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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 1, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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considers him exclusively a murderer and a terrorist, but if you go to the eastern part of the city, where the serbs live, there is a completely different attitude, we still honor them as heroes, as people who fought. thanks to his
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revolutionary ideas for the liberation of the people from the conquerors, however, in the context of modernity, it can still be said that bosnia and herzegovina is a country in which the forces against which gavrilo fought still have influence and are still trying to carry out their colonial policy, and the result of this policy in 2024 is: that bosnia and herzegovina cannot exist as a state. preserving the historical memory of the sarajevo events is also a matter of principle for the film director imiraku.
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they wanted to execute him immediately after the murder, but according to the austrian laws of that time, the maximum punishment for a nineteen-year-old was only imprisonment. princip fell ill with tuberculosis and died in a prison hospital in april 1918; austria-hungary outlived gavrilo princip by only six months. dariye grigorova and vladislav chernov, reporting for the week from sarajevo and belgrade. this is the news of the week, further in
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program. the legendary regiment of akhmat kadyrov is 20 years old, our sergei zenin met with ramzan kadyrov. the main celebration of russian graduates al and parus took place in st. petersburg. let's tell you what kind of energy moved the grandiose show in the city in heaven.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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yesterday, the special police regiment named after the hero of russia, the first president of chechnya, akhmat kadyrov, turned 20 years old. previously, a regiment formed from residents of the republic eradicated terrorists in their region, now its fighters are heroically fighting on the fronts special operations, terrifying the ukrainian armed forces. to defend russia, if you need to give your life for your homeland, this is the calling and meaning of life. everything was exactly the same as now, i just returned from the war, talked with my family, but didn’t stay at home for a long time, because my brother-soldier brothers invited me to go fishing, with whom i experienced something that you couldn’t tell or explain to others, even
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before the war. , when together we liberated our homeland from terrorists, in the war, when our homeland called for protection. we spend our entire lives creating a family. these people want us to have all this destroyed, they are trying to destroy all this, then i have the opposite question for you, are you ready to leave these people, what remains to be done with them, if not for us, then they, i think, why did we have to wait for them to come to us into the house, and one person who walks next to you and... he dies, this is a huge loss for you, as if you had lost everything in this life, well, he died for the sake of what, for the sake of people living like this, so that children played so that everything would bloom so that everything would be fine, a few days before the storming
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of mariupol, ukrainian propaganda intimidated when the chechens arrived, the local population painted terrible pictures. nothing, just field workers, but they, well, that is , they just shot, yes, they shot, we went into some courtyards, and there were people who buried their daughter, buried their father right in their garden, they just cried towards us, ran and said
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don’t leave anyone alive there, kill everyone, well , these azov people are so much like that, yes, yes, yes, they hated them so much, don’t shoot, don’t shoot him, don’t shoot, for the power structure of russia 20 years is not old, but if just count by year, and if, according to the results, a special police regiment named after the hero of russia akhmat khadzhi kadyrov began its military journey in the chechen mountains, these guys cleared every piece of their native land from terrorist gangs, 5,500 special operations, detained 1,300 terrorists.
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these are not loud words, we have proven this many times, many, many times. by the beginning of the northern military district, kadyrov’s regiment was already one of the most combat-ready and experienced special forces in our country. three heroes of russia, 81 holders of the order of courage, 16 orders of merit fatherland and 163 employees were awarded a medal for courage. losses during the assault
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on mariupol, in violation of all the rules of military science, were minimal; wounding for the soldiers was not considered a good reason to leave the battlefield . the sniper's bullet goes out, but he is conscious. then the doctors will fix it and will continue to serve. it seems that these guys at nwo were covered by god himself. after mariupol there were kamyshevakha and lesichansk, where the enemy already knew how kadyrov’s regiment was fighting. in your barracks, in all of them, there are signs like this, where the russian flag, our tricolor, white, blue, red, is described, what color, what does it mean, here for you, what color is the most important, well, everything is important for us, well, this color is red. this is the color of the blood shed by our grandfathers, the heroes are all the boys who were there, these guys are made of steel, these are
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real men, defenders of their homeland, their friends, their brothers, it is 300 times better to go into battle than to stand in front of the camera and explain yourself, well, okay, then not about myself, but about the guys like... who serve side by side shoulder to shoulder. opalakh, the commander, let’s say , says that five people need to be sent to helping people to get them out of there, we have 10 people, 15 people are digging in there, we are chechens, we are chechens, it’s in our blood, we ’re born with it, we have that, it’s our father’s blood. during the existence of the special regiment, 165 employees died heroically.
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what do you think is the main secret of the regiment’s success? the regiment was created with those people who really went out for the sake of the people, for the sake of religion, for the sake of the republic, they had no task of receiving a salary, they purely went out to defend their own.
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word he should not be with us we are behind they threw out the speed, he only went forward, of course i can’t ask you another very important question.
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father, uncle and elder people are responsible for this or that person, well, our elder family is responsible for me, i listen to him, he can call me at any time to ask me at home why you did this, and come on or apologize, or be responsible for what you did, today you don’t submit to this
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call, he is not a muslim, so we don’t... military journalists are embarrassed to wear their awards because they were not received in battle, but this a special one, albeit an anniversary one, was given to me on the fifteenth anniversary of kadyrov’s regiment, from those guys who proved it here in the chechen republic. that they are ready to fight terrorists to the last terrorist, and then on the mtr, that they will always defend their homeland to the last drop of their blood. an hour and a half in forty-degree heat in full combat gear with weapons in hand. this is how the ceremonial formation took place for the soldiers of the regiment.
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there were no tired or dissatisfied people noticed; they don’t take people like that here. news of the week, chechen republic, grozny! in in st. petersburg, on saturday night, the main holiday of russian graduates, scarlet sails, took place. the grand show in the city of nanev has been held for many years with the support of rossiya bank. herself.
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title: find a job you like, then you will be able to cope with the most difficult tasks, and your achievements will inspire others, just as our great ancestors and outstanding contemporaries who showed themselves brightly and worthily in their studies, in creativity, work and sometimes difficult trials. i want to sincerely wish you all... success, accomplishments, outstanding achievements victories, happy holiday to you, be happy. scarlet sails is the best holiday in the world, which is confirmed by numerous awards. in 2020, the global eventex awards will be awarded in four categories:
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best art event, best festive event, best cultural event. and the best music event. in terms of significance , the global eventax awards is a kind of festival or event oscar. and earlier, ala and sails were recognized as the best holiday in europe. but much more important than any awards is the atmosphere of the holiday itself. inspiring joy and kind optimism with which russian graduates. into adulthood, look, we have a big report ahead, but for now there are only a few shots, here is the gushing vital energy. contagious with its determination, this is the festive mood of young russia, when a new generation entering life carries within itself the fuse of passion, the very one that is
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the key to success, in love, in the work of life, here it is, what our russia is like clouds, when in its youth . yes, this is a holiday, yes, in difficult times, but the holiday is very necessary for young people, priceless, it charges them with energy, but it is this very energy that feeds the youth and the whole country.
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a report from st. petersburg from ekaterina fisenko is just around the corner. it only remains to add that the live broadcast of allah parysov was introduced by the fifth channel, the russia first and ren tv channels. it is clear that everything was online. audience. it’s huge, hey, people, this is how adult life begins in st. petersburg, the time is not children’s, but graduates are no longer children, they have finished school, only the best is ahead, the city is given over to graduates for one night, this is a new hope, new knowledge, new dreams, thank you, thank you to russia as a whole that we have that... state, for the development of our state, and i think that in modern realities
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the patriotic spirit is the most important thing that i would like to do there should be a lot for our citizen. traditions have been around for many years, in 1968, leningrad graduates met brigantine for the first time, on the embankments of their beloved city, a whole generation entered adulthood, filed. sails, then the tradition was lost and revived in 2005 on the initiative of vladimir putin, and children and grandchildren of those leningraders this evening on palace square, it is like the sea, 130 thousand graduates from 38 regions from 16 friendly countries. russia, russia! the holiday was opened by the governor of the traditional rynda, not the last call of childhood, but the first of adult life! today, the whole city of russia welcomes you on the threshold of adulthood, now you
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decide everything yourself, you must continue the work, build a powerful and great russia, defend, preserve the honor and dignity of our homeland. bright night for them, traditional, but unusual a wonderful gift, the mood is as it should be, a magical night, also magical, i’m simply delighted with everything that’s happening, i really like it, it’s simply the best thing in my life, i’m currently dreaming of entering a higher education institution and getting a profession that i will truly love and work to create for russia, because this is our main calling, hello, hello, there are children from donbass, 500 people came to the northern capital for the holiday, those who experienced terrible moments in mariupol, and then watched, how the twin city of st. petersburg rises from
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the ashes and becomes prettier, to finish school in russia, this was their dream, everything is fine, just drawings on the houses, everything is fine, the city is becoming more expensive to live in, the theater will soon be restored. their hometown is also unusually elegant, festive, hundreds of schoolchildren on the embankments, they have their own scarlets and sails, at the same time as st. petersburg , the yacht asol sails into the sea of ​​azov. all petersburg. concert hall with raster columns on fire, velenchilists and a guitarist on the roof of the hermitage. drummers beat the pulse
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city, this is how the heart of every graduate beats in anticipation of a miracle. the troitsky bridge turns into a fiery waterfall, letting in the brik with furtive sails for the festival. here is the brick, which on the embankments of st. petersburg, as if thousands of graduates are waiting in a giant parterre, appear in the water area, bow bars in the color of the flag and such a familiar name for everyone , russia, a fantastic sight, the russia brick is as if accompanied by dolphins, spreading
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its wings and... bridge, and under the fireworks the brick enters a large field, make these fireworks on the dazzling white nights of st. petersburg , special skill is flying from a giant pontoon on the neva, from troyevsky bridge, vasilyevsky island, from peter and paul, from the palace bridge, this is the best time. to make wishes, the most romantic night gave new dreams, scarlet sails, warmth, lights, loved ones nearby and a show that is the envy of the whole world, a symbol that life will be full and bright, when the music and fireworks fade away, the embankments continue to chant the name of their country . and news of the week st. petersburg.
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well, that's all for today. we actually have one more important message for our viewers. the news team goes on summer vacation for a week, and on sunday evenings, weekly reviews will prepare big news. with this we say goodbye and see you in september, on the first day of autumn.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.


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