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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 28, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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good morning, on the calendar june 28, this is the morning news broadcast on russia-24, let's start with footage from the presidential press service.
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your successes, they will definitely be, thanks to the qualities that you are sure you have: determination, perseverance, the desire to acquire new knowledge and skills, to establish yourself in a future profession, to benefit people, to serve your native country, the most important thing is to realize your calling, find a business to your liking, then you will be able to cope with the most complex tasks. and your
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achievements will inspire others, for sure just as our great ancestors and outstanding contemporaries became an example for you, who showed themselves brightly and worthily in their studies, in creativity in work and sometimes in difficult trials, and of course, the main support for every person is family, i am sure you will continue all the best family... traditions, you will be able to build the future that you dream of today together, i want to sincerely wish you all success, accomplishments, outstanding achievements, victories, happy holidays to you, be happy, these were the personnel, vladimir putin’s addresses to to graduates of russian schools, we will return to the topic of graduation later, but for now to other news. so, the united states held its first...
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presidential election debate. they were held in the cnn studio in atlanta and lasted an hour and a half. opponents were prohibited from using prepared notes and talking to assistants. biden and trump entered and greeted the audience, but not each other. the event was not easy for the current head of state; the first topic was the economy. biden stammered and complained. that his predecessor left chaos behind him and called him a failure. donald trump, in turn, called his opponent a criminal and said that he should be tried after he ceases to be president; if biden wins, according to the republican, there will be nothing left of the united states. end of quote. let us note that there were no spectators in the studio; in front of the participants there were only cameras and digital indicators. they were installed to prevent opponents from interrupting each other. the last 2 minutes were difficult for biden, the president did not have enough air, he stammered and confused his words. from the studio. his wife jill led him out by the hand. on
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social networks, so far they mostly call the debate boring, and donald trump is the winner. our us senior correspondent dmitry melnikov will tell you in more detail about how the debate went and what statements were made. now his report is being prepared for broadcast, but we continue. defense minister andrei belousov instructed the general staff to make a proposal for a rapid response to nato provocations over the black sea. the military department notes that the intensity of flights us strategic drones have increased markedly. drones are capable of conducting reconnaissance and pointing targets for strikes with precision weapons. it is supplied to ukraine by the west. each such flight greatly increases the likelihood of incidents with our aircraft. this in turn increases the risk of direct confrontation between nato and russia. in the event of such a development of events, the ministry of defense places responsibility on the alliance countries.
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now to the special operation zone. in the southern donetsk direction near ugledar, russian tankers destroyed the fortifications of the ukrainian armed forces. combat mission performed by the crews of the modernized t-80 and t-90 tanks. moreover, the fighters made most of their trips to the firing lines at night. the following is a report by our war correspondent sergei samokha. this is our girl, caroline. she also loves affection. despite its harsh appearance, the tank's thick armor and large-caliber gun were named after a woman. the crew and the vehicle have been serving together for a long time and have become close. before a fight, let’s say, we can pet her, we can sit, just have a heart-to-heart talk with her so that she gets us out of the fight and doesn’t let us down.
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they are destroying enemy fortifications not far from the city, we are providing cover on direct fire, we rolled out, fired at the opornik, the forest belts were arranged from top to bottom, we also roll back calmly, the t-80 bvm tank was created to work in difficult conditions, under strong enemy fire pressure, this the vehicle was produced a year ago, taking into account the experience of the svo, strong armor and protective screens allow you to work in the direct line of sight of the enemy, if... the vehicle is hit and no matter how the task has not yet been completed, you must try to complete it, then there is a need to roll from one position to another, at least, to finalize what you were told, then only roll back. in addition, the tank feels great in complete darkness; the crew makes most trips to the contact line
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at night. the night sight is generally wonderful, you drive up, everything is visible, everything works fine. now in the southern donetsk direction there is an active advance of russian troops along... almost along the entire front line. and modern tanks play an important role. on neighboring vremevsky the site uses machines of the latest modifications. the newest, most modern russian t-90 breakthrough tank has been operating here on the vremev ledge for almost 9 months. firing goes on every day, and this vehicle has two dozen confirmed targets hit. in total, over the past 24 hours in the southern donetsk direction, the enemy lost 140 military personnel, two armored personnel carriers, five armored vehicles and a howitzer. sergey samokh, oleg sokolchuk, lead. the heads of state and the government of the european union called for intensifying military supplies assistance to ukraine. this is stated in the final statement of the eu summit. the document
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emphasizes that the countries of the association should help kiev prepare for the coming winter. alek komarova will tell you what else is known about the results of the event in brussels. at the summit in belgium, the heads of the european union were appointed; no new faces are expected in the next 5 years, even despite the results of the european elections. estonian prime minister kaja kalas has become head of eu diplomacy. the dismal ex-prime minister of portugal, antônio costa, who was suspected of taking a bribe of at least 80 thousand euro, will become the head of the european council, and ursula fondeen will remain for a second term as head of the european commission; not everyone agreed with her candidacy.
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the proposal formulated by the european people's party of socialists and liberals to appoint a european leadership is erroneous in its method and approach, i decided not to support it because i respect the opinions expressed by europeans in the elections. kiev was also discussed at the summit. the european council called for increasing supplies of air defense, ammunition and missiles, but a new loan of $50 billion for ukraine politicians could not agree. at the same time, the states are increasingly calling for peace.
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ukraine will not receive an invitation to join the alliance this july, but we are moving kiev closer to the alliance, focusing on issues of interoperability, modernization, and ensuring coordination of actions. the permanent representative also recognized russia’s superiority on the battlefield; in her opinion, moscow now has a clear advantage. in the american media they began an open anti-ukrainian campaign, they write: pentagon concepts. and this despite the fact that ukraine
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refuses to report to its sponsors, contrary to all protocols and standards, so washington does not know the real numbers of losses. alika komarova, lead. employees of the ukrainian military registration and enlistment offices attacked one of the residents of kiev, they tied him up right along the road, not paying attention to the cars passing by, one of them could have easily. in the republic of koma , the railway tracks at the site of
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the passenger train crash have been completely restored. now they are trying to get trains on schedule as quickly as possible and eliminate the accumulated delays. meanwhile, doctors in the varkutyvkar and inta hospitals are helping the victims recover quickly. and now my colleague valentina smirny is live. valentina, greetings. what can be said about the condition of the injured? alexandra, hello, all attention is now focused on the condition of a fourteen-year-old girl who is in a coma at the republican children's clinical hospital. the day before, she and her parents were taken to sectivhar by air ambulance in serious condition, as the head doctor of the hospital igor kustoshev just told us, the girl conscious, she was taken off the ventilator, she is eating and drinking while she remains in intensive care, but tomorrow she will most likely be transferred to the trauma department. the day before, the head of the coma, vladimir uyba , announced the possibility of sending the child to the center. roshal to provide high-tech medical care, this decision is up to the parents. specialists from the republic
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say that they can provide qualified assistance on the spot. eight more adults are in hospitals in tsikovkar, varkuta, and inta pechora. their condition is assessed as stable. in the meantime , restoration work has been carried out at the site of the incident, as reported by the press service of the northern railway. tonight, train traffic on the second track, which was damaged due to the erosion of the embankment, was resumed. railway workers. i can’t just say the highest words of gratitude to everyone who, from the first minutes
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, participated in the rescue, in providing assistance, in eliminating the consequences of helping the victims, these are rescuers, medical workers, social service specialists, volunteers, psychologists, railway workers, pilots, because that a team of doctors was flying from usinsk, from varkuta, a team from ukhta, an air ambulance brigade were ready. the residents of the city of inta are also very grateful; in intei varkut, in connection with the tragic events and the death of three people in this terrible train accident, a decision was made to postpone the celebration of youth day. alexandra, this is all the information for this hour. thank you, valentina smirnova spoke about the liquidation of the consequences at the site of the train crash in koma. now let's move on to advertising, then economic news. travel with alfabank,
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and even a category for everything. transfer money for free to sberbank from other banks and receive it. maria filippova has details. masha, good morning. tell us what the experts think, what will housing prices be? sasha, good morning. some believe that prices will drop by up to 10%. some people don't expect any changes at all. i'll tell you now. with the completion of the preferential mortgage for according to some experts, the russian mortgage lending market will enter a new reality. true, it is not yet clear which one.
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preferential mortgages for new buildings were launched in 2020 as an anti-crisis measure. times of coronavirus to support russians and the construction sector. the program quickly became one of the most popular support measures for purchasing housing. so, instead of the originally planned 6 months, it lasted 4 years. as noted by the ministry of finance, at the end of 2023 , 90% of all primary mortgages were taken out at programs with government support. they emphasize that the market is overheated. the central bank also speaks about this. it was the rush for preferential mortgages that became a significant inflationary factor. the regulator is not the same.
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accounted for it-mortgage and far eastern mortgage, that is, its influence is quite large precisely due to this ease. demand for preferential mortgages grew even against the backdrop of tightening monetary policy. in contrast, last month it jumped 20% compared to april data. the central bank attributes the excitement to the completion of the program. people are trying to buy housing on favorable terms. but after that, experts and participants say. the market expects a 40% drop in demand for primary products. according to various estimates, this is precisely the portion that was occupied by preferential mortgage transactions in the total sales volume of new buildings. however, analysts do not rule out
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that alternative programs with state support may appear in the future, albeit more local ones and with a wider set of conditions. i can assume that they will be developed and implemented in the regions, in those small cities, in regional centers where today. the demand for housing is not as significant as it could be, where supply is lagging behind at the same time, and where we can currently expect in the current situation, and an increase in people's incomes and needs. banks are preparing to reduce the issuance of mortgages in the primary market; according to forecasts by the analytical center domrf, in the second half of the year the share of state programs in total issuances will decrease by approximately 45-50%. but it turns out to be almost the same part that was occupied by the preferential mortgage. according to experts, it will help to stimulate the market for new buildings cooperation between banks and construction companies. for example, credit institutions
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will offer low rates, and developers will provide subsidies for this. in this case , the construction company will most likely include the difference in the cost of the apartments. and as for prices, they also depend on the mood of potential buyers. we’ve done a lot of surveys, but for some reason more and more people believe in an increase. than the decline in specifically new buildings, this is also a completely influencing factor, in my subjective opinion, i will remain with my opinion, i consider prices in in the second half of the year , prices for new buildings in russia will decrease by 5-10 percent. some analysts are of the opinion that prices will either stop rising or will increase, but at the rate of inflation; however , they emphasize that the situation is ambiguous and how developers will behave is not entirely clear. sasha, well, that’s it for now. questions, thank you, we will look for answers, it was maria filippova with a story about the imminent completion of the preferential mortgage program. in other news: in the khabarovsk territory they will check budget spending on
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insulin and other materials needed patients with diabetes mellitus. prosecutor general igor krasnov announced this during a personal reception of citizens. visitors complained about a shortage of medicines; not only adults, but also children had to buy them at their own expense. krasnov is waiting for a report from...
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the coup d'etat in bolivia has increased to 14 , the number of people injured due to the attempt, the country's president luis arce announced this, the government also instructed the ministry of internal affairs to check the fact of influence from... abroad, deputy minister of the department johnny aguilera said that the authorities are now investigating whether they received rebels received financial support from outside. let me remind you that the military uprising failed, the prosecutor's office issued an arrest warrant and began an investigation against those who started this whole situation. reform of the un security council must begin with the allocation of a permanent seat for africa, the organization's secretary general said.
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formation was taboo. europe is a relatively small continent, but six of the 15 members of the security council are now european states. of the five permanent members of the security council, three belong to europe. this is the russian federation, most of which is in asia, but is essentially a european country. france and great britain. at the same time , there is not a single permanent member of the security council. member for africa, it will certainly be very difficult to change this, but we have to start with something where consensus can be reached. the first step should be to provide at least one permanent seat on the security council for africa. it is obvious that there should be more in the security council developing countries, which means expansion of the security council. watch the full version of the interview on russia-24 today after 10:00
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moscow time. we 'll take a break for a couple of minutes, then commercials.
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many displaced people talk about the prison they went through. my grandfather belonged to the emigrants from the western part of belarus, who emigrated in the hundreds of thousands. everyone knows about the first wave of emigration after the revolution.
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in moscow 9:29 and further, briefly about the main thing. in the special operation zone in the avdeevsky direction the russian military destroyed the equipment and manpower of the ukrainian armed forces. a precision strike on the enemy was carried out by the crew of the grad multiple launch rocket system. the coordinates of a large concentration of military personnel of the kiev regime were transmitted by intelligence officers. our artillerymen hit the target at a distance
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of more than 15 km. the first election debate took place in the united states. trump said that the world is close to world war iii due to biden's policies and suggested that he take a mental ability test. the head of the white house, in turn , traditionally began to talk and confuse the facts. on the summit in brussels approved new appointments to leading positions in the european union for the next 5 years. the head of diplomacy was estonian prime minister kaja kallas. the european council is headed by former prime minister of portugal antonio costa. and ursula fondeleien remained the head of the european commission for a second term. vladimir putin congratulated school graduates on completing their studies. the president noted that it is important to realize your calling in life and find a job you like. graduation ceremonies will be held today in many russian cities, in st. petersburg, according to tradition, they are preparing a grandiose, already the legendary holiday of allah and sails. this year to see the snow-white brigantine pass.


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