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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 1, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm MSK

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beat, you're the main thing, van, hurry up, what kindles interest, uh, uh, what started something, and makes life brighter, the mighty one sharpened me, of course, the flint, zham, ivan, and, well, we're going out, soon! advanced engineering schools that train new talent enhance the reputation of the business profession in this process. in russia, spring
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fires covered over 420 hectares. where is the most difficult situation? and is the ministry of emergency situations improving, how much do they help or, on the contrary, do they complicate the work of a weather rescuer? macron received a resounding slap in the face following the results of the first round of parliamentary elections. marine lepin's party can count on a majority of seats in the national assembly. france is preparing for the second round, which will take place on july 7. in elections, high turnout, turnout and... how to interpret this? are the french tired of the current head of the fifth republic? footage like from an action movie in the krasnoyarsk territory, a policeman at full speed jumped into the car of a reckless driver who was rushing along the beach. this was the only way to stop an inadequate driver. our colleagues from the program will tell you about this and more. lead, duty department. 18:00 in moscow, we
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continue: russian specialists have gained access to the flight correction guidance system of the ms ballistic missile. a sample of western weapons came to our military after an attack by the ukrainian armed forces on the territory of our country. important parts are produced on an industrial scale in the west and are used in aviation. elizaveta khrontsovy has all the details. a block of laser gyroscopes and a gps module. these are parts of the atakom missile released. kiev regime against civilians of sevastopol were at the disposal of the russian military, personnel, on which clearly shows the device of the american rocket publishes reon news. the agency’s interlocutor said that russian weapons specialists are studying the atacoms guidance and flight correction system. we can, in principle, analyze the operation of rocket systems at the entire stage of the flight trajectory, that is, in the correction base, how much it can be corrected, because it. along a complex
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ballistic trajectory, we know the missile’s control channels, that is, thanks to which satellites its correction is made. obviously, studying parts of atakoms will help russian engineers to increase the efficiency of air defense systems. this has already happened before, when our troops came into possession of significant fragments of the haimers missile system. you can also remember that stormshadow and scalp missiles fell into our hands. this is one of the missiles that was used to strike sevastopol, our military received it in almost complete condition, since the warhead did not work, it was removed from the crash site, taken out and studied, which also affected countermeasures, which is what kiev receives attacks, the american authorities publicly admitted only in april of this year, although back in october of the twenty-third, wall street journal reported that the first batch of atacoms was delivered to ukraine, how many missiles the united states transferred to ukraine, data. classified,
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we can only proceed from the total volume of missiles fired. manufacturer lockett martin reported that about 400 units were produced over approximately 40 years. considering the fact that in the coming years the united states plans to decommission missiles of this type as obsolete. you have to assume the worst option that most of them will be transferred to the ssu and, accordingly, will be used against us. 1.5 million dollars apiece, the enormous cost of each missile forces the ukrainian one. the army to fight its famous wastefulness, however , it does not always work out, so in mid-april the new york times reported that kiev received 100 attacks and immediately attacked targets in the crimea. that is, this happened even before reports appeared that washington allowed its wards to fire american weapons deep into russia. due to the high cost each missile, the owners of the ukrainian regime require that targets be carefully selected. these are mainly our air defense complexes and various gathering places. equipment,
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airfields, that is, quite sensitive and expensive objects, since you need to understand that the rocket and missile system itself is quite expensive, and that is , the us will not naturally allow it to be fired at... let's say, low-value targets. however, the participation of ukrainian armed forces employees in any attack in which attacks are used is rather nominal. ukrainians are not capable use this kind of weapon yourself. of course, targets for them are selected by us intelligence and nato intelligence, they also determine the target designations for these missiles, that is, they control their use, that is, talk about ukraine deciding something there itself is...
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53 wildfires , on an area of ​​more than 600,000 hectares. in the trans-baikal territory , over a thousand firefighters are fighting the fire, and the temperature there today, 35°, will not drop in the coming days. a federal-level emergency regime has been introduced in the territory yakutia. there, about 200,000 hectares of forest are engulfed in fire. 1,500 people and 100 pieces of equipment are involved in the fire extinguishing effort, including the ministry of emergency situations aircraft. a state of emergency has been established in tuva, where... thermometers are already 38°, 23 forest fires have been recorded on the territory of the republic, an area of ​​1700 hectares, and the work of rescuers is further complicated by strong winds. how is the creation of advanced engineering schools going in russia? vladimir putin discussed it at a meeting with the head of the ministry of education and science valery
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falkov. this is a federal project whose goal is to train highly qualified engineers capable of ensuring the technological sovereignty of the country. the private sector is also actively involved in solving these problems. we have recently been paying a lot of attention and rightly to the creation of engineering schools and the training of relevant personnel, as i understand that this is where you would like to start, and this initiative started in our country in 2022. i must say that it worked ahead of the curve, because in in june 2022, we created the first 30 engineering schools; in 2023 , we held another competition; we literally planned it in november. at least ten were selected 20 advanced engineering schools, which is why today we have such a good set, 50 schools, 28 regions in all federal districts without exception, by the way, we have been funding quite well in the horizon since the twenty- second year, when we started, there was an acceleration year 2 .5 billion, a total
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of 33 for the entire initiative, business, i would like to point out once again, gives much more, we have about 60 by the twenty-sixth, i am very happy. amendments to the tax budget codes at 9
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the state duma proposed postponing the second reading july, this was stated by the head of the specialized committee andrei makarov. according to him, deputies will have additional time to work through all emerging issues. initially, consideration of the amendments was scheduled for thursday. july, but since their number is constantly increasing, it was decided to change the voting dates; if the bills are adopted in the second reading, the committee will propose to submit them for consideration in the third reading on july 10. we already have more than 200 amendments, i think that this number of amendments will increase, because i think that we will all definitely have these amendments. voice, well, at least in a committee, at a maximum, i’m afraid, in a plenary session, so no one knows how long the plenary session will last, we have not made as many amendments to the budget in recent years as to the tax code, so the proposal is this: in moscow
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the first military-social center has opened, the ministry of defense for participants in the special operation, it will work in close cooperation with the defenders of the fatherland foundation, and any questions from military personnel, the center’s specialists will decide promptly, our correspondent margarita semenyuk will tell you in more detail. the fighter, call sign baga, is one of the volunteers at the front. in the artyomovsk direction , my comrades and i stormed enemy positions in battle. this is a matter of medical support, we click on
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your coupon, your coupon, where you need to look, in anticipation, here is your coupon in anticipation, now we should be invited to a specialist of the main medical department, contract soldiers and conscripts, mobilized volunteers, the military can ask for help pensioners were dismissed from the ranks of the russian armed forces. one window theme. five halls were divided according to the topics of appeal, for example, social and housing issues, monetary benefits,
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treatment and rehabilitation. each request is thoroughly processed; accordingly, our representatives contact the military medical organizations where medical care was provided, certain documents were drawn up, that is, we contact them and find out information about the treatment of a particular serviceman, receipt. medical documentation. the center should become a support point for military personnel and their families. such terminals will be oriented to the list of services and will be assigned to the required specialist. if a serviceman cannot personally contact the military social center, the serviceman’s relatives can apply by proxy. the power of attorney must either be notarized, or the power of attorney can be issued to a military unit certified by the commander. since the start of work of the new center of the ministry of defense for help. over six hundred people applied, these are military personnel, members of their families, citizens, those staying in volunteer formations,
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mainly on the issue of monetary satisfaction, payments for injuries, also social payments, on issues of alimony they also write statements there, deductions, well, that is, this kind of plan is mainly monetary allowance, of course, yeah, well, wives come too, sometimes on powers of attorney regarding... there husbands or mothers, there will be even more such centers, points will be opened in all military districts, besides, now the time for processing applications will be reduced, the main thing is not just to provide for everyone protectors of their relatives with social support, and individually and comprehensively take care of everyone. margarita semenyuk, evgeniy turchak, konstantin mittin, olga belotserkovskaya, this is exactly what work is happening. attacking credit card debt? i'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all
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in your hands, when the main trophy is right in front of you from 20 million, every 15 minutes, for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win, stoloto. the idea to start a business was born from a childhood dream of becoming a pioneer. i remember how we were with the guys. here and i imagined that one day i would open this place to everyone and decided to have a hotel in the lighthouse, it’s good that... friends helped with the renovation, with the opening of the sber business. sberbank supported me in everything at the start. the account was opened in one click, they helped with accounting and legal issues, the cash register was quickly connected, all this is free, with
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sber's support, starting a business is easier and faster. we open the way to business. sberbusiness. is not opening of the swimming season, this is a promotional code for 100% cashback from ostrovok. book hotels and apartments and participate in the drawing. gac m8. executive class minivan. unique radiator grille, electromagnetic suspension, luxury interior for your maximum comfort. gac m8. place first, i’m chef kote aganezov, on my blog i share simple and quick recipes, and to make it even tastier, the right sauce is important, astoria, now it’s definitely delicious, our new name is tebank, when opening
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a business you need to think through everything, i here like this i’ll open a fitness club, you’ll get fit. implement everything you have planned, and tebank business will provide reliable and convenient tools for starting your business. register your business with tebank and receive 6 months of free service. tebank is a business and the job is done. on avito khvatamba, discounts for people from people until july 7. ukraine has only one month to avoid default, the british magazine economist writes about this, that is, it is crystal clear to analysts. military actions cause heavy damage to the country's economy, its gdp decreased by a quarter since the conflict began, and the debt reached 94% of gdp at the end of last year. but
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, however, against this background, western countries do not stop military support for kiev, he will tell you why. nato long-range radar warning aircraft regularly fly over poland to monitor the situation in ukrainian airspace. then this data quickly reaches the ukrainian armed forces. officially , any intelligence collected is sent only to nato member countries, but everyone knows that some of the bloc's members are quick to share it with the ukrainians. meanwhile, simple europeans are already tired of the confrontation with ukraine. the representative of the german union-saryvakht party friedrich pürner called for pushing kiev towards peace negotiations with moscow. germany, which previously provided unconditional assistance to the armed forces of ukraine, admits that it will be extremely difficult to continue supplying weapons in the same volume. the budget negotiations are undermined by the topic of ukraine, and the population of germany is threatened by cuts in social spending. the reason is that the budget is on a tightrope. on the one hand, the country must finance
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its own rearmament and provide military aid to ukraine, on the other hand, does not make new loans. they believe that the sanctions had an unexpected effect, and moscow is now developing faster than the west, which started this confrontation. natalya goncharova, lead. well, and also about
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ukraine, about where ukraine is going to get its human resources. to replenish the armed forces of ukraine. not only on the streets, but in prison. recruitment of ukrainian armed forces prisoners can produce up to 5,000 recruits. whether this is a lot or a little, but when it comes to the fact that the shortage of reserves reaches 200,000 in order not to go to offensive, in order to simply level up their front, which they are clearly not in the best condition right now, they need some other numbers. and now develt confirms our guesses that ukraine will need about 200,000 recruits to eliminate this shortage of forces. yes. our colleague varvara nevskaya will tell you more about the situation. the july heat in ukrainian cities is making its own adjustments in search of prey, shopping center employees have now begun to visit... beaches, city squares and parks, shoot, but they don’t forget about other routes, in
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the best traditions they are once again trying to remove a man and a child from the bus, on what basis, well, explain, so come here, explain the article, tell me, on what basis? “i’m with a child, i’m traveling alone, but usually one reason is enough, the male gender is of conscription age, this man is apparently so needed by the front that to detain him, the military commissars attracted a whole squad of police, six of them, trying to put the resisting person into the car, scenes of kidnappings future defenders of the region." street internet, here is a video from the carpathians, a guy who has the status of limited fitness on his military id, was brought straight from vacation to the military registration and enlistment office, since according to the new legislation
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there are no more persons of limited fitness, everyone recovered, they took me to the bush, i was kidnapped tsk after the border service, i came to rest at kvass, i was stolen from there right from the platform by the border service, now i am being taken as a teacher to the tsk, from july 1 to end up in the tsk now from... and pharmacologists to biomedical engineers who have not registered with the military will fine an amount from seventeen to 25 thousand hryvnia. the new water restrictions also affected people with disabilities; as the law states, such men are not mobilized regardless of the group, but in practice it is not the disability itself that matters, but its confirmation.
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france is worried; historically and in every sense, the results of the first round left no one indifferent. far-left supporters staged a march in lyon, which quickly
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turned into arson. the police used tear gas. in paris they burned fireworks, holding in their hands the flags of all countries except the french one. they shouted that they hated the police, and recalled a teenager of algerian origin who a year ago in nanterre died from a shot by a policeman. the rally is smooth. turned into a celebration of second place, which was taken by the new popular front. four left-wing parties together received 28.5% of the vote and about 200 seats in parliament. the head of unconquered france , jeanluc milanchon, an ardent opponent of the president, immediately extended his hand to him and promised to withdraw his candidacies, where the left took third place, losing to the presidential bloc. according to our previous election campaigns and consistent policies, we will not allow the right to prevail. therefore, if they become the majority party while we are in third place, we will withdraw our candidacy. under any circumstances, our instructions will remain simple, direct and clear, not
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a single additional vote, not a single... third place - a disastrous 22% loss of a relative majority obliges us to seek compromises. macron ordered to study each electoral district and see with whom an alliance could be formed. premier attal did a nod to the left. he announced that he was suspending until the fall the reform to reduce unemployment benefits, too. the 60 candidates of the coalition together for the republic will be withdrawn from the race in the second round of parliamentary elections in france to prevent the victory of the opposition national rally party. the lesson is that with the far right on the cusp of power, tonight is like no other. the traditional scheme, a joint political barrier against the far right, may not work this time, judging by
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surveys conducted. immediately after the announcement of the results of the first round, in the second the national association can gain an absolute majority, given the support of the republicans. one part of the party called for voting for jordan bardela, the other, having received about 10%, abstained from giving advice, making it clear that it would not be macron who would choose between two evils. by pushing the national association and its candidates forward, allowing them to enter the second round with an overwhelming majority of votes in the electoral districts, the french people were inspired. unprecedented hope throughout country. i welcome such a high voter turnout, which adds special significance to today's results. during the voting, the french people demonstrated their desire to turn the page after 7 years of contemptuous and destructive power. the turnout was indeed record-breaking; such numbers had not been seen in the last four decades, but about 35 million people came to the polls. the french
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have made their choice, but the race is not over yet. on tuesday, candidates must submit applications for a future-deciding runoff the french parliament and the country's political life will vote on july 7. anastasia popovia bernatsky, news from france.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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