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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 1, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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briefly about the main thing for this hour. the fortified position of the ukrainian armed forces was destroyed in the rabotin area, as well as in the yuzhnodonetsk direction of a special military operation. our military thwarted yet another attempt by militants to land on the left bank of the dnieper. k-52 helicopters hit camouflaged enemy equipment with missiles. the us department of justice will bring criminal charges of criminal fraud against the airline concern booing. this was reported by rya news with reference to an informed source. according to him, we will talk about deceiving
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the us government regarding measures to ensuring the safety of liners. mass protests began in france; after the announcement of the first results of the parliamentary elections , radicals took to the streets, smashing shop windows and building barricades from garbage cans. the police are acting harshly; they fired tear gas at the entrance. russia changed the republic of korea's presidency of the un security council. the main issues of july of the organization are with the sco, csto and the cis. our air defense forces of the conflict from international cooperation will become the settlement of the middle east this night repelled a drone attack in the ukrainian armed forces in a number of regions, for example, in the bryansk region , 18 aircraft-type uavs were shot down. this was announced by the head of the region, alexander bahamas. according to him, there were no casualties or destruction. 15 drones were intercepted and destroyed in trubchevsky, karachayevsky and vygonichesky. areas, three more
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when trying to approach bryansk. emergency services are working on the ground. in the lipetsk region, shares of a confectionery factory, which previously belonged to the former president of ukraine petro poroshenko, were transferred to russia's income. this was reported to the bailiff service . they clarified that since 2017 production was suspended. his assets were estimated at almost 20 billion rubles. by decision of the court , the enterprise became the property of the state...
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there are very few of us in the country, there are a lot of russians, very few ukrainians, and men are half of the ukrainians, but of this half, a third are children, a third are pensioners, there are fewer and fewer of us, but many of the boys even liked to walk in heels, learned to blend in with the crowd of ukrainian women, the only thing that can give it away is their stubble, only now the women are already being detained by the tskashniks, the situation on the border with poland, in this way... the central central committee is looking for the so
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-called swindlers through wives and mothers, they say, where is your husband, son, hiding from mobilization? some manage, as they say, to jump between the cars of the ukrainian metro, just to find themselves out of reach of the shopping center. such acrobatic stunts can now be performed by ukrainian part-time students. from july 1, they lose the right to a deferment from mobilization. those who work at ukrainian mine enterprises may also be left without reservation. well, those who were previously in status of limited time, are now absolutely healthy and must appear at the tsk. maybe that’s why the boys are running in droves. in transcarpathia , 17 people were detained at once. the minibus was 200 meters from hungary, an organized escape from square, for which these men paid from three to 12 thousand dollars, a million rubles. but those involved in such transportation apparently found themselves in cahoots with the border guards. in general, they handed over their fellow countrymen to the shopping center. i know
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how the stench hurt you, i know how the stench injured you. they wring their hands and don’t leave a chance, even if the potential soldier after such mobilization will have a concussion or a broken arm. and to the construction sites, that’s how the military commissar is in a hurry, but potential soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine hid in the corners, find them first, and this man just went for a walk with his dog and had fun, probably at that moment he especially regretted that he didn’t buy some bulldog, there could be a worthy response to... the brutal methods of the kiev regime. evgenia petrukhina, natalya uvarova. news. france gripped by protests after announcement first results of parliamentary elections. pogromists smash windows, burn cars, and block roads. the country is politically divided. maria
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skorodelka will tell you all the details. in unison under the french tricolor, the national rally. and her supporters rejoice. in the first round of parliamentary elections, the party takes the lead; in the second round, according to polls, the party can gain the maximum number of votes. the leftist radical coalition new popular front takes second place, while president macron’s centrist bloc lags behind. the figures are conditional, but lepine is already stating. dear compatriots, democracy does not sleep, the french people have put the national union and its allies at the head and practically destroyed.
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i think that the election results will not be accidental, we are tired of what macron is doing on the international stage and within the country, or rather, he is doing nothing for france , only disgracing him, after the announcement of the preliminary results , protests swept through the country. in these shots, paris, everyone hates the police, chanting in the crowd, the south of the country is burning, left-wing activists in lyon they organize pogroms, burn markets and build barricades; in angers, radicals blocked traffic while local
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cafe and shop owners closed their outlets, and dissatisfied people set off smoke bombs and fireworks. french president macron called on the population to stock up on cobblestones and go outside. rally on a large scale, thank you, let's stick together, the french, who voted in many countries of the world, explain their position: what am i waiting for, for all this to end, for normal relations to be resumed with russia, because this friendly people, and we should not fight with russia, every time france opposed russia, it lost. the results of the first round in france personify the total polarization of society, they say, the authorities in any case. the largest faction in the parliament of the republic is being formed, if they retain the majority, they will be able to start the promised budget war against macron, who, regardless of the results of these elections, will remain in power until the end of his mandate in the twenty -seventh year, experts say. maria speedboat, lead. and now
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economic news, alexandra, the rules for issuing family mortgages have changed. now, besides families with children under 6 years old, tell me, who else can get it? tatyana, for small towns, regardless of the age of the children, for now on to other topics. there is qualitative growth in the manufacturing sector; it is necessary to meet the needs of the russian economy. about this. first deputy prime minister denis manturov said in an interview that was published today in the new issue of the expert magazine. he noted that according to the central bank, at the end of last year production capacity utilization reached a historical maximum and exceeded 80%. at the same time, industrialists are ready to expand. this is confirmed by data on investments in fixed assets and growing lending volumes. if short-term investment in creation or modernization. was achieved through quickly launched support measures, then on the long side, especially for large
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capital-intensive projects, the current conditions of monetary policy become a significant challenge, without the formation of comfortable monetary conditions is impossible, therefore, until 2030, plans are made not only to decapitalize the industrial development fund, which provides preferential loans, but to subsidize the interest rate on loans for projects for the production of priority industrial products. in russia , the family mortgage program has been updated, the previous preferential rate of 6% can be received by families with children under 6 years of age, regardless of the age of the children, the measure will be available to residents of small towns and regions with a low level of construction, as well as russians who want to build own housing. a ban on increasing mortgage rates if the borrower refuses insurance also comes into force. at the same time , the central bank increased premiums on risk coefficients for consumer loans for the first time , establishing them for car loans; they will affect
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borrowers with a debt burden above 50%. for the lender, such loans will become unprofitable, since when calculating the borrower’s risk, it will be necessary to create additional reservations; borrowers who already have some loans have a sufficient level of debt burden already high, so... lenders, in fact, will not be able to offer any interesting lending programs to such borrowers. sanctions against russia could ruin european fertilizer producers, writes the financial times. this is because the production of these products requires gas. we are overwhelmed with fertilizers from russia, they are much cheaper than ours. the reason is simple: if you compare with european companies, russian ones. they buy gas for next to nothing. the european union is afraid
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to prohibit the supply of fertilizers to our enterprises. this could lead to a shortage food and rising prices. european companies are threatening to follow basw's example. the german concern transferred part of its production from the eu to china and the usa. as a result, many europeans were left without work. at the end of the issue, i would like to remind you of the official exchange rates for today: dollar 85 rubles. 74. euro 92 rub. 41 kopecks. and that's all i have for now. for us, if it’s sports, then it’s with records. if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national holiday. we love traditions. we honor our history. “we value family, strong relationships
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, we admire how the country is flourishing, even more achievements await us, fall in love with the country more at the exhibition russia, and now news from telegram channels, this is malaysia, a flood has begun there, the street is flooded, literally streams of water." from the car, many residential buildings were damaged. and again, a special military operation is in progress, an unexpected attack by russian assault forces units behind enemy lines. our military cleared an underground tunnel approximately 3 km long along the seversky danets canal. thus, the veterans of the detachment secretly approached a well-fortified stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces. the enemy set up firing points and underground shelters. the enemy was forced to surrender and... flee, leaving the position. as noted by the ministry of defense, throughout the underground route, our military was supplied with
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ammunition, weapons and food. the russian military also destroyed a ukrainian armed forces stronghold in the new york area. this is the name of a village on the kiev-controlled territory of the donetsk people's republic. the strike was caused by a high-explosive fap-3000 aerial bomb. what other targets have been hit? anton podkovenko will talk about this. that's it, fap. 3.000 falls on new york sounds intriguing, although we are, of course, talking about a village, but it is still controlled by the kiev part of the dpr. the command post of the battalion of the forty-first separate mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces is no longer there. trace: minus 60 militants and four cars. we see the truly devastating impact of the fab-3000 on any ukrainian armed forces fortifications on the line of combat contact, that is , the buildings against which this ammunition is used simply cease to exist, leaving only dust. toretsk is located near new york. and there too
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an fap also arrived at the enemy's temporary deployment point - a high-explosive aerial bomb, also three tons. even from a great height you can see that the explosion is huge. and this is smoke after attacks on kharkov, again by factories, but smaller, five hundredths, and this is confirmed even by ukrainian sources, and the cab type is a factory 500 per npk. a blow to the new post office. these branches of the ukrainian armed forces are used for military logistics and transportation of military cargo. ukrsmi naturally shout that a supposedly civilian object was destroyed - this is the usual lie of kiev propaganda, which no longer knows what else can we say about our most powerful fabs and cabs, adjustable aerial bombs. if. zelensky declares that the vaunted american patriot will not be able to cope with them. he just doesn't get it. our planes fire winged bombs from afar. a good fap with an ompk module, that is, with wings that allow it to fly several tens of kilometers from the launch point. the carrier of these aerial bombs is not within the range of enemy air defense. western analysts are amazed. russian
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fab-300 instantly destroys ukrainian military infrastructure, says british expert alexander merkouris. this can destroy even the most powerful fortifications, and the shock wave kills all soldiers inside these fortifications. aviation bombs were developed back in the soviet union, that is , these factories. after we, during a special military operation , learned to attach controlled planning and correction modules to them, they literally brought a revolution to the battle line. if at first we built up ukrainian fortifications with factories of 250-500. they are truly terrifying now. the fabbs are destroying the ukrainian armed forces' support forces, they break through the defenses, then the stormtroopers, who now ride motorcycles, come into action. during the liberation of staromaisky, as well as large enemy strongholds in the ugledar direction, the combat twos and groupings of vostok troops attacked so quickly, so skillfully approaching from the flanks,
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that the enemy did not even have time to use drones. i drove up to the support guard at the maximum possible speed. collapsed and half of their personnel were simply on the run, but you can’t run away from fab, and if three thousand smart high-explosive bombs cause the enemy such shock, what will happen next, we also have nine-ton bombs. anton potkovenko, anna pogonina, lead. now let's talk about sports. alexander, the georgian national team has finished its performance at the european football championship. tell us about it. tatiana georgia. played in spain, however , georgian football players returned to their homeland as heroes and they played for the first time in a major tournament in the group ; they beat portugal and reached the playoffs. the 1/8 final stage continues at the european football championship; two more quarter-finalists became known last night. it worked out without sensations. the teams of england and spain advanced to the next round. the english played against
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the slovak team and were the first to concede. midway through the first half, striker ivan shran scored. the score 1:0 in favor of the slovakian team remained until the end of the match and the team lacked just over a minute to beat one of the main favorites of the tournament. in stoppage time, england were saved by jute belinge. he scored a miracle goal with an overhead scissor kick. 1:1 and the fate of reaching the 1/4 was decided in an additional 30 minutes already in the first minute of overtime, the winning goal for england scored by harry kane. england's 2-1 victory in the quarter-finals sees garth southgate's team play against switzerland. the spanish team passed georgia much more confidently, although here the favorites had to recoup. the georgian national team opened the scoring in the eighteenth minute, kakabadze's cross led to an own goal from the defender of the spanish national team. the spaniards even won back before the break. rodri scored a goal with a shot from the penalty area, and in the second half the spaniards scored three more times. as
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a result, the victory was 4:1. for the entire match the team spain scored 35 shots on amardashvili's goal . this is a record for the spanish national team at major tournaments in the entire history since the beginning of statistics calculation. in the quarter-finals, the spaniards will play against the hosts of the tournament, the german national team. the florida panthers held a championship parade to celebrate the team's first stanley cup victory. throughout the parade , it rained heavily on the streets of the city, nevertheless the event took place, and tens of thousands of people came out on the streets of fort lauderdale to celebrate florida's victory. team. tradition was traveling by bus with an open top. florida won the stanley cup last week on monday night. let me remind you, we beat edmonton in the final series with a score of 4-3. as part of the nhl champion team.
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year i signed a contract with the florida phanters, during the first interview they asked me why i came to florida, i answered because i want to win the stanley cup, i’m going to do it here, now 5 years later we are here to celebrate the greatest victory in the history of this club with you guys! leonid slutsky in china still unbeaten, shanghai shanhua's unbeaten streak under the leadership of the russian specialist has already extended to 19 matches. the day before. beat qingdau west coast with a score of 1:0. the winning goal was scored in stoppage time. under leonid sludsky , shanghai-shinhua won 15 victories and tied four times. the total score
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of goals scored and conceded is 37:6. in the standings of the chinese super league, slutsky’s team is in second place. another team from shanghai is in the lead - shanghai port. they are also unbeaten this season. and in the end of the release is a spectacular and frightening episode from. world of motorsports at the dutch grand prix in the moto-3 class race, one of the participants suffered a terrible fall. at high speed , the motorcycle spun and flipped over, and the rider flew into the air, fell backwards and slid along the track. the racer was saved by modern technology and the highest safety requirements in the manufacture of suits. colin weier was not harmed in any way in this episode. that's all about sports for now, see you next hour. we watch russian cartoons and children's programs, look, in the application or
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on the website, in the kharkov direction and in the donetsk people's republic , soldiers of the alexander nevsky volunteer corps are fighting the enemy. he is part of the southern group of troops. the brigade is pushing back the enemy from chasovoy yar and volchansk. where heavy fighting takes place. the military correspondent of vesti, nikolai dolgachev, visited the positions. the closer to the front, the more drones in the sky. scouts, they are constantly spinning around looking for a target. now, if he notices us now, then the next signal will go to pyphedrone. we are now driving the signals of the pividron, but... rap, rap is turned on, does not stop, the signaling device, roads, all the time, all the time working, soldiers of the assault brigade alexander nevsky, this is a unit of the volunteer
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corps as part of the south group, holds positions behind solidar, at this active defense in the area, plus reconnaissance, uh, our scouts with units and guys make sorties, and take prisoners. we take and clarify everything from them, accordingly, fully data on what, how, what forces, means are in this direction. forest regiments are narrow strips of plantings between fields, in them you can be relatively unnoticed, our fighters and the enemy, positions are set up mainly among trees, open places are more dangerous. 21st century robotics, but physical training is still very important, in open areas under fire from beshu. you can’t be quiet, sometimes you have to run a little, we are already completely in the red zone, active action is taking place here, in
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the deep dugout of alexander nevsky’s soldiers there is a drone control center, as close as possible to the front line, the operator with the call sign killer whale is one of the best, every flight is a result, this is already the position of the armed forces of ukraine, on such carts... they deliver provisions here, as you can see, we also destroy these carts, this is a radio-controlled cart, this operator has almost a company of destroyed enemies in 2 months of active work, hundreds of targets hit, good, there is, so i understand, everyone who was there, even everything. on the front line there is underground life, dugouts, shelters, going to the surface only at extreme if necessary, move between positions quickly and, if possible, under the cover
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of drones or artillery. the orta is working, the soldier has peace of mind, the akops are shallow, but the greenery, the greenery also helps to camouflage, where it has the opportunity to sprout, this helps, fishing nets are caught by drones, so where possible they are pulled in, the front line in this area is relatively calm in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the alexander nevsky brigade, today, perhaps, this is the quietest. the place is on the right on the right the sides are straight from the ukrainian shelf, you can’t stay here for long, this is an observation post, the ukrainians of course know about it, well , what can you do, sometimes you have to keep an eye on them, watch, looking from the outside, it may seem that the position is abandoned, people are not visible, but at each firing point there is a duty, a machine gunner's position,
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a machine gunner is monitoring... the opponents, there is direct visibility across the field. let's return to the drone operators, they know better than many others how to deal with aerial targets. volunteers on this day, another woman was shot down, an industrial drone. this is one of the modifications of the vampire complex, er, produced by our enemies. the thing is very dangerous, it is engaged in relaying the control of fipdrones. this brigade is engaged in intense fighting.
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and ammunition, deliver and assault groups, at the brigade headquarters near cambrig there is a place for prayer, they treat this with reverence, the war is waged consciously, from the time of alexander nevsky to the present day nothing has changed in terms of the civilizational choice, be friends with the east and resist to the west. we are going with the attack aircraft again, but now to the rear. the drone detector is beeping like crazy again, the sky is full of drones.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.


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