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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 2, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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su-27 target fighters. this is the end of the message. we’ll return to the topic later, but for now let’s talk about the situation with fires. over the past 24 hours , it was possible to extinguish 57 outbreaks in 19 regions. this is the latest data from the aviation forest guard. the most difficult situation is in yakutia, more than 180,000 hectares have been covered by fire. on july 1 , a federal emergency regime was introduced in the republic. 74 fires were recorded in the trans-baikal territory. in chukotka, more than 50,000 hectares have been covered by fire and are being extinguished. four fires. almost 5,000 people are involved in the work throughout russia, and more than a thousand are providing assistance to the regions. aviation forest guard workers. two hundred aviation forest protection employees are trying to stop a fire blazing on the territory of two nature reserves in tuva. the fire reached the relict forest. there are more than twenty hearths in the republic. a state of emergency has been declared in the region. daluma andar will tell you how the fight against the elements is going.
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according to current data , there are currently 31 forest fires in the republic. today the temperature in the republic is expected to be 35°c with thunderstorms in places, with squalls from the wind level up to 20 m/s. high fire hazard. firefighters fight for everyone hectare of forest. 19 units of special equipment were involved. also, 30 ulin airborne troops are arriving in the republic, having recalled extinguishing the fire in the trans-baikal territory. it was necessary to contain the fire. but
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st. petersburg is recovering from a hurricane, a powerful wind tore the roofs off buildings, knocked down tower cranes and dozens of trees. one person died, two more were injured. there were restrictions on traffic. dmitry khakimov will talk about the consequences of bad weather. behind me is one of the dozens, if not hundreds, of those knocked down in st. petersburg trees. it was they who took the first blow of the disaster, which lasted just over half an hour, but the consequences of which will now take several days to eliminate. at the beginning , a sandstorm hit the city, the wind reached 31 m/s. and then it started to rain. torn off hats and upside down umbrellas are just a small part of the horror that st. petersburg faced. dozens of cars were damaged. there were no casualties. in the moskovsky district
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of the city, dereva crushed a passer-by to death. previously, the woman went out to take out the trash. only by luck, tragedy is not happened in krasnoye selo. the tree fell a few centimeters from the two women. in the very center of the city on nevsky prospekt, the wind blew away scaffolding. on the outskirts of the city, a construction crane could not withstand the pressure of the elements. bad weather disrupted. decommissioning of electric trains connecting st. petersburg and its suburbs. we boarded trains from the baltic and vitebsky stations late. some trains stopped at intermediate stations, delays reached 2 hours. in pulkovo, a thunderstorm regime was introduced at the airport. the planes could not land and went into other airports. by seven in the evening it began to seem that the weather in the city was beginning to improve, the sun came out.
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the wind picked up again, and the sky was covered with clouds. city authorities are calling on st. petersburg residents in extreme need not to go out, because the hurricane may continue until the morning of july 2. dmitry akimov, news from st. petersburg. and now to the special operation zone, where the crew of the strela-10 anti-aircraft complex, the northern group of troops, destroyed another drone. scout. this is the daily combat work of short -range air defense units, they follow the crews artillery, protect guns and personnel from air strikes. and to do this, they scan the sky using their alien system, recognize the target, then accompany and destroy the object. the main targets that were destroyed by me personally were the valkyrie and the fury. the operator launches the missile and the missile goes
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behind the target for further destruction. in turn, in autonomous mode , the area of ​​the staromaisky fortification of the armed forces of ukraine is already being stormed by fighters of the russian group vostok forces. our military literally ride into enemy positions on motorcycles and quickly gain a foothold on place. sergei samokha saw how the rapid attack took place. from a military point of view , this is outright insolence. in broad daylight, across open terrain, attack prepared enemy positions. but the assault squad on motorcycles is getting closer and closer.
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page in the development of military tactics, compare to cavalry attacks, attack aircraft quickly rush into the enemy’s formation on motorcycles, a motorcycle group, these are our guys whom we trained, they simply boldly, brazenly completed this task, drove straight into staromaiskoye, flew straight into the trenches on motorcycles, that is there was no rear one, the guys immediately went for an assault and that was it, and accordingly, a group on foot from behind was already finishing off some fighters, the idea of ​​storming enemy trenches on... motorcycles did not come immediately. initially, motorcycles were used to deliver ammunition, food and water to the front line, but then it turned out that the vehicles could quite easily cross the front line and go behind enemy lines. thus a new tactic was born. as a result, attack aircraft of the vostok group from primorye gained a foothold in
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staromayrsky in just 40 minutes. enemy at times he did not understand where the fire was coming from. they drove straight to the rear, the enemy was shooting at us again. but he did not know that ours were already inside, the enemy was shooting, not knowing that my fighter was standing behind him, when the enemy fired, one shot, even this was not noticeable, and so we killed 25 enemy soldiers, five of my fighters, developed and the attack aircraft commander with the call sign soval competently applies the new tactics, it turned out to be so successful that along the other front line they are already trying to copy it, this applies to the enemies, no matter how... it happens, i have my handwriting i always change it, don’t let them think that by teaching in my handwriting, they can become so old. as a rule, having reached the position, the motorcycle is simply abandoned on the side of the road, some of them serve the medics who take the wounded from the front line. he evacuated the wounded man on his
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shoulders, he was strapped, he taped him to himself and evacuated him on a motorcycle, with the rear wheel they ran into a petal and... the effective use of motor vehicles, the unit already has a new task, but where will they unexpectedly appear next time? not disclosed. sergey samokh, oleg sokolshchuk, lead. and now let’s return to the first topic of the issue, this is footage of the mirgorod airfield in the poltava region, video from objective cameras. controls are published by the russian ministry of defense, as reported in our military department, a strike from the iskander operational-tactical missile system destroyed five ukrainian su-27 multirole fighters at once. two more were under repair and were damaged.
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ukraine may face default as early as august. a group of creditors demands payments on the national debt and is not ready to make a significant reduction bond prices. find out what the consequences will be. good morning, they want to reduce it by 60%. ukraine is unable to reach an agreement with creditors on debt restructuring; on august 1, the moratorium on payments, which have been in effect since 2020, expires; if a deal cannot be agreed upon, the country will face a default, warns the economist magazine. in the absence of a deal, ukraine has two options: the first is to agree to extend the moratorium on debt servicing, as has already been done with state creditors who will refrain from payment requirements until 2027. the other is default. this may seem radical, but
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in reality there is not much difference between the scenarios. in any case, payments from ukraine will not resume. a group of investment companies, including one of the largest, is demanding that interest payments be resumed. in the world, american black rock, they have a fifth of the country's eurobonds worth $20 billion, they want to receive up to $500 million a year, most: the likely scenario is that ukraine will still start paying, and firstly, it's internal pressure from internal, as it were, holders of ukrainian securities, on the other hand, this is the risk that in the event of a default, ukraine will no longer receive money from the imf, and secondly, from those holders, as it were, of securities who are oriented towards the imf, ukraine will receive money won't get it either. in kiev they proposed restructuring.
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that is, print hryvnia, use this hryvnia to buy dollars and euros on the domestic market of ukraine, and pay external creditors with these dollars and euros, that is, the direct path in this case has been drawn to the devaluation of the hryvnia, which will lead to further unification of the population and degradation of the ukrainian economy. without this, ukraine is catastrophically short of money. according to world bank calculations , it will go bankrupt next year if western countries refuse to write it off. debts, but so far they continue to grow, now exceeding $150 billion, and the budget deficit this year
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is expected to be 21% of gdp. without additional financial injections, ukraine cannot service the public debt, which is already close to almost 100% of gdp, at the country's leadership will be under pressure to sell at a discount the most and most profitable mineral deposits, or certain lands that represent the strategic interests of state corporations and companies with state participation. during the first half of the year, the ukrainian budget received almost $14 billion in foreign aid. the largest donors were the european union, japan, canada and the imf. at the same time, the international monetary fund last week approved another tranche of 2.4 billion. mechanism extended lending, thus, through it kiev received more than 7.5 billion. over the 4
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years of this program, external financing could amount to 122 billion dollars in the base scenario and 141 in the negative one. this is a credit pit from which there is no longer any escape, and this situation was clear from the very beginning, and the current leadership and the previous one after the fourteenth year, in fact, this is the same thing, it does not change anything, it deliberately led. the country is precisely for this, this is not a bad implementation of good ideas, it is an excellent implementation of the vile goals of the task, in which well, the population in the territory controlled by kiev remains the most extreme and affected. however, the assistance of foreign donors is not only not endless, but also not selfless. kiev's budget plan envisaged an almost two-fold drop in western funding by 1927 and a significant devaluation of the hryvnia. in turn , the international monetary fund has worsened the forecast for ukraine's gdp; this year it may add
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from 2.5 to 3.5% instead of the 3.2 that was previously expected, and next year 5.5% instead of 6.5. ukraine is going to save primarily on citizens, so the government proposes to refuse to increase the minimum wage and the cost of living for the next 3 years, but military spending will also have to be reduced. sasha, they will begin to decline sharply in 2026 . thank you, sasha, it was alexandra nazarova, she spoke about the debt problems of ukraine. now let's start with a short advertisement, then move on to international topics. subscribe to sberpray. more cashback categories to choose from.
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we continue broadcasting. israeli. 2735, adopted by the security council at the initiative of the united states, was not implemented and it is still unclear what the final parameters of the proposal are and whether the parties agreed to accept it.
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the british postal service is unable to deliver ballots to polling stations before polling day. parliamentary elections are already on thursday and the process is in jeopardy. the ruling party with prime minister rishi sunak faces a crushing defeat. this is the experts' forecast. their.
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my name is theresa may, i'm here to support luke graham, the conservative candidate, if you're not at home, i'm i'll attach a flyer to the door. but the british have not forgotten that these are anti-russian sanctions that have led to a rapid rise in prices, they also remember the chaos of the pandemic, a series of corruption scandals, and the criminal flow of illegal immigrants has not yet stopped, so few people believe the conservatives, even a seemingly win-win promise does not help, massive tax cuts. that's why the tories mostly throw mud at their competitors in their election videos. here, for example, is a video dedicated to migrants. conservatives say labor will throw out the red carpet for illegal immigrants right away
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on the banks of the lomanche. the entire company of sunak’s party is built on a simple thesis. yes, we failed, but under labor it will be even worse. i know that you are disappointed in me, disappointed in our party. we didn't do everything right, we made mistakes. i hear your indignation. the economy works for everyone. opponents also accuse each other of having ties to russia. sunok said: the kremlin allegedly dreams of tory’s defeat because labor
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will cut defense spending, and therefore aid to ukraine. in response, conservatives they called for a start to account for the huge amounts of money allegedly received from russian businessmen. nigel farage, the leader of the reform uk party, was also targeted; judging by the polls, she will take away many votes from the torah. pre-election.
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despite the fact that the water is gradually receding, 150 houses are flooded, several settlements are completely cut off from the world, rescuers are delivering food and medicine there. maria yezhevskaya has all the details. the high water has begun to recede, but not yet in all areas of dalnereschensk. about 200 houses found themselves flooded, people continue to defend themselves against the elements. they make embankments for their housing to prevent floods from flowing into the streets. there, in general, the water came in. through this riverbed and there it exploded, that’s where the blue fence was, everything poured down the float on the two-story building, well, it started pouring, we started pouring it there and on the other side, in general, we also poured
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the soil, that is... and we’ve got water they stopped here. on kamenushka street in the area of ​​the sawmill and woodworking plant. in the center of dalnerechenskaya the situation remains difficult. now they are transferring here motor pumps, ferries for transporting people and food are operating. rescuers have already pumped out more than a million cubic meters of water at the request of citizens. there are 12 people in temporary accommodation centers, including: this is about 700 kits handed over to victims of flooding, a whole week, which means no rain, i hope that during this time everything will go away, well, we will take all measures to provide targeted assistance to people whose houses were damaged, such instructions were given to the administration of the city of dalnerechensk, they
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work after the water receded now... dersu in krasnoarmeisky district and the village of alon in the pozharsky district. boat crossings are organized for residents. maria izhevskaya, leading primorye. in our country, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a folk one, we love traditions, we honor our history. and we admire how
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the country is blossoming, there are even more achievements ahead of us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition, we got used to watching videos online, it stopped working, we install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons. educational programs and documentaries movies, watch, watch in the app or on the website.
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in moscow 9:29 and further briefly about the main thing. 57
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fires covering an area of ​​650 hectares were extinguished in russia over the past 24 hours. the most difficult situation is in yakutia, where fire has already destroyed more than 180,000 hectares. a federal emergency regime is in effect in the republic. the trans-baikal territory and chukotka are also burning. across russia , almost 5,000 people are fighting the fire. in st. petersburg, the consequences of the storm are being eliminated. in some areas, wind gusts reached 31 m/s. this was accompanied by heavy rain. with several. the roof of the building was torn off, a tower crane collapsed, dozens of trees were broken, one person was killed, and two more were injured. new tactics of the russian military in the staromaisky area: enemy positions are stormed on motorcycles, swift and effective attacks complement the actions of our assault troops. with the help of two-wheeled vehicles, wounded comrades are also evacuated and weapons and provisions are delivered to the front line.


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