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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 2, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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viktor orban arrived in kiev and the main topic of his meeting with zelensky was the possibility of achieving peace. what is the likelihood of success for orbán’s mission and can hungary play the role of mediator? the russian orbital station will be fully ready by 2033. the schedule was approved today by roscosmos. work on the ground to create the first modules is already in full swing. and let's start with the situation with fires in russia. over the past 24 hours, it was possible to extinguish 57 outbreaks in 19 regions. this is the latest data from the security air forest. the most difficult situation in yakutia, more than 180 thousand hectares burned. since july 1, a federal emergency regime has been in effect in the republic. 74 fires have been recorded in the trans-baikal territory; in chukotka, more than 50 thousand hectares have been covered by fire, and four fires are being extinguished. work is taking place all over russia.
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due to forest fires, a state of emergency at the federal level was introduced, how critical is the situation at the moment, what area is covered in fire, and now how close has the fire gotten to populated areas? our situation is, of course, not simple, we have the federal emergency was introduced according to the criteria that have been in effect in our country for several years, that is , i have declared a regional emergency regarding forest fires for more than seven years. ago, but due to the fact that
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the situation remains steadily tense, we , on the recommendation of rosleskhoz, went to the government commission with a proposal to order a federal emergency situation, and yesterday the government commission approved our proposal and made this decision, this will help us more quickly attract forces specifically federal reserve and more, let's say, maneuver more quickly the same reserves that are available. federal structures, as of today we have 102 active fires, as of this morning, over the last 3 days we have significantly reduced the number of fires, we had 180 active fires on june 20 to june 28, thanks to the actions of the aerial forest protection of all forest fire associations, with great difficulty indeed people in many ways who work courageously, there were...
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several large fires were extinguished, now the fire area, of course, is several tens of thousands of hectares, but only these fires that are operating, about 350,000 hectares have been covered, and we localized about 116,000 hectares of fires from them, and the largest fire we had was in the tamponsky district, it was localized over an area of ​​over 112,00 hectares, as for populated areas... we have a direct threat today there are no economic facilities, no settlements, at the same time, we have 12 settlements located within a fifteen-kilometer, let’s say, fifteen-kilometer distance from eleven fires, and accordingly, all these fires are serviced, we have today in general, 40 fires are being serviced, i repeat once again, there is a direct threat for... 15 km,
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there are also water bodies, a number of mineralized strips have already been laid, but at the same time, now, of course, we have in the south-west, features that are extremely hot weather at 35-38°, and of course, we haven’t had precipitation in these areas for a long time, of course, this leads to the appearance of... the so-called dry thunderstorms, and dozens of new thunderstorms appear every day, which we extinguish , we are fighting with fire, at the same time, the situation today is quite enough serious, quite tense, aleksan sergeevich, these are the difficult weather conditions that you just mentioned, did all the fires arise solely due to natural causes, due to dry thunderstorms, abnormally hot weather, or is it possible in some cases... human factor 95% of the fires
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that we have today, and generally have been this season, are, unfortunately, a natural phenomenon. which we cannot influence; at the same time, the peculiarity is that at the beginning of the season there were cases of human influence, but now, unfortunately there is a fire that was discovered on june 28 in the alekminsky district and extinguished on the same day on an area of ​​over 2 hectares, unfortunately, when the check was completed, an unextinguished fire was found at the epicenter, but what came from the fire was isolated of course, there are cases, well, we have such cases. are identified, although our taiga is large, but at the same time it is clear who was where during these days, then all administrative measures are applied to violators , including even criminal liability, maybe people have various problems. and
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what restrictions are currently in force for residents of yakutia? well, due to the fact that we have now declared an emergency situation with forest fires in most areas. access to the forest is limited, no fire activities can be carried out in the forests, starting from the lighting of fires, the ministry of emergency situations monitors this, patrol and raid activities are carried out, well, our people already understand everything quite well, so there are no such flagrant violators, but now we don’t have much to do in the forests; as they say, the berries have not yet ripened, the snow harvest is just about to begin and people... are going out there en masse, so there is really nothing for people to do in the forests now, so we have quite strict restrictions in this area. now , after the introduction of a state of emergency at the federal level, do you have enough resources to keep under control the fires that
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are currently active and prevent them from approaching populated areas and economic facilities? uh, today we employ about one and a half thousand fire extinguishers human. of which 600 people are forces brought in by the federal air forest protection and forest protection of other regions, i would like to take this opportunity to express gratitude to my colleagues for the fact that despite the difficult situation for many of them, they found an opportunity there somewhere 20 people where - 30 people are sent to extinguish fires here in yakutia, and in total a group from outside the region of about 600 people operates about 70 pieces of equipment of the most varied widely at ...
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the temperature in certain regions of the republic, now, due to the fact that the weather is not helping you now, you said it’s rising to +38 , what are the forecasts and is there a possibility that you might have to resort to artificial ones? precipitation, uh, yes, we artificially cause rain, we cause it from the very beginning of the season and thanks to this, in many areas we managed to reduce the fire danger class, in particular the northern areas, the kolyma group of districts, where quite recently there were very serious fires , as
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a result, including the impact of sounding aircraft - such large serious good rains have passed, now the fire danger class there is practically... already reduced to normal, and from there we have, on the contrary, transferred the central part to the southern part, so our sounding planes are working, the main thing is that we have cloud cover, that’s if it’s clear sky, then yes , by plane, unfortunately, there is nothing to cause rain from, yeah, yes, but let’s hope that the situation in the atmosphere will still develop in such a way as to help the air forest protection service put out fires on the territory of yakutia, but that what is the current situation in the republic? we spoke live with the head of yakutia aisen nikolaev. aisen sergeevich, thank you. now a short advertisement, then we will continue the release. stay with us. you don't eat
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now it’s definitely delicious. vladimir putin approved a list of instructions following a meeting of the supervisory board of the agency for strategic initiatives, which took place on may 22. on the kremlin website. the president, in particular , instructed the government to approve the strategy for the sustainable development of the priozov region until 2040, extend the implementation of the national technology initiative, ensure the implementation of the social capital standard for business, and by 2030 ensure the holding of ipos of at least 10 russian high-tech companies. another point concerns the organization of an annual award for the implementation of socially significant initiatives. asi will do this together with roscongress. and regions, and today a list
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of the president’s instructions on healthcare development was published on the kremlin website. the government, in particular , should by mid-august present a proposal to strengthen the responsibility of federal officials and governors for implementing the president’s decisions in the field of medical care. another instruction concerns the endowment of national medical chamber with additional powers. by august, the ministry of health should consider the issue of attracting moscow. not and urgent pediatric trauma surgery to provide assistance to children injured as a result of military operations and terrorist attacks, and the all-russian popular front should continue annual monitoring. to implement presidential decisions related to the provision of medical care. the head of roscosmos, yuri borisov, approved the work schedule for the creation of a new russian orbital station. according to the plan, the deployment of the station on the orbit is planned to be carried out from 2027 to 2033 . the construction itself, let me remind you, is already
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underway, the first modules are being assembled on the ground. he will tell you about the stages of construction of the station that is supposed to replace the iss.
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production of ros modules, but also flight tests, creation of launch vehicles and new ground infrastructure. the new station is a new step in the development of manned astronautics, everything will be new here, a new cosmodrome from which it will be launched, this is the carrier, a new manned transport spacecraft, and a new station, it will have a new orbit that allows 100% coverage of the territory of russia, which is also very important, it will be a permanent laboratory for testing all technical and technological innovations, very important experiments related to the creation of new materials and
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medicines will be carried out there. today, the dates for the appearance of ros, approved by the launch schedule, were announced. the first scientific and energy module is planned for 2027, then within 3 years they intend to launch three more modules into orbit , together with the first they will form the core of the stations, from 2030, with the advent of the gateway module , it will be possible to send astronauts to the station; by 2033, the station will be expanded with two more target modules. the main challenge is the very volume of work that needs to be done in a limited time, because the scale...
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accessible to foreign guests, roscosmos is open to international cooperation. anna voronina, igor kuznetsov, andrey nikolaev, daria leonova, news. and now for the weather news, on the russian plain, the intense heat will continue throughout the working week. the air may warm up in the moscow region up to +36. when will the heat reach its peak and can the cargo clouds that caused the storm in st. petersburg reach the central regions? we learn about this from ekaterina grigorova, she joins us on air. katya, greetings again, are we expecting a temperature record in moscow today? yes, today the record for the day, which still belonged to 1890, may be updated. moscow is melting from the heat again today. any minute now there will be observational data for 12 hours. and so far we know that already at 9 am at the vdnkh base weather station the thermometer showed +29°. in
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in the city center on balchiga at the same observation period +30. now there is a difference in temperature in different areas. city ​​reaches almost 6°. weather sensors installed near the parks show +28-29°. in industrial areas, on highways with dense buildings, the air has already heated up to 34°. due to the abnormal heat , an orange level of weather danger has been declared in the capital region. against the backdrop of abnormal weather in the north of moscow , a fire occurred on one of the faulty taps; presumably, due to the heat, electrical equipment on the ground shorted out diesel engine cooling. power plants from falling sparks, but the greater danger is a sudden change in weather when a cold front makes its way into an overheated city, as was the case yesterday in st. petersburg. monday on the banks of the niva began with bad weather. it was very hot during the day, and a storm raged in the evening. the ministry of emergency situations warned st. petersburg residents about an impending thunderstorm, but it was not the weather that still took many by surprise. a squally wind rose sharply,
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rain also suddenly poured down, in some places with hail, thunder roared in the sky, lightning flashed. after rain, the temperature in the northern capital dropped to 18°. and new videos of yesterday’s hurricane in st. petersburg continue to appear on the internet; in these frames, a girl is knocked down by a suitcase caught by the wind. she fell on the asphalt and broke her face; passers-by helped her. the help of doctors was also required for a man, a security guard, on whom a fence fell while he was walking around the territory. hundreds of trees were blown down in the city by the wind, and there were casualties. as a result of the hurricane in st. petersburg, three people died, including an eleven-year-old child. before the storm the air in st. petersburg heated up to a record temperature of +33.2, but after the rain, i repeat, it got colder to +18. the contrast between the cool air that the cyclone brought with it and the hot tropical air filling the russian plain is simply colossal, which is why the weather change in st. petersburg was so stormy, the cyclone
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will continue to move north, bending around the anticyclone. with this arrangement of atmospheric vortices, the heat will continue to intensify. on the western periphery of the anticyclone a steady south wind blows, with with which the tropical heat moves further and further north, and the absence of clouds, the hot sun, all this warms the air. to record temperatures. we noted several points on the western periphery of the siberian and european anticyclones, where meteorological statistics were updated yesterday. in transbaikalia +34.1, in the irkutsk region 37.1, north of krasnoyarsk - 35.4. in pskov - 34.3. on the shores of the sea of ​​azov - 35.6. in the central region the temperature yesterday exceeded +32. well, today in moscow the air will warm up to 33. even for july this is abnormal heat, the norm is exceeded by almost 10°, a repetition or update of the temperature record of 1890 is possible, that is
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, such heat on july 2 has not occurred in 134 years, and that’s not all, in the next 2 days new temperature records are possible in moscow, only in weekend, the heat in the capital will subside, and the temperature will return to the climatic norm, and it’s really hot everywhere, at the western borders of russia in siberia, at the southern ones, and... wait a minute about temperature records with a plus sign , ekaterina grigorova told. the federal tax service of russia launched more than 70 interactive services for taxpayers. digitalization and other priorities for the development of the tax system were discussed today by deputy prime minister dmitry grigorenko at a meeting with the leadership of the federal tax service. nika yankovay is working at the scene of the event. nika, greetings, what are the goals facing the federal tax service now? yes. greetings, well, the federal tax service is the leader in the digital implementation of digital technologies among government departments, this was stated by the deputy prime minister , chief of staff
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government dmitry grigorenko, he held a meeting with the leadership of the federal tax service and told each other about the goals and tasks facing the service, the most important of which is the further digitalization of tax administration, in particular for different categories of taxpayers already... more than 70 interactive services are operating, the largest is a line of personal accounts; over the past year, the number of active users of such accounts almost reached 55 million people; the same taxpayer personal account exists today almost every taxpayer has it in their mobile phone and we don’t even think about it, although if we remember how taxes were paid 10-15 years ago. it means that for this it was necessary to do, how many times there was not even to press a button, and how many times to go somewhere, fill out something, young taxpayers don’t even know what it is in principle, it once was, they just
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think that this is an absolutely natural process, when you pay taxes, federal tax the service continues to actively work to create a comfortable business environment, so the business start service was recently launched, which allows entrepreneurs , including novice entrepreneurs, to open their own business, in particular, not only register a company, but also obtain a digital signature and open a bank account, but at the same time it is important that there is feedback from taxpayers, dmitry grigorenko especially emphasized this, this will improve the quality of services, he also spoke about the emphasis that place within the framework of the service development strategy, in quality. the main accents that i would like to draw attention to, the first emphasis is, of course, we would like to discuss today how the service part of the tax service today corresponds to those
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realities, in general to those for... day after all, requests from citizens are not but we understand perfectly well that today, receiving some kind of separate service is for a complex life situation. reducing the administrative burden on... conscientious taxpayers is an important area of ​​work the federal tax service, in terms of on-site inspections, their number has decreased noticeably over the past year; if, for example, in 2022 there were more than 10 thousand such inspections, then in the twenty-third the number decreased to less than 5,500. the head of the federal tax service, daniil egorov, spoke in more detail about the dynamics. we are focusing on relieving both
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taxpayers and us. from heavy burdensome procedures, this, of course, primarily includes on-site tax audits, and here it is quite possible to talk about that the numbers speak for themselves, if we are talking about what happened that year, then our year is the minimum number of on-site inspections in the entire history of monitoring, these are 5,400 inspections, you remember, once it was about 300,000 checks per year, in terms of tax deductions, they... have also increased noticeably, if earlier the procedure took about 4 months, now it is only 6-7 days, but we should not forget that digital services contain a large amount of personal confidential information , which means their safety is a high priority, and of course this should not be forgotten, the federal tax service continues to work on this, daria, thank you, nika yankova was in direct contact with the studio.
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let's take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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one person was killed and six were injured in a gas explosion in an apartment building in bashkiria. sterletam, two children were among the victims. a rescuer evacuated 80 residents from a nine-story building. an operational headquarters has been set up at the scene of the incident. according to the city administration , the explosion occurred on the second floor, presumably due to careless handling during the repair of gas equipment. the windows and doors in the apartments were broken in the house, and the entrance area was damaged. investigators opened a criminal case under the article on the provision of services that do not meet the requirements.


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