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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 1, 2024 5:30pm-5:58pm MSK

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training of engineers. one of the priorities
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of state policy, the number of such highly qualified personnel, will ultimately affect all spheres of life, so the federal project to create advanced engineering schools became the main topic of vladimir putin’s conversation with the minister of science and higher education. well, anastasia efimova will talk about the so-called blue collar workers who will ensure the technological sovereignty of the country. 50 advanced engineering schools, 28 regions of the country, everything. inclusion federal districts, interim results of the implementation of the project for training qualified personnel for high-tech sectors of the economy, which the minister of science and higher education reported to the president. as valery folkov said, the initiative worked ahead of the curve and turned out to be in great demand. lately, we have been paying a lot of attention, and rightly so , to the creation of engineering schools and the training of relevant personnel, as i understand that this is where you would like to start, right? yes, dear
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vladimirovich, thank you very much. peculiarity each school is such a good platform that solves two problems: on the one hand, you set us the task of updating the higher education system, and these are advanced sites where we are trying to transform engineering education. on the other hand, this is ensuring technological sovereignty, because well , we know that there has always been an achilles pit, higher schools, insufficient cooperation with industry, here is an engineering school, it... each has a partner. partners are the largest companies, there are already 160 of them, they provide all the necessary conditions for training personnel, and those that will be in demand in the modern economy. at the same time , teachers at enterprises also improve their qualifications, which means the level of knowledge received from them increases. moreover, work is carried out not only with higher education, but also with secondary and general education. last year, 22 thousand schoolchildren went through advanced engineering schools, including career guidance. on
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the one hand, on the other hand, this is an interest in basic subjects: physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, and the schools themselves, interestingly, they are - not only - in the field of such traditional engineering, because now there is the engineering of living systems, genetics and genomics, now there is software engineering, here we have these different schools, the children there are happy are engaged. the initiative, as valery folkov put it, is young, and advanced engineering schools began to be created less than two years ago, is already producing results.
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the internet is abuzz with scenes of kidnappings of future ukrainian invaders, here is a video from the carpathians: a guy with a limited status on his military id fit, they brought me straight from vacation to the military registration and enlistment office, since according to the new legislation there are no more persons with limited fitness, everyone recovered, i’m being taken to... i was kidnapped by the tsk after the border service, i came to rest in kvass, i was kidnapped from there directly from the platform by the border service, now they are taking me with a primus stove to the shopping center. from july 1 , women are now also at risk of ending up in the ttc; for now we are talking only about those with medical
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professions; the list includes a total of 17 specialties, from physiotherapists and pharmacologists to biomedical engineers who have not entered the military registration will fine an amount from seventeen to... regardless of the group, however , in practice, it is not the disability itself that matters, but its confirmation from the military medical commission, so it often sends people with oncology, deprived of speech, to the front without any problems. axis is one of the candidates, here is one of the candidates for the armed forces of ukraine, the man had cancer, went through the commission, and tomorrow he is going to the front line.
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what a trade center employee’s id should look like in ukrainian law simply does not exist, trade center, the independent cabinet of ministers could only show the third year of hostilities, people's deputies are gradually beginning to realize that... this should not be the case, however, only after they themselves encounter military commissars on the streets of kiev. for me personally, it is unacceptable when such actions occur, when people with signs of a military uniform and unmarked signs on the street are engaged in ordinary banditry, but so far it is not the ukrainian military commissars who are being punished, but those whom they persecute with each new week, reports of beatings, and sometimes murders at...
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the front gained almost 28%, the presidential coalition together for the republic, following the results of the first round of parliamentary elections, was only in third place, slightly more than 20%. the result was so insignificant that macron even refused to speak to voters, but called on the french to unite against lepin. the turnout at the elections broke all records over the past 40-plus years and amounted to almost 70%. success, well, which we...
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he did not expect at all. the head of the french ministry of finance
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called the results of the first round of elections a defeat for the presidential coalition. according to him according to him, the country is experiencing a historical moment and a regrouping of political forces. brino ld brino lemera called on voters to vote for representatives of the social democratic camp in those districts where candidates from the presidential coalition together for the republic did not make it to the second round, that is, to do everything so that the national unification could not get it. the absolute majority are following the elections in france and russia, according to the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov, the results of the first round of voting reflect overall trends in europe. the majority of the french, who this time did not vote for his political strength, for a coalition together, were nevertheless repelled by the majority of the french precisely because of his arrogance in foreign policy, including in the ukrainian direction, or, well, or i call the whole thing... by its proper name, his tough anti-russian a position that certainly does not resonate in the minds and hearts
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of a very large number of french people, there is no doubt about that. after the announcement of the results, rallies were held across the country from supporters of the coalition of left parties. however, the second round of elections will be decisive; let me remind you that it will be held on july 7, while none of the parties has received an absolute majority of votes, but analysts and experts do not rule it out. districts, it was there that three candidates passed in the second parliamentary elections, and for the first time in the history of this century there were five districts where the first round of voting allowed four politicians to do so at once, such triangles, quadrangles, you name it...
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what a victory for right-wing populists - this is alarming a signal for the entire old world as a whole,
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and france is not the first sign, we saw what changes were taking place in slovakia, that the political winds are gradually changing, but it also seems that german publications in germany were also disappointed in the french president macron. what does all of this mean? anna voronina? this is macron's fiasco. the german press turned out to be merciless towards the french president, calling him out. perhaps two are headless because of the decision to hold early parliamentary elections, hinting at unflattering characteristics for the head of the republic in future history textbooks. the result of the first round of parliamentary elections, which he so hastily called, was a fiasco for his electoral alliance. in third place, it is unlikely that macron's party will be able to appoint the next prime minister. how he plans to complete his term in office remains a mystery: the country is likely moving towards a blockade of its political system, france could fall out of the euna.
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we understand the preferences of french voters, while, as analysts note, all attempts by macron and his henchmen to present right-wing forces as radicals to intimidate society with an inevitable catastrophe. in the event of a victory, the national unification failed, if only because marine lepine, unlike his competitors, listens primarily to the french, and not to washington. at the forefront of their program, they put the solution to pressing problems that concern ordinary french people, this is rising prices, this is a decrease in purchasing power,
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this is immigration, issues related to the influx of new immigrants. the american press, not ignoring macron’s failure and threatening him with political isolation in his own country, switched to its favorite technique, intimidation. the politician's publication emphasizes that if he wins the second round, right-wing politics will take over the country. the washington post picks up the wave, again promising discord in the european union and undermining support for ukraine. france is one of the first members of the european union. no longer advocates leaving the bloc, but many of her proposals do not correspond to the ideas pan-european politics, another problem is: can the french far right undermine european support for ukraine and its position towards russia? however , american journalists have also already
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found a way out for macron, to leave differences and unite with other parties before the second round so that...
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budapest will raise issues related to migration and ukraine, but this does not mean that the european union will not continue its line to increase the sanctions policy towards moscow. hungary is not the largest economy in the european union, she is very vulnerable, and this vulnerability, of course, will be taken advantage of. eu partners. in general, it is surprising that hungary was entrusted with this chairmanship in principle; budapest has its own point of view on many issues and is not afraid to argue with the european union. at the end of last year, hungary tried to block the next tranche of aid for kiev, as well as the assignment of candidate membership status to ukraine and moldova. brussels
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is dissatisfied with the domestic policy of the hungarian authorities. the eu even suspended the transfer of about 30 euros to hungary 2 years ago due to problems with the rule of law and ensuring the rights of minorities in the country. in connection with all this , representatives of some countries called for depriving hungary of its voting rights and not transferring the presidency of the european council to it at all. nevertheless, hungarian prime minister viktor orban took the chairman's seat today. it also seems that orban intends to expand his influence in brussels and strasbourg. he launches the alliance patriots for europe in vienna with herbert kickl, leader of the far-right austrian freedom party.
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this year, 200 people are participating in the project. schoolchildren from russia, belarus and other cis countries. they got the opportunity to visit cities, cities of military and labor valor, and see the sites of decisive battles of the great patriotic war. we see how some states are trying to rewrite, distort history, belittle the role of the soviet army, and belittle the role of the people in our country. in the victory over fascism, we cannot allow this, we must pass on this historical truth, this memory from generation to generation, i am sure. that you will definitely do this, well now again to the boeing story, it just continues to acquire some incredible new details, even new scandals, and
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some kind of scandalous information series. so, the american ministry of justice decided to bring criminal charges against the company, they have only one, but significant point - deception of the us government, in what part should there be security, or perhaps death. before the law, those whose relatives and friends died in plane crashes are sharply opposed. it's a very sweet deal does not in any way acknowledge that
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booing's crime killed 346 people, the families will strongly object to this plea deal. we are talking about the families of those who died in two plane crashes. in 2018, a boeing 737 max plane crashed in ethiopia, and a year later the same fate befell an airliner in indonesia. the reason is a failure in the automatic system. instead, the company is trying to correct itself through fire measures, one of the latest being the purchase of its own supplier. by reintegrating spirit, we can fully harmonize our
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commercial production systems, including safety and quality management systems. we are talking about the body supplier, spirit aerosystems, which will soon become part of boeing for $8 billion. it was this company that appeared in the reports of informants. from alexey komarov. every year , the most anticipated event of the summer takes place on an area of ​​50 football fields. tens of thousands of spectators gather on the shores of the gulf of finland to meet each other and have a great time. vkfest has been held in st. petersburg since 2015. and all this time the concept of the festival is to get out of o'.
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with your favorite cartoon characters, but also to solve the riddle. what is your baby's favorite toy? good mummy, well done. at the end of august, the melnice studio releases new plan-metric adventures of the beloved luntik on the big screen. this time the cheerful company decides to help a friend find his mother and return home to the moon. to do this, luntik needs to climb.
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on the set of the film ogniva, everyone could touch that same mechanical horse and take a photo as a souvenir; the film will be released on big screen already in october. oh, beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where it goes, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you want, where you need it, another one. the film about the premiere of which was told at the fenist-first bogatyr festival, for a photo shoot the creators of the fairy tale brought an outlandish mechanical cart,
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which, of course, was guarded by a hero. by the way, you have such an authentic leather thing, this is my, it turns out, leather armor, also a chain mail helmet and a mace to fight off enemies, and all this will be in the film, all this can be seen on january 1 in the cinema, i set off on the journey of a hero, but don’t let him go down in the darkness of ignominy, the light will thunder and the finalist, hold his finish! the number of locations is as always impressive, it includes video games, entertainment, creativity and cosplay, one of the biggest sports, boxing, volleyball, skateball, bmx, watch how professionals skate and compete or try to stand on a roller yourself, the task is to drive as quickly as possible, circle or circles, why do they follow each other? one after another, well, it’s
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like entertainment, that is, usually drive around alone. one of the most popular sections, of course, is technology, for the first time its tent appeared at the leningrad nuclear power plant, where you could answer questions and receive a gift, in which city is the first nuclear power plant located, the answer is also correct, pull out the notepad, hold it, thank you, in this this year the geography of the festival is just as large-scale, the century festival was held in ufa, krasnoyarsk, sochi and now in st. petersburg. but beat yourself over the head, the main thing is, van, hurry up, that sparks interest, uh, uh, what started, and makes life brighter.
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leading engineering schools that train new talent enhance the reputation of the profession.


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