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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 29, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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hello, the on-air legal program is being hosted by the duty department, tatyana petrova is with you. the lublin court of the capital ruled to suspend the operation of the kitchen in the area. it was under this brand that local kitchen sold ready-made food, which poisoned about 200 people. according to rospotrebnadzor, the kitchen is in the work area. there were gross violations of sanitary norms and rules. let me remind you that from june 11 , people with poisoning they all ordered food from the local kitchen, in particular lobio salad and other dishes that included canned beans. by court decision, the company's activities were suspended for 90 days. and today it became known about the closure of the sushi king cafe in kursk. there, after eating japanese snacks, visitors were diagnosed with an acute intestinal infection.
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the owner of the cafe, rastam mohamed sharif, was found guilty of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, and his establishment was closed for 2 months while the proceedings are ongoing. the perama killer finally got what he deserved. the moscow city court sentenced yuri khomchenko to life imprisonment. let me remind you that last year he started a terrible fire in a dormitory, his antics ultimately killed seven people, including children. khomchenko himself did not repent at all about odein. how did he feel about the decision?
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recalls that khomchenko led a riotous lifestyle. at that moment, that evening, he was intoxicated, he had a conflict with a large family, who lived across the wall in the room next to his for a certain time , he was in conflict with them, that is, he came to their room, knocked on the door, and used obscene language towards them. then the investigation had no doubt that the fire was not set on fire by accident, although there was no direct evidence. the pyromaniac was not shown on the surveillance cameras, but to show... they even said, you don’t have to bother,
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we say that we are making a closet, they leave, so we feel the smoke coming, throughout the year khomchenko regularly broke the comedy, not wanted to admit guilt, at every court hearing he behaved very self-confidently and brazenly; as they say, he has experience, he can boast of several convictions, from economic crimes to extortion. yuri, you feel guilty, no, you were the one who got burned in the fire, so yes, the jury still found the piraman guilty. in the death of seven people, in addition, he will have to answer for the destruction of other people's property, as well as pay considerable compensation to the victims. after the verdict was announced , khomchenko sarcastically told the judge that happy with the decision. he never apologized to his neighbors, who were also present at the meeting. yuri khomchenko showed
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disrespect for the court, repeatedly tried to argue, never admitted his guilt, themis , as expected, was harsh towards the accused, life imprisonment. he will serve his sentence.
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two defendants are a representative of the owner of the building, as well as the deputy general director of the company, which was responsible for the safety of the property during the period while the bankruptcy procedure of the owner was underway. russian minister of internal affairs vladimir kolokoltsev completed his participation in the summit of the heads of police agencies of states, members of the un, which was held in new york. during the trip, the head of the ministry of internal affairs held many important meetings, in particular, discussed current issues of the activities of police officers in the peacekeeping missions of the ngo. and also announced attempts to exclude russia from interpol. about the results of the visit, my colleague maxim movchan. after participating in the summit, vladimir kolokoltsev held a number of bilateral meetings, which were also held at the un headquarters. the main police forces of the partner countries have a lot of topics for discussion,
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and this is the perfect forum for this; by the way, the heads of departments have just left the same meeting room; africa, as well as kazakhstan, is just a stone’s throw away for a strong handshake. like a symbol of developing cooperation and success in interstate interaction. in a conversation with the head of the ministry of internal affairs of kazakhstan, yerzhan sadenov, vladimir klokoltsev notes: politics should not influence the work of the police. an example of this is the operational-preventive search operation. both sides successfully apprehend fugitives, unlike, for example, declining effectiveness in interaction with... interpol, from which a number of western states are trying to exclude russia. vladimir kolokoltsev told his colleague from sudaan about this in detail. hello, dear police general. the ability to keep one’s word, honesty and openness are perhaps the main things that distinguish the relations of the russian ministry of internal affairs with
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law enforcement agencies of other states. vladimir kolokoltsev assured his african colleague that our country will continue to fulfill all its obligations to sudan, unlike, for example,
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during the dialogue, the african colleague emphasized that the positions of the two countries on international platforms coincide, and sudan intends not to deviate from this vector. mr. chikondo, we have not seen you for a long time, i am glad to have the opportunity to take advantage of this summit meeting, exchange impressions, determine our common positions to counter attempts, external attempts, to introduce dissonance into our relations. the chief inspector of the namibian police, joseph shimvilao shikkong, has a similar position; we need to unite. in the fight against transnational crime, despite attempts at political pressure from
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the west, and the pressure, according to our minister, is expressed not only in bureaucratic obstacles, but also in the desire to influence the situation within the country, namely in organizing terrorist attacks, including against civilians, while our ministry of internal affairs are ready to assist the namibian police, train personnel and provide technology; the regulatory framework for this is already ready. maksimov and sergei ukhvaryonok. usa. the fifteenth anniversary all-russian competition ended in saratov television films and programs world of law. this year, more than 300 journalists from kaliningrad to the far east sent their work. about 50 of them reached the finals. the best were chosen in nine categories , including best investigative journalism. this is a competition among professionals. and this competition is also judged by professionals. who understand some of the nuances of television work, understand that not everything can be done
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on air, not everything that one wants to be done on air, nevertheless we exchange such opinions, views from the outside, for journalists were also given master classes by political commentator and news presenter aleksey petrov and editor-in-chief of the moscow 24 tv channel, presenter dmitry shchugarev, and the winner of the grand prize this year was a correspondent from state television and radio broadcasting company samara. this saturday at 18:15 do not miss the final episode of our program, here are the topics we will present. the defeat of the invisible bandit group. in krasnoyarsk, the investigation into the case of one of the most influential criminal communities of the yaroslav malinovsky gang has been completed. its participants traded in robbery and extortion, set fire to cars of unwanted people and beat up competitors. why did the leader of the group remain in the shadows all the time, handing out tasks over the internet, organizing
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virtual gatherings at a distance, teaching how to cover up tracks, only we have a revelation from gang members that they told about the rules prevailing in the criminal community? sms what you need, everyone pull up to the garage center garage, i kicked a man who was already lying down, how athletes from local clubs turned into notorious gangsters, where is their leader hiding why does he feel? mysterious death in a premium car. krasnodar investigators are looking into the circumstances of a high-profile case involving a car falling from a multi-level parking lot. the driver, his pregnant passenger and child died, which connected the adults. is it really about a love triangle? luxurious life is strong, healthy.
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salvation from poisoning and what weapons are being prepared by medical scientists in the fight against botulism, alina skachkova found out. honored the memory
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of the hero. in kalmykia , a state award was solemnly presented to the family of the deceased police officer mirgen nemgirov. the head of the republic, batul khasikov, the head of the regional ministry of internal affairs, dmitry grigoriev, the head of the republican fsb, colonel dmitry dakiychuk, came to pay tribute. colleagues from the kherson region also remembered the hero and the personnel of the units. mirgen ningirov was a senior detective in the drug control group in the police of the city of novaya kokhovka, kherson. region died during shelling in november 2023. marriage, courage and dedication shown during performance of official and military duty, the senior lieutenant was posthumously awarded the order of courage. the mystery of the ice revealed the secrets of the high mountains. more and more bodies of climbers who died while climbing everest are being discovered as a result of global warming. such conclusions were made by nepalese
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climbers and the military, who organized a special operation to lower the bodies down. in order to bury them to clear the mountains, in total, according to experts, about 300 people remained forever on the slopes of everest, report by maxim shevchenko. while some cherish the hope of conquering the most inaccessible mountain on the planet, others abandon the idea with horror. the highest peak on earth, everest, seems to be rapidly turning into an open-air cemetery, as the ice melts it partes with the bodies that the permafrost has preserved for decades, this is being talked about... among those who were going to the himalayas this year was a team , which did not set as its goal the conquest of the summit, but risked its life to bring down several dead. as part of a cleaning company everest and its adjacent peaks, five unknown frozen bodies were discovered, including one representing skeletal remains.
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it took the climbers 11 hours to free just one body, covered in ice along the torso. the team had to use hot water to defrost it while pulling it out. at times. since the first ascents of everest began in the twenties of the last century, more than 300 people have died, eight this year alone. almost all of them remain in the cold, because the descent of a dead climber is either expensive in a monetary sense, or it could cost the life of the one who undertakes it. this indian climber, who died in 1996, is perhaps the most famous of those who did not make it, and even has a nickname - green boots. everest climbers use it to read the distance to the peak. it lies at... mark 8.500, 348 m before the top, all sacrifices are made in order to see this, a living picture, as if from a porthole, one of the reasons why people go there, the opportunity to test themselves is a key factor, so there is no end to those who want . everest these days according to climbers, it is more like an entertainment attraction, with no guarantee
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of return. the ascent to everest itself is an expensive conveyor belt, the cost of this conveyor there is from 5 million, depending on the level of comfort that the climber can afford, and therefore the number of corpses is becoming less and less, but the old corpses must, of course, be removed in order to achieve the desired peak climbers cannot for a number of reasons, little training, no necessary equipment, changeable weather, in the so -called death zone above 800 the main role lack of oxygen, it accelerates the work of the cardiovascular system to the limit, the lungs also... experience increased stress, trying to compensate for the low oxygen content in the air. the brain is especially sensitive to hypoxia; at altitudes of 800 and above , symptoms of mountain sickness may occur: headache, nausea, dizziness, hallucinations and even cerebral edema. the legendary soviet mountaineer-instructor vladimir shataev made more than 300 ascents,
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tried to climb everest, says he was able to survive at a critical moment because he accepted the work. to say, the mountain did not accept, those who could not leave the everest will have to be dragged to the foot sooner or later, due to the effects of global warming, bodies and debris become more and more noticeable as the snow cover thins, and if people, climbing into mountains, seeing dead bodies on the way up can have a significant negative psychological effect.
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it is too early to sum up the results of the work on the mountain carried out this season. it is known that two of the five killed from the height have been identified. their bodies are now in kathmandu for cleaning. as stated nepalese authorities will continue to do so. maxim shevchenko, lead, duty department. don't miss this weekend on the russia-24 tv channel, the investigation of eduard petrov, the jury verdict is not guilty. the former head of the ramensky district of the moscow region, andrei kulakov , was accused of reprisals against his mistress evgenia isaenkova. we managed to restore the correspondence, which contained numerous threats, including those of kulakov and isaenko. i'm not a murderer, i didn't kill anyone. the official spent 2 years in pre-trial detention, but in the end the jury found verdict, not guilty, i want to say, thank you very, very much, because... so who dealt so cruelly with the deputy head of the district’s public chamber? that the murder was being carried out, including her husband.
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i asked you not to bother me or my daughter with this topic. i also have an assumption that she was in the locker like a sulfur coordinate. we took over this case and conducted our own investigation. how is the working day of the traffic police going on this day? our correspondent will answer the question in the next article; he spent the whole day with inspectors of a separate battalion of traffic police, traffic police, pasao police department, who monitor security in the northern district of the capital, learned that pursuit and arrest are not all the tasks of the security forces. about the secrets of the work of those who usually remain behind the scenes, danius fharuchka. battalion, stand at attention. the day for traffic inspectors from the northern district of the capital begins with a briefing. and practicing combat techniques, we moved, after that we go out into the bend, hands behind the hand on the back of the head, look around and begin to fight. after the crew and
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disperse throughout the district, and since the motorcycle season is in full swing , police officers on bikes take over the service. particular attention is paid to crowded places, transfer hubs and expressways; if an accident occurs, it is important to process it as quickly as possible to avoid traffic congestion. two trucks collided with a car... this, of course, is not just a pursuit and an arrest, notes the head of the state traffic inspectorate department of the internal affairs directorate for the northern district of the capital, gennady dolmatov. we work on a targeted basis, when we see the causes of an accident, we analyze the reasons,
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accordingly, with the help of inspectors , we work out those types of accidents, prevent the type of violations that entail these reasons, in turn, and also analyze what engineering measures we have that make sense. uh initiate. if changes are needed, for example, a new traffic light or pedestrian crossing, the police report this to the relevant city services. the number of so-called hotbeds of traffic accidents has decreased over the past 2 years from 16 to 11. in the summer, inspectors pay special attention to those who travel on electric scooters and electric bicycles. it’s very convenient for people that they don’t have safe driving skills, hence , unfortunately, the consequences, again, where there is a cluster of park areas. here. they drive on the sidewalks at high speed and they violate them, and that’s what we’re fighting against. thanks to prevention in the northern district , the number of accidents caused by drunk drivers has decreased,
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but despite the good results, the fight against such violators is ongoing. daniil sukoruchko, alexey gorshkov, dmitry chernikov, dmitry manyshev, lead. duty department. i remind you that the entire operational feed of legal news is in our telegram channels, conduct duty units, an honest detective. and that’s all for us, it was with you. see you in the final issue.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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in our country, if it’s a sport, then with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a folk one, we love traditions. we honor our history, value family and strong relationships, and admire how the country is blossoming. there are even more achievements ahead of us. fall in love with the country more by exhibition russia. we watch to know everything about
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moscow residents are establishing the causes of a night fire in a dormitory in balashikha. five people died in the fire and there were injuries. the old two-story building caught fire late in the evening, when most of the residents were already asleep. according to preliminary data, the fire was located in one of the rooms on the second floor. according to eyewitnesses, people were jumping from windows in panic. many were literally carried out by rescuers in their arms. publications evacuated 10 people. to this moment.


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