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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 30, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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now that russia did not rob paris, that there was a ban on violent actions against the french, although the french army did not, let ’s say, behave adequately, to put it mildly, in russia, one cannot expect from another country that he will remember... about you your kindness is eternal,
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the situation that was after the napoleonic war is radically different from the one that exists now, because then france was an independent country, now it is not, then there were different centers of power, now we still exist in within. and in this context, france is part of a satellite of this center. therefore, all these relationships, of course, they have changed and the perception, everything that was, has also changed. it is very important here to distinguish between knowledge and interpretation. knowledge, because even
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those who still have this knowledge, they look at these facts, people look at these facts differently, because they have a completely different culture in their heads, a completely different worldview, and this really greatly influences understanding everything that was and what is now.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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for small patients, these are just bright colored lines on the floor, but for all medical personnel, there is a roadmap for the distribution of flows in the emergency department, where green means not causing serious concern, yellow requires examinations and diagnostics, and red requires immediate assistance. previously, all patients entered through one entrance into a mix of yellow, red, green, it was possible to lose the time necessary for diagnosis and treatment of patients, a long long wait medical care was happening, now it’s all accelerated, everything will be at the highest level.
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the most modern equipment from sensors that allow you to evaluate all vital signs to an automatic heart massage device, a children's anti-shock ward. morozov hospital is located right in the entrance area of ​​the emergency room, so as not to lose a second of precious time and begin resuscitation immediately. this is where resuscitation and stabilization are provided. all patients come here in serious or extremely difficult condition. and accordingly , we have age groups for teenagers and older people, and we also have an open resuscitation system for newborns. by analogy with the flagship centers of capital hospitals for adult patients, triage, like other modern standards of care , are being actively implemented in children's medical institutions. a large program is being implemented to reconstruct emergency departments in all moscow clinics. this year alone we completed the reconstruction of nine large
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clinics, and here is one of these emergency departments, here at the morozov clinic, which serves almost a quarter of all. inpatients, a quarter of all children who are admitted for treatment in moscow. the modernization of the emergency department of one of the oldest children's hospitals in the city lasted just under a year. a large-scale reconstruction transformed the first floor of the main building, almost 1,800 km away, into a single multifunctional space capable of receiving up to 500 emergency patients per day. for each categories, depending on the severity of the condition,
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we examine patients in detail and for a longer period of time; we can hospitalize them in these diagnostic beds and conduct the necessary laboratory instrumental examination if the children were initially not clear with what diagnosis they were admitted. the new emergency department is not only modern space and
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high-tech equipment, including a computed tomograph, but also a minimally invasive operating room with its own laboratory, which allows all the necessary studies to be carried out and obtained. ready results in literally 20 minutes. the transition to a new standard of emergency medical care started last year. the reconstruction of emergency departments affected eleven moscow hospitals, both adults and children. nine renovated emergency rooms in the capital’s hospitals have already opened their doors to patients. among them are emergency pediatric trauma surgery. we have separate flows, we have a separate entrance for patients. we have a separate entrance for severe patients, we have an express laboratory, x-ray, ct, mri at the emergency department level, then there are patients who receive a full diagnostic stage directly at the emergency department level. young patients with severe
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injuries are delivered to the institute not only by ambulance crews, but also by air ambulance crews. a special elevator on the clinic’s helipad is always in standby mode. as in other moscow hospitals, digital patient routing has been introduced here. doctors know in advance not only the preliminary diagnosis of the child, but also his vital signs. his. burst fracture of the spine, displacement fragments and compression, resulting in loss
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of motor function of the legs. fortunately, trauma surgeons are real aces. about 1,100 operations are performed here on patients aged from 1 month to 18 years. in terms of its equipment, the institute is in no way inferior to the best world hospitals: laparoscopes, endoscopes, modern surgical tables, ultrasound equipment. mri, computed tomography, but the main pride is, of course, the doctors who have become the authors of new methods for treating severe injuries and their consequences in children. we took clinical recommendations, well-known, including foreign adults, we have revised them into our own, all the regulations on how assistance should be provided in such situations, there , before the hospital stage, before the treatment stage , the hospital is indicated there, and we have it... and practice has shown , that in general both mortality and the number of adverse
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outcomes have decreased. treatment of patients in critical conditions, as well as in the pre-postoperative period, is provided by the intensive care unit of the institute. every year, 1,500 children receive help here, about 250 of them are the most heavy. such patients require long-term treatment using the most modern methods. we have. the department is designed for 15 beds, at a time, as a rule, there are nine patients, we should always have a reserve for cases of severe admissions, as a rule, children who are already complicated by something are admitted to the intensive care unit at our institute, if they are transferred from other hospitals, or these are initially severe children, those who must either be observed or receive intensive care in the intensive care unit. nii spends every day teleconsultations for medical institutions throughout the country. for each application
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, a team of specialized doctors is assembled from the regions. in advance, the institute receives all the necessary information about each patient: extracts, epicrisis, x-ray, ct and mri results. first of all, according to the recommendations for treatment, maybe adjust the therapy, you need to add something to the treatment, maybe you need additional examination, yes, here’s the advice. we give such, or if a specialized speech already requires, then what cannot be provided on the spot, already we recommend that patients be transferred to our facility. the modernization also affected the filatov children's hospital, the oldest medical institution, whose history goes back 180 years. all types of operations for children are performed here, except neurosurgical ones, and it is also the largest bed capacity for pediatric surgery in the entire capital. a modern emergency room, which allows you to provide first aid, quickly diagnose and direct the patient to the right
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department, the most important department of the entire clinic. this hospital has always developed the most modern direction in pediatric surgery. for the most part, this is a hospital that deals with the most complex so-called elective surgery, especially complicated variants, come here to us.
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the assistance provided to him was minimal; there are four spacious examination rooms, one of which was created specifically to help newborns. such wards will be able to accommodate up to 200 children per day. patients. we have a pelinator for examining children under one year old, we have a couch for examining older children, and this box is different in that it has we have a quest here for the examination of newborn children, who are also admitted to the department quickly and on their own. it is different in that it has heated pure heat, we can look at
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newborns, maintaining their thermoregulation, supporting them. introduces the principle: the patient does not go to the doctor, the doctor goes to the patient; in order for the help to be as effective and most importantly fast, the medical staff is exclusively occupied with the child’s health, while administrators take care of all the formal procedures. now we are planning examine the child, rule him out or confirm surgical pathology, we plan to conduct an ultrasound examination, take a general blood test, look at markers of inflammation in the blood and if... there is any pathology according to the study, we will hospitalize you in the department. everything here is thought out to the smallest detail, from automatic doors to specialized beds equipped with iv stands. what's new here? everything is new here. and this is incredibly convenient at work, because at any second, at any
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moment, this dressing room can be converted into a small operating room. here for... moscow takes care of its youngest residents. as part of the modernization of children's medical care , another hospital will be opened in 2025, a new multidisciplinary complex of the st. vladimir children's hospital, a facility being built using breakthrough solutions and technologies, is already more than ready half, all types of diagnostics and treatment under one roof, the six-story complex will accommodate 20 inpatient departments, a unique center gravity blood surgery and hemodialysis, 15 modern operating rooms and many comfortable rooms. also, by 2025, the capital will complete the reconstruction of the emergency departments of other children's adult hospitals, transferring to a new standard of operation a total of 20 multidisciplinary hospitals for adults , all moscow children's hospitals that
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provide emergency care to young patients.
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the air reports the approach to enemy armored vehicles. the task is to teach the unit commander to manage the unit, organize interaction between the assigned fire means. training, but the conditions are absolutely not combat. left flank, enemy infantry, rpk fire. the conditions of war have become more complicated, and therefore we have to come up with some new ones.
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steam was supplied to the knob, igor vasilyevich kurchatov congratulated us all on a light steam. in obnensk , the complete technology from nuclear fission to generating electricity into the grid was demonstrated for the first time. they came from many countries and they were only amazed at what the soviet union had done. we were not the first to make the bomb, this is a rare case when we we are proud that we are not the first car. here is a peaceful atom, a nuclear power plant, our absolute primacy.
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dividend season is in full swing. this year , shareholders expect the most significant payments from the oil and gas industry, which traditionally provides half of all dividends on the market; metallurgy and the financial sector are also among the leaders, but there are some exceptions.
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gazprom shareholders at the annual meeting on friday decided not to pay dividends based on the results of the twenty-third year. the decision was made based on a government directive, received in may. at the same time, the head of the company , alexey miller, said that gazprom is now focused on large-scale investment projects with a long life cycle. gazpromneft shareholders approved final dividends of almost 19.5 rubles. per share. tat-neft will pay 25 rubles. 17 kopecks holder of his papers. the historical russian market is famous for dividend payments and this year will not disappoint investors either. the main sectors that pay dividends are the oil and gas sector, metallurgy, also banking, in particular sberbank, and the few that pay dividends are the it sector and the electric power industry. the day before the decision on payment. mts shareholders accepted dividends in the amount of 35 rubles per share. thus, the company will allocate 68 billion 600 million rubles for these purposes. and last week, the sbr rewarded the holders
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of its securities with record dividends in the amount of 752 billion. this is 50% of the company’s net profit, which in the twenty-third year reached one and a half trillion rubles. moreover, half of these funds are allocated to the state. last year the federal budget came from the state-owned company received dividend income in the amount of 300.39 billion rubles. excluding sberbank funds, the controlling stake of which belongs to the national welfare fund. the top five largest payers then included transneft, rosneftigaz, caspian pipeline consortium, rushydro and alrosa. for companies with state participation , the general rule is that they allocate at least 50% of their profits to dividends. 50% is allocated to dividends, because the budget is interested in budget revenues. as you know, dividends are our main item. replenishment budget, well, there is also privatization, maybe the sale of some land objects and so on, dividends are an important part of the budget, but i should just note that
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all state-owned companies are counted, probably with the exception of sberbank, because formally it belongs to the national wealth fund, but sberbank is the leader in paying dividends, the fezka group will not pay dividends based on the results of the twenty-third year, the same decision was made by rusal, to refuse payments, previously recommended to its shareholders board of directors of aeroflot, st. petersburg exchange, mechel, norilsk nickel, pharmsintez and oak. the decision is usually made based on the company’s financial performance for the past year and forecast of future expenses, while some prefer to allocate funds to shareholders, others invest in production development and modernization. in a number of cases, say, gazprom neft or tat neft, there is an increase in the payout ratio from net profit above 50%. that is, if previously they paid 50% of net profit, but now the company pays 75, or even 100% of net profit in the form of dividends,
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but this is probably due to the need to fill either the regional budget, or, accordingly, in the case of gazprom neft, there is the need to receive money from the parent company of gazprom. experts expect that the current dividend season may support russia in the future. market, because part of the payments received will be reinvested in securities. in may, private investors resumed active purchases of shares; they spent almost 12 billion rubles on this. share individuals in the total volume of transactions on the stock market now exceeds 75%. at the same time , deposits became another attractive instrument, taking into account the high key rate of the central bank. for us, if it’s sports, then it’s with records. if it’s a holiday, then it’s
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a national holiday. we love traditions. we honor our history, value family and strong relationships. and we admire how the country is blossoming. there are even more achievements ahead of us. fall in love! the country is stronger at the russia exhibition. are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? install, open, let's look. russian channels all series. cinema and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries. let's see. we look in the application or on the website.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first. competition of ideas and money. there was a sensation, and what a sensation. they tensed up inside america and outside its borders. what is the remaining intrigue, why do you need to watch now? this is
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america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand.
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in the kursk region due to an attack by the ukrainian armed forces five civilians were killed, including two children. the kiev regime struck a residential building with drones in the village of gorodishche. in addition, the acting governor of the region, alexey smirnov, spoke about three more victims of bupla’s arrival. in another locality. they were injured in the village of guevo. over the past 24 hours, the region has repeatedly announced the danger of an attack by ukrainian drones. from the kursk region, reporting by angelika gurova.


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