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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 28, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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the most heated event took place in the united states the expected political battle, president joe biden met at the election debate with his predecessor and contender for a new term , donald trump. in the blue corner of the ring there is a suspicion of dementia, in the red corner there is a criminal already convicted by the court. dream battle. first. a public debate took place back in 1858 between abraham lincoln and stephen douglas during the struggle for senator from illinois. they did not help the future president, but he introduced the fashion for public competitions. at that time they were arguing about such an important phenomenon for society as slavery, with the advent of mass television in the 20th century, the significance of such discussions became almost irrelevant.
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listeners, but image and the ability to react quickly turned out to be more important than intelligence. already in the 2000s it became known that nixon was, in fact, a healthier person than kennedy. he had problems with his spine and suffered from odisson's disease. before performances, he had to take an anesthetic injection of navacaine. after his murder in dallas, the debate was interrupted for 16 long years. the practice was resumed only in seventy-six jimmy carter and gerald ford. the leader of the republican minority in congress, ford became the only president who was not elected to this post. he took the chair of vice-pres... at them he suddenly declared that the soviet union
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does not control eastern europe, and poland, yugoslavia and romania are absolutely independent countries, which shocked the presenter. the ussr. does not dominate eastern europe and never will under the ford administration. it was much easier for former actor ronald reagan. at the debate he felt literally at ease. he dropped cold politeness and began communicating without ceremony. with one phrase and a glance, he could lay his opponent down on both shoulder blades. obviously. you are on your side again, when i spoke against the health insurance program, it was about another part of it. by the way, the issue of age was already in the spotlight then. in 1984, reagan was 73 years old, his democratic opponent alter
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mondel was 17 years younger, but the former actor turned his age to an advantage, so much so that even monteil laughed. "i am not going to to use the youth and inexperience of my opponent for political purposes. the debate in 1992 became a three-way debate for the first time, with independent candidate ros perot participating in addition to the candidates from the two major parties. bush noticed that partners abuse time and talk longer than expected. pointing to his watch, he tried to draw the moderator's attention, but the audience understood. pole as a desire to finish quickly. later, however, bush admitted that he did not want to participate in those debates, despite their popularity. by the way, contrary to with the explosive growth of social media, the debate continues to attract enormous attention. since 2008 , you can ask your question via the internet; since 2016
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, an online broadcast has been conducted on youtube on twitter. many people remember the debate between trump and biden in 2020. our guest today is a real expert, evgeny minchenko, who is familiar with political technologies first-hand, and he is also the president of the russian public relations association, so he holds the cards. zhen, hi, hi, as a professional, have you learned anything for yourself from these great debate? well, i would say that
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the teams worked very well, that is , it was clear that there was a script that was given to both candidates. in principle normal, both tried to stay within its framework, the only thing, in my opinion, was an incorrect assessment of the opponent on the part of the biden team and biden personally, most likely because what we read about preparing for the debate, that he was preparing for two types of trump, such as angry aggressive trump, calm trump, well, how calm trump can be, and biden. after all, apparently, all his homework, they were for the evil trump, he was calm, did not interrupt, especially since the rules didn’t allow it, here, in my opinion, biden looked a little too aggressive, unjustified by the context, that is,
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if know trump, well, yes, you need to slap him, say, you’re a sucker, you’re a whiner, and so on, as he slapped him, but... since trump, as if he had not yet had time to ask for it, biden looked like an aggressor , i think it was a mistake. dana summers. 2024 presidential debates, candidates for perhaps the most responsible and powerful office on earth. the applicants are easy to guess without any clues. malcom mygers continues the theme. the presenter says: gentlemen, the first topic of our discussion is the supreme court. mr. trump, maybe you can start? on the buckets it is written: dirt. chibok to the new york times news that the dead worm is ours.
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replies: oh, joe, these are not supporters. chris oent on the debate. trump. i lowered my expectations. biden answers him. believe me, no one can fall as low as you. michael ramirez - real debate about presidents. lord, how could it happen that we ended up between these two idiots,” says the man. “i have no idea,” the woman answers him.
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from the company, pull out the team, pull out celebrities, well, in fact, do the same thing that we did in russia in the year ninety-six company, god forbid, yes, well, actually, they actually do it, this one , god forbid, but again, the trick was that if we remember the year ninety-six, then there were... two stories, well, such victorious years, the first - god forbid, and few for yeltsin’s team, by the way, i think that
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yeltsin won the elections in the ninety-sixth candidate, and there was a lot of intimidation, the second was general lebed, who took third place and who pulled back the votes of some of the protesters, accordingly, i think now for the democratic party , if i were a consultant... a lot, that is, last year the outcome of the elections was decided, or rather, as if in 2020, the outcome
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of the elections was decided by five states, now 10 states are in the game, and well, the task is to give money, and for kennedy to move to register superpecs , who would support kennedy, and this can be done without him, do you mean invite kennedy as vice president or simply promote a third candidate.
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today he took a very big step up the ladder in changeability, i would say so, yes, but whether they love him, that’s the point. already his, now the fight is being waged, well, roughly speaking, for several hundred thousand votes, spread thinly across specific swing states, he doesn’t have to fight for voters in california or for voters in texas, although some say that texas could already become
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the sphinxstate, well, sociology doesn’t seem to confirm it yet, but its task. in fact , to talk to these several hundred thousand people, tell them exactly what will move them either in one direction or the other, that is , the battle here is not for large areas, firstly, more than half of the states are out of the game, because they are either yes everything is clear there, biden still seems to me to have worked for the democratic base and they also made a pitch to him about black voters.
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after trump's victory, in a new york restaurant i sat with one of the strategists democratic party of the usa, so he says, listen, he says, well, i don’t understand, so i look at the exit poll numbers, there is a very high percentage of people voting for trump among latinos, a waiter comes up to us and says: excuse me, i’ll butt in, so to speak, well ok, he says, i'm from el salvador. but i’m here legally, i went through all the circles of hell in order to first get a green card, then american citizenship, and if someone says that illegal migrants are my brothers, well, that’s not true, because i say so , went through everything through the system, and they climb with
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back door, plus among. from the outside i don’t understand at all how they are now managed, because on the one hand it seems that everyone is being managed, on the other hand, the avalanche is such that i no longer understand who is in charge in the company, the candidate, the consultant, the one who counts , the one who writes the laws, or in the end, against, lord, voter, the company is won when all the elements,
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all the components work for you, when you have creativity, and a content frame, and an organizational one...
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the appearance is the same colorful third a man, like the general, who was deceased. thank you very much, evgeniy minchenko was our guest. besides russia, there are two countries that appear as inevitable opponents in any american debate: china and iran. what do they think about the american candidates? who is preferable? we don't care, because both are democrats and a republic. republicans in their relations with china have already found a common opinion that this country must be restrained to develop by all means, who is afraid of whom. we live our lives calmly, trading the war, when it started, the trade turnover between the usa
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and china is 500 billion dollars, 3 years in 3 years, 700 thousand billion, this is the very technical embargo, they banned their partners and... all the best things we did were less and less under pressure, if normal, we need normal trade, trade, well, the very division of labor, we would calmly buy their products.
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put more pressure, but no matter what he said, we know that when he was in the white house, he made a lot of effort to do at least one photo with our president rahani, he really wanted to show that with iran everything is the same as with north korea, he is a showman, i don’t think that with trump iran will be worse, biden is an indecisive person, he did not swim along the way, claimed that he wanted to come to an agreement with ran, but did not lift a finger,
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the election debates are in full swing not only in america, in paris and london they are also arguing to the point of frailty. in the usa, nothing has been decided yet, but in france and great britain, the ruling parties are heading towards disastrous defeat. with your movement judging by the polls, it will be third after the far right and the left front, the british torah is promised the worst result in the two-hundred-year history of the party. the french national association marine lu peen has set its sights on an absolute parliamentary majority, although a clinch is more likely when no one will be able to pursue a clear policy. in great britain , on the contrary, the reibarists will receive carte blanche, should we expect changes in the old world? not now. no matter what forces come, the movement along the knurled path will continue. the track is narrow. appointment to european leadership institutions, fondelaien and others, showed
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reinforced concrete continuity. it won't always be like this, but the time for change has not yet come. as lincoln steffens, the founder of the very american exposé journalism with which we began today, said, nothing in the world is ever finished, everything is always. has to be done and remade again, and there are no endings to the story, this was an international review, goodbye, dad, you'll be home soon, soon, i won't be late now, there are many vacancies at avita's job, you will find not just a job, but your own place, bonisizhe. just eat. roman burger with fragrant arugula. mozzarella rings, capri lemonade and ice deluxe mango. in italian: delicious, period. your business needs acceleration,
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