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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 1, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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let me tell you, briefly about the main thing. a fortified position of the ukrainian armed forces, destroyed in the rabotina area, as well as a special military operation in the southern donetsk direction. our military thwarted yet another attempt by militants to land on the left bank of the dnieper. and the k-52 helicopters hit the enemy’s camouflaged equipment with missiles. the us department of justice will bring criminal charges of criminal fraud against the airline concern booing. this is reported.
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news with reference to an informed source. according to him, we will talk about deceiving the us government regarding measures to ensuring the safety of the liner. mass protests began in france after the announcement of the first results of the parliamentary elections. radicals have taken to the streets, they are smashing shop windows and building barricades from garbage cans. the police are acting harshly; batons and tear gas were fired at the entrance. russia replaced the republic of korea as chairman of the un security council. the main ones. so, france is engulfed in protests, after the announcement of the first results of the parliamentary elections, rioters are breaking windows, burning cars, blocking roads, there is a political split in the country, all the details about situation at the mari cutting. in a single
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impulse, under the french tricolor , the national association marine lepine and her supporters rejoice in the first round of parliamentary elections, the party takes the lead already in the second round, and can collect the maximum number of votes according to polls. the left-wing coalition new popular front takes second place, while the centrist bloc of president macron lags behind, the figures are conditional, but lepine is already announcing. democracy does not sleep, the french people have put the national union and its allies at the head and practically destroyed macron's bloc, and the french showed how ready they are to finally turn the page on seven years of contemptuous and destructive power, thank you all. the votes are still being counted, but analysts' forecasts agree on one thing: the french ultra-right, who are skeptical about france's role in nato-eec, have never been so close to power, have every chance of forming a coalition government.
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a government in which jordan bardela will become prime minister, lepen herself is running for the post of foreign minister, the rightists promise war against macron on all fronts. our opponents openly propose to disarm the police, open the borders to the influx of migrants, cancel the fight against squats, as well as the fight against islamist separatism, so mr. milanchon and his friends will only bring existential threats to our nation. problems have been rocking the french boat for a long time, growing from... islamism, xenophobia, general
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crime, people are afraid. i'm french, but i'm black, and yes, i'm afraid the hatred for people like me is off the charts. here, in the canals, i see young people, they are all hanging around without work, money they don’t, i think that the election results will not be accidental, we are tired of what macron is doing on the international stage and within the country. after the preliminary results were announced, protests swept the country. in these shots, paris, everyone hates the police, chanting in the crowd, the south of the country is on fire, in lyon, left-wing activists are organizing pogroms, burning markets and building barricades. vanzhe radicals blocked traffic while local owners of cafes and shops closed their outlets, and dissatisfied people set off smoke smoke checkers and fireworks. french president macron
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called on the population to stock up on cobblestones, take to the streets, and hold large rallies. thank you, let's stick together. those who voted. in many countries around the world, the french explain their position. what am i waiting for, for all this to end, for normal relations to be resumed with russia, because they are a friendly people, and we should not fight with russia. every time france opposed russia, it lost. the results of the first round in france personify the total polarization of society, they write. on the right, in in any case, the largest faction in the parliament of the republic is formed. if they retain the majority, they will be able to start. experts state. maria skorodilka, news. in the liv region , shares of a confectionery factory, which
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previously belonged to the former president of ukraine petro poroshenko, were transferred to russia's income. this was reported to the bailiff service. they clarified that production has been suspended since 2017. his assets were valued almost. at 20 billion rubles. owned by the state by court decision the enterprise was transferred in february. according to the department’s information, shares of two more enterprises that worked in the interests of kiev on the territory of our country were transferred to russia’s income. and in ukraine, military commissars reached football fans. the men are taken directly from the stands under the threat of a student. from july 1 , the reservation from mobilization was canceled for students. therefore , ukrainians are leaving the country in droves in every possible way. evgenia petrukhina will tell you all the details. this is definitely a one-goal game, while some tie their shoelaces, others are literally pulled off there are four policemen at once on the stand.
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ukromobilization is now in stadiums, straight from the football field to the trench, so the independents will soon only have oksana left in the national team, and that’s not a fact. here again there is talk about the mobilization of women. we. we will not win this war, we will not survive this war without women, there are very few of us in the country, there are a lot of russians, very few ukrainians, and men are half of the ukrainians, but of this half, a third are children , a third are pensioners, there are fewer and fewer of us , but many boys even liked to walk in heels and learned to blend in with a crowd of ukrainian women, the only thing that can give it away is the stubble, but the school workers are already detaining the women, the situation is on the border with poland. this is how tck looks for the so -called hooligans through wives and mothers, they say, where is your husband, son, hiding from mobilization? some manage, as they say, to jump between the cars of the ukrainian metro, just to find themselves out of reach of the shopping center.
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such acrobatic stunts can now be performed by ukrainian part-time students. from july 1, they lose the right to a deferment from mobilization. after all, without armor they can, including those who work at the enterprises of the ukrainian ministry of defense, well, those who were previously in the status of limited time, are now absolutely healthy and must appear at the shopping center, maybe that’s why the boys are running in droves, but in transcarpathia they were immediately detained 17 people, the minibus was 200 meters from hungary, an organized escape from the square, for which these men paid from 3 to 12 thousand dollars, a million rubles, but those involved in such transportation apparently ended up in...
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but potential soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces hid by corners, find them first, but this man just went for a walk with his dog. probably, at that moment he especially regretted that he had not bought some kind of bulldog, which could have been a worthy response to the brutal methods of the kiev regime. evgenia petrukhina, natalya uvarova, lead. this night our air defense forces repelled an attack by ukrainian armed forces drones in the bryansk region. 18 aircraft-type uavs were shot down over the region. this was announced by the head of the region, alexander bahamas. according to him, there were no casualties on the ground. 15 drones were intercepted and destroyed in trubchevsky, korachaevsky and vygonichesky districts. three more on approach to bryansk. emergency services are working on the ground. and an unexpected attack
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by russian assault units behind enemy lines. our military cleared an underground tunnel approximately 3 km long along the seversky danets canal. so fighters. the veterans of the detachment secretly approached a well -fortified stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces, where the enemy had set up firing points and underground shelters. the enemy was forced to surrender or flee, leaving their positions, as noted by the ministry of defense. throughout the underground along the route, our military was supplied with ammunition, weapons and food. the russian military also destroyed a ukrainian armed forces stronghold in the new york area. this is the name of a village on the kiev-controlled territory of the donetsk republic. the strike was carried out with a high-explosive bomb fap-300. what other targets have been hit? anton podkovenko will talk about this. this is how fap-300 falls on new york. sounds intriguing though. we are, of course, talking about the village, which is still controlled by the kiev part of the dpr. from the command post of the battalion of the forty-first separate
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there was no trace of the mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, minus 60 militants and four vehicles. we see the truly devastating impact of the fab-300 on any fortifications of the ukrainian armed forces on the line of combat contact, that is , the buildings on which this ammunition is used simply cease to exist, only dust remains from them. toretsk is located near new york and goes there too.
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politicians are amazed. russian fab-3000s instantly destroy ukrainian military infrastructure, says british expert alexandris. it can destroy even the most powerful fortifications, and the shock wave kills all the soldiers inside these fortifications. aviation bombs were developed back in the soviet union, that is, these factories. after we learned how to attach controlled planning and correction modules to them during a special military operation, they introduced them. literally a revolution on the battle line, if at first we pierced the ukrainian fortifications with factories of 250, 500,
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1500 kg of explosives, then three thousand, they are now really terrifying, the factories are destroying the ukrainian armed forces’ defenders, breaking through the defenses then it’s in action stormtroopers enter, now riding motorcycles. during the liberation of staromaisky, as well as large enemy strongholds in the ugledar direction, combat twos and groupings of the vostok troops. time for economic news, alexandra, the rules for issuing family mortgages have changed, and now, in addition to families with children under 6 years old,
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tell us who else can get it? tatyana, for example, residents of small towns, regardless of the age of the children, for now on to other topics. there is qualitative growth in the manufacturing sector, which is necessary for meeting the needs of the russian economy. first deputy prime minister denis manturov spoke about this in an interview that was published today in the new issue of the expert magazine. he noted that according to the central bank, at the end of last year , production capacity utilization reached a historical maximum and exceeded 80%. at the same time, industrialists are ready to expand. this is confirmed by data on investments in fixed assets and growing lending volumes. if short-term investments in the creation or modernization of production capacity was ensured due to promptly launched support measures, especially on the long arm. for large capital-intensive projects, the current conditions of monetary policy become
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a significant challenge, it is impossible to do without the formation of comfortable monetary conditions, therefore, until 2030, plans are made not only to recapitalize the industrial development fund that provides concessional loans, but to subsidize the interest rate on loans for projects for the production of priority industrial products. updated in russia family mortgage program, the previous preferential rate of 6%. families with children under 6 years old can receive, regardless of the age of the children, the measure will be available to residents of small towns and regions with a low level of construction, as well as russians who want... to build their own housing, a ban on increasing the rate for mortgage if the borrower refuses insurance, at the same time , the central bank increased premiums on risk coefficients for consumer loans for the first time, established them for car loans, they will affect borrowers with debt load above 50%. for the lender
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, such loans will become unprofitable, since they will have to create a risk when calculating the borrower. writes the financial times. this is because the production of these products requires gas. we are overwhelmed with fertilizers from russia, they are much cheaper than ours. the reason is simple: when compared with european companies, russians buy gas for next to nothing. the european union is afraid to prohibit the supply of fertilizers to our enterprises. this could lead to food shortages and rising prices.
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european companies threaten to follow example baz. the german concern moved part of its production. from the eu, to china and the usa. as a result, many europeans were left without work. at the end of the issue, let me remind you that the official exchange rates for today are the dollar 85 rubles 74 kopecks. euro 92 rubles, 41 kopecks. and that's all i have for now. slanna petrovna, good afternoon. your bank's security service. another moment and a suspicious transaction on your account would have had access to the money. i called the bank and hung up, whoever the scammers pretend to be, to get money out of you, hang up without conversations, delivery of scouts to the line of combat contact and cargo to civilians in front-line villages are carried out
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by military drivers of the dnepr group of troops. the vehicles are equipped with armor and creation stations. radio interference to avoid becoming a target of enemy drones. a report from our war correspondent igor pikhanov from the zaporozhye region. drivers of the dnepar troop group are preparing their vehicles for departure to the front line. the armored uaz must deliver scouts to the line of combat contact. road heavy dangerous. at the front, enemy drones are actively hunting for our drivers. therefore, each vehicle is equipped with mobile electronic warfare stations and special detectors. detection of drones, without it we can’t move anywhere at all, now any and all trips, because fivedrons are very overwhelming, well, three times already it saved the crew’s life, how very pleased we are, communication drops, well, 350-200 m, well until points, zaporozhye steppes are tens of kilometers of open space, at high speed the crew overcomes front-line potholes, along such
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roads soldiers, shells and food are delivered to the front line, from the professionalism...
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of their drones, so the electronic warfare station and detectors are being updated, all the equipment is domestically produced, it was specially created for the front, here every day somehow something new, and you constantly perceive it all, accept it, trying to learn, learn, the arrival of copters, now there is a war, as in space wars everything became on copters, the suv is delivered to the front line of reconnaissance officers, the fighters raise their drone into the sky and survey the area. its operator has discovered enemy dugouts. ukrainian uav crews often operate from such positions. fp bucket on russian intelligence officers quickly eliminate dugouts in the ssu. for the most part, we work on... infantry in enemy dugouts, directly, where the enemy is entrenched, where they cannot knock him out with artillery, we are already directly working with an fpv drone, this is exactly the same as we are also
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working with an fpv drone on enemy artillery, this mortars. a subdivision of the dnepr group of troops works on the front line around the clock, destroying enemy positions, the crews of ukrainian uavs, rocket launchers and military equipment have been neutralized, our fighters are stopping... the best loyalty program for entrepreneurs. open a free account with alfabank and get up to 10% cashback on your business card. alfabank is the best bank for
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it is extremely important that our country is integrated into the european union and nato. together we are stronger than alone, especially now when the war is just a few hours away from our country. this thought should motivate us to continue to support ukraine, for the sake of peace there and security here. it’s not in vain that ruth is worried; under him, the netherlands promised ukraine 24 f-16 fighter jets, which may not reach kiev, since dick hove from the freedom party will become the new prime minister of the country. and this is the dutch equivalent of an alternative for germany, that is, the party does not support the brussels military adventures as unprofitable to its own country. by the way, the adg, which won
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the european elections in east germany, decided at the congress not to impose travel restrictions on its members to russia, and also decided to create its own faction in the european parliament, which, among other things, would advocate for the normalization of relations with moscow. moreover, an alternative for germany is considering cooperation with viktor orban's right-wing alliance. the hungarian prime minister announced on sunday the creation of the union of patriots for europe. together with the austrian freedom party of herbert kickl and the czech ano party. former prime minister andrei. we are creating a political group that will be like a rocket and will soon become the largest political group in europe. europeans want three things: peace, order and development, and what they get today from the elite in brussels is war, migration stagnation. it's like the opposite countdown to the end of the reign of the former elite: after the european elections , the seats under macron and scholz are shaky, apparently, this is caused by the attempts
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of the hawks from nato. border, american experts are calling on ukraine to strike deeper than 100 km from the remnants of prudence in washington. considering that, according to the russian ministry of defense , the united states, which sent these weapons to ukraine, is responsible for the attack by atacoms missiles on sevastopol. at the first opportunity that came our way, we decided to provoke russia, and this cannot be called skillful diplomacy. here we have a war that we
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want to win, but by the way. we will not win it, we will lose it in the most catastrophic way, the american press does not cover this. just as the swedish press does not say that the saab-340 radar aircraft that stockholm promises to kiev are extremely vulnerable to russian aircraft missiles, as the american military publication writes. but the poles don’t have the same planes as the swedes. as a result, nato air reconnaissance aircraft fly over them. in addition, poland and the baltic countries called up. the european union would give them 2.5 billion euros for the construction of the so-called eastern wall, a line of defense on the border with russia and belarus; perhaps the frightened balts behind the iron curtain would be calmer. olga podmareva, news!
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let's translate it from clerical to understandable, it's not so scary.


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