped out of windows. now let's move on to a short advertisement, then we will continue to talk about... the main topics of this tuesday, what will your summer be like? with free
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generation, on the field a legend comes out to... win. today the state duma will consider in its first reading a bill on indexing payments to working pensioners. according to the document, the review will be carried out in the same way as in the case of non-employees twice a year. my colleague maria filippova has all the details. she joins me. good morning. tell me. will the indexation amount be the same for working and non-working pensioners? sasha, hello, yes, everything is on equal terms, and this will also allow us to retain experienced personnel. the state duma will today discuss the indexation of pensions for working pensioners. the corresponding bill will be considered in the first reading. according to the document, people of retirement age who have not yet retired will again receive
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pension increases, just like those who are not working. pensioners. the measure is due to come into force next year. let me remind you, indexing. pensions for working pensioners were suspended in 2016 . now, according to vladimir putin, financial opportunities have improved and this process can be resumed. the implementation of the project, legislators note, will require additional funds from the budget. preliminary next year 96.5 billion rubles. in 2026 - 177 billion and 260 in 27. the amount of indexation itself, both for non-working and for working pensioners in 2025, has not been determined, indexation for both categories will be in the amount established at the end of this year, the average pension of a working pensioner is 17,300 rubles, and if you compare, the average pension of a non-working person is approximately 21 thousand, it is difficult
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to predict enough how much it will increase, no less than inflation, it will most likely increase. maybe more. working and non-working pensioners will receive the same percentage increase. it is noted that from 2025 indexation will be carried out twice a year. from february 1st according to the inflation rate and from april 1st, the country changes the size of the individual when in connection with the growth of average wages in the pension coefficient. twice since february 1st according to the level. inflation and from april 1 , the insurance part of the pension will be indexed based on the growth of pension fund income. i would also like to remind you that working pensioners will have another small increase in pensions from august 1 - this is a recalculation of pensions taking into account the new individual pension coefficients they have earned, in common parlance points.
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indexation for working and non-working pensioners will be carried out on the same basis. regarding those missed indexations since 2016, the lost amount will not be lost, the size of the pension will increase proportionally, but only after dismissal. here's how experts explain the mechanism using the example of a person who became a pensioner in 2020. if he continued to work, but his pension was also not indexed there in the twentieth and 21, the twenty-second year in the twenty-third year, and in the twenty -fourth year it was also not indexed. here's a. as of the beginning of this year
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, 7,870 working pensioners, or almost 19%, were registered in the russian social fund. from the total number of people retired, this is how many citizens will be affected by the new pension measure. the state duma is confident that it will work not only in favor of the population, but also of the state. in conditions of personnel shortages, specialists will be able to remain in their positions and receive an increase in their pension. and this, as the speaker of the lower house vyacheslav polodin noted in his telegram channel, will allow the return of experienced personnel to the economy and will increase labor productivity. also, pensioners who are currently employed unofficially will be able to work using a work book. in white. such sasha's changes are expected for working pensioners starting next year. thank you, masha, it was maria filippova, she spoke about the nuances of pension indexation. now to the situation in the svo area. in the southern donetsk direction , russian artillerymen sharply intensified attacks on enemy fortifications and equipment. each
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combat crew fires dozens of shells, and the volleys become especially powerful in the morning. our war correspondent sergei samokha will tell you why. the gun practically never stops talking, because in this section of the southern donetsk direction active our movement. the crew does everything to support the infantry in the offensive and destroys enemy fortifications, strong points, well , every day, night, day we often work on infantry on equipment, every time, the intensity of fire is higher than ever, the consumption of ammunition is very high, positions in the ssu are literally they fill it with fire, maybe 70 in 2 hours, maybe 100 in 3 hours, it’s always different. well, when the offensive is underway, with such intense work , supply connections also work in an enhanced mode, the gun must always have a full ammunition load, in mostly our work goes on in the morning,
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because there is an offensive, this work is related to the supply of ammunition in order to organize our time. the crew of the d-20 gun of the vostok group from sakhalin has been working in the same composition since the beginning of the northern military district, according to the soldiers, in recent months the artillery has been deployed.
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state for these guys, and i think that literally within, probably even this month, we will already launch this center here in moscow. special operations veterans will also receive help with work and retraining. united russia launched a new support project. party representatives and employment service specialists began on-site consultations in hospitals and sanatoriums where military personnel returning from the front line are being treated. they are helped with their studies to obtain a new civilian specialty, and also resolve issues with employment. the first consultations took place at the arkhangelskoye defense ministry sanatorium in
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krasnogorsk near moscow. about 50 northern military district veterans took part in them. the guys received completely different consultations, including using the work in russia portal. we already have a lot of questions, which we will work out with the ministry of labor and the ministry of defense. and of course, our main one.
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mobilization is becoming more intense and its pace is increasing; rumors are multiplying in ukraine that the age may be sharply lowered from 25 to 18 years. and again to one of the main topics of our issue. julian assange is free. the us authorities actually forced the founder of the wikileaks website to partially admit guilt. as a punishment , he is considered to have spent 5 years behind bars in london. washington went after assange for
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what he did. journalism, he commanded around the world about the war crimes of the us army. next, a report by alexander khabarov. this short video is the first evidence that wikileaks founder juliana asanche is at large. he was released on bail by an english court from belmersh prison, where he had been held for the last 5 years, and boarded a private jet at london stansteth airport. julian asanche is free, having left belmarsh maximum security prison on the morning of 24 june. giving it 1901 days. based on documents that have appeared in the british press, asansh is due to appear in court at the pacific island of saipan, under american jurisdiction. the island was chosen due to its proximity to australia, of which asansh is a citizen. the founder of wikileaks made a deal with american authorities, pleading guilty to one charge of espionage. the us attorney's office should seek a prison sentence
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of 5 years, resulting in him.
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ecuador, from where he was taken out by british police in 2019 after the betrayal of the ecuadorian authorities, the wikileaks website created by asange published thousands secret documents about us crimes around the world, including the killing of civilians and reuters reporters in iraq. former us presidential candidate vibek ramaswamy called asandge's release a desperate attempt by the biden administration to win voter support. it's shameful that he
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had to rot in a foreign prison for...


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