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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 1, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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hello, the legal program is being broadcast by the duty department. in the studio alexander ostakhov. two tourists tried to take a whole suitcase of treasures out of russia; they were detained at sheremetyevo airport. luggage worth at least 21 million rubles. travelers were taken to thailand in transit through china. five thousand unique jewelry made of gold and platinum, studded with precious stones and semi-precious stones, were seized from probable smugglers.
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at the same time, the ladies themselves did not declare anything, until the very end they pretended that it was just cheap jewelry from the nearest stall, but the performance was a failure. the customs examination established that the jewelry was new, made of 585 gold and 925 silver with inserts of diamonds, turaline, corundum, beryl, topaz, enamel, amethyst, tanzanite, centrine, cultured pearls, apal and... getting married to a stranger for an exam with memorized answers, all in order to stay in russia. in the yaroslavl region , security forces stormed a production facility where dozens of illegal immigrants worked, who entered into a fictitious marriage; in norilsk they will soon appear in court.
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for years, several local residents helped migrants legalize themselves in our country, looking for women who were ready to enter into fictitious marriages with newcomers for money. in these shots there are happy grooms, however, instead of waltz, mendelssohn and honeymoon, they in all likelihood face criminal punishment and deportation to their historical homeland. in order to legalize their status, foreigners entered into fictitious marriages with citizens of the russian federation, after which they submitted the necessary documents to the migration department and received a
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temporary residence permit without taking into account the quota. the business seemed to be successful. for several years, i conducted a fictitious brother with citizens. is given special attention in all regions of the country. in krasnoyarsk region the prosecutor's office approved the indictment of the teacher who examined foreigners. as it was established, the translator teachers staged exams in the russian language, history and fundamentals of legislation. migrants were provided with answers in advance. for their services , the accused received 13,500, the translator from two to 5 for each guest. minister of internal affairs vladimir kolokoltsev spoke about migration issues during a meeting of the government commission on crime prevention. he noted that the number grave and especially grave crimes committed in our country by foreign citizens this year decreased by almost 8%. but the number of detected violations related to illegal migration has doubled . this activity, you are all observing, all
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the departments that work in this area, they have really become more active, and this is the result we are seeing . at the same time, even individual illegal acts. foreign citizens causes a wide public outcry, issues of combating illegal migration is strategically important, affects the competence of many departments, as well as regional authorities, and must be resolved through joint efforts. as for the story from yaroslavl, the business of fake marriages for money has ended, and a criminal case has been opened against five detainees. mikhail shirin, dmitry manyshev, vestibule department. for violating the anti-terrorist protection of facilities and territories came into force, now officials and businessmen may face real consequences for a negligent attitude to this issue imprisonment in a colony. then, how the safety of people is ensured in public places, including, for example, large concert venues,
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auditors will monitor. and if the first time those responsible for the identified violations get off with a fine, then the second time they will be held accountable to the fullest extent of the criminal code. the most severe punishment in case of violation. did not eliminate the result , a crime occurred with victims up to 7 years in prison. hard landing for a boeing. the company faces criminal liability for the deaths of hundreds people in two plane crashes. the corporation's new planes almost fall apart in the air; they can generally be flown. guru's business miscalculated. the tax authorities became interested in the blogger huseyn gosanov, who found behind the soul of the scandalist. all the fun after a short advertisement. don't switch.
9:38 pm
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for people from people until july 7, travel with alfabank, choose where to fly in the alfa travel service and receive a superkick for air tickets up to 30%. buy at a profit in the bank app or on the alpha travel website, it’s not just profitable alpha. profitable. live broadcast of the legal program "vesti dezhurnaya part". we are continuing production. a former federation council employee was found guilty of murdering his parents. moscow state court today sentenced in a high-profile criminal case. alexei kanovalov tried to the last to confuse the investigation into the fact that he was an intelligent and loving son. neither neighbors nor family friends believed until recently. what caused the cold-blooded massacre and what decision did
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the court make? report by fyodor eliseev. seconds before the verdict is announced, the face of alexei kanovalov, accused of murdering his own parents, shows complete indifference to his future fate. the former federation council employee has been holding back his emotions since the very moment of his arrest. for comparison, here is footage from the day of his arrest in february 2023. but before that, kanovalov was the opposite. he desperately did everything to confuse the investigation; he was the first to call the security forces to the scene of the double murder and stated that he had found the bodies of the parents of viktor and valentina konovalov in their apartment on leninsky prospekt in moscow. family friends who rushed to the scene of the tragedy then expressed their condolences to him and could not hold back their tears. kanovalov’s parents were once successful diplomats; according to neighbors , they are an intelligent, quiet family. the first thing investigators turned their attention to the crime scene. this is the state of the apartment, all things are in their places, which means that no one was going to rob the spouses,
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in addition, shortly before the death, the owners were engaged in ordinary household chores, that is , there were no strangers nearby, and the wide open door with no signs of forced entry only added to the suspicions that were shared throughout the day by residents of the area, there are no breaks, well, as they say now, yes, well, just some kind of revenge, the news of the arrest of the alleged murderer came like a bolt from the blue, they it turned out to be an unlikely avenger, not a robber, the man who reported the incident to the police, the son of the murdered. during the interrogation, he fully admitted his guilt and said that the motives were long-term disagreements with his parents. many neighbors were shocked by the brutality with which the murder was committed. if you believe open sources, alexey kanovalov did not live poorly. he and his family owned real estate with a total area of ​​2.0 square m2. it is possible that it was the assets that could have caused the disagreement, but apparently they were so well hidden.
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parents' thirst for profit or old family conflicts remained a mystery. the court found alexey kanovalov guilty of double murder. he will spend the next 16 years in a maximum security penal colony. fyodor eliseev, lead, duty department. a bilateral meeting between the plenipotentiary representative of the president of the russian federation in the north caucasus federal district, yuri chaika, and the head of ingushetia, mahmud ali kalimatov, took place in magas. the topic of discussion was current development issues region. this is support. participants of the north caucasus and their families, the development of the agricultural-industrial complex and the work of the first aluminum
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cluster in the north caucasus. in addition, plans include the construction of a new hospital, reconstruction of the caucasus federal highway and improvement of water supply. shares of the notorious russian confectionery factory in lipetsk were transferred to russia. the bailiffs turned assets worth $200 million into state income. tied with tape and threatening with a weapon , demanded to know the code to the safe in the luxurious house of the former general director of rosgosstrakhov in the moscow region , robbers broke into baloklava, what part of the fortune of one of the most famous insurers in russia the criminals were able to take with
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them and from which no one is insured from the scene of the robbery galina khangureeva. external cameras, it would seem that there is no chance to pass unnoticed through the forged gates, the security point of the all-seeing eye area in the lasinopetrovsky urban district in the moscow region, but it became known that a daring, cold-blooded attack was committed on the owners of the house in this territory robbery, the victims were the former general director of rosgosstrakh dmitry markarov and his wife. would you like to know how you feel? i feel good. yes. your wife? well, almost the same. yeah, from this damage to health, this persian spray got into her eyes, there were serious fears for life, health, of course, family members were attuned at night, yeah, my wife’s mother was also elderly, ninety years old, yeah, that’s it, but i was relatively calm , well, in the sense that he didn’t twitch, didn’t show heroism, on the night of 30
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june three unknown persons in baloklavy secretly made their way into a home and tied up the owner of the house with his wife. threatening with weapons, they forced me to say the code to the safe, as dmitry markarov himself reported, the robbers chose an area where the fence was closer to the house, and apparently, taking advantage of the repair work that was going on along the perimeter, they climbed this mountain with sand and jumped over the fence. in addition to the owners , the elderly mother of markarov’s wife was in the house. fortunately, the raiders did not inflict serious injuries on their victims. then a criminal case was initiated under article 162 of the criminal code code of the russian federation, robbery. currently, police officers are carrying out activities aimed at searching for the arrest of intruders. dmitry markarov, a major russian manager. in the nineties and early 2000s, he was called the country's leading insurance expert. worked in three companies that are systemically important for the russian insurance market. in ninety- two he participated in the creation of a military insurance company, in ninety-three he became
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a co-founder of an industrial insurance company. in 2003 he moved to rosgosstrakh. wanted to see transparent, clear. a criterion by which one can judge whether a company is performing well or poorly. markarov does not want to build theories about who could have raided the mansion. i'm sure the investigators will figure it out. well, as a rule, when houses are attacked, especially wealthy people who are quite wealthy in appearance at home. of course, a robbery is planned, a robbery attack, of course, the criminals are collecting information, who lives in the house, who visits, what kind of servants are there, are there any. facilities video surveillance, because this greatly interferes with the criminals, including the fact that they are now counting the amount of stolen goods; it is previously known that at least 1 million rubles worth of cash and jewelry were taken away. galina hungureeva, viktor barmin, nikolai purtov, lead the duty unit. 22 years on air. today our program, vesti duty unit, celebrates its birthday. we receive undisguised congratulations all day long. so
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, from the ministry of internal affairs, the official representative of the department irina personally congratulated us with warm words wolf. in addition, congratulations came from the russian guard, the ministry of emergency situations, the investigative committee and other departments. our team is certainly pleased to be recognized at this level, but no less important is that all these years you, our viewers, have chosen us. we will try to justify your trust in the future. another notorious business guru was caught for tax fraud. this time we are talking about gusein gosanov, the author of the millionaire thinking course. what exactly was gosanov thinking about? it’s unclear, but apparently, it’s definitely not about taxes. word to andrey romanov. on the background premium foreign car with a heap of mobile phones in his hands, another internet figure opens an attraction of unprecedented generosity. in honor of 30 million subscribers, i will give away 30.15 iphones to you. the notorious blogger huseyn hasanov is throwing mobile phones around. this video was recorded
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a few days ago, the prank has not happened yet, the hero of the video remains silent. in numerous media, his name flashes every now and then, this is not at all connected with the character’s generosity, on the contrary, the reason is such that casts doubt on gossanov's solvency. the federal tax service filed a lawsuit in the moscow arbitration court with a demand to foreclose on the property of blogger huseyn gasanov for his debts totaling 112 million rubles. this is stated in the court's ruling on accepting the claim for proceedings. most likely, huseyn hasanov has been accumulating debts to the tax authorities for more than one year, at the same time as a blogger. forgetfully boasted of his personal wealth on the internet, this video was recorded several years ago, hasanov demonstrates to the public his fleet of vehicles, his the interlocutors calculate the cost of transport.
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the blogger became famous as an organizer of sometimes cruel and immoral pranks; under his strict guidance, a lady accosts random passers-by, asking for help with transporting a mattress in which a lifeless body is hidden. well, what should i do? well, let's say, heavy, you didn't see anything, did you? i didn’t see anything, so come on, what should we do? what are you talking about, dude? the organizer of this dubious fun watches the process from a safe place. periodically adding your own to the content comments, from this action on the screen, the truth does not become more interesting, after the prank they were replaced by outright hooliganism and violations of the law, in samara gosanov, together
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with his retinue, staged a night drive with shooting from a car window, who fired, the evening ended with a scandal with the security of a nightclub, and he was a hero a blogger behind the broad backs of his security forces, gossanov was deprived of his driver's license several times; he drove around moscow in an suv painted in the colors of the official vehicle of the investigative committee. suddenly the internet bully settled down, began to portray himself as a serious businessman and established his own course, in which he promised to reveal the secrets of wealth. if you don’t move forward a single step, you don’t need to be offended and blame everyone around you. the knowledge that i give i received from my own experience, and was not read in books or bought at popular courses. exactly.
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in court, if you remember the stories of other famous bloggers, it becomes clear that you can’t get away with jokes, for example, valeria chkalina, known on the internet under the nickname lerchik, after tax fraud almost ended up behind bars, the urgent search for money to pay off debts became such a blow for the family business that it ended in divorce. now experts are wondering whether the star family has really broken up or is again muddying the waters in order to preserve part of the property in case of bankruptcy of one of the spouses. meanwhile, husein hasanov is in trouble. it looks like the only thing ahead is the court hearing is scheduled for july 25th. andrey romanov, lead the duty department. chairman of the investigative committee of russia alexander bastrykin appealed to the highest
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qualification board of judges of the russian federation to initiate a criminal case against the chairman of the solntsevsky district court of moscow artyom mateta. here is a supposed photo of the servant themis. according to the law, a judge has a special status. even if law enforcement officers have evidence of his possible involvement in any crime. they cannot detain a judge or make him a defendant in a criminal case; the decision on this is made personally by the head of the investigative committee and members of the all-union commission. what exactly could the security forces suspect mateta of? has not yet been announced, it is known that the fate of the judges will be decided on july 10. and now the operational news, which our editors receive directly from informa feeds, reports that 30 passengers were injured due to severe turbulence on board the booing plane. it is reported that one of the passengers even had to. get out of the luggage rack, the turbulence was so strong, eyewitnesses publish footage, it is known that 10 people were hospitalized with fractures and bruises, it is also known
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that the flight flew from madrid to montevideo, it seems that the weather is now bad for the entire booing corporation; hundreds of relatives of those killed in major plane crashes are unhappy that businessmen can again escape responsibility, and this against the backdrop of the fact that the company’s planes are literally falling apart in the air. from the usa denis davidov. with portraits of those killed by boeing, their loved ones visit the doors of all american authorities. congress, the department of transportation, the civil aviation administration and everyone has one question: why no one answered for the death of 346 passengers. the ministry of justice will offer companies booing to admit guilt in this case, but the families of hundreds of victims who died in these disasters are unhappy with this decision. we are talking about disasters in indonesia and ethiopia, which... happened within a few months of each other 5 years ago. the cause of the tragedy was identified as deficiencies in the autopilot software of the new boeing 737 max. due to a defect, the planes
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went into a tailspin. then the aircraft giant paid a fine of more than $2 billion and promised to fix everything, but this year the manufacturer has questions again. why did a large piece of the boeing 737 max plane break off during flight? leaving a huge hole. a torn fragment of the fuselage from an alaska airlines plane forced the us authorities to take a different look at boeing’s approach to work. minyu believes that the manufacturer lied to the aircraft regulator about the state of affairs in the company. they offer wine. admit by the end of the week or a criminal case will begin, but relatives and lawyers of those killed in plane crashes consider the deal more like a conspiracy. lawyers representing relatives have accused the federal government of preparing another sweetheart recognition deal. faults with boeing. the memory of the 346 innocent people boeing killed demands greater justice than this. if the company admits guilt, it will receive a three-year
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probationary period and work. under the supervision of observers and a fine in the region of 250 million dollars, pennies for boeing, whose ceo receives fabulous money, it is not clear why. how much are you being paid now, mr. calhoun? these are large sums, sir. i'll help you with the answer. $32.8 million a year is your salary, it's up 45% from last year, right? yes, right. why are you being paid that kind of money?
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behind the scenes of american aircraft manufacturing. we have strict standards at boeing, hiring aircraft technicians based on one most important criterion: what they do in their bedrooms. raise your hands, which one of you is gay? great. the video that went viral on us social networks is not that funny. proud to have 15% more gay employees. proportion
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of african americans. they are going to increase it to 20%. boeing has a problem that already goes beyond the boundaries of our planet. this time they are connected with them spaceship star liner. in early june, star liner made its first test flight with a crew on board. a couple of astronauts were supposed to fly to the iss for a week, but they will soon be there for a month. the ship from booing has had breakdown after breakdown, and so far there is no way to return. it was clear that the aircraft giant’s brainchild had problems even before the launch. on...
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the entire operational news feed of legal news in the telegram channels vesti duty units and honest detective. subscribe. and our release is now complete. was in the studio alexander ostakhov. see you. this is a big information evening. we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. look
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into each other's eyes before the fight.


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