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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 29, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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deposit at 18%, it turns out you can get it at 20%, i was thinking of opening a deposit in one bank, it turns out you can open a deposit in different ones at once, for money your own marketplace, it turns out, open a deposit with a rate of 20%, financial services, financial marketplace from the moscow exchange, a real hunt - this is when the loot is almost in your hands, when the main trophy is right in front of you from 20 million, every 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. discounts for people from people until july 7, the sber thank you loyalty program has been updated, pay with any sber card, you get twice as many bonuses as before, every month choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%, supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants and others, and even a category for...
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transfer money for free to sber from other banks and receive cashback up to 70% from partners, more profitable with an izber subscription. the sber thank you loyalty program has been updated, pay with any sber card and receive twice as many bonuses as before. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants and others. and even. transfer money for free to sberbank from other banks and get cashback up to 70% from partners, more profitable with a subscription to berlime. the most hotly anticipated political battle took place in the united states. president joe bidon met in a pre-election debate with... his predecessor and
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contender for a new term, donald trump. there is a suspicion of dementia in the blue corner of the ring. in krasnoye, a criminal already convicted by the court. dream battle. the first public debate took place back in 1858 between abraham lincoln and stephen douglas, during the struggle for senator from illinois. they did not help the president, but he introduced the fashion for public competitions. at that time, they were arguing about such an important phenomenon for society as slavery. with the advent of mass television in the 20th century, the importance of such discussions became almost decisive for voting results. for example, at the first televised debate between kennedy and nixon in 1960. the favorite was not the future president kennedy, but it was the television
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picture that turned everything upside down. those who listened to the debate on the radio believed that nixon had won, and those who watched television believed were confident that the younger kennedy had won. i think mr. nixon is an effective leader of his party. i hope he thinks the same about me. the question before us is: what point of view and what party do you want to see leading the united states. nixon had just gotten out of the hospital and gave up television makeup. did not look very impressive, this is how this moment is shown in the oliver stone film. kennedy became president, they joked that tv viewers chose him, and radio listeners voted for the republican, but his image and ability to react quickly turned out to be more important than intelligence. already in the 2000s it became known that nixon was actually a healthier person than kennedy. there were
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problems with the spine and he suffered from odisson's disease. before performances, he had to take painkilling injections of navakain. after his murder in dallas , the debate was interrupted for 16 long years. the practice was resumed only in 1976 by jimmy carter and gerald ford. the leader of the republican minority in congress, ford became the only president who was not elected to this post. he took the chair vice president after the corruption scandal surrounding spear agnew, who had to leave his post, and a little later, after the utorg scandal, ford became president instead of nixon, however, this did not give him experience in the debates with carter, in which he suddenly declared that the soviet union does not control the eastern europe, and poland, yugoslavia and romania are absolutely independent countries, which shocked the presenter.
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the independent challenger, ross perot, participated. candidates from the two major parties, in which bush noted that partners were abusing time and talking longer than expected, pointing at his watch, he tried to draw the attention of the moderator, but the audience understood the gesture as a desire to finish quickly. later, however, bush admitted that he did not want to participate in those debates, despite their popularity. by the way, despite the explosive growth of social networks, debate. attract great attention even now: since 2008 , you can ask your question via the internet; since 2016, online broadcasts have been conducted on youtube on twitter. many people remember the debate between trump and biden in 2020, which took place due to covid.
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only the first stage, all that remains in my memory is the ugly behavior of the candidates, who endlessly interrupted each other. has become a real meme on the internet. our guest today is a real expert. evgeniy minchenko is familiar with political technologies firsthand, and he is also the president of the russian public relations association, so he holds the cards. zhenya, hello. hi, as a professional, have you learned anything from this great debate? well, i would say that the teams worked very well, that is it was clear that the scenario that was given to both candidates was, in principle, normal,
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both tried to stay within its framework, the only thing, in my opinion, was an incorrect assessment of the opponent. from the biden team and biden personally, most likely, because what we read about the preparation for the debate, that he was preparing for two types of trump, such as angry, aggressive trump , calm trump, well, how calm trump can be, and biden after all, apparently, all his homework, they were for the evil trump, he was calm, did not interrupt, therefore more, well, the rules didn’t allow it, in my opinion, biden.
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"oh, joe, these are not supporters." trump, i lowered my expectations, biden tells him, believe me, no one can fall like that.
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yes, well, actually, actually, they, they do it, this one, god forbid, but again, the trick was that, if we remember the year ninety-six, then there were two stories, well, such victories for yeltsin’s team, by the way, i believe that yeltsin won the elections in 96, and the first thing is , god forbid, and there is not enough candidate, but...
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i think now for the democratic party, the voices of some of the protesters, accordingly, if i were a consultant to this party, i would say, guys, god forbid, we have already fed everyone, we have been feeding this since 2020, january 6, and well, we can go on for a long time with this story. but it is not sufficient for victory, accordingly, only one surname kennedy, that is, it is necessary to negotiate with kennedy, the main task now is to take these battleground states, swing states, this year there are a lot of them, that is, last year the outcome of the elections was decided, more precisely as if in 2020 the outcome of the elections was decided by five states, now there are 10 states in the game, and well, the task is yes...
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okay, well, it’s clear, here, that is, it’s clear that everything is very bad, but it’s clear where to go, but trump needs to change something, or he’s got it all as it is ok, well, trump today took a very big step up the ladder of sanity, i would say so, yes, but do they love him, no, that’s the point, he says. he doesn’t have to fight for voters in california or for voters in texas, although some say that texas could already become a swing, well, so far the science hasn’t confirmed it, but that’s his task.
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the voices that gave trump victory in 2016, and the voices of the rapidly growing hispanic community, which is not nearly as categorical on the topic of migration, i can give you an example, in the sixteenth year, after trump’s victory, in a new york restaurant, i
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sat with one of the strategists democratic party of the usa, so he says, listen, he says,
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america, it seems that the companies are really for all of us, because america in general is changing somehow, and i, looking from the outside, don’t understand at all how they are now managed because on the one hand it seems that everyone is being managed, on the other hand, that the avalanche is such that i no longer understand who is in charge in the company, the candidate, the consultant, the one who counts?
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and despite the fact that they told him what a great president he was, he had already done everything so well and would remain in history, he firmly, stubbornly said, i will go for a second term, and what to do about it, i think, now in a democratic the party is completely incomprehensible, well, then we will wait for the appearance of a third person as colorful as the late general lebed was, thank you very much,
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evgeniy minchenko was our guest, besides russia there are... two countries that appear as inevitable opponents in any american debate: china and iran, and what do they think about the american candidates, who is preferable? we don’t care, because both democrats and republicans have already found a common opinion in relation to china: nato is holding back this country’s development by all means, who is afraid of whom. we live our lives calmly, the trade war, when it started, the trade turnover between the usa and china is 500 billions of dollars, 3 years, after 3 years, 700 thousand billion, this is the most, technical
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embargo, they banned their partners, that’s it, our case with trump is complicated, it was he who gave the order to kill general qasim soleimani in iran, according to the decision of the iranian court. should be extradited to iran in the case of the murder of an iranian official in a third country, this creates legal difficulties for trump, but donald trump
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is a businessman, he thinks in terms of deals and he is more ready to conclude a deal with iran. yes, he threatens to put more pressure, but to he did not say, we know, when he was in the white house, he made a lot of effort to take at least one photo with our president rahani, he really wanted to show that... the election debate is not only in full swing in america, in paris and london they also argue until they are sick. in the usa, nothing has been decided yet, but in france and
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great britain, the ruling parties are heading towards disastrous defeat. macron and his movement, judging by the polls, will be third after the extreme right and left front; the british torah is promised the worst result in the two-hundred-year history of the party. it won’t always be like this, but the time for change has not yet come, as lincoln stephens, the founder of the very american expose journalism with which we
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started today, said, nothing is ever finished in the world, everything always has to be done and remade again, and there are no endings to history. it was an international review, goodbye. the delicious calendar returns to a tasty point, we give 100% cashback every friday when paying with alfabank cards. the idea to start a business was born from a childhood dream of becoming a pioneer. i remember how we the guys climbed here, and i imagined that...
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. in the kursk region, doctors are fighting for the lives and health of those seriously wounded during an attack by a ukrainian armed forces drone. the militants aimed a drone at a residential building in the village of gorodishche. five members of the extended family died on the spot, and two more were hospitalized. now live with us
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communications our correspondent. a literally terrorist attack by the ukrainian armed forces on a residential building this night killed five people, two of them small children, two more family members were taken to the rylsk central city hospital, where doctors are now fighting for their lives, their condition is assessed as serious, unfortunately, no additional information is not yet known, we will monitor the development of events. colleagues, elizaveta, thank you for direct communication from the kursk region.


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