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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 27, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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a valuable evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. fugitive foreign agents planned terror. panomariov and the company will take to the nato summit the plan for a coup in russia, which was hatched in warsaw. what are they counting on? confession of another ukrainian prisoner of war. a military medic of the armed forces of ukraine told how the command resorts to meat assaults and why his brigade was defeated three times by more than 70%. how did you do it? to stay alive,
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have agreed to escalate the conflict, the united states intends to officially send pentagon repair teams to ukraine, supposedly for repairing damaged equipment. what is this? legal cover for sending troops? cholera is raging in ukraine. only ukrainians don’t know about this. why does kiev silence the media, perhaps because it itself provoked the outbreak of the disease. they believe in victory, in themselves and, of course, in god, how faith helps the russian military strengthen their positions at the front, why private evgeniy radionov became the patron of donetsk soldiers. we discussed, quote, the elimination of the putin regime and developed a so-called victory plan, this is a resonant article. from a meeting in warsaw,
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where some russian oppositionists in exile allegedly gathered. however, upon closer examination it is not difficult to notice that the british newspaper’s idea of ​​the opposition is very peculiar. for example, the headliner of the event was none other than ilya ponomarev, a fugitive foreign agent, and at the same time an extremist, who, in case anyone suddenly forgot, warms under his wing modern vlasovites from the banned terrorist legion and constantly calls for murders on... citizens, well, the agenda organized by him the polish gathering turned out to be a match, the participants , according to the same times, even adopted some kind of resolutions in absentia about the attention and dissolution of the russian federation, as well as about bringing the country’s leadership to criminal liability, that is, on the one hand , it would seem that , formal clowning, in the usual style, similar to the russian public for a long time, but on the other hand, individual theses require the most serious attitude of increased attention about...
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elections, now, well, their delegates, their forum, they were still trying to carry out internal leadership, a scandal has already broken out that the electronic voting was rigged, it immediately hits them even in the image. here in these washington regional committees. according to various sources, a whole bunch of foreign agents were at the meeting. leonid gosman, maxim kats, evgenia albats, agent andrei illarionov, he is on the executive board of shabysh in warsaw. they also had interesting slides at the meeting, like this one. the weakness of the russian opposition and the fine print, no vision of the future and no desire to have it. they are a very...
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true proposal for washington, foreign agent panomariov and the company even want to come to the 75th nato summit in early july, they will beg, they will raise the stakes. the extremist panomariov has an organization called legion, which is banned in russia, or at least he tries to convince everyone around him that he coordinates these terrorists. bandits from the legion were noted in barbaric attacks in the belgorod region, were noticed in numerous fakes, their leaflets 2 years ago were from...
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the gathering in warsaw, where foreign agents almost came to blows over a rigged vote, the current pr in the british media, all this may well be a screen for the terrorist intentions of the anglo-saxons, behind which, however, none of them can hide. antom potkovenko congress of terrorists. the russian ministry of defense today announced high-precision weapon strikes on the ukrainian airfield infrastructure, which could be used, among other things , to accommodate western aircraft, as clarified, the targets were hit in a complex manner by drones and missiles, including hypersonic dagger. as for the situation directly on the front line, more than 580 militants of the armed forces of ukraine were killed at the border of the lpr with the kharkov region per day, enemy losses on various fronts of the donetsk republic exceeded 1,000 personnel, in
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the kherson direction the formation of the elite marine corps and the svo zone was liquidated, reports by mikhail andronnik and alexey baranov. the reconnaissance drone, who is now carrying out tasks for... the dnepr group , tried to monitor our troops six months ago, but this did not last long. he was captured by flying over our position, and thus our guys spotted him and held him with garpe’s anti-drone gun for a long time until he fell. the movement on the right bank, which our observation post noticed, turned out to be an attempt by the enemy to strengthen their trenches; a decision was made to immediately destroy the living. enemy forces, we are moving to artillery positions, from the rifle regiment, a group of dnepr troops is accompanying us with an electronic warfare detachment, they will cover the work of the traffic police, the military personnel are listening carefully to surrounding space and look at the drone detector, in which each fighter is equipped, an electronic warfare station in
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combat readiness, it is desirable that the object comes closer, if you turn it on in advance, it will simply see the interference and will not immediately go there, so sometimes you need to get closer . .. to let it go, to ribbit it, a shot, yes, a shot, spring, yes, the commander of a gun with the call sign temple in civilian life walked the seas, caught a crab, when his homeland called for help, he responded without hesitation, especially compulsory military service, served as an artilleryman, his wife and two children are waiting at home. we destroy the enemy, we do not allow him to break through to the left bank of the river, the dnieper, there are many targets, different targets and pvd, an unmanned aerial vehicle. we are destroying unmanned boats on the river, and this is another combat mission of the artillerymen, which they carried out the day before during a night flight ; reconnaissance officers noticed ukrainian militants unloading equipment and ammunition into one of the houses on the right bank of the dnieper. shot! at dawn, when the militants go to bed
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to sleep, they are being attacked; recently , military personnel have noted that enemy activity and attempts to shell the left bank from its side have increased significantly. we have already completed about one and a half. employees from all over the country, the republic of tatarstan, the kaluga region, the stavropol territory, for a year and a half they have all been here with one task, to prevent the enemy from moving to the left bank, they are all successfully coping with it. mikhail andronik, vladislav mirzayans, conduct the kherson region. this strike was carried out in the ovdeevsky direction, here is now in detail deal with what happened on the front line. here is our conversation with the commander of the unmanned aerial vehicle unit of the southern military district. they make floating
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frequencies to make it difficult for our reb to work; they do not differ from the standard design. this one flew in, the shot damaged the blade, it just turned over and didn’t hit the guys, it just lay on the propellers, stalled, the sappers went and neutralized it. the number of drones used by the ukrainian military can be judged by their serial numbers. unmanned aerial vehicle division work the devices are covered by tor air defense systems. these vehicles of the central military district perform tasks in the ovdeevsky direction. after promptly arriving at the firing line , the vehicle. comes into action in a matter of minutes. here is footage of real combat work.
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the crew continues their actions calmly in any situation. hit, target destroyed, one cost. aviation, cover, guys fly to work to ensure clear skies, that is, nothing got in the way. "if you run away, we will shoot you in the back, this is exactly what ukrainian commanders force
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to go on combat missions of their subordinates, that such threats were in the order of things , a prisoner from the 401st rifle battalion in the ukrainian armed forces told. vyacheslav, just one of those who, according to the new law of square, deliberately went to update his data at the ukrainian military registration and enlistment office, there he was gratefully patted on the shoulder and after a medical examination he was sent to the front line, no preparation was given to men during mobilization , even..." they always show , where the ukrainian positions are, which is why the prisoner fired at his own people twice, the command of the armed forces of ukraine sits on offices and are not particularly worried about what will happen to the personnel, they are thrown out for meat, they do not value people, how many boys die out of stupidity at their command, such stories from captured sushniks can already be said to have become commonplace, but the degree of cynicism of the kiev regime. .. it amazes me every time, so it is not surprising that those who have witnessed such a swinish attitude are increasingly
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choosing life. another confession of someone who escaped from death. stanislav bernwald listened. stanislav, greetings. hello, alexey. as far as i understand, in captivity no one is shy in expressions anymore. well, of course, if the command sends them to slaughter, realizing that perhaps the fighters will not return, the fighters return or are captured, then they cannot be stopped. in his unit he was nicknamed the long-liver. is it a joke? a junior sergeant of the armed forces of ukraine, a combat medic , was drafted into the army upon mobilization back in april twenty-second, although usually the armed forces of ukraine completely changes its personnel within six months of incessant meat assaults; they were lucky to be alive, says the captive military officer, not because, in spite of. in 2 years from the small one that lepenko fought, he apparently saw a lot, at best, the squeeze in such units in the ssu, like his, was a month and a half, sometimes 3-3 and a half. his brigade, for example,
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looks more like homeless people than soldiers. according to the prisoner, the armor and the belt-shoulder system are a headache for every ukrainian soldier. they are unconcerned.
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the survival rate of such professionals in the ukrainian army is negligible; as a rule, they die in the first assault, there is talk about some kind of professional training for attack aircraft it doesn’t work at all, the command has neither the time nor the desire for this, according to the vssushnik, the morale in the brigade today is below par. sent his brigade, well, that is , the group was defeated three times and there were 70% casualties and combat losses, well, i think, i hope that those who were taken prisoner, this still says something, people don’t want to fight at all, not are ready to do this, well, the mention of drugs, it’s also clear what i’m saying, no normal person wants to participate in all this
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and will not, these are all those people who were on this is ready in ukraine, in general, i think it has already been exhausted. confessions are already being heard on the sidelines of the ukrainian authorities. units of the armed forces of ukraine are increasingly refusing to carry out the orders of the command. there are several reasons for this, experts say. well, firstly, the widespread lies of the ukrainian command about the staffing of the brigades with personnel and equipment. secondly, the majority of those mobilized into the armed forces of ukraine in the twenty- twenty-fours, these are people who were forcibly taken to war and at the first opportunity they sabotage the extinguishment. and the third is this. lopenko himself said that he was captured precisely because of the negligence of the commanders, who sent the group to dig new trenches and prepare positions without any reconnaissance. as
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a result, the vsushniki came directly to our guys, did not resist, chose life and surrendered. stanislav bernwald and the thirst for life. on the sidelines of the eu summit in brussels today, an agreement was signed on so -called security guarantees for the kiev regime, which, however, do not promise the gang with the bank anything fundamentally new, since it implies the already familiar pumping ukraine with western weapons and the training of ukrainian armed forces fighters abroad, that is, the replacement for joining nato is frankly weak, and no one is still in a hurry to invite the independent to the alliance, contrary to zelensky’s wishes, evgeniy was convinced. hundreds of graves of liquidated terrorists. zelensky, who sent them to slaughter, leaves a bouquet at one of the tombstones and places them under the yellow-blakit ukrainian and black-red ensigns of the extremist upa. everything before the trip to brussels, to those, because of whose decisions, the independence cemetery continues to rapidly grow. a couple of hours later, grave
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dust from zelensky’s shoes is already on the red carpet of the european council building. its chairman , charles michel, the head of the regime, is slowing down and something. the dnieper guest emotionally signed agreements with the eu, one of which obliges the 27 countries of the association to support kiev. quote, despite any institutional changes within. today we have the opportunity to sign additional bilateral security agreements with ukraine. it is very important that we make it clear that we intend to support ukraine as much as as much as needed. words about strengthening support, signing a number of documents instead of the key entry into nato. at the next summit in washington, the kiev regime will be offered not to become part of the organization, but to go through a bridge.
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do not name this brainchild, just to avoid a hint of a war between the alliance and russia; this mission will most likely be headed by an american general. it will operate in parallel with the romshtein format, where
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the united states unconditionally rules the ball. such a precautionary step that all coordination in the future will be carried out precisely by the nato bloc, in order that, if suddenly in the future the united states completely curtails its military or any other support for the ukrainian conflict, so that. then, if another trump administration comes to power, it would be difficult for european countries to get out of this involvement. so the head of the british foreign ministry , cameron, in a conversation with pranksters, directly states: there will be no invitation in july, the topic of ukraine’s early entry into the alliance is avoided by jens stoltenberg, who is spending his last months in the chair of the general secretary. he again focuses on the unconditional support of kiev, saying that nato is not in the country, but nearby. "i expect nato leaders to agree to a leading role for the alliance in coordinating military assistance to ukraine and training its army with the new command in lisbon. in addition, i expect other leaders
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to agree on a long-term commitment to support ukraine, this will provide greater predictability in the long term why continue to follow this path when you know that you will not go to the end, this is just prolongs the war, more ukrainians die, and we all risk getting a new kind of conflict. for the kiev regime, while instead of an open door to nato , a bridge has been prepared for ukraine that leads to a cemetery. evgeniy nipot, ekaterina shamaeva, asya aslanyan, news. a rather contradictory material appeared on the cnn website, according to which sources in the us white house, well, again seemed to deny rumors about joe biden’s plans to send american troops to ukraine. but at the same time, they hinted that they might soon come to the aid of the kiev regime. some military contractors have been delegated. to quote: to provide the ukrainian armed forces with targeted and thoughtful support, but they say the pentagon is already negotiating on this matter with several private companies, then
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the president of the united states will only need to sign the corresponding decree. well, in general, you can think about full-fledged interventions, albeit not formally state ones. washington is still preparing, but there are important reservations here, to say that these seconded people will not fight, since their task will be logistics maintenance and repair of western equipment, for example. anti-aircraft missile systems or nato aircraft, when the zelensky junta finally receives them, that is , everything is presented as if the americans are still far from direct confrontation with our armed forces, but is it worth believing, we’ll figure it out with the help of boris ivanin. boris, good evening, good evening, alexey, where is the guarantee that these so-called contractors will not sit at the controls of some f-16. rather, there is even a guarantee that the americans will sit down, because the ukrainians things haven’t really mastered the fighters yet; their delivery deadlines are running out. the united states is looking for any ways to further escalate the ukrainian conflict. this is how we should interpret washington’s intentions to send american
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contractors, an experienced company financed by the us government, to help the armed forces of ukraine. cnn emphasizes a significant advance in biden’s policy; if he signs the decree, this will finally free the hands of the pentagon. us defense department contractors will then be able to enter into contracts with kiev and work on the territory of ukraine officially. quote for the first time since the beginning of the conflict, but here the mouthpiece for the oceanic propaganda, of course, is blatantly lying, weren’t there americans in ukraine before, the united states is further and further legalizing its participation in this conflict, but isn’t it participation, is it supplied with data with which the kiev regime, isn’t it the participation of those advisers and mercenaries who have been since the beginning of the conflict, several thousand for... ukraine with the call sign
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jackie, he recognizes the russian army quote an alpha predator on the battlefield, and the ukrainian armed forces lack either ammunition or combat vehicles. the west is tired of exporting its damaged equipment from ukraine. abrams and leopards are being dragged to poland, romania and other nato countries for repairs. american patriot had to return these shots to their homeland. with all this , washington justifies sending supposedly repair teams closer to the front. another convenient excuse has been found. aircraft maintenance. 16, which promise everything, but will not deliver to kiev, because neither svidomo pilots, much less, can work for them technology. already in the sixteenth they give the eighties, yes, modernized in the zeros, but nevertheless this is a car from the eighties, and these planes are 40 years old, they will break down simply due to age, they will not be so easy to maintain, so i i think that part of the repair team, which will be represented by foreign specialists, vacationers or
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officials. or pmcs, the only question now is whether to officially legalize them or whether they will have a status there, they are not there. the next round of escalation is quite understandable. the more you russia's successes at the front, the faster the states lift restrictions on their participation in the conflict, cnn confirms. first, they were allowed to attack our territory on the border with the kharkov region. well, then biden’s security adviser, jake salvan , announced that the bombing zone with american weapons was expanding to attack the kiev regime. based on a tip from washington, it’s clear, maybe a quote, the question everywhere is what will pentagon contractors bring to ukraine to repair the f-16, which is capable of carrying tactical and nuclear weapons? it means that new types of weapons are expected, otherwise why bring specialists from abroad? this has been done for a long time since the vietnam war. these independent contractors created more problems than the army itself. it was precisely according to this same pattern
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that events developed in... the company, but it’s true that the number of mercenaries there was hidden. in ukraine, cnn sources say, there will be, quote: from several dozen to a couple of hundred contractors present at the same time, quite impressive numbers that, in fact, refute any promises joe biden that he allegedly will not send us troops to help the kiev junta. of course, this is nothing more than a legal cover; under the guise of a repair brigade, you can place
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anything you want there, including... navy seals, and some kind of american special forces, and saboteurs, a sabotage group, and staff workers, and just combat units who will participate in hostilities, and the most important thing is that there will be coordination of reconnaissance for several repairmen, there will be one supervisor, the so-called, who will to do not repair equipment at all, but completely different things, from there it will be much easier to coordinate terrorist activities on russian territory, because they will have access to militants. directly there on the spot, this is an advanced reconnaissance and technical detachment that will ensure a full-scale presence of nato troops in ukraine. american contractors will obviously plan the course of the ukrainian conflict by eliminating customers from washington. but russia will not accept this work, because it does not accept it. boris ivanin and the american loophole. now there is a short advertisement, this is what will happen next on our broadcast.
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cholera is raging in ukraine, only ukrainians don’t know about it, why kiev is shutting down the media, maybe because it itself provoked the outbreak of the disease.


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