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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 1, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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conversation with heads of government of new regions. development has already begun, despite everything, despite any security problems, development is ongoing, restoration is proceeding at a fairly rapid pace, of course, i am always at your disposal. on the one hand , the task is set that it is necessary to develop, on the other hand, there is a constant threat that it will fly again, and how to accomplish this, in fact, this is all already happening, right now, at the moment, well, lugansk is being very seriously transformed, it will take a relatively small.
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build install. the program participants consider themselves ready to perform any task. they complain that there are no more female governors in russia. each and every one of us needs to work on ourselves. apparently, this is also my omission. they have leadership qualities in every word, every action. one minute before the meeting starts. worried about the sea, why should we? and after all, many left the civil service to serve
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their homeland in the literal sense of the word at a combat post. what are your plans for the nearest future? it does not depend on me. i'm in the service now, and you are the supreme clubblower here is the new head of the kursk region, who also found himself practically at the epicenter of historical events. you mentioned that the kursk region has become a border area. it sounds very strange, but we have returned to the situation of the 15th or 15th century, when...
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ramzan kadyrov. connect to a sberm subscription, more categories of cashback to choose from, access to films and tv series in okko and music in sound, and also cashback up to 70% in the megamarket in sber is more profitable with prime, meeting for the first time on screens.
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supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants and others. and even a category for everything. transfer money to sberbank from other banks for free and get cash. back up to 70% with partners, more profitable with a subscription to berprime. the american newspaper washington post published the results of the institute's study on monday. gello was horrified about the level of support for lgbt people in the country. behind over the past 2 years, the popularity of their ideas has begun to decline, both in the camp of republicans and democrats. the newspaper recalls that in the mid-nineties, support for same-sex marriage in the united states was less than 30%. in the twenty-
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second it is already 70%. and after 2 years, support for same-sex marriage in the country dropped by as much as six points to 60. four, which also seems to be a lot, but the pendulum seems to have already swung back. in the twenty-second, 85% of democrats and 56% of republicans believed same-sex relationships were morally acceptable. today, only 40% of republicans agree with this opinion: a drop of as much as 16%. democrats' support declines by 4%. it is, of course, too early to say that this is some kind of tectonic shift, but movement activists are in shock; the washington post reports their mood. otar is taking, complained the former executive director of the company for human rights, vic basilia. devastating, said lobbyist hillary
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rosen, scary, terrible, i summed up in despair, elizabeth brch, who served as executive director of a human rights company with... fades even in the united states, but what about those who, succumbing to fashion, he surgically deprived himself of primary secondary sexual characteristics, allowed his children to take hormones from school age, destroyed their psyche, attempted suicide, tens
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of thousands of americans became disabled forever, because, as they say, you can’t turn the mincemeat back, in general, processes are clearly going on in america . a visible example of degradation was the debate between presidential candidates. both biden and trump represent the american upper class. and the choice itself seems to many. amazing from usa our staff correspondents valentin bogdanov and dmitry melnikov. donald trump suggested holding debates before party congresses. at the time, biden’s headquarters took this as a blow to the gut, but it was impossible to refuse, and they decided to take the risk of trying to show the president to the public in the best possible way. to do this , biden was locked up at camp david for a week, where he trained in an equipped hangar substudio. the special assistant impersonated trump. cnn didn't want the debate to turn into
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a farce. last time trump interrupted biden 145 times, and now in the stands color indicator of freedom of speech, green - speak, yellow - shut up, red - microphone is off. let's say my light is green while i'm talking and phill's microphone is off, this is what happens if he tries to interrupt me. i keep talking. it’s hard for phil to interrupt me. at this new cnn broadcast complex, where the mouthpiece of american propaganda finally moved at the beginning of the year, the presidential candidates remained separately to participate in the debate. biden was the first to reach him, much in advance, straight from his training camp at camp david. then, after a dramatic pause, trump arrived. however, the block itself where the television studio is located was blocked by the secret service atlanta police the day before. for the first time in america. history , two presidents participated in the debate, former and current, people with an idea of ​​how
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the us global machinery works, who had maximum access to all information, the debate could become a conversation about the fate of the world, but doubt that this would work began to creep in from the very started. shuffling with a gait and a barmach greeting, biden appears on the right, after the drawing of lots he got this podium, it is considered. his task at this debate is to show his readiness for a second presidential term. following the harsh scene, trump appears. they haven't seen each other for 4 years since the last debate, time has treated them differently. the degree of mutual contempt and hatred is immediately visible: biden and trump take their places on the podium without greetings, handshakes, and without even looking at each other, they open the debate on the most important issues for the voter, inflation and rising prices, from first words.
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every single person claiming that i can do, with covid, excuse me, do exactly what we need to do, look, if we finally figure out the medicaid program, well, yeah, he's right, he figured out the medicaid program, he didn’t leave one stone unturned, he destroyed it. 10 minutes after the start, the contrast between the candidates is obvious. at this moment
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, panic began in the camp of the democrats. when they realized that eighty-one-year-old biden was ruining all chances for a second term. trump's main task at this debate - not to be trump, that is , the one who annoys about half of america. he almost succeeded, with unusual restraint. trump calmly confidently poured out theses, but at the same time he lied shamelessly. as a result, he counted three dozen cases of distortion and lies, juggled numbers, denied calling migrants predators, attributed to biden something he never said, and even said that democrats are killing children. they are radicals, they take the life of a child of eight months, nine months, and even after childbirth. but even during trump's speeches are all closely watched by biden. he stands without blinking, directing his empty gaze somewhere to the side, periodically freezing with his mouth open. magic pills. the training clearly does not help, and in front of millions of spectators the political disaster that
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the biden campaign feared most is unfolding. the supreme commander of the united states is going down. on trump’s favorite topic, illegal immigration, biden completely gives up, tries to say that he is doing more than anyone else to protect the border, but in the middle of the sentence he completely loses his point. and i i'm going to continue until we introduce a complete ban on. on this whole initiative of what we're going to do so that we have more border patrol, more staff in asylum services. i honestly didn't understand what he said at the end, i think he didn't understand it himself. trump beats up biden in front of the public, rallied, and this is apparently the result of training. biden takes out his main weapon, the criminal charge against trump, for the sake of this moment, the former president was convicted on 34 counts. on this stage
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there is only one convicted criminal, and i'm looking at him right now. the level of discussion was plummeting, and so was the future. it was impossible to discuss america. cnn anchors jake taper and dana bash tried to bring the candidates back to questions, but both were already openly bashing each other. the scandal with trump's extramarital affair during his wife's pregnancy is also biden's homework. how many more billions of dollars do you have to pay for publicly harassing a woman, for all these things for having sex with a porn star, and this while your wife is pregnant, you have morality, like that of a vagabond. i didn't have sex with a porn star, let's start with this: people know that this is all a scam, and this guy is trying to deal with his political rival in this way, because honestly, he can't win. biden has a surge of emotions when he accuses trump of disrespecting the fallen american soldiers, but he gets confused and says that his son beau
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died in iraq, although in fact he died from a serious illness. he refused. to honor the memory of fallen servicemen, he said, they are a bunch losers, my son was not a loser, you are a loser. first of all, this is a made-up quote about losers, they made it up themselves. what do you think, standing in front of the generals, i would say about losers? 19 people confirmed that i did not say this, all this was invented in the same way as rumors about russia, russia, russia. confrontation. russia runs through the entire debate, although foreign policy was discussed for only 11 minutes. biden will drive us into a third world war, trump repeated several times, to which the main ideologist conflict in ukraine, he accused trump of encouraging russia, although if you don’t know biden, it’s almost impossible to understand what he’s talking about when he confuses trump with putin. if you look
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at what trump did to ukraine, he, this guy, told ukraine, told trump. do whatever you want, that’s exactly what trump told putin, he encouraged him to do whatever he wants. biden frightened the voter with the return of the soviet empire, having lost the brakes, he again insults the russian president and threatens that russia is going to seize belarus, which he has already included in nato. the fact is that putin is a war criminal, he has killed thousands of people, and he has made one thing clear, he wants to restore what was part of the soviet.
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conflict even before he took office, instead of negotiations, according to trump, biden is pumping kiev with weapons, and the death toll of ukrainian military personnel has exceeded half a million people. this war should not have started if we had a leader, he had already transferred 200 billion to ukraine and even more, he transferred 200 billion to ukraine. this is a lot of money. i don't think anyone ever i saw this. every time zelensky comes to us. he leaves with $60 billion. he is the greatest trader in history. we shouldn't have spent so much money on this war. the question that is already hanging in the air is whether biden considers himself fit for a second presidential term with the stubbornness of a capricious old man, he answers yes. although in the time that has passed since the start of the debate, the whole world has already understood: american democracy, or rather, the
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system that nominated such candidates for elections, is in a serious crisis. i'm the oldest politician. but this guy is 3 years younger than me, and he is much less competent. look at the numbers, look at how i dealt with the terrible legacy he left behind. an empty conversation that, instead of discussing the future, turned into a dispute about who plays golf better. trump boasts of his good memory and physical fitness compared to biden, and voters once again understand why they do not want to see either of them as president of the united states. i took two cognitive ones. i'd like to see how many yards the ball doesn't throw. and he also called me it passes at least the simplest one. i just won two golf tournaments and he's at 50 for a golf match, i would love to play him, when i was vice president, i was ranked in golf, my handicap is almost at
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six, by the way, i'm with i’ll be happy to play with you, if you can carry your bag yourself during the game, you can handle it, it’s the biggest lie that he had a sixth level in golf, i had an eighth level, i saw how you play, let ’s not ... in restaurants and bars throughout the country biden and trump supporters organized so -called debate parties, expecting a bright show of hope for the future, but were completely disappointed. i think biden will have a hard time convincing americans that our economy is doing great. biden says that he has not drawn the united states into any war. however, you know, the fact that we are now sending huge amounts of money to ukraine to finance the war against russia is very
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distasteful to most americans. donald trump proves that he is the best can handle the role of president, and frankly, i don't think joe biden is fit to be president of the united states. and these are biden supporters in the tavern that democrats love. here is the wall and a photo of obama. with all the desire. it is impossible to turn a blind eye to the fading mental abilities of their president , although many of them will vote even for such a biden, just to prevent the return of trump. it's not the strongest performance i've ever seen, but he's telling the truth and trump is just lying about everyone, he just doesn’t know how to tell the truth, it doesn’t bother him. voters have yet to realize who america saw and what they heard at this debate. for external. controllability and stories about the cheerful president turned out to be an unsightly political reality, shocking data from a cnn poll immediately after the debate. 67% of
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them were won by trump and only 33% by biden. after an hour and a half on his feet, joe biden was led out of the studio by the hand of the first lady, and, as it turned out, the main ideologist of his political torment, jill biden. dmitry melnikov, pavel kostrikov and gleb napara. news of the week, atlanta, georgia. sky, plane, grandfather. after flying like plywood over atlanta, joe biden landed in new york. the high ramp was overcome successfully - my wife was belaying me, but there were reporters lurking below who were trying to shout down either the roar of turbines or the whistling of wind changes. what is your response to requests to leave? biden remains silent with a dissatisfied face; this is not the best time to spill too much, because the head of the white house is going to... the most alarmed people who are most important to him now, his financial donors. in in fashionable easthampton , a group appears on the route of the motorcade with signs: “we love you,
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but please leave, for the sake of democracy.” the suvs turn to the house of billionaire bari rosenstein, where celebrities sarah jessica parker and matthew broderick are also waiting for the us president. it is to them, and to people like them, that the red light at... the debate was dedicated to, a devastating editorial column was published there, one headline sounds like a verdict, in order to save the country, biden must leave the race, he is literally being dismantled for parts.
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the president showed himself thursday night to be a shadow of a great public servant. at the moment, the president is engaged in reckless gambling. there is no reason for the party to risk the stability and security of the country by forcing voters to choose between the shortcomings of mr. trump and. mr. biden's shortcomings. and this was only the first salvo of friendly fire. then the fire became heavy. biden’s personal friend, economists nobel laureate paul krugman, and such influential journalists like tom friedman and david ignatius. leading columnists of the wall street journal, financial times and atlantic are demanding that the us president get ready to leave as soon as possible. for popular tv comedians, he is now an object of ridicule. have you seen the debate? if you missed it, don't worry, one of the participants did the same. trump told lie after lie after lie. and he would
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never have gotten away with it if joe biden had been there. all evening he was confused and confused. at a beauty pageant, participants answer questions better. there is a decadent mood in the white house. the morning after the debate, many employees remained remote, some even began editing their resumes. we woke up only at lunchtime on friday, having occupied ourselves.
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his optimism unbreakable, his strength unshakable, his hope unwavering, over the last few years joe has helped heal our country, helping us all recover from the chaos of the last administration. healed joe himself, the one whose strength is unshakable, froze, listened to his wife with his mouth open, looking somewhere past her, without blinking his eyes, so who really controls biden, and therefore america as a whole? seymour hirsch in the united states was recently considered a conspiracy theorist, and now his columns about the growing isolation of the american president are almost mainstream. biden is alone in a white house of chaos, perhaps controlled.
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united states of america, i doubt that any of the witnesses to the debates that took place still believe that it is biden, since this is clearly not the case. and she tried with all her might to push the half-dead biden to the debate in the middle of summer. trump agreed to the usual election schedule in the fall, after port congresses, the daily mail newspaper, citing a former assistant to hillary clinton, reports that these secret gears did not come into motion just like that. biden's inner circle demanded a speedy debate. there is a growing belief that this was a soft coup as they know he is incapable of running the country and have known this for some time. the organizers of the palace
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coup are hidden. in the shadows, but the most impatient profit-acquirers have already appeared. michigan governor grecin whitmer, who is considered one of the possible biden's replacements in the race, it turns out, a couple of weeks ago, taina sent an advance group to washington. they hint at the machinations of barack obama, who in the last couple of days in the public sphere has become somehow suspiciously loyal to biden, whom he always disliked. bad debate nights happen, trust me, i know. but this election is a choice between someone who has fought all his life for ordinary people and someone who only cares about himself. mr. president, are you ready to move? absolutely, let's run. who to run with this autumn? marathon, now also a question. kamela haris is like a self-fulfilling prophecy for democrats about their bleak electoral prospects. most democrats looking to replace biden also have strong doubts that his incumbent running mate
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, kamala haris, can win. trump, but if she seeks the nomination, the prize will be denied to the first woman of color to hold it.


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