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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 29, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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village of the settlement, five people died there. details from elizaveta boukreeva. today the night was turbulent in the kursk region, a residential building in the village of gorodishche, border rylsky district was attacked by a ukrainian copter, as a result of which five people died, two of them children, two more family members were transferred to the regional clinical hospital, now they are in intensive care health is not in danger, this is a married couple, the man is 69, the woman is 69.
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kurbi to the close relatives of the victims also in his telegram channel in rio, the head of the region alexey smirnov spoke about a new shelling, this is the sudzhansky district, the village of guevo, here two people were concussed during the shelling, they are now taken to the local hospital, they are receiving primary medical care, in addition, a ukrainian drone attacked a car, this is not the first time in kursk region, a resident of the korenevsky district was heading to sudzha and received numerous injuries, the situation... today , the village of guyevo, sudzhansky district, was shelled from the ukrainian side. two local residents received shell shock. currently they were taken to the sudzhansky district hospital, where they are receiving medical care. also, as a result of an attack by a ukrainian copter, a car driver, a resident of the korenevsky district, was injured on the road to sudzha. he was sent to the kursk regional hospital for examination and treatment. after the shelling in guevo, seven households, three cars were damaged, power lines and a gas pipeline were interrupted. repair work will begin when.
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if the situation allows, we will definitely provide the owners with the necessary assistance. elizabeth bukreeva, yulia tyushevskaya, lead kursk. the russian ministry of emergency situations eliminated in sevastopol four ammunition from the american atakms missile launched into the ssu on june 23. explosive objects were found at a depth of up to 5 m, and then detonated at the bottom of the black sea near uchkuevka beach. divers continue searching for ammunition. let me remind you that the ukrainian armed forces struck sevastopol at the end of last week.
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six counterattacks were repelled per day against peaceful people vacationing on... kirov, leninskaya, sokol, novgorodskaya, novoselovka pervaya, donetsk people's republic assault groups, forty-seventh mechanized, 142 infantry and 68 jaeger brigades of the ukrainian armed forces. and in the ovdeevsky direction , russian tankers destroyed a large fsu ammunition depot. with such blows. for greater efficiency, the equipment approaches the closest distance, and before that the route is laid out by sappers who neutralize the mines. alexey boranov has details. behind him was, this time the work always associated with the risk of life takes place in the vicinity of lisichansk. this unit of sappers of the southern military district regularly operates on advanced. we are engaged in mine clearance, supporting passages for assault units on the front line with help. we
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fly over the necessary paths, roads for tanks, for infantry, we detect dropped mine devices, shells that lie on the ground, after detection the group leaves, drones help us, unmanned aerial vehicles are truly irreplaceable, this mine, of course, is already prepared for destruction, and the place where exactly the ukrainian military laid their whole chain was discovered precisely with the help of copters. tankers of the central military district , meanwhile, are operating in the avdeevsky direction. this is where the key events are happening now. this is what the crew commander with the call sign armor tells us. my crew is universal. i calmly change planes with my crew, either on 72 or on 80. the 80 is soft and rides well. everything depends on the crew, on their skills, on their professionalism and on their training. by an unmanned aerial
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vehicle of one of the units of the center group, the destruction of a large warehouse with enemy ammunition. sappers continue their work at the front line. ensuring the advancement of personnel and equipment is the most important task today. each unit of sappers today is necessarily equipped with a copter, with the help of which they always inspect the area before starting work. alexey boranov, alexander malyshev, khaled tankiev. news: lugansk and donetsk people's republics line of combat contact. kiev will never be able to join nato, despite the alliance’s promise, newswake magazine observers are sure of this. they
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write that the united states and allies are ready to continue financial and military assistance to ukraine, but are afraid of direct confrontation with moscow. as for the balance of power on the battlefield, the armed forces of ukraine, according to experts, are unlikely to be able to improve. with details arm krosulin. washington is discussing the allocation of the next package of military assistance to kiev. now, according to the agency, the pentagon plans to transfer weapons worth $150 million. according to american journalist seimer hirsch, biden has been at an impasse for several months, as he and his aides foreign policy calls for a ceasefire, which hirsch writes will not happen until the united states stops pumping weapons into ukraine. in ukraine, biden is funding a war that kiev cannot win while refusing to engage in negotiations that could end the carnage. the reality behind all of this is that the president is simply no longer there in terms of the controversial policies he and his
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advisors are pursuing. america shouldn't have a president who doesn't know what he is signed. people in power must be held accountable for what they do. during. can survive any political changes in the us and eu. it is important that we demonstrate that we are prepared to support ukraine in the long term. and so i expect that... nato leaders will agree that the alliance will take the lead in coordinating security and training assistance for ukraine, and that other leaders will agree on a long-term commitment to support ukraine. meanwhile, brussels is expanding again sanctions lists against russian companies and businessmen, however, not all countries
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cope with their own restrictions. for example, in germany, where the frankfurt prosecutor's office is investigating the case of alisher usmanov. he is suspected of money laundering. however, as stated in the prosecutor's office. this article is not applicable to this case, and the materials themselves are not applicable to the criminal law of germany. we have learned that the investigation carried out by law enforcement officials in frankfurt over the past two years is based on the same allegations that were admitted inapplicable to german criminal law and not containing any grounds for initiating a criminal case by their colleagues from the cologne law enforcement agency. the authors write that the information they received is challenging. bring the investigation to the eu level. usmanov himself, as noted in the media, has already filed a statement of unlawful prosecution. anti-russian rhetoric in the west’s desire
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to undermine the economy of our country has not borne fruit. this is how the russian foreign ministry commented on the latest package of restrictions. contrary to calculations eu strategists, they were never able to undermine the russian economy. in the face of an external threat from the us and their henchmen. kiev, meanwhile, is losing ground on the battlefield. according to zelensky, the ssu lost too many soldiers during the conflict and does not want to drag it out any longer. experts say that if the ukrainian side really wants peace, it should turn to vladimir putin’s proposal. the terms for the settlement are already known. artyom krosulin, victoria koroleva, lead. alfabank is the best bank for business. send all payments and transfers without commission. open a business account with alfabank. the sber-thanks loyalty program has been updated. pay with any
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democracy, what did you think it was? many people around me talk about direct democracy as the solution to our problems, or often about the swiss model, about solving all issues through a referendum. after seeing this for the last 4 years, i started to worry. because if there was a referendum on wearing masks or isolation, or god forbid, about mandatory vaccinations, we would have received all this. the majority would vote for, therefore, all these things, mandatory vaccinations, longer and stricter quarantine, masks, everything else, would be adopted through direct democracy. now i think our problem is that the majority, let's hope they come to your conclusion, because otherwise, if
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we take a step towards the idea that direct democracy is the way out of our problems, i will surely live in fear of the straight democracy, why do you think they say that, what people often miss, i know switzerland well, my ancestors are from there, i went to school there, i've been there twice this year, i'm not an expert on switzerland, but i know enough, so with certainty...
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we don’t know, they are centralizing power, for the first time technology allows you to do this globally, people tried to do this in the past, many tried to be totalitarian in the past, but they never had enough technology and scale to control the whole world, now
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they have and i think that's what we're getting at moving fast, they want, they want... every person has turned away from their parents and their family, just as they want to cut people off from their national roots, a sense of belonging to a place, a sense of being british or french, because as soon as you deprive people of their roots, and this process is also aimed at making people ashamed of their history, the history of their family or their country, i noticed the past needs... only to be ashamed, so you make people renounce the past, renounce their parents, family, nation in the traditional sense, then people are just a table, flickering dots on a screen that can be placed anywhere, then, you know, you have a global population that has no home,
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which is of no use not tied, they can be planted anywhere because they have no roots. and you know what happens. yes, countries with indigenous populations are being overrun by people from other places, but these people have been uprooted. yes, the same forces of chaos and destruction. the west has done terrible things to countries middle east and other countries in africa. their population is being deprived of its roots. and they also begin to move. all the victims in this process, everyone and... and people in large numbers end up where they are strangers in terms of ethnic cultural heritage, but this is also not their fault, they are also pawns on the board, and of course, as a result, the indigenous people feel threat from the newcomers and are also angry at them, although we should
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unite to ask who did this? how exactly did this happen, how are we being manipulated, why, who brought you here? it is important, because you so readily believe lies, i agree, but you have such a dialogue in scotland, it is very difficult, because, of course, any disagreement, any step in this direction is met with the same predictable tool, you just call me for a long time. .. classified as anti-semitic for one reason or another, why white supremacists, all the labels were put on me, you said that... i'm a conspiracy theorist, it's almost like a badge of reckoning, i agree, that 's how it is, if you're not denigrated, it means you are not do your part, if all they can do
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is call you an anti-semite, a white oppressor, then you think i must be on the right track, because it's the same old set of inconvenient, blunt tools that are needed to silence anyone asking something important , are relevant questions, but we will not give them answers, because the answers will expose us, even more villains. let's just reject them, as it still works in scotland, in britain. well, i think a lot of people now take it as a badge of honor, be. you know, i was a defender of putin, i was accused of this, i was everything, just because i said, moving on to all these stories, in the third act , jamie dore used this expression when i invited him to my show last week , everyone was invited to join ukrainian history in the third act. you know,
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there are still hundreds of hundreds of pages in this play before you get to the russian tanks crossing the ukrainian border, you come to the cinema late, the last war has been going on for 8 years. exactly, exactly, and now it’s israel and gaza, everyone is convinced that everything. started on october 7th, didn't it? oh no, no, no, no, so it 's obvious, it's obvious things as we shine the spotlight on places of history and backstory that the real troublemakers don't want to deal with, hence the blocking, censorship, labeling, persecution people, you know, they can call them whatever they want, how many? you their attacks, around that time, because i got involved in it, or it seemed to me that i got involved in it , it took me to stop reacting to during covid, quarantine, vaccines for children
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everything else, but then, as i said, as soon as i picked up this thread, everything began, a big tapestry began to unfold, the next episode was ukraine, suddenly people who were... some kind of shaky a coalition, i guess, a fragile organization of people who came together around the defeat of covid, it was like an awakening, you know, like in the film with robert denira, people came to their senses for a while, but as soon as ukraine started, they went back to their previous state, listening to propaganda , toeing the official line, accepting the official line, and i guess that's when i got started. accuse me of defending putin. back then, i was already a tinfoil-hat-wearing conspiracy theorist, an anti-vaccine psychopath. now i am
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putin's defender. i've seen how it works, and as a scout, i can pin another badge on my shirt for defending putin. and right now i really don't care, because if you don't... it's harder to ignore the seemingly certain fact that we are on the cusp of a change, yes, changes in the model, i would say that we
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are moving towards feudalism, most people, for almost 5,000 years of human history, lived under serfdom, yes, you can describe it however you like. but in a feudal state a very, very small group owns everything, castles, everything, and the rest are much lower on the insect level, treated accordingly: that's what we come back to. indeed, this was the case until the 19th century, this is how everyone lived everywhere, relatively small in the context of the history of human civilization, group... of people, a tiny group of lucky people, for a moment in history, a couple of hundred years, there was available
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a different way... way of life, freedom of opportunity, equality and aspiration, if you wanted it, you could, you know, get everything you were capable of achieving, yes, and enough generations have taken it for granted, but now it's all collapsed, there is a misconception that this is the natural order of things, that this is how society works, just one look at the rest of the world . sober at the moment you, not to mention 5,000 years of history, history will show that the possibility of such a life, which some of us could live for a very short period of time, is so unlikely, but we got it, too many people took everything for granted one after another, now those who want to return us to feudalism have seen an opportunity and are working on it and the population of the entire west
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is embracing it. as a matter of course, responding with tolerance, politeness with a bowed head in exchange for safety and convenience. but i'm not saying that it's too late, you know, i don't want to be completely negative here. i think there's still probably enough people who have woken up and are still waking up. and i would say, can i ask one question: you claim, and you're probably right. that some form of feudalism is the natural state of man, radical hierarchical societies are quite natural, yes, yes, of course, people are enslaved, you know, slavery is the natural state, of course, you know, it was a reality for very many, for a large part of everyone who ever lived throughout history, of course, but i think,
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you know, when... in 2016 , trump was elected here, and britain voted for brexit, and then we got covid, god knows what else. conservative trudy harrison said maybe it wasn't just her, but she was the person who said those two things shouldn't have happened, they weren't in the script, someone let their guard down and... so, everything that happened , including the disappearance of your southern border, was all a panicked response from a small group
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of people. into two very significant democratic events did not go according to script, it was the voice of the people, now it is being suppressed everywhere around the world, truckers are rioting, farmers are protesting throughout europe, all these phenomena are incorrectly classified by the authorities as far right, extremists, the same labels, but in both cases people didn't get it for...
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devastated that the people who wanted it didn't get anything, how can people use the word democracy to describe your country, no way, so my fundamental problems are with the fact that we definitely don't have a democracy, i wonder, when i left democracy, i wonder how long it lasted, your guess, am i right?


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