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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 29, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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hello sergei mikhailovich, last sunday in dagestan there was a series of terrorist attacks, terrible terrorist attacks, the targets of terrorists were, including a synagogue and orthodox churches, how can religious institutions be protected, do they need armed security, what do you think about this in general ? we decided to start with this topic, because today three days of mourning continues in dagestan.
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first of all, i want to express sincere words of condolences to those who died in dagestan, the dead policeman, the dead priest, the muslim security guard mikhail, and i also cannot help but say words of condolences to those who died in the city of hero sevastopol after an attack by american missiles directed from the territory of ukraine. speaking of protection our religious institutions, i already said that’s all. educational institutions, just like places of worship, should be protected by the russian guard, when there stands, well, this mikhail, the kingdom of heaven, here he was, with a gas pistol , confronting terrorists with firearms, what could he do, he died heroically, and just a low bow to him , that after all, he wanted to fulfill his duties to the end, but still needs to be done seriously, and seriously, i think, this is the russian guard. but i still can’t help but say
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one thing: remember when last year there was a well-known story at the makhachkala airport, there were several hundred young people there. engaged in pogroms, engaged in violation of law and order, were punished, and from my point of view very mildly, only five people, the following wishes were expressed: well , why ruin the lives of young people, they are somehow out of their minds, and pay attention, here impunity leads to what happened literally on sunday in derbet and makhachkala, and i still can’t say anything. of course, we are talking about a planned action, after all militants, terrorists were working, they were preparing this terrorist attack for many months, but listen, when we see who participated there, change my word, it turns out that many who took part in these terrorist attacks in derbent and
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makhachkala also participated there at the airport, i don’t have any doubts about it, but we’ll wait and see, well, speaking of, i can’t help but... say a few words about the terrible terrorist attack in the city of heroes of sevastopol, i have already said publicly that if the americans aim their missiles and help, well, probably necessary to respond to american targets, i can say what american targets are, we have american drones constantly hovering in the black sea, so i think that there is nothing to hang there either, they need to be destroyed, this would be an absolutely adequate and correct answer, well.. .
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tells, and people believe, because people have been fooled for many, many years, they are accustomed to lies, they are accustomed to the fact that forgive them, they are fed all sorts of nonsense, they believe it, and it starts from kindergarten, from schools there, students and so on, there there is nothing sacred, there is no intelligence there, but goebbels’s propaganda directly blooms and thrives on...
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without this we will not have justice, the rich must pay more, until recently russia was the only country among the twenty, among the twenty largest economies in the world , where there was a flat income tax scale. let me remind you that 3 years ago
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the president decided that those who receive more than 5 million rubles a year will pay not 13%, but 15, these additional 2%, what is called: socially charged, they went to the circle of good charity foundation. 24,500 children were saved thanks to this money. and today, when the government introduced a five-step gradation, and we unconditionally supported this bill in the first reading, the logic is absolutely correct. in the second, of course, we will make amendments, but for example, we believe that people who receive less than the minimum wage, unfortunately, this is the case. they don’t have to pay anything at all, for some reason, from 2026, a family with two children, who also have incomes below the minimum wage, will have a very good benefit, they will only pay 6%, but two simple questions arise: first, why only from
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2026, when the law will come into force on february 1 , 2025, and secondly, well, okay, but a family with one child, where the income is also the same is it low? shouldn't they also pay less? these are the amendments our factions will make. well, indeed, we are talking about a progressive tax, and we are also talking about increasing excise taxes on... in the defense industry, which is now forging weapons for our victory as part of a special
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military operation, and there are banks, and there are mining business, which literally makes money out of thin air, so for them, of course, an increase in income tax by 5% is logical, and if we offered those involved in production those who create goods and services that people need, if they...
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our faction introduced an amendment, which was adopted, now there is a norm in the constitution that states the following: all pensions in the russian federation are indexed at least once a year, and it does not say what pensions we are talking about for workers pensioners, for non-working pensioners, in in this connection, the president made such a decision at the st. petersburg economic forum is absolutely correct, and you are absolutely right too, a long-awaited decision.
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talk about pensioners, maybe who don’t work, but for some reason, here’s how else you can support them, how does your party propose to support these people, what needs to be done first, are there any programs? well, first of all, i would still return to the so-called pension reform, take it and return, as we say, to a conscientious retirement growth, men 60 years old, women 55, okay, we understand that...
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at the time it was promised that their pension would be 100% of their official salary, now it’s somewhere close to 85%, but 15% is still not enough, this it would be fair if we did this, well, in general, speaking about pensions, we probably need to think , for example, about our women, but by the way, not only women, and fathers of many children, because i would definitely include time caring for a child under 3 years old, imagine if a mother has three more children, it’s
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huge work, this is the hardest work, and of course, all this must be taken into account when calculating pensions, and speaking in general about pension provision, about calculating pensions, well, no one understands these points, few people, even people with higher education can do it themselves calculate for ourselves how many points they are entitled to, and we think, well, let’s not fuss over the garden, let’s make sure that the pension depends only on three parameters, on length of service, and the more a person worked, the larger the pension should be, on earnings, respectively, the more you received. and the pension should be more and depending on the working conditions, well, it is clear that harmful conditions or work in the north should also be compensated, so there is no need to come up with various tricks, but i remain unconvinced, all these calculations of points and so on are still tricks to save money on our pensioners, there is no need to save on our pensioners, this is true, there is no
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need to save on another important topic, and these are illegal migrants, which the state duma recently adopted. first reading of the bill on the expulsion of such people from the country, what other measures in your opinion are needed to solve this problem? we propose, and i spoke about this at a meeting with the president, that the migration service should be removed from the structure of the ministry of internal affairs, it should be a separate structure, from my point of view , directly subordinate to the president, because well, the recent arrests in the tula region, the recent arrests in my native... it was not for nothing that he gave away our citizenship for free, and we already see that citizenship is being given to people who do not know a word of russian, they have not passed any exam, there is corruption here the component is very large, this is the first,
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second, we are absolutely convinced that there are 18 constituent entities of the russian federation that have adopted local laws. where it is limited to a certain level, somewhere there is a complete ban, somewhere 5% of migrants working in certain areas, somewhere it is taxi work, somewhere it is the education sector, somewhere it is the healthcare sector, somewhere it is even construction , this is an absolutely correct approach, look, if out of 89 constituent entities of the russian federation 18 of us have already adopted such laws, this means that they know better locally. they understand what they are facing, what a threat this is, this is uncontrolled migration, and i think that a similar law should be adopted at the federal level a long time ago, and the last one, we made such a proposal, it is in the portfolio of the state duma, if a migrant violated our law, he must answer to the full rigor of the law, his entire family, his entire family, all
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his close relatives, his entire clan, must immediately be deported from... the russian federation, if you want, yes, this is mutual responsibility, let them know that if he will break the law, they will all leave here, it will be absolutely correct and fair. sergei mikhailovich, if you allow, let’s take a little break from the work of the state duma and move on to the current agenda, as you know, tomorrow julia nasange will appear in court, today he finally left prison, yes, he left the uk, are you following his movements, yes, the whole country and... indeed the whole world is now watching airplane flights, and sanj’s wife just called for watching how it moves, otherwise they will suddenly be deceived there, that will happen on the way, so what are your expectations from this high-profile case, how will events develop in your opinion? well, i would really wait until
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the associate is actually free, and indeed, so that the deal, apparently, which... included, would be carried out by all parties, but here i would draw your attention to the upcoming presidential campaign in the united states of america, and it’s quite obvious, i’ll remind you that it was actually trump who imprisoned and insisted on asaj’s guilt, and now biden is demonstrating such liberality as he's great, and i think this is not the last act. in this human tragedy, and we can still see a lot and will appear, but now i wish that i would be free in the literal sense of the word as soon as possible...
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the parents were surprised that there were many more people in the class, only eight people entered so, when i met them, well, in ninth grade, actually, they are still children, and i told them, you know, you probably did the first adult thing in your life, and this, of course, they are great, they real patriots, they did it consciously, their parents, of course, supported them.
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these are real patriots, this is real education, and i was very pleased to communicate with them. yes, it is indeed a very vivid story about helping the front. and an example, an example for many. sergei mikhailovich, thank you very much, thank you sergei mikhailovich.
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here was the heart of the obninsk nuclear power plant. my father told me that after changing his shirt they would wring it out, because there was no automation then, everything went manually, and he would come back with burnt hands. there was steam. subject to kurbina igor vasilievich kurchatov, congratulated us all on a light steam. in obnensk , the complete technology from
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nuclear fission to generating electricity into the grid was demonstrated for the first time. people came from many countries and they were only amazed at what the soviet union had done. we were not the first to make the bomb; this is a rare case when we are proud that we are not the first, but the second. and here. peaceful atom, nuclear power plant, our absolute primacy.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations; russian digital solutions should be taken to a new level.
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otherwise there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, and what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what is it, our product, we are looking to understand the world. look, look in the application or on the website.
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hello, this is the senate program, my colleague. and i'm vladimir nesterov. we will talk about new laws and legislative initiatives on how they become part of our lives. strengthening and developing the potential of the regions and defending the interests of the residents of our country. at key events right now. expanding cooperation in the innovative economy - the eleventh forum of regions of belarus and russia, a vector of joint development. in fact, i believe that interregional cooperation is the framework.


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