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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 27, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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esto situația. provocations, therefore we recommend to our residents in bolivia and tourists who arrive, albeit in small numbers, but nevertheless present, that they maintain precautions and be more vigilant. yeah, and the news agency reports that, with reference to the minister of the ministry of internal affairs of bolivia, castilio dal carpio, that about ten military men who participated in this coup attempt have been arrested.
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coup d'etat, what are the reasons, what are the roots of what happened, is it connected with the past crisis of the nineteenth year, when the army ousted then-president moralis? well, as i already noted, in bolivia we have the record for the number of coups d’etat, so such events are not uncommon here, the country is very rich in natural resources, which is certainly the object of desire for a large number of different players, both within the country and abroad, the opposition does not sleep . position takes advantage of possible weaknesses, in this situation we can say that this episode became another in the galaxy of such coups d’état, connection with 2019 can be traced only to the extent that , of course, the roots of this state secret go back precisely to the activities of the opposition, so let’s wait to see what the law enforcement agencies tell us, what the investigation can find out. and we’ll wait for
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concrete results, yeah, and mukhamed zhabralovich, it’s actively discussed on the social network that the protests were closely monitored in the united states and could have contact with the bolivian military, the question is not an eye-opener, do you admit that washington is in some kind of degree involved in what happened, moreover, you said that bolivia is such a division of interests of different political players, of course, well again. let’s leave this, let’s not speculate now, let’s leave the law enforcement agencies and investigators the opportunity to do their job, but i’ll give you one simple fact: just on monday, the bolivian ministry of defense published a press release in which it stated that it had called the charge d’affaires of the united states states debra hevia to the ministry so that she could provide an explanation regarding a number of statements and actions us embassy staff who interpret. is interpreted by the bolivian
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side as interference in internal affairs, in fact, then everyone can draw their own conclusions, and we will wait for the results of the investigation. yes, let's leave the ellipsis, let's leave the work to the investigation, well, if we return to... the situation in the city, did this coup d'etat affect the work, the attempt, yes, an attempt, that's right, the coup d'etat on the work of the russian embassy in lopass, maybe they addressed to you, our fellow citizens who are now in bolivia for help or consultation, well, you know, the country is very dynamic, literally a lot of events happen every day, so we never come here after cancer, we just worked specifically yesterday. received various signals in an enhanced mode, monitored the development of the situation, certainly informed moscow, and as for our citizens, believe me, our diaspora in bolivia, although small, are seasoned people, as i said, coups d’etat in this country are not rarity, so people who are wise with experience, they
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they know very well how to behave in such situations, so we haven’t received any signals from them specifically, much less signals asking for help, however... we are certainly monitoring the development of the situation and keeping our citizens on the pulse and informing them properly, and well, you said about citizens, the question is also about business, everyone knows that russia and bolivia are connected by many joint projects, from energy to education, what work is being done to ensure that the political and social situation in bolivia does not interfere with the development of our economic relations, of course, our companies are present in bolivia, performing strategic ones. even flagship projects in many ways, one can cite the example of the center for nuclear research and technology, which is being built by rosatom in the city of elalta, a unique project not only by the standards of the region, but at the global level, which will allow bolivia to make a sharp leap, a qualitative leap forward in the field of its
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technological development, scientific and technological development, certainly works in the field of gas production projects, gazprom company, you know that recently there have been several important visits at the level of the country's top leadership. on april 26 , foreign minister silinda sosa was in moscow. most recently, in early june , the president of bolivia visited st. petersburg. luis arsy, that’s why we provide all possible support, provide technology, provide our knowledge, train specialists, educate them, because we have an agreement that has been signed. uh presidents agreement on mutual recognition of education, qualifications academic degrees. just yesterday, our ambassador mikhail nikolaevich lyudinev was present at the presentation, at the presentation ceremony of this agreement in mida, and this agreement should also allow us to make a sharp leap in
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the field of cooperation in the scientific field and to train golivid specialists who may be able to prevent similar events in the future. well, we hope that the projects really are. will develop and continue, especially considering that the president of bolivia recently stated that he would like to see his country join the brix union. muhamed dzhabrach, thank you very much, the press officer of the russian embassy in bolivia, muhammed timurziev, was in touch with us. negotiations between vladimir putin and the president of the republic of congo, denis sungiso, took place in the kremlin today. among the topics discussed are prospects for strengthening economic cooperation. russia provides, supplies.
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russian, british relations, and took part in two summits, russia-africa, make the necessary efforts to develop our interaction in almost all areas, meaning political level, recently trade and economic ties have been noticeably developing. we are grateful to you for your joint work on the international stage. in general, everything is working out for us, i’m very glad to see you in russia. the ministry of emergency situations has completed search and rescue operations at the site of the passenger train crash in koma. according to the latest data, the tragedy claimed the lives of three people. according to the investigative
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committee, the body of a sixteen-year-old girl, who had been searched for a long time, was found. earlier, in addition to, let me remind you, it became known about the deaths of two more men. the list of victims includes... the central election commission of ukraine, tax and migration services will directly transfer data on male citizens over 17 years of age to military registration and enlistment offices. the corresponding law was published on the website of the verkhovna rada. previously, data was transferred to the electronic register of conscripts from the age of 18. against this background, with...
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two policemen and a military commissar will send him to the shopping center, then the road is probably one way, to the front. everything happens under the frightened gaze of his fellow citizens and the crying of a child. such screams today they are heard in every city of ukraine. the tcc does not stop hunting men of military age; on the contrary, it is acting more and more harshly. to catch as many victims as possible, they organize raids, blocking roads and bridges. i don't like the regime here. my heart senses that we are on the eve of a grandiose show. to simplify the work of a military commissar, the rada
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obliged all men in ukraine to voluntarily come to military registration and enlistment offices to supposedly update military registration data. but many, after going through this procedure, immediately go to acquisition centers. they took me to the camps, these beds here remind me of something, bug-catchers. often, in such places, as the next mobilized bug-eater puts it, clashes occur with military commanders who are dissatisfied with the living conditions and are beaten mercilessly. people, according to the military medic, the elderly end up immediately in the trenches on the first line of combat contact, 80% of us
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are sick people, in the attack aircraft, in the marine corps, grandfathers, you know how now in the shopping center a medical examination is carried out, a person comes, they tell him: raise your hand, like this, turn it, turned, godin, tuberculosis, hiv, it doesn’t matter, they take away even those who should have a reservation from mobilization, in odessa, for this reason , over 600 workers have quit the ambulance service over the past 9 months . according to the mayor of the city, due to a lack of personnel 20 ambulances do not travel on their routes every day, but the kiev authorities do not see anything critical in such situations. i would like there to be a state in which people’s rights are never violated, but the world is not ideal, it’s only in hollywood that you can make the film “ideal world,” but even there it is said that this is very, very difficult, for civilians there is only one choice: to flee from an imperfect country in order to save their lives. 24 people made such an attempt at once, they wanted to get to moldova, but they came across
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border guards, they are fleeing to romania, but to do this they need to cross the tisa river, according to the border service, 45 draft dodgers have already died in such attempts, recently a mini-game even appeared on the internet , in which the character tries to swim to the romanian coast, among ukrainians she instantly became popular. stanislav vasilchenko, natalya uvarova. news. on avito khvatamba: discounts for people from people until july 7. the sber-thanks loyalty program has been updated. pay with any sber card and get twice as many bonuses as before. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants and others. and even a category for everything. transfer money for free to sber from other banks and receive cashback of up to 70% from partners,
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july 7th khvatamba has so much to offer. from cabinets to auto products on avito. so, we continue, let’s start with this news. the european union and ukraine today concluded an agreement on security guarantees in brussels for kyiv. the signing ceremony took place on the sidelines of the eu summit, and evgeniy nipat has all the details. lvov cemetery, hundreds of graves of liquidated terrorists. zelensky. the one who sent them to slaughter leaves a bouquet at one of the tombstones and places it under the yellow-blaky ukrainian and black-red ensigns of the extremist upa. all before the trip to brussels, to those whose decisions are causing the square square cemetery to continue to grow rapidly. a couple of hours later, grave dust from zelensky’s shoes is already on the red carpet of the building of the european council, its chairman charles michel, the head of the regime slows down and
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intensively tells something to the pointing bureaucrat with his finger, perhaps sharing fantasies about the second so-called summit. the dnieper guest emotionally signed agreements with the eu, one of which obliges the 27 countries of the association to support kiev. quote: despite any institutional changes within. today we have the opportunity to sign additional bilateral security agreements with ukraine. it is very important that we make it clear that we intend to support ukraine as much as as much as needed. hot words about strengthening support, signing a number of documents instead of the key entry into nato. at the next summit in washington, the kiev regime will be offered not to become part of the organization, but to cross the quote bridge to membership in the alliance. ukraine will not receive an invitation to the summit. i think this was stated very clearly. in terms of concrete results for ukraine that will be presented at the summit, we are talking about providing it with an institutional bridge to nato membership.
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the support of this bridge will be a specially created structure that should coordinate and streamline all european assistance to ukraine. to create a special group of military assistance to ukraine and training of military personnel at a base in the american base, these plans have already been agreed upon at a meeting of the bloc’s defense ministers this month, it is also expected that financial plans for the implementation of these programs will be agreed upon, the figure was 40 billion euros per year, so far the final decision has not been made, but it seems... the new structure will be in germany, the missions are german they asked not to name this brainchild, just to avoid a hint of a war between the alliance and russia; he would rather lead this mission. only an american general, it will operate in parallel with the romshtein format, where the united states unconditionally rules the ball. this is such a precautionary step that all coordination in
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the future will be carried out precisely by the nato bloc, in order if suddenly in the future the united states completely curtails its military or any other support for the ukrainian conflict, so that later if another trump administration comes to power.
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at the cemetery. evgeniy nipot, ekaterina shamaeva, asya aslanyan, news. well, now on the topic of personnel changes in the government and the presidential administration of belarus, alexander lukashenko appointed a new ambassador of the republic to russia, well , anastasia sokhovskaya will tell us all the details, she is in direct contact, joining the facts. anastasia, hello, which belarusian official has changed his job? well, who will now head the development department in moscow? we expect everything from you." yes, colleagues, hello, it’s really a big personnel day here. belarusian politics, many changes in key positions for the state, in general,
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one can probably call it one of the sensations of today, the news that alexander lukashenko replaced the head of the ministry of foreign affairs sergei oleynik, who held this post for just over a year and a half, is leaving the council of the republic, in general, will continue to work on international tracks, will head a specialized commission, and this is in the upper house of parliament, i will explain. maxim ryzhenkov was appointed instead of him, a person also in general not new to the meade system, educated he graduated from the faculty of law of the belarusian state university, but he began his career precisely along the diplomatic line, worked in the belarusian embassies in israel and poland, then worked on sports issues for quite a long time, was an assistant to the president and vice-president of the national olympic committee, by the way, rozhenkov himself plays basketball , and then served as deputy head of the presidential administration, this is how alexander lukashenko characterizes the new minister. let's listen.
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alexander lukashenko mentioned dmitry krutov , already the ex-ambassador of belarus to russia, with today he is the new head of the presidential administration. dmitry krutoy worked closely with our country, almost 2 breakthrough years for the union state in all spheres, and in no case should he slow down this pace, alexander lukashenko called on the new ambassador alexander ragozhnik, a native of gomel, a region very close to russia, his specialization accounting and control, he headed the optoelectronic and minsk motor plants, and then. served as minister of industry, that is, key areas of cooperation with he is very familiar with russia. let's listen to the president again. why the minister of industry,
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because basically our prospect of working with the russian federation is the projects that we have outlined, they are in the industrial sector. we still have many questions there. let him do it. where is your control? connect the government where necessary, move the ambassador. alexander efimov, who served as deputy minister in this department, previously worked at the amkodor enterprise, is a well-known manufacturer, was appointed minister of industry, accordingly, the new belarusian agricultural, road, forestry equipment, which also closely cooperates with russia, so our industrial cooperation, the common industrial policy will obviously continue. such news olga artyom. yes, apparently, russian-belarusian relations will only benefit from such changes. thank you, anastasia, anastasia sakhovskaya spoke about personnel changes in the government and the presidential administration
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of belarus. we continue. a delegation of russians arrived in belarus today senators led by valentina matvienko to participate in the eleventh forum of regions. the speaker of the federation council began her visit with a visit to the polotsk cadet corps, where she took part in the ceremony of handing over the historical banner of the 1844 model to the school. the painstaking work of restoring the carpentry was carried out by russian specialists from the grobar center. valentina matvienko noted that...
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but this is such a historical symbol and transmission of the tradition and spirit of the cadet corps, and i think that the guys who will be here the students, of course, will feel it too.
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for us, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one. we love traditions, we honor our history, we value family and strong relationships. and we admire how the country is blossoming. there are even more achievements ahead of us. fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition.
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