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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 30, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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we begin with the progress of the special military operation in the vdievsky direction : russian tank crews destroyed new targets, including a large warehouse with enemy ammunition. to effectively fire, crews bring armored vehicles as close as possible to the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. the safety of passages among minefields is ensured by sappers. and our war correspondent, alexey baranov, will tell you how to get it. so, on key directions. this is where sappers act, it is
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they, their equipment and professionalism that help the assault groups of the central military districts. the main purpose is reconnaissance, mine clearance, that is, making passages in minefields, that is, directly for the advancement of our troops. the trolling speed is 7 km/h, with the help of the machine you can clean some roads, that is , walk, make passages, and there are anti-aircraft mines with magnetic target sensors. radio fuses, but for this purpose the vehicle has a special jammer; the commander of a tank unit of the central military district talks about his actions and shares key episodes with us of its combat work, to bring the infantry, the bolt was triggered when the inspection task was assigned to the tank, the tank shoots the bull, it leaves at a speed of eighty, it is the fastest tank. in the world, among the middle ones
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of the same level as him and the weapons are the same as he has, the armor is the same as he has , he is the fastest enemy does not have time to work on him, the t-80 bv tank returns to its base to replenish the ammunition used up in just 15 minutes this a group of combat vehicles from the southern group of troops goes into battle again. "alexey baranov, yuri marchenko, alexander malyshev, khaled tankiev, eduard ribacon, ivan bundin, news, donetsk and lugansk people's republics, line of combat contact." and in france today the first round of early elections to the national assembly, the lower house of parliament of the fifth republic, started, and the first results of the election commission will be announced today after 8 pm local time, and whoever is predicted to win will find out about it. our
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european correspondent regina sevastyanova, she is in direct contact with us. regina, i greet you, tell us how the voting is going, and is there a real chance for the national union of marine lepen to win these elections? hello, this is exactly what experts are arguing about now at the canon of the very moment when emmanuel macron announced the next parliamentary elections, this was the main question: will the national association be able to achieve a confident victory in these elections, at least the last ones before the elections, and the questions show that they can get from a majority to a supermajority the media call these results shocking. today , voting stations will be open, as you said, until 6:00 pm in the main part of the regions in some regions until 8:00 pm local time, that is, 21:00 moscow time, immediately after this the first results can be published, one one of the main issues is turnout, now the ministry of internal affairs is at least predicting a record turnout, according to... official data, 2.5 million
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more or four times more polling stations will work today compared to the situation 2 years ago, when the french elected a national assembly that was now dissolved. the main intrigue of the day is, of course, the national unification, as was said, with the symbol of the young face of twenty-eight-year-old jordan bardela, to whom experts and the latest polls predict up to 37% of the french vote, left. will also bypass the current government, polls predict 28% for them, and for supporters of emmanuel macron, only 21% of the french vote in the first round of elections is predicted by polls, which could give a completely unpredictable situation in france's foreign and domestic policy, experts say. this will not continue for long; it seems to me that a certain reaction will follow in french society, nevertheless. european integration.
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the dissolution of the national assembly, after the pan-european elections in early june, which emman macron agreed to, is called by some experts a shocking, humiliating step on the part of the french president. others say that he has been thinking about this for quite a long time, because without an absolute majority in parliament, he is increasingly with great difficulty he could carry out his own policies. just remember the fact that the french president had to carry out the sensational pension reform without a vote. in parliament, and for changes on the issue of immigration to seek support from the right, which many consider again humiliating for the current government. macron had been thinking about this possibility for a long time, experts say, and the time between the dissolution of parliament and today was spent in disputes about the need
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to vote neither for the right nor for the left, according to at least this is the position the macronists adhered to, not promoting their own unpopular program, but saying that they need to vote against, but just the growth of... according to experts, single candidates in each district, after all, the right is the main problem for emmanuel macron and the left too, who have united in calls to vote against, as they say, the lipinists, it is quite possible that already... in 2 weeks france will receive a completely new government with a new course. a very likely scenario is that the national assembly will be dominated by the national unity, but without an absolute majority. the strategy of the incumbent majority in the election campaign
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was to demonize other parties. it will be very difficult to unite them, because the party of the extreme left wing will most likely also be quite strong. therefore, there is a possibility that. emmanuel macron has already stated that he will not resign, no matter how these elections end, while it is known that he has already appointed meeting their ministers at the elysee palace. colleague. regina, thank you for the parliamentary elections in france, which are taking place today, our european correspondent is following. regina sebastianova. business needs acceleration, open a current account on and transfer money to any bank instantly. vtb, we help with business. on avito khvatamba, discounts for people from people until july 7. one of my friends connected unlimited in
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a subscription with berprime. one of my friends connected unlimited data on her megaphone completely free of charge, and now she surfs the internet all the time. special conditions, especially relationships, for the first time on the screens, meet khvatamba on avita, on avito. and discounts for people from people. only until july 7th khvatamba on so many things, from smartphones to sneakers. on avito. thank you, the sber loyalty program has been updated. pay with any card. and you get twice as many bonuses as before. every month,
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choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants and others, and even a category for everything. transfer money to sberbank from other banks for free and receive cashback of up to 70% from partners. more profitable with a subscription with berprime. citizens of ukraine are trying by any means to avoid forced mobilization, so in odessa a man had to show his acting skills and transform into a middle-aged lady. and he approached the matter responsibly, for the sake of secrecy, he even learned to walk in high heels. perhaps something similar should have been done for the football players in nikolaev. the military registration and enlistment office employees decided to take one of them directly from the field. a whole crowd attacked the athlete with the support of the police. it looks like he will avoid mobilization.
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on the european side, so the western media are dooming macron’s big adventure with the elections to the french parliament to failure, in germany they believe that in europe it’s time to change their approach to the ukrainian conflict. zelensky said in the bundestag that the time for compromise with russia has passed, and the conflict will end on ukraine’s terms. this is an illusion, it is divorced from reality. if it continues as it is now, then we will get closer to a big war in europe, because we will no longer import gas, we will not stop the war. according to western experts, if nato increases its presence in ukraine, europe risks
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facing a new round of escalation. the us and other nato countries are increasingly worried due to the fact that russia may begin to shoot down their drones in the black sea region. however, not all politicians are ready to sacrifice economic interests in favor of security and peace. the head of polish diplomacy , radoslaw sekorski, said that western countries must... russian frozen assets to begin to benefit from the conflict. we must relearn how to capitalize on the escalation game. for example, we can seize all russian state assets worth 300 billion euros. putin has already written it off losses on them, he doesn't expect to get them back, but he also doesn't think we'll have the courage to take them on ourselves as long as we show him he's right. meanwhile, the kiev authorities are again alarmed by corruption, or more precisely by the fact that western patrons are unhappy with the tangible economic decay in the country they are actively sponsoring. according to
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bloomberg, the international monetary fund demanded that kiev make amendments to the customs code that could strengthen the fight against corruption. it turned out that they themselves were from kyiv the authorities are disappointed with this approach of the allies. they believe that the internal affairs of the country and the west do not concern them, however, how ukrainians manage european money demonstrates the state of the ukrainian armed forces on the battlefield. victoria. queen, news. emergency services in poland are eliminating the consequences of a severe storm. in gdansk, thunderstorms were accompanied by hail and gusty winds. according to local media, its speed reached 200 km/h. even heavy construction equipment could not withstand the impact of the elements. so at the shipyard, crane the height of a multi-story building was literally blown away into the sea. there were hundreds of fallen trees on the roads, dozens of houses were seriously damaged, and some residential areas were simply under water. and in chelyabinsk there was a big tour of nikita mikhalkov’s workshop 12.
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the audience saw a performance reflecting on freedom and compassion, based on the film of the same name. nikolai burlyaev, sergei stepanchenko, vladimir dolinsky and others appeared on the stage of the glinka state academic opera and ballet theater together with nikita mikhalkov famous actors. and earlier , residents of magnitogorsk and other cities were able to evaluate the production. the day before yesterday, when the last day of magnitogorsk was the 75th performance, we traveled through more than twenty cities and... absolutely one hundred percent everywhere i left with the feeling that we were needed, needed as a reason for reflection, for the search for meaning. and after
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their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers on... business needs acceleration, just open a current account on and transfer money to any bank instantly. vtb helps with action. сyutta, your money will not fly away. there are gigantic minutes left, we can return rubles for them, if possible. for the first time on screens, welcome. and discounts to people from people, only until july 7 khvatamba for so many things from cabinets to auto products on avito. hello, the final episode of the legal program vesti dezhurnaya is live. the main legal topics
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of the past week are unique investigations of our correspondents. tatyana petrova is with you. in moscow. on saturday, the court placed businesswoman tatyana belousova under house arrest. this is a spectacular brunette, the owner of a building in fryazino, near moscow, where a major fire occurred last monday, killing six people. it is known that the lady herself came to confess and gave indications. investigators have already conducted snow bets. it seems that tatyana belousova knows well the dangers of playing with the law. in the past , she has already become a defendant in high-profile criminal cases. the case of the murder of her own husband, billionaire and jeweler viktor belousov. by the way, the former owner of that same burnt building. they got married in 2013, just a month later. with alcohol, in the end tatyana managed to prove her
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innocence and get the businessman’s assets. investigators found that in recent years the premises were rented out, despite the fact that that the property was subject to bankruptcy proceedings. no one checked the fire safety in the building. investigative committee employees opened a criminal case for negligence. representatives had already been arrested earlier. the owner of the building, the deputy general director of the company, which was responsible for the safety of the property. now the court has determined the preventive measure for the immediate owner of the premises. and now briefly about what will happen next in our program. the fatal turn of a major at a ski resort in the kemerovo region, now a former police officer accused of drunken accident. together with the investigators, we visited the scene of the incident and... what the detainee says in his defense. the poisonous meal, the largest outbreak of butuulism in russia, is gathering new victims. the contaminated products were removed from
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stores, but what danger can the familiar herring under a fur coat and mimosa pose? is there any salvation from poisoning? mysterious death in a premium car. in krasnodar, she is finding out why a car fell from a multi-level parking lot, what secrets the dead passengers were hiding and why crossover owner. one of the most high-profile trials of the year, the trial of the top of the finik financial pyramid, started in kazan this week. until recently, they boasted about their beautiful life and called for investing money in their crypto business, but now the docks look sad at the defrauded investors. officially there are more than 160 victims in the case, but in reality there could be thousands of people. especially for our... look, they have allocated a separate office for folders with documents, otherwise they won’t fit, with details,
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alexander ostakhov. we met with residents of the moscow region alexandra derevyankina and stanislav chernetsov early in the morning; they had no other free time, they had to work for days on end. they have huge debts behind them, they gave millions to swindlers from finik. how much money did you invest in finik's financial pyramid? more than 4 million secured by real estate, how much did you invest? 2.100, the scary thing was that - well, losing their house, well, that didn’t happen, thank god, the large osipov family from st. petersburg is now forced to travel by car they sold a rusty old car, they sold their suv to invest money in finik, it was all electronic, so i transferred money to a crypto wallet from it, and accordingly, the money went to the personal account of finik, such a car. i had to buy it because i had to take three children somewhere, in such a state, there are hundreds of such stories around the country:
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people sold their only home, took out unaffordable loans and took the money to the dubious organization of finik, they were promised a huge income, they were told that they were trading on the exchange pays interest to clients, in fact, investigators are sure, it was a classic financial pyramid, bring a friend, get a reward, and you feel the strength, the soul is drawn to these... this week, all the friends of the phenicians met in the courtroom. a trial has begun in kazan against the co-founder of the company, kirill doronin, and the top of the pyramid, the so-called stars. the defendants were transported to the capital of tatarstan from the moscow pre-trial detention center. not everyone was taken. one star remained in isolation and broadcast via video link. it is curious that the male part, a kind of elite of the company were placed in a glass box, and for some reason the women were placed in a cage that was cracked. the leader of the arrested phenicians, kirill doronin, was taciturn. the department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia showed the huge scale of finik’s high-profile scam, in
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these unique frames there are endless stacks of criminal cases, more than 2 and a half thousand volumes in total, folders with documents everywhere, on tables, on shelves, in racks, in order to fit all the materials, it was necessary to vacate a separate room , the usual office office was not enough, interrogations are being conducted victims, as well as... transactions on cryptocurrency wallets used to steal citizens' funds. to date, applications from citizens are being received, all applications are being processed in the manner prescribed by law. finik's strength was not in investments, but in marketing. for their clients, they organized pompous events with the eloquent name of how to make money; they chose venues on a grand scale. another place where the founders of fenik collected. promising mountains of gold
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to others, they lined their own pockets, for example, they sold dubious dietary supplements right at the event. it was supposedly liquid gold, liquid silver, how much did it cost? they offered to buy several jars there for several tens of thousands of rubles. our colleague, journalist eduard petrov, managed to record an interview with kirill doronin. this is what he said in august 2021, while in pre-trial detention. if you look at my accessories. that is, they are all very inexpensive, if you look at my car, they are very inexpensive, aren’t you a modest person, it appeared this week information that investigators seized cryptocurrency worth a billion rubles from the modest doronin. doronin, it seems, deceived everyone, even in court, the founder of the pyramid, in which people invested hundreds of millions of rubles, said that he lived here in communal apartment number 150. but it is difficult to imagine that doronin and his accomplices, who at the first opportunity showed a chic image
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life, have been here this one. kitchen and cooked dinner on an old stove, housing, the so -called phoenix stars, who demonstrated a rich life on social networks they dragged new investors into the scam, it also doesn’t shine with luxury. according to our data, this old five-story building with laundry hanging on the balcony is now home to the vice president of the company, dina gabdulina, who attracted $10 million into the pyramid. were you and your investors also taciturn? and in the moscow region we found the house of the star olga kravchenko, which...
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and the proceeds will be transferred to the bankrupt investors in order to at least partially compensate for the damage. meanwhile, the fugitive trio of phoenix co-founders, apparently, will follow the process in kazan from the emirates. alexander astakhov, alexey urazaikin, mikhail verdiev and alexander ovsyanikov, lead the duty department. in the kemerovo region, a court extended the arrest of a former high-ranking police officer. a major of the ministry of internal affairs is accused of a drunken accident that took the lives of two students, and another young man is undergoing treatment. the guys came to... to ride on the ski slopes, but found themselves under the wheels of a police car. where was he flying to and where was the mineral water bottle filled with vodka in his car? we asked about this the most likely culprit from the kemerovo region has material from maxim shevchenko. kemerovo region - the city of tashtagol. the road to the ski resort shirigesh, famous throughout the country, early in the morning there is a group of armed people on the roadway. these are participants
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in an investigative experiment in... the case of a drunken accident that claimed the lives of two students, the alleged culprit of the accident, an influential policeman in the city, now a former, accused alexey kuznetsov in black baseball caps and masks on his face, talks about the details of the collision, drags a long chain, it connects the handcuffs and a metal ankle bracelet, usually worn by criminals who are prone to escape. clockwise, he walked in on a pedestrian here, i ran up to him, and someone else came up. from the rear of the tashtagol department of the ministry of internal affairs talks about three students who found themselves under the wheels of his car. two died, one is still undergoing treatment. this is footage taken immediately after the incident, the same early morning, the same road, a policeman’s car is parked across the side of the road, two people are lying on the roadway young people, a man who looks like kuznetsov is leaning over one of them. roady,
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dangerous, three friends came to tashtagol from the krasnoyarsk territory to ride the snowy slopes: alexander semakov, vladislav turukhanov and leonit osipov, all were 23 years old. alexander dreamed of football, graduated with honors from the university, and coached a children's team. vladislav was also a football player and enjoyed snowboarding in winter. leonid worked as a machinist and studied at the university by correspondence. the guys had long dreamed of a trip to a ski resort and saved money. here's their latest joint video. that morning, friends were returning from a party on the occasion of a traditional festival, the audience in swimsuits, skiing and snowboarding, cheerfully closed the ski season. there weren’t enough taxis for all the guests, the friends went to the hotel on foot, the road was poorly lit, and for some reason there were no sidewalks in the tourist city. another important factor.


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