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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 30, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm MSK

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a daring and unexpected operation for the enemy was carried out. assault units of the veteran detachment, which are part of the russian group of troops center. the attack aircraft occupied a fortified stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces using an underground tunnel. the details of the operation, which took place on the eastern outskirts of the village of kirov, were reported by the ministry of defense. preparations for the sortie began with the military clearing a tunnel more than 3 km long along the seversky danets canal. after this, the assault groups went underground to the rear of the fortified stronghold. enemy point. the ukrainian armed forces took advantage of this as a complete surprise.
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due to the enemy's interference, the attack aircraft developed success and captured a strong point, some of the ukrainian soldiers surrendered, others fled, abandoning their positions. well, our military successfully tested similar tactics earlier during the liberation of avdiivka. at the beginning of the year, 150 soldiers made their way behind enemy lines through an underground pipe. first, the water had to be pumped out of it and ventilation had to be taken care of; the tunnel stretched for 2 km. this entire path had to be covered through a manhole of no more than a meter in diameter in full... the military trick worked, allowing the russian army to take one of the most fortified areas of the ukrainian armed forces. royal hunt. air raid warning messages are coming from the wounded from different regions of ukraine. according to media reports, explosions can also be heard in kiev. the russian military is striking at the military infrastructure of the ukrainian armed forces. the ministry of defense announced the destruction of the militants' logistics warehouse. it was located in the nova poshta building in kharkov.
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the russian military also attacked new york with a heavy high-explosive bomb fab-300. this a village in the dpr, which still remains under the control of the kiev regime. the explosion of a shell weighing more than 3 tons destroys even the most fortified militant positions. anton potkovenko will tell you what targets our military is hitting and why western curators of ukraine make disappointing forecasts. just like that, fap-300 falls on new york. it sounds intriguing, although , of course, we are talking about a village, but not yet. control of the kyiv part of the dpr. there is no trace left of the command post of the battalion of the 41st separate mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. minus 60 militants and four cars. we see the truly devastating impact of the fab-3000 on any fortifications of the ukrainian armed forces, on the line of combat contact. that is , the buildings on which this ammunition is used simply cease to exist, all that remains is dust. toretsk is located near new york. and i also flew there at the temporary deployment point.
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enemy and also fap - a high-explosive air bomb, also three-ton, even from a great height you can see that the explosion is huge, and this is smoke after attacks on kharkov, again by factories, but smaller, five hundredths, and this is even confirmed ukrainian sources, tse cab type fab, 500 for npk. a blow to the new post office; these branches of the armed forces of ukraine are used for military logistics and the transportation of military cargo. ukrsmi naturally shout that a supposedly civilian object was destroyed, this is a common lie of kiev propaganda. who no longer knows what else to say about our most powerful factories and cabs, adjustable air bombs, even if zelensky declares that the vaunted american patriot can’t handle them, he’s simply not enough, our planes hit with winged bombs from afar, a factory with an omk module is good, that is, with wings that allow it to fly several tens of kilometers from the launch point, the carrier of these aerial bombs does not enter the range of enemy air defense. western analysts are amazed, russian.
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attack aircraft, who now ride motorcycles, during the liberation of staromaisky, as well as large enemy strongholds in the ugledar direction, combat duos of the vostok group of troops attacked so quickly, so skillfully...
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you can’t run away from fab, and if three-thousand-ton smart high-explosive aerial bombs cause such an enemy shock, what will happen next, we also have nine-ton bombs. anton potkovenko, anna pogonina, lead. according to preliminary voting results, the national rally party, marine lepin, is leading in the first round of early elections to the french parliament. the left is in second place, and macron's party is noticeably behind. the second round is ahead, the president calls for elections. unite, but the french media write that the lepin party can even gain an absolute majority of votes, but what does this mean for macron, for france, and the entire european union, our european correspondent regina sevastyanova, she is in direct contact with the studio. regina, greetings, how was
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the voting and what to expect from the second round? hello, according to forecasts, the national association really becomes the winner of the first round of parliamentary elections, which emmanuel macron. which came as a shock to many, she set june 9th. now, according to preliminary data , supporters of national unification receive 34% of the votes. the united left receives about 28% of the vote, and the president's supporters emmanuel macron has about 20% of the votes, but it will be more clear to consider the results in the following form: 289 seats of the national association - the qualified majority that the right is now trying to achieve, is still with emmanuel macron, with him... in the parliament of the new convocation, the national association can to get 270 seats in the lower house of parliament, this is only 19
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seats less than a qualified majority, the united left can get about 200 seats, while, if we talk about the structure of the elections, then... now only in 65-80 electoral districts a representative from this district has already been elected, who will become a deputy, and in about three hundred districts there is still a second round, three candidates who received more than 12% of the votes are going there, and accordingly voters need to choose between them, in this regard , the first round of elections has not yet ended, the main candidates, emmanuel macron in a special press release, which was published literally a few minutes after the last ones were closed constituencies, polling stations,
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called on the french to unite before the second round, since the high turnout of about 68%, the highest since eighty-one, seemed, he believes, that the nation wants... the high turnout in the first round indicates the importance of this vote for everyone our compatriots about the desire to clarify the political situation. in the face of national unification, the time has come for broad, distinctly democratic and republican unity in the second round. marine lepin herself, leader of the national right the association has already announced that it was re-elected from its constituency.
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tonight, only one thing is certain, regarding the position of prime minister, mr. otal will no longer hold this post, we are moving towards a second round of exceptional intensity, the country must. make a choice whether the worst divisions associated with social inequality, religion, skin color, social and geographical origin will be exacerbated, or the country will be united by only one people without any differences. wherein the left has already unequivocally stated that they are calling on their supporters who qualified in those polling stations where there will be three candidates in the second round of voting, their left-wing supporters taking third place, to withdraw their candidacies in favor of the supporters of emmanuel macron. emphasized that he continues to adhere to the version of not a single vote on the right, in fact
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, a similar statement has already been received from the camp of macron supporters, at least the former minister of culture of the country called in turn those macronists, who were selected third at the polling stations also refused further participation in favor of the left, now there is criticism from all sides of the results in relation to the right. a new coalition in general before the second round of elections in france, since
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there is no longer any need to pretend that nothing is happening. it should be recalled that emmanuel macron has already stated that no matter who wins these elections based on the results of two rounds, he will not leave his post as president, which means that most likely in france, the coming years until 2027, until the end of emmanuel macron's mandate, we will have to live in a power-sharing environment when the prime minister represents. waits, macron has problems, we will continue after commercial. investing with sber is easy,
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7 days fly by unnoticed, but not for the liver, because heptral is active from the first week. reception the liver is tired, it’s time for hyptral. order from pharmacies plus. sber loyalty program - thank you, updated. pay any with a sberbank card and receive twice as many bonuses as before. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants and others. and even a category for everything. transfer money to sberbank for free from other banks and get cash back. up to 70% with partners, more profitable with a subscription with berp. a four-year-old child was killed and four other people were injured as a result of an attack by the ukrainian armed forces in the belgorod region, the regional governor vyacheslav glodkov reported. according to him, in the area of ​​the village of novoe,
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a ukrainian drone struck a car in which a family with a child was traveling. the sentence was passed on two spies in the lugansk people's republic; residents of the region passed on information about the movements of russian army units to the ukrainian special services. agents of the kiev security forces were detained by fsb officers. svetoslav dolgachev will tell you why the convicts committed the crime. this footage shows the arrest of spy yevgeny zazharsky. fsb officers handcuff the criminal in a few seconds. the investigation established that evgeniy has been since 2022 worked for the ukrainian special services, transmitting data about the movements and locations of our fighters through instant messengers and social networks. when the special military operation began, my son left for the territory of ukraine in april, he met the sbu and said that it was necessary to pass on information about the location of the russian military. information
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was transmitted about where the positions were. people, they were found guilty under article 276 of the criminal code of the russian federation, espionage. the court agreed with the position of the state prosecutor and sentenced sytnik from ozharsky to 11 years in prison to be served in general and strict regime correctional colonies. the spies did not care about the deaths of civilians. now they say that they realized their mistake and repent, but the apology did not
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save them from criminal liability. the outcome of such crimes is always the same.
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radio fuses, but for this purpose the vehicle has a special jammer; the commander of a tank unit of the central military district talks about his actions and shares with us the key episodes of his combat work. to bring in the infantry , a bolt-arrival was triggered when a combat mission was assigned to the tank, the tank shoots the bull , it leaves at a speed of eighty, it is the fastest. in the world, among the average level like him and the weapons are the same as he has , the armor is the same as he has , the fastest enemy does not have time to work on it. this is how the tankers work, the t-80 bv tank returns to its home base to replenish the ammunition that was used up in just 15 minutes. this group of combat vehicles
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of the southern group of troops is sent to the battle. alexey baranov, yuri marchenko, alexander malyshev, khaled tankiev, eduard ribakon, ivan bundin, donetsk and lugansk news. in the chernivtsi region of ukraine , border guards shot dead a man of mobilization age who was trying to cross the romanian border. another one was wounded. ukrainian media report this. two evaders were discovered by border guards on the border with romania. one of them sprayed tear gas, the second attacked the soldiers with a machete. i note that this is the first known case of an attack by draft dodgers on border guards. read more about the progress of mobilization.
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let's clear out this war, we will not survive this war without women, there are very few of us in the country, there are a lot of russians, very few ukrainians, and men are half of the ukrainians, but of this half , a third are children, a third are pensioners, there are fewer and fewer of us, but many boys even liked to walk in heels, learned to blend in with the crowd of ukrainian women, the only thing that could give them away was their stubble, but the women are already being detained by the military school officers, the situation is on the border with poland. just like that tsk looks for the so-called hooligans through wives and mothers, they say, where is your husband and son hiding from mobilization? some manage, as
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they say, to jump between the cars of the ukrainian metro, just to find themselves out of reach of the shopping center. such acrobatic stunts can now be performed by ukrainian part-time students; from july 1, they lose the right to a deferment from mobilization , leaving without... they cannot, including those who work at the enterprises of the ukrainian ministry of defense, and those who were previously in the status of limited fit, now absolutely healthy, and must appear at the shopping center, maybe that’s why the boys are fleeing in droves, here in transcarpathia 17 people were detained at once, the minibus was 200 meters from hungary, an organized escape from square, for which these men paid from 3 to 12 thousand dollars, a million rubles, but those who are engaged in such transportation apparently found themselves in cahoots with...
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what they had to endure, they didn’t feel anything like that, the only thing was that emergency braking was applied there, i understand that the crane probably broke here, well, then later a guy came running, all dirty, he had lost his daughter, he said they did n’t see him, they didn’t see him, and, accordingly , the guides are already there guys, they need help. the northerners are accustomed to working in difficult conditions, they know how to remain calm, absolutely all the men from the train began
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to help the others evacuate. was a professional rescuer, in the first minutes after the crash he began organizing evacuation work, giving tasks to men who were ready to help, but did not know what exactly to do. some passengers we were in hard-to-reach places, we had to use physical force to open the jammed doors, pull them out, we had one carriage in a moving state, that is , there was a long distance from the emergency exit to the ground, ropes were needed, i gave the task
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to the passenger. run for laundry, quickly tie ropes out of them, show how it’s done, throw them out the window for people, and then use them to evacuate. about an hour later, recalls mikhail omelchenko, doctors began to arrive at the crashed train. it was established that three people died. the victims, about 50 people, were taken to the inta hospital. seven passengers are in serious condition. a fourteen-year-old girl with multiple fractures was brought to moscow, she is in a coma, no.
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decided to create an imitation of vigorous activity. after atlanta, the president went straight to a rally in north carolina, then to new york, where he had to pull out the democratic party's trump card, an event to protect gay people. they even called elton john for this, but the presence of the star hardly helped. with singer biden in the background still looked confused. in hampton , the president faced an even more difficult task - raising funds for the election campaign. greeted the american leader. a plane with the inscription “bidan”, this is a play on words that can be translated as biden is finished; his wife had to encourage the president; according to nbc sources, biden’s further participation in the race depends on her decision. i think biden's entourage will say the following: everyone loses their first debate, it happened with reagan, with obama, everything will be okay, but it's safe to say that the democrats believe that the problem is more
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significant, the first politician from... with the american people, who actually runs the country, who is at the head of the united states of america? i doubt anyone who watched the debate still believes it's biden, because it clearly isn't. joe biden himself, according to bloomberg, is not going to deviate from his intended path and is even aiming to win. however, right there, according to the transcript of his speech at a fundraising event, he mixed up france and italy, later stated that his son died in iraq, although in reality he died of
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illness in the united states. the failure of joe biden threatens not only his political career, but also the prospects of his fellow party members in congress, the wall street journal reports, noting that some democrats are already trying to distance themselves from the president, the shock wave from the shocks after the debate has reached europe, as the new york times writes , unsuccessful performance.


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