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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 27, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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figures that essentially refute any promises by joe biden that he will allegedly not send us troops to help in the kiev junta. of course, this is nothing more than a legal cover; under the guise of a repair brigade, you can place anything you want there, including navy seals, some kind of american special forces, saboteurs, a sabotage group, staff workers , and simply combat units that will participate in hostilities, and the most important thing is that there will be coordination of reconnaissance for several repairmen, there will be one supervisor, the so-called which will not be engaged in repairing equipment at all, but in completely different matters, from there it will be much easier to coordinate terrorist activities on russian territory, because they will have access to militants directly there on the spot, this is an advanced reconnaissance and technical detachment that will ensure a full-scale presence of troops nato in ukraine. american contractors will obviously shape the course of the ukrainian conflict.
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according to the customers from washington, only russia will not accept this work, because it does not accepts. at the eu summit in brussels, where zelensky was invited, today they discussed options for further financing the kiev regime, including through stolen russian assets, which they want to spend on production and purchase of weapons for the armed forces of ukraine. however, the europeans themselves are much more closely following discussions about appointments to the posts of heads of the european council and the european commission, as well as who will become the new head of the foreign policy service. the union has not yet agreed on any of the candidates, our european correspondent will confirm anastasia popova. before the summit, at which eu leadership portfolios are to be distributed, current officials decided to sign a pan-european security agreement with ukraine. in the thirty-degree heat, zelensky in a khaki sweatshirt, as if straight from the trench to the table. the guarantors of the deal on the right hand are the head of the european council, charles michel, who will be replaced in this post by former portuguese prime minister antonio costa. this is the purpose.
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president orban, but warsaw has enough disagreements with budapest, primarily regarding the course of escalation in ukraine. summer program - vacation with the army, as poland decided to call voluntary military training for young people. the ministry of defense directly says that this, quote, is connected with the threat from the east. in addition, according to media reports, poland is lobbying, together with the baltic countries, for the creation of a fortified defense line on the border with russia and belarus. construction of such infrastructure. 700 km long, will cost 2.5 billion euros, there is no money in their budgets, they will ask brussels today for the future head of european diplomacy and replacement barel, estonian prime minister kaja kallas, whose candidacy also pleased everyone, called on her colleagues not to skimp on military investments. we must set ourselves a goal - to win. the outcome of this struggle is critical to the security of the entire transatlantic community. for this. we need
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an allied pledge of long-term support for ukraine. nato will be only too happy to share the financial burden with the european union. so, it's too expensive. all members are forced to increase military budgets. invite ukraine to the alliance no one is going to. they want to limit themselves to creating a mission to coordinate assistance to kiev, which will be headed by american generals, which will be able to continue working even if trump comes. we are ready to support ukraine in the long term, therefore. but i expect nato leaders to agree that the alliance will take the lead in coordinating security and training assistance for ukraine, and that nato's new structure at wiesbadan will support this work. how to finance the eu's growing military appetite, a topic being raised today summit. the european commission wants to take control and create a single market for the eu defense industry. germany and austria offer eurobonds. kasler scholz complains that there is no money for ukraine. but what worries him, like
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barel, is not the standard of living of ukrainians, but their ability to fight russia to the last. both, without hiding their joy, share with journalists their cynical plans to send stolen money to... an unshakable determination to support ukraine. ukrainians in brussels are being urged to tighten their belts. the eu will return import duties ukrainian sugar and eggs. this is the so-called emergency brake in case the european market is oversaturated. a bitter pill for kiev on the eve of the start of negotiations on
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accession to the eu. the return of tariffs highlights how difficult kiev's eu accession negotiations will be. ukraine is an agricultural power that... elite, but they can’t do anything with him, although they try. members of the outgoing european parliament sent a letter to the european council calling the hungarian government criminal and demanding that the country's presidency be cancelled. in the eu, which is due to begin on july 1. anastasia popova lyabernadskaya koshkina. vesti, brussels, belgium. the epidemic cannot be stopped
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, the information that our underground fighters conveyed to the russian country is that cholera is raging in the regional capital in occupied kherson and will correct itself. the kiev regime is still having trouble dealing with the outbreak; in particular, two new deaths became known today. rospotrebnadzor has already sent an urgent request in this regard to the european bureau of the world health organization. according to the agency ryan news, the majority of those hospitalized with the infection are militants in the ssu, but there are also cases among civilians. there may already be hundreds of cases, but the ukrainian authorities are in no hurry to acknowledge the problem. moreover, golighters are so afraid of panic among the population that they do not... disseminate any information about safe behavior during the epidemic, as noted in the press service of the governor of the kherson region, in order to hide the outbreak, the kiev regime is trying to disguise cases of cholera as other diseases, well with what consequences can the region will face if measures are not taken,
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predicts evgeniy teshkovets. a hotbed of biological threat is brewing right next to the russian army. in areas of the kherson region temporarily under control. but they can also be deliberately provoked in the hope that this infection will spread to another front line. the information quarantine is somehow restrained by the regime's pocket media. newspapers and tv channels regularly publish news about the threat of cholera. for
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example, tsn carefully warns compatriots that in the near future it is necessary wash your hands especially thoroughly and boil water. but at the same time, in the adjacent material of the publication. starts the old argument that cholera is an invention of russian propaganda. interestingly, schizophrenia may be a symptom of an intestinal infection of unknown etiology. the enemy continues to hush up this information, what does this mean: the enemy assumes that the russian army will soon liberate the occupied part of the kherson region, they do not carry out cleanup work, they do not... water, they do not prevent diseases, they want the population left there, they act like their ideological predecessors, the fascists, the germans, they act on the scorched earth principle. ukrainian journalists claim that a hypothetical outbreak of cholera can
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only happen due to a breakdown in power supply in ukrainian cities, that is, according to the classics , they are trying to shift the responsibility onto russia. well, let us remind the propagandists of the regime: these materials were published exactly a year ago, in the local media, in the russian, in the western, the northern black sea region is threatened by halera, and the reason then was not said to be russian strikes on the energy sector. kiev's actions completely drained a huge body of water, the kokhovskoe reservoir, and the water rushed into the lower reaches of the dnieper, flooding kherson and surrounding settlements. it was obvious to everyone that infection risks would increase sharply in the flood zone. russia, for its part, neutralized the threat. a large-scale reconstruction of water supply systems took place on the left bank. and the flooded areas were thoroughly disinfected, did
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ukraine do the same, now we understand that no, water washed fecal matter from all possible places, they flew into the water, and people, naturally, can now be poisoned by this water, of course, 100 people is a very large outbreak, it depends on how the antivitamin service works there, if they are with everyone they will talk to people, go around, explain to everyone how to behave, then this... it is impossible to take water directly from the dnieper, so kherson is fed from several dozen artesian wells, imagine, 100% will provide the kherson residents with clean water to the authorities.
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a couple of weeks ago, for example, from the same place in the kherson direction there were reports of dozens of cases of typhoid fever in the ranks of the vso. it is obvious that they have big problems with... not the people in the barracks, but as for the russian military, experts reassure us
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that cholera will not appear among the soldiers, not among the civilian population, russia has the best sanitary inspection system in the world , in the american atlanta, the first round of election debates between joe biden and donald trump will start very soon, as the results of opinion polls show, more than half of americans we are confident that the former president will be able to defeat nadna in this duel. usa, dmitry melnikov. there is not a free meter left around the cnn television center in atlanta without a reminder of the epoch-making battle, as the american media call this first personal meeting between biden and trump in 4 years. and the management of the tv channel shows off the studio, where in a few hours they will scrape together their squabbles.
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at the last debate, trump interrupted biden 145 times and the hosts show how freedom of speech will work this evening. let's say. i have a green light on while i'm talking, phill's microphone is off, this is what happens if he tries to interrupt me. i keep saying, here’s the fillu, it’s hard to interrupt me. for exactly a week, president biden’s team trained him at the camp david residence, where in a special hangar that completely replicates the interior of a television studio, they simulated all possible situations during a ninety-minute duel with trump. the head coach is former white house chief of staff, ron klain, who trained for the presidency. debate for more than one generation democrats, his motto, you can lose a debate at any time, but you can win only in the first 30
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minutes; biden demonstrated the same strategy during his memorable speech in congress, when, having started cheerfully with shouts and threats, he was deflated by the end of the speech. president biden needs to show that he can hang in there for the long haul, he needs to essentially repeat his state of the union speech. on biden's side is the lack of audience in the studio and... biden. if you watch biden , everyone is busy with this, it all helps throughout his career, the only thing he does well is debate. look back at the last presidential debate, he always exceeds expectations because we keep lowering the bar for him. but low expectations from biden at the debates could play a cruel joke on trump, commentators warn. yes, the whole situation
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in the cnn studio is definitely not in trump’s favor. if joe biden hangs up, it would be very helpful to ask: “joe, what are you talking about, but trump can’t do it, the lack of an audience is also not good for him, because that he really reacts to the crowd in the hall. a few hours before going to the podium, trump posts a mocking video on his account that advertises a sleep-improving drug called bidenica, created based on the president's public speeches, not recommended for use if you are planning a pregnancy or the last 15 years
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of a us missile strike . on civilians on the beach in crimea, he directly calls the beginning of the us war against russian citizens with an american missile launcher . a complex control system that only americans can use, a missile strike with cluster warheads was carried out on the russian crimea. the shells fell on the beach, killing more than 100 people, including children. all this can be described in a word... terrorism is an act of war by the united states against the civilian population of russia. only congress can, by law, declare war. they must stop the unchecked reckless hawks who are ruling a weakened president biden. otherwise, everything will depend only on your election in november. for such words on american television, it’s not that the microphone
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will be turned off and you will be kicked out of the studio. how the once fox news star tucker was fired from his job. he , too, could conduct presidential debates, playing along with the republican candidate trump, but with such speeches, including about the conflict in ukraine, access to the us national airwaves is denied him for a long time. almost 2 years ago, peace negotiations were stopped and ukraine was completely destroyed. and now zelensky has passed a law allowing foreign corporations to own earth there. tell me, what will ukraine be like in 30 years, when it will all belong to you? transatlantic corporations, and its population will not be ukrainian, the tragedy that occurred in ukraine was organized by western countries, i am ashamed of this, i hope you are too, this is one of the greatest crimes that i have seen in my life.
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an entire army of accredited journalists will comment, analyze and draw conclusions from what the candidates said at these debates ; a press center will be set up next to the cnn television complex, where they will closely monitor not only the words, but the behavior of biden and trump on live television. the us president has already flown from his training camp at camp david to atlanta, where he will devote a few more hours to final preparations for this historical, perhaps the most important battle in his life. by the time biden and trump take the podium at cnn, their approval ratings in national polls are back at around 1%. which means for those few voters who have not yet decided given the choice, this live meeting between biden and trump could prove to be the deciding factor. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from atlanta, georgia. we'll be back after a short commercial, here's what we'll talk about. they believe in victory, in themselves and
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, of course, in god. how faith helps the russian military strengthen their position at the front, why protect the soldiers. alfabank is the best bank for business. send all payments and transfers without commission. open a business account with alfabank. for the first time on screens, welcome. khvatamba has arrived. discounts for people from people, only until july 7th hvatamba for so many things, from cabinets to auto products on avito. magnet, shibekin pasta! magnit - the price is right, our money will fly out too, yours is
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full military uniform, with a baklava and a protective helmet on his head, and a bulletproof vest on his chest. at first glance, it may seem that this is an ordinary russian fighter, but if you take a closer look, in the protective kit, you can see some atypical details, namely: parts of the khaki-colored liturgical clothing, and the bowl of holy water in his hand gives away the priest, but he is also at a combat post, this video is from the cossack reconnaissance brigade terik, which captured the important mission of father alexy, he came to the line of combat contact to support the fighters in forward positions, as well as to illuminate the unit’s dugouts and equipment. we return back to base in order to carry out with renewed vigor. new tasks, which she gives to the command, god is with us, victory is with us. such trips by church ministers to the front are equated to fire support, and the soldiers themselves admit
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that everyone prays under fire, these are the words of another priest , father maxim, who supports the fighters storming donetsk new york. anastasia ivanova will talk about how vera helps in difficult military everyday life. they don’t perform maleben under shelling, but no one stops praying. when they go on an assault on the enemy or hold the defense, faith is always there fighters, someone wants to confess, not everyone has time in civilian life, for example, to go to church, take communion, for us for soldiers, this is faith, we always go into battle with faith, without faith a person is nothing, they help maintain morale priests, for example, father maxim, this is far from the first, far from the last. his trip to the soldier, and he knows exactly why, there are people who, well, you needed you at this very moment, there are not many of them, but one way or another,
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joint prayer, prayer services, their participation in the sacraments, confession, communion the holy mysteries of christ, it, of course, returns them to a constructive state, does not allow them to fail in this war, this battalion helps strengthen positions in the donetsk direction near the village of new york, formed from donetsk volunteers, teachers, taxi drivers, miners, they are without hesitation, they went to defend their relatives, their home, evgeniy radionov leads the battles, the battalion bears his name, a private of the border troops, he died at the age of 19.
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scolded the militants for the first chechen campaign when, under pressure from terrorists, he did not withdraw cross and did not give up his faith. the symbol of radionov’s unbroken spirit has not been canonized, but this does not mean that he cannot be the heavenly patron of the fighters. this does not happen spontaneously, in most cases it is precisely in interaction with a representative of the synodal department for interaction with the armed forces of the russian orthodox church. banners are illuminated, chevrons are illuminated. organization is a demonstration of someone to follow, this is done not only for theological, religious theological purposes, but also pedagogically educational. the choice of evgeniy radionov is quite logical, it is justified, because the soldiers who are in this battalion are ready to fulfill their duty to the end, the priests who come to the special operation zone stand with the russian military to the end, these are not even always prayer confessions, simple heart-to-heart talk when he
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does. the subject matter is also so diverse that it’s hard to define it somehow, but about the weather, about relationships, personal, in a team, in a family, there are some ancient problems there even with parents there from their youth, who suddenly become very relevant and important for them today. you won’t surprise anyone with field churches or painting rooms at the front, the priest on the front line is already a given. in the svo zone they were baptized 22.
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about what happens, a person is transformed, changes inside, then life and the world around him also changes. what is always in the heart and soul, what puts thoughts and feelings in order, faith is the same for everyone, and fortunately there are those who help to carry this faith to russian defenders. it was here the heart of the obnensk npp. my father told me that after changing shirts they wrung them out, because there was no automation then. everything went in manual mode, he returned with burnt hands, steam was supplied to the turbine, igor vasilyevich kurchatov, congratulated us all on the light steam. in obnensk , the complete technology from nuclear fission to generating electricity into the grid was demonstrated for the first time. people came from many countries and they were only amazed at what the soviet union had done. made a bomb. and
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we are not the first, this is the rare case when we we are proud that we are not the first, we are the second, here is a peaceful atom, the nuclear power plant is our absolute superiority. the russian ministry of defense today announced precision strikes. weapons on the ukrainian airfield infrastructure, which could be used, among other things, to accommodate western aircraft. as for the situation directly on the front line. over the past 24 hours , more than 580 ukrainian armed forces militants were killed near the lpr border with the kharkov region. enemy losses on various fronts of the donetsk republic exceeded 1.00 personnel, elite marine corps formations were liquidated in the kherson direction. from the nwo zone, reporting by mikhail.


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