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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 1, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. july 1, 1535 in... the trial of the famous
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philosopher, lawyer and public figure thomas more. he became famous as the author of the book utopia, about an ideal government system based on the ideas of socialism. king henry vi of england made more a member of the privy council, then a knight and finally the lord chancellor of the country. but more was a catholic and prevented the spread of protestantism in england, and this became the cause of his conflict with the king. in order to get a divorce and remarry, henry severed england's ties with the pope. roman and created his own anglican church, but more decided to remain a catholic. his arrested, quickly found guilty of treason, and beheaded less than a week after the trial. for his loyalty to catholicism, the vatican, much later, canonized mora and ranked him among the clique of saints. on july 1, 1941 , a massive jewish pogrom took place in lvov, organized by ukrainian nationalists. before the outbreak of world war ii, lviv was polish. city ​​and out of 300 thousand population,
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half were poles, and a third were jews. on the last day of june, the mountains were occupied by wehrmacht troops, with whom the ukrainian organization was then actively cooperating. un nationalists. and the lviv branch was headed by stepan bandera. the next day the pogrom began. jews were taken from their apartments, caught on the streets, beaten, stripped naked , mocked and humiliated. the germans filmed everything with cameras. according to various estimates, from 2 to 500 jews died then. for the ukrainian nazis , the pogrom against jews was an attempt to curry favor with the fascists and get permission to create a ukrainian state. bandera even issued an act of its proclamation. but in berlin it caused anger. hitler was not interested in this. and excessive arbitrariness the nationalists became a burden to the occupation administration. the germans reined in their allies, but towards the end of the war, as the red army advanced, their cooperation with the oun resumed. on july 1
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, 1957, the international geophysical year began. it was a large-scale project in which 67 countries participated in the exploration of antarctica. we have already spent polar years twice, and now it was decided to study the processes in the crust of the ice continent. this was one of the largest scientific observations of the environment in human history. and most scientists from the soviet union became active.
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it was during the international geophysical year that ocean underwater blooms were discovered, radiation belts around the earth were discovered, and many other scientific discoveries were made. as a result, the project was extended. the longer period ended a year and a half later in november 58. on july 1, 196, france left the nato military bloc. on that day , the withdrawal of its armed forces from the subordination of the alliance was completed. france was one of the founding countries of nato in 1949, but now the views of paris and washington have become too different. for questions rearmament of germany, relations with arab countries, access to atomic secrets and so on.
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now some french politicians are again calling for france to withdraw from the alliance, now for the bloc’s too aggressive policy towards russia. this is what this day in history was like. we watch to know everything about russia. the best historical series. let's see. in the application or on the website.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. july starts with abnormal heat, but how long will it last, should we expect stones from sky in the middle of summer, we’ll talk about this in the next 20 minutes, here are some other topics we’ll touch on. ukraine has confirmed its status as a terrorist state over and over again. the ssu is being beaten again. zaporozhye nuclear power plant, but why, if it is devoid of any military meaning? russian scientists have proposed exploding tornadoes at the stage of their inception. what bombs are needed to stop the development of a dangerous vortex. the sun
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is dotted with spots, but behaves suspiciously calmly when the star again brings down huge masses of plasma to the earth. you are looking at the main page. in european russia, the scandinavian summer was replaced by heat from the subtropics, while mega-showers, which had previously tormented the capital region for a long time, settled in the urals. after reviewing the most striking disasters of the week, we will tell you what to expect from the weather in the coming days; at the end of the program we will give a more detailed forecast for the whole of july. during the storm, in certain areas of the republic , power lines were damaged, as well as a gas pipeline that
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supplies gas to five settlements, and a tree fell on it. the elements raged in chechnya, in the city of argun, the wind speed exceeded 30 m/second, and this is a real hurricane. the grip of powerful gusts even overturned cars, while thunderstorms rumbled and torrential rains fell. the following footage from kabbardino-balkaria , a tornado passed through the city of baksan, leaving behind numerous destructions, houses without roofs, fallen concrete pillars and fences. thunderclouds reached the komi republic, intense rains washed out the embankment under the railway track, which ultimately led to a tragedy when a passenger train came off the rails train traveling along the varkuta novorossiysk route, you can see the whirlpool here from here. the sverdlovsk and chelyabinsk regions received 3/4 of the monthly moisture volume, large-scale flooding was observed in chelyabinsk, on some streets there was knee-deep water, even buses sank in deep puddles. showers in
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the southern urals were sometimes accompanied by heavy hail, and ice floes reached very large sizes. in addition, during the bad weather a stormy wind arose. a cold front brought down the abnormal heat in novosibirsk. heavy rainfall led to local flooding, in some places, rainwater penetrated into the entrances of apartment buildings; on some sections of the novosibirsk roads , the asphalt surface was washed away by streams. well, there’s no asphalt here, there’s no asphalt there, and he all went there, hit the apit and the fit was carried away into the water, in short, it’s just tough, by the weekend the weather in most regions began to improve, and the thermometers began to creep up again. this week turned out to be a continuation and in many ways a copy of last week, the same extreme precipitation and heat, only the geography has changed. now the east of european russia and the caucasus are at the mercy of record rains. in
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many areas, over a third of a month's worth of moisture was poured out in just one day. it must be said that in summer such powerful downpours occur only once every 7-8 years. but with the heat it turned out to be not so simple. in the first days , extreme overheating engulfed siberia, and the thirty-degree heat made its way not only to the south of the region, but also in the arctic, as a result , meteorological statistics were updated in many cities of yamal and taimyr, but then another record-breaking zone appeared in the country anomalies, thermometers in the north-west of the russian plain have risen to unprecedented levels, record warming here is associated with the formation of a solar anticyclone in eastern europe and by the beginning of the new week this center will cover most of... the plain, and the cyclone that has spun over scandinavia will begin to pump air masses from
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the mediterranean will enter its region; in conditions of partly cloudy weather they will further warm up. the heat will reach its peak by next tuesday, you see, it’s relatively cool the weather is expected only in the north of the russian plain, but even here the thermometer readings will be above normal, in the middle zone the air will warm up as if... in the subtropics up to +30-35, in the south and up to +33-38. in such a situation , a whole series of maximum temperature records is expected. meteorological statistics in the capital will be updated. in moscow on the weekend +30-31, on sunday there will be short thunderstorms in places, and by tuesday the air in the megalopolis will have time to warm up to +32, this is higher than the previous record ... on other topics,
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radiochemical substances are being imported into ukraine through poland and romania , they can be used to create a dirty bomb, the head of the radiation chemical and biological defense troops, lieutenant general igor kirillov, at the same time the ukrainian armed forces, announced this this week. evgeniy tishkovets continues to shell the zaporozhye nuclear power plant for what purpose. evgeniy, strikes against the zaes have no military significance. vadim, the fact of the matter is that these attacks are completely devoid of military meaning, it’s just that ukraine once again confirms its status as a terrorist state. the ssu continues to shell the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant stations. last wednesday, ukrainian militants attacked a radiation control post. zas, velikaya znamenka, which is located a couple of kilometers west of the station on the left
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bank of the dnieper. as a result of the attack, the post was completely destroyed. the press service of the nuclear power plants reported that the level of radiation at the site in the sanitary protection zone and the observation zone did not exceed natural background values, that is, this time everything worked out. however, if we assume that as a result of a terrorist attack on the mtr, for example, zaporozhye nuclear power plant, an uncontrolled release would occur. then , theoretically , almost all countries of the black sea basin could fall under the lobe of radioactive clouds at an altitude of 700-500 m; the trajectory of contaminated particles during the day would pass through the kherson region and crimea and then in a westerly direction towards bulgaria and turkey for 3 km through the eastern waters of the black sea seas with access to the coast of turkey, for 5.5 km, radioactive particles would have passed along the black sea coast of the caucasus and... would have reached transcaucasus last week two important infrastructure
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facilities of the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant were subjected to terrorist attacks by the ukrainian armed forces. first, the luch substation was destroyed. she was attacked by four kamikaze drones. as a result , the city of energodar was temporarily left without power supply. then the attack was carried out on the raduga substation. one of the two transformers was damaged. inspectors magatta were shown damage to the substation. june 21 general director agent. zelensky should treat him, as they say, to steal, there is nothing in magata, in first of all, all this adds problems to the staff of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, which already works in very tense psychological conditions, for completely understandable reasons. the calculation is that at some point people will waver at the station and make a mistake, some serious mistake, it seems to me that even this is now more of
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a calculation, so that later they can blame us, who will then, so to speak, figure out what the staff is. made a mistake because i was under this psychological stress, they will always say that you russians are wrong. why the ukrainian armed forces do not give up attempts to attack the energy attack from a nuclear power plant. experts believe that it cannot be ruled out that the kiev regime intends to hack the station’s security circuit in order to stage a provocation with a dirty bomb on its territory. zelensky is in a difficult situation and, apparently, is ready to take the most radical steps. hence the news about the supply of radiochemical components. achieve some success. on the battlefield in the armed forces of ukraine it is not possible, so at least some kind of provocation is needed, it is being persecuted another goal: firstly, the so -called nato convention is coming soon again, especially since this was done on the eve of the so-called trump-biden debate, in order to serve biden directly. in addition,
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information recently appeared that the biden administration is considering a possible lifting of the ban on... american military contractors in ukraine, supposedly this will help operate and repair weapons that the states provide to the kiev regime. ukraine in its current form is a vivid example of what the country is turning into, as a result of military colonization by the united states. russian scientists have found a way to combat hurricanes and tornadoes in the global era. warming, destructive disasters are occurring more and more often, this june was no exception, so a method capable of neutralizing their negative consequences should be in demand, scientists say. in moscow, the weather has just gotten better; before that , the capital region was flooded with mega-showers almost every day, and on june 20, the violence of the elements
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reached its climax. a severe storm hit megalopolis, killing people. people, someone received injuries, there was a lot of destruction in the city, tornadoes walked around the moscow region, in the kubinka area, the wind uprooted dozens of trees, there was a real felling. at the beginning of the issue, we already mentioned the hurricane in chechnya and the kavardino-balkaria tornado, and these are just the last few episodes. in general, the problem is relevant, and not for the first time. professor and doctor of physical and mathematical sciences. snezhensky branch of mifi in the chelyabinsk region, sergey bautin began work on a project back in 2008, which was designed to reduce losses from destructive weather phenomena. his professors and students created their own gas-dynamic theory of ascending swirling gas flows. bautin is convinced that
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now many people misunderstand the process of formation of tornadoes and tornadoes. it is believed that the vortex’s trunk descends from a thundercloud to the ground, however, according to the professor, everything is exactly the opposite, air currents always begin to swirl at the heated surface of the earth, going from bottom to top, confirmation was received in 2018 in america, where researcher jana hauser spoke with report: with the help of fuel injection it was received, that is, she, in my opinion, collected data for many years and spoke, they directly said that this report was revolutionary, she concludes that the swirl of the air flow begins from the ground to fixation at altitude, this is actually confirms our mathematical conclusions, air flows in the earth's atmosphere are forced to rotate
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by the cariolis force, it manifests itself most strongly at the poles... where solar heating is maximum, it is equal to zero, the mass of the planet is huge, about 6 sextillion tons, despite for its slow movement, this speed is enough for a large upward flow of air on a fractional surface to turn into a vortex, while in the northern hemisphere the cyclones spin counterclockwise, in the southern hemisphere - vice versa. the authors of the study claim that the nascent vortex can be destroyed; an atomic explosion is not needed for this. scientists have calculated that it is enough to activate about 50 charges with a total power of about four. kiloton. explosions must be carried out at a certain height around the eye of the cyclone. they must stop the upward movement of air and the vortex will collapse. and if in the right
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place, at an altitude of 3 km, where there is cloud cover, you detonate the appropriate number of charges, and this is not an atomic explosion. well, if enough is released, then gas dynamics say that the upward flow will stop. then this rotation of the flow below, which brings destruction, which carries a huge mass of water, it will simply stop, at least, it should collapse in theory, as calculations show, in practice , no one has yet tested this method of destroying death, however, according to scientists, from the point of view of modern military technologies, the task is feasible, in addition to... fighting vortices, physicists have figured out how to direct their energy into a peaceful channel, scientists have developed a concept in vortex power plants: a powerful fan creates
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an upward air flow, but when the flow begins to swirl due to the action of the kareolis force, the energy of the spinning vortex turns out to be much greater than that of the fan that created it, and this is a man-made tornado you can... make a windmill with horizontal blades spin, so at least, if you can’t conquer tornadoes and tornadoes, you can at least try to tame them. and now our traditional column is the space weather forecast, which we compile together with our colleagues from the institute of space research. is currently sending rather contradictory signals, on the one hand, the number of spots on it has now increased incredibly, the lower half of the star is simply
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strewn with them, and as you know, spots appear in places where magnetic energy is formed, that is, in areas of future explosions. on the other hand, judging by actual activity, the situation is calm. our last x flash is a flash of the highest. was on june 10, that is, more than two weeks ago, which is quite a long break for maximum activity, but in the last 3-4 days even m flares stopped the sun, this is a lower category, so well, as they say, here’s what to believe, yeah either believe your eyes or the actual situation, although five in the sun is exclusively there are many, they are all quite small in size, we can only hope that over the coming week... no superregions will form from them, it is also worth noting that, according to a number of signs, very large centers are now located on the far side of the sun, while
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they do not threaten the earth, but i wonder what kind of energy these areas will have in a week and a half. as for magnetic storms, model calculations generally predict another quiet week, possibly. weak geomagnetic disturbances on thursday-friday, but let us repeat, at the maximum of the cycle the sun behaves very unpredictably, the situation can change dramatically in just a day, the geomagnetic storm in may is proof of this, so we will continue to monitor our star, and finally, as promised, our exclusive forecast is for now... this is july, what surprises the heavenly office is preparing for the russians in the middle of summer, we’ll tell you right now. in most of russia, july, as well as
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its beginning, will be significantly warmer than usual, so on european territory only in the north the temperature regime predicted to be within the climate or slightly cooler, the middle and southern latitudes will be in the region of a warm anomaly, and in some places the temperature will remain three or more degrees above normal. approximately the same weather features are expected beyond the urals. abnormal warmth in the southern half of siberia and the far east will be replaced by coolness in the northern part of the region. it must be said that the weather pattern in mid-summer will be quite nervous, that is, periods of extreme heat will often be replaced by relative coolness. for example, in moscow. the average temperature will steadily remain 2-4° above normal, but at the end of the first ten days a portion of fresher
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air will break into the capital, so the warm anomaly will decrease; two more short-term, but more powerful waves of cooling are expected in the middle and end of the month, at that's all, enjoy the weather, whatever it is, goodbye.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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the message with you is short. fortified position of the ukrainian armed forces, destroyed in the rabotin area, as well as a special military unit in the southern donetsk direction operation. our military thwarted yet another attempt by militants to land on the left bank of the dnieper. and the k-52 helicopters hit the enemy’s camouflaged equipment with missiles. the us department of justice will bring criminal charges of criminal fraud against the airline concern booing. this is reported.


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