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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 1, 2024 2:00pm-2:27pm MSK

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science conversation about how the creation of engineering schools is going, great efforts are being made, personnel are in great demand, what else needs to be done? the french right is celebrating victory, the national union has 33%. macron's movement has been relegated to third place, markets are being burned in lyon, transport is blocked in angers, what can we expect in the second round? and in antalya , flight delays, an average of 4-5 hours late, are now rescheduling flights of ural airlines turkish airlines. all because of the action of air traffic controllers who are demanding higher salaries when the schedule returns to normal. so, due to the heat , the situation with fires has sharply worsened in many russian regions. according to the ministry of emergency situations, there are now 350 active outbreaks in the country; over the past 24 hours , 64 have been extinguished. a federal-level emergency regime has been introduced in yakutia, where about 200,000 people are engulfed in fire. he
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forests. 1,500 people and 100 pieces of equipment are involved in the fire extinguishing effort, including the ministry of emergency situations aircraft. a state of emergency has been established in tuva, where thermometers are already 38°. 23 forest fires were recorded on the territory of the republic, covering an area of ​​1,700 hectares. the work of rescuers is further complicated by strong wind. in the trans-baikal territory , over a thousand firefighters are fighting the fire, and the temperature there today, 35°, will not drop in the coming days. in yakutia , they are going to attract additional forces to extinguish the fires; rescuers from kumi have already gone there; the cool rainy weather could not turn the situation around, although in some areas there was even hail, but weather forecasters are promising heat again in the coming days. the topic will be continued by my colleague inna sekritova. the weather presented a real surprise these days to the residents of the amginsky district in the village of balagur strawberry the beds were completely covered with hail, the size of which was in no way inferior to a berry. the changeability
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of the weather is noticed in the capital of the republic, if just recently it was cool and cloudy, then today adult children are enjoying the warm sunny weather, yesterday we went, did a little shopping, the day before yesterday it was somehow cool, well, the weather is changeable, but it’s surprising, we we were on the skies and it was somehow cool there, but there was nothing, suddenly the heat suddenly became colder. our climate is so sharply continental, sometimes hot, sometimes cold, but we are accustomed people, so it’s okay for us. the highest temperatures are recorded in the southwest and south of the republic; in the next 24 hours the thermometer there will reach +36°. throughout yakutia, the heat is gradually giving way to a cool air mass, and this week will be no exception. windy weather is expected first in the northeast and then in the central regions by thursday. for the city
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of yakutsk the normal temperature for these days is 25° maximum, that is, we will just get it, maybe even a little cooler, all this will be accompanied, naturally, by thunderstorms, gusty winds and rain of varying intensity, ranging from very light to downpours. such weather will only contribute to the emergence of new fires. every day it becomes more and more difficult to extinguish clear fires in yakutia. fires in the region are being fought daily by more than one. 580 paratroopers and airborne forest protection paratroopers. over the past 24 hours, they have extinguished more than forty natural fires. we are processing a stream bed, the main problem is fallen dry trees, so we have to cut a lot. and if you don’t cut, then what? and if not cut, then the fire along these dry trees will cross to the other side of the river bed and, accordingly, a new fire will resume. there are 107 natural ones on the territory of yakutia.
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the total area covered by fire is over 330,000 hectares. as forecasters note, the july weather risk forecast for forest fires in yakutia is not at all rosy; extreme levels of fire danger are expected in the north, including the arctic zone, as well as in the south and east of the republic. inna sekritova and larion fedorov, leading yakutia. creation of advanced engineering schools is federal project of the ministry of education and science and personnel training, main. the topic of today's meeting between vladimir putin and the head of the department, valery folkov. the minister reported on how the work was going, and the president, in turn, drew attention to the role of business. we have recently been paying a lot of attention to the creation of engineering schools and the training of relevant personnel. i understand that this is where you would like to start, right? this initiative, which started in 2022, i must say that it worked ahead of the curve, because in june 2022. we created the first 30
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engineering schools from 15 regions, the demand for these schools was so serious that in 2023 we held another competition, literally in november. planned at least ten, selected 20 advanced engineering schools, which is why today we have such a good set, 50 schools, 28 regions in all federal districts without exception, by the way, we have been funding quite well in the horizon since 2022, when we started , there was an acceleration year of 2.5 billion, in total for the whole initiative 33, business, i would like to point out once again, gives much more, until the twenty-sixth we have about sixty.
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teams of student leaders are leaders from, say, kamaz or rosselmash or pyramid engines, and this is the best training on live engineering problems. now to the situation in the nwo zone. the russian military liberated two more settlements. new data was announced by the ministry of defense. thus, in the kharkov region , typical novoselovka came under the control of our units, and in the dpr, novopokrovskaya. except in addition, our air defense forces shot down eight more stormshadow missiles within 24 hours. and open areas with ukrainian aircraft, storage and training areas for water drones were also affected.
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more than a thousand cars are waiting to cross the crimean bridge from taman. the situation is reported on the operational telegram channel. thus, over the morning the queue increased by about 100 cars. waiting time is about 3 hours. a little more than fifty cars are going to drive from the peninsula to the mainland. reports of queues at the crossing began appear from the beginning of the summer season. then there were statements about additional inspection posts. well, you can also get to crimea through new regions. a military-social center for military personnel has opened in moscow. it was created under the ministry of defense to support active participants in a special military operation. and we’ll find out all the details from our correspondent margarita semenyuk. connection with the studio. so, margarit, good afternoon, and most importantly, what kind of help can svo participants get there? yes, welcome indeed the military social center in moscow opened today, this is the first center of the ministry of defense, which will provide comprehensive
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assistance to all military personnel, as well as their families. the fighters themselves, as well as their family members, that is, trusted representatives, can come here for any help.
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in this case, we send the serviceman to the military administration body with the relevant specialists, they enter the data necessary for the calculation and the serviceman receives funds, servicemen who apply to... or family members, we help everyone in the near future deadlines. i would like to note that the logistics in the center are convenient, all the rooms are divided by topic, for example, if a fighter needs to receive financial support, then upon receipt he gets into the electronic queue and is sent to the room directly needed for him. if a fighter came to receive payment for an injury, then naturally. sent to another room, it’s quite convenient, no queues are created and all
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requests are processed as quickly as possible, now i suggest listening to a specialist’s comment, each request is thoroughly processed, accordingly our representatives contact military medical organizations where medical care was provided, certain documents were drawn up, that is, we contact them and find out information about the treatment. some kind of payments for injuries, also some social payments on issues of alimony
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, also there are also statements written there, some kind of deductions, well, that is, this kind of plan is basically monetary pleasure, of course, yeah, well , wives also come by power of attorney regarding their husbands or mothers are like that too there is. for the first time on the screens, meet on avita
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scandalous dismissal in ukraine. deputy prosecutor general of the country dmitry verbitsky left the post at his own request. this was reported in the office of the head of the department. earlier, ukrainian media published the results of their investigation, where they reported on the multi-million dollar property of
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verbitsky’s girlfriend. this is, in particular, a house with an area of ​​240 km and a business class car. at the same time, her official income is all... modest, verbitsky publicly made excuses, saying that he is not officially married, because he did not declare the lady’s real estate. it was reported that the deputy prosecutor general himself, now a former one, also has a house in an elite village. the head of the prosecutor general's office then announced an internal investigation. flight departures from antalya are being massively delayed due to a strike by air traffic controllers. in some cases, delays of 4-5 hours affected mainly flights to russia. according to local media, this morning...
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the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov announced this. let me remind you that the results actually indicate a significant weakening of macron’s position. in the first round of parliamentary elections in france , the right-wing party marine lupin, the national rally, won by a large margin, leaving the forces of the current president emmael macron in third place. the second, yet decisive, round of voting will take place in a week, our european correspondent assessed the chances of the parties, regina seva. the eu's second-largest economy and the eu's only nuclear power faces the immediate prospect of having a right-wing government for the first time, if the second round of voting on july 7 secures a parliamentary majority for marine lepine's national unification party, forecasts suggest that it is possible that france will find itself in a hitherto unknown position.
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the president and the government will represent opposition political forces, at the same time... they will be led by forces that made their name by sympathizing with moscow, vowing to split the european union, to start a war on migration , to withdraw from nato, in particular, writes politika today, and although marine lepen’s party has significantly softened its rhetoric on key issues and abandoned harsher positions, it is nevertheless still deeply skeptical of western main political positions, and a victory in this election would give a major boost to her chances of winning the election. president of france in '27. gabriel ottal admitted: after the first round of parliamentary elections it became obvious that he the government will not be able to implement the reforms it promised. according to. according to the latest figures, the national rally received more than 33% of the vote in the first round, the left-wing new popular front received 28%, and
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emmanuel macron's supporters only around 20%. and this means that right-wing forces can get up to 280 seats in the lower house of parliament, a qualified majority is 289 seats. jordan bardela, who is the national list leader, has it all. so i call on all french people join us to strengthen our strength in the face of all those who target our values. if next sunday the voters give us a majority, his friends are putting our nation in danger to rebuild the country, i intend to become the new prime minister for every frenchman. now the main question is how many candidates from the left and from the mokronists will be removed in the second. round in order to create that same cordon sanitaire to block the right in those polling stations where three candidates each made it to the second round. applications close at 6:00 p.m. tomorrow;
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negotiations and calculations took place all night at the headquarters, and here, analysts note, it is interesting to note the following: just a few days ago, emmanuel macron accused the programs of both the right and the left of being capable of leading to civil war, but now his prime minister is saying that he is ready to work with... i will win, so if they came out in first place and we became third, we would remove our candidates, we will remove our candidates, this is a direct instruction and clearly, there is no more room for national
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unification. as negotiations regarding the situation in the polling stations, where three candidates each reached the second round, heat up, anger at emmanuel macron's action outside france is heating up, the media in berlin writes today about his action on calling early elections for... emmanuel macron humiliated. the national unification has made historic progress. vardela has a real chance to become the first right -wing prime minister in the history of modern france. editor lefero, main conservative newspaper in france, from the pages of the publication, called on the french to unite against the left, since a right-wing government, in his opinion, is a better option. he writes that, on the contrary, it is necessary to form a bloc against the right. the grenade thrown by emmanuel macron rolled between the right and left and stopped at the feet of the macronists themselves. if, as a result of the elections
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, parliament ends up in limbo , macron’s political project may take a little longer to survive than, in principle, die. regina sebastianova, emil mersaev, natalya goncharova and polina anishchenko, european bureau of vgtrk. the role of peter i in the history of our country and the victory of russia in poltava. the battle will be dedicated to the large-scale film birth of an empire. filming has already started; this is a joint project of the russia tv channel and nikita mikhalkova’s studio treat with the participation of the cinema fund. the general partner is rosneft. the image of peter the great will be created by actor alexander gorbatov. julia peresilt will play the role of anna monts, and milos bikovich will play alexandra menshikov. in our country, if it’s a sport, then with records, if
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it's a national holiday, we love traditions, we honor our history. we value family, strong relationships, we admire how the country is blossoming, even more achievements await us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition, got used to watching videos online, stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels, all series. cinema and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries. we look, look in the application or on the website.
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from russian fertilizers, the financial times newspaper writes about this, the manufacturer. russian fertilizers threaten europe's food security with the same sanctions.


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