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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 2, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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aircraft plant, the state corporation rostec has already transferred almost a dozen modified mi-8s to the federal ministry of emergency situations. recently, such a helicopter was greeted by neighbors in the murmansk region. the filling is domestically produced, and the technical design allows you to complete the most complex tasks. what is unique is that now the auxiliary unit itself warms up the air ducts everywhere in all transmissions, that is, it starts the unit itself, warms up all the engine units, that is, there is no winter maintenance, the helicopter is distinguished by improved thermal insulation hull, and a beginner can reliably hover in the air and land where they would not risk it before, for example, on an ice floe, it is also important that due to additional fuel tanks the aircraft can stay for 7 hours.
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without refueling in the air and cover over 1500 km. powerful searchlights will also show the way, the operating range is up to 300 m, and a special navigation system will allow you to determine the location of the helicopter, even if communication with the satellite is lost. in addition, there is also a built-in thermal imager that can detect and search for people in the forest, as well located on the water surface, there is also this illumination here, night illumination, that is, when flying at night, they can. the so -called night vision goggles, that is , all the backlight is turned off and it goes into the infrared range, night vision goggles are a voluminous accessory, as it turns out, they come with a helmet, it’s heavy, i tested it myself, it’s a pity, in white nights there is no functionality check, but on polar days it will be a real scanner of taiga forests, the human eye cannot see much of it, no wires are visible, there are some kind of constrictions some, maybe i can even see a bear running in the forest, for example, yes.
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the helicopter will solve problems not only with the search and evacuation of people, but with the delivery of rescuers to hard-to-reach areas, and will also help in extinguishing natural fires, it is equipped with a drainage device, if such a need arises... fires threaten populated areas, of course, we will use this helicopter. by the end of the year, the region's emergency situations ministry will have another helicopter, and we will soon see this new recruit in the sky on training flights. demand is growing in russia for country houses, mortgages are available, benefits, special protective accounts for the safety of clients’ money, all this helps the development of the industry. how is individual housing construction being promoted and what new measures for this will soon come into effect? watch anna lazareva's special report.
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the vasiliev family, elena nikolai, and their two children live in nizhny novgorod, but have long dreamed of moving to nature, they even chose a place, the ancient village of nikola pogost. boys love nature, our older ones like to do wood carving, and our younger ones loves the land, he loves to grow everything that can be grown, but for a long time they didn’t dare to start construction, they were afraid that the contractor might deceive him, take the money and not finish the house, but then we found out about the spark protection accounts, as if all doubts would dissolve, that’s of course the most important thing is safe, it lies in a separate account only... after completion
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of construction, all funds will be transferred to the developer. a mortgage was taken out from a bank in the russian federation under a contract with spark accounting at 5%. and in 3 months the family will move to your country house. living in their own home, according to a survey, is the dream of seven out of ten families in russia, what stopped people was the risk of unfinished construction, the fear of losing money and, of course, the lack of an affordable mortgage. banks did not understand the collateral's residual value.
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and the customer knows for sure that he will receive the object in the required time frame, with the required quality, only under this condition the contractor receives the money for which he undertook to build this object. as part of the pilot, about a million square meters of housing will be built, this is more 7.0 households. the benefits for the buyer are obvious; previously they had to look for construction teams themselves; there was no certainty about the timing or quality of work. now everything from project development to delivery of finished housing takes care of itself. one proven contractor, and the money will be protected by that very account from the crow. the borrower puts his funds into a protected account from the crow, and accordingly the contractor does not gain access to it; he builds with borrowed funds that he receives from the bank, at only 1%, already upon the fact of construction,
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when he signed the acceptance for transfer with a citizen, he receives funds into his account. in addition, the house of the russian federation, together with rossstandart, the agency for low-rise cottage construction, approved the national one. it will begin to operate on august 1, but it can be applied now, it is based on the best practices, so anyone can evaluate the quality of a home and its energy efficiency according to the standard, choosing a trusted contractor is now also easy, using the super service we are building more than 100 companies up to omrf, plus 1,500 ready-made ones projects. you can apply for construction right from your sofa and choose a mortgage program, including preferential ones. banks undertake the search for reliable contractors. this is a very important part of the process, because we must be sure that the contractor really plans to fulfill his obligations in good faith, whether there are any ongoing legal proceedings, whether there are any complaints, whether he has work experience. since the beginning of the year, domr bank has already issued loans for
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individual residential buildings in the amount of 13.5 billion rubles. the top most active regions include moscow, samara, rostov, sverdlovsk, nizhny novgorod, tyumen and leningrad. krasnodar region, tatarstan and bashkiria. in may alone, we received about 400 applications for the construction of a private house. compared to the previous month, the increase in applications was 40%. of these, 10% were accounted for by iskra's protective accounts. dumrf bank was the first on the market to issue secure mortgages for individual housing construction using accounts, providing its clients with a one percentage point discount. back in the twentieth year , lending to izh in the country.
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its protection is worth the state, for the developer, this is an opportunity to realize so much that the project will be completed, that it is protected, on large-scale, such a large project with all the necessary infrastructure and attract a larger number of potential buyers. with project financing. does not allow the developer to save on infrastructure. these are central utilities that will be connected to each house. this will be the presence of social facilities, such as a school, kindergarten, clinic. this is important for most buyers of such housing. according to surveys,
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73% of them would like to move into a ready-made country house, rather than live on a construction site. now in russia there are already seven similar projects of low-rise residential complexes in five. regions of the country, as a result, about 800 private houses will appear; the next important step after the pilot programs is the widespread introduction of sparks in the private construction segment. a package of bills, developed on the instructions of the president, enshrining this mechanism, passed the first reading in parliament. well, all that remains is to restore order here, establish the rules of the game, that is, spark accounts as an effective mechanism, we need to completely eliminate all legal ones there. inaccuracies, which were, the concept is clear, here is the second, third reading, i think that if not in this session in the summer, then by the fall the state duma will adopt, the law should already be in effect, this whole set of measures that the house of the russian federation is implementing should give people the opportunity to get comfortable and affordable suburban housing,
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choose online ready-made and well-thought-out projects, trusted contractors, a suitable mortgage, enjoy benefits and be calm about the safety of your invested money. well, now some footage from the presidential press service. alexandrevich, gazprom showed good results for last year, record sales revenue, yes, in the entire history of the company’s existence there are 3.5 trillion rubles, and the trouble is 1.3 trillion, which is good, these are capital investments, how much do you have over 570 billion rubles.
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improve our financial performance, and of course allows us to increase tax deductions to the budget. based on the results of work in the first quarter, we increased tax deductions by 57%. to the indicators of the first quarter of twenty-third, well, i just said that the company is working stable, but we certainly set ourselves the task of not only working stably, but also actively developing, with an investment program being implemented for this purpose, in production in april we put into commercial operation the third block of the ulenguy field, a number of large fields are being developed in the arctic in eastern siberia, a very important area of ​​work for us is the development of technologies
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for increasing and developing hard-to-recover reserves; in the share of the mining company , hard-to-recover reserves are now already 65%, almost 70%, this is a very important area of ​​work, and of course, refining is also a very important area of ​​work, we are completing a full-scale modernization, last year we completed the modernization of the omsk oil refinery - this is the largest oil refinery in our country, 21 million tons of refining , at the moment this is essentially a new oil refinery with a processing depth of 99%, well, 90% of the installations are already new installations, well, next year we will complete a full-scale modernization of the moscow oil refinery plant, accordingly, the depth will also reach 99%, well, with... we are carrying out modernization, we are not only increasing the volume, and certainly expanding the line of petroleum products that we
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produce, but at the omsk oil refinery we already produce more than a thousand types of various petroleum products from motor fuels to lubricants , bituminous materials, needle coke for metallurgists, these are also catalysts, and these are petrochemical products, but if we talk about the industry as a whole, then... over the last 25 years the industry has really made a real a breakthrough in its development, production increased by 65%, during this time, this allowed the russian federation to return to the number of leading countries, oil producers and play an important role in ensuring the stability of the world market, and of course, this growth was ensured by including technological development, which made it possible to develop... the gas province in the barctic, eastern siberia, and of course, of course, this is also the fascination with hard-to-recover
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reserves, which i said, accordingly, for this work it is necessary, we need special materials, special equipment, technologies, a lot has been done during this time, we have all the technologies to work both in new regions, work in new regions, provinces, respectively, it has its own specifics, and, accordingly, to work with hard-to-recover reserves require new technologies, equipment and digital technologies, respectively, all this is available, i know that your company a... pays great attention, i have already said this, to the use of the latest technologies, the latest solutions, including including digital ones, here’s what you use, what gives you the greatest return, what makes you happy, especially after using these modern technologies, what you would like to pay attention to as the most
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promising areas, the oil industry, industry, intensive science, etc. in order not to... find, extract and process, thousands of technologies are needed, thousands of different types of equipment are needed, exactly 1,400 types of basic equipment that are needed for this, in principle, each type of equipment is important, i want to say that if we talk about machine builders and russian oil companies, then during this time we have done a lot of work to achieve import independence, ensure technological... independence, at the moment, if we talk about the shortage of some equipment, then this is only 200 items, 1,200 items is that the work that has been done in recent years, in principle, every technology, type of equipment that we have learned to produce, we can be proud of this, we set ourselves the task of the twenty- seventh year, accordingly this deficit
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eliminate and will, accordingly, completely, as far as track equipment is concerned... we are independent of import taxes and completely independent technologically in terms of equipment, there is this small dependence, but by the twenty-seventh year it will be eliminated, this will not only allow us to achieve technological independence, but it will give additional orders for our machine builders, we estimate the volume of these additional orders at 1 trillion rubles. and of course digital technologies are very important, they can significantly increase efficiency work with hard-to-recover reserves. so with ordinary traditional reserves, we use them throughout the entire value chain, from geological exploration, production, processing and sales, respectively, well, these were the footage of the meeting between vladimir putin and the head of gazpromneft, alexander dyukov. well , now there is new data on the progress of the special operation, as reported by the ministry of defense, a unit
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of the russian military group west has taken more advantageous positions near three settlements in the lpr and the kharkov region. and the fighters. vostok groups caused defeat of the ukrainian armed forces and equipment in the urozhayny area. this is the donetsk people's republic. during the day, our air defense forces also shot down six british -made stormshadow cruise missiles, a hammer guided bomb, an american haimars missile and more than 80 drones. in addition, nine ukrainian aircraft were hit. and new footage of the destruction of ukrainian positions near the village of vyimka - this is the seversk direction of the special military operation. they work there.
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create embankments to protect their homes from flood, despite the fact that the water
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is gradually receding, 150 houses are flooded, and some villages are now completely unreachable, as a result, food and medicine are delivered there to be saved. in more detail, the large water began to recede, but not yet in all areas of dalnereschensk, about 200 houses were flooded and people continue to defend their homes against the elements, making embankments to prevent floods from flowing on the street, there, in general, the water entered through this bed and there it exploded, that’s where the blue fence is, everything poured down the float onto the two-story buildings, well, it started to fill, we started pouring it out there on the other side in general and... we pumped it out at the request of the townspeople, at points
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with more than a million cubic meters of water, rescuers are already temporarily housing 12 people, including six children, for those who were unable to leave their homes, they are delivering more than 8.5 tons of food, which is about 700 sets, have been donated to flood victims. a whole week, which means no rain, i hope that during this time everything will go away, well, we will take all measures to provide targeted assistance to people whose houses were damaged, such instructions have been given administration of the city of dalnerechensk, they will begin organizing this work in the near future after the water recedes. today, in the north of primorye, due to heavy rains, and transport links remain cut off, the villages of dalniy kut, novokreshchenko and dersov krasnoarmeisky. district and the village of alon in the pozharsky district , boat crossings have been organized for residents. maria izhevskaya, leading primorye. german chancellor olaf scholz arrived
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in warsaw to visit his colleague donald tusk. on the agenda is the first intergovernmental meeting in 6 years consultations. well, the main topic, as the polish media write, is reparations, which will be announced by the head of the german cabinet. we are talking about hundreds of millions of euros that will be received by 45 thousand people, relatives of those who died at the hands of the third reich in time. occupation payments will be handled by the interethnic reconciliation fund. in addition, the construction of a polish-german house is planned in berlin. i note that the topic of reparations is generally extremely controversial for both countries, even now. some german citizens are strongly opposed. they think that they owe warsaw nothing at all. and the poles, in turn, are unhappy with the very small amount of compensation. the previous prime minister promised to get more than a trillion euros from the germans. but the question is, will they reach an agreement? the british postal service is having trouble delivering ballots. polling stations before voting day, parliamentary elections are already on thursday and the process is in jeopardy, the ruling party with prime minister rish sunk will face a crushing defeat, these are
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expert forecasts, they were studied by anton dadykin. vote lib dem. 3 days before during the parliamentary elections, the leader of the liberal democrats, eth davey, risked his health for the sake of votes. after the old-fashioned jump, the fifty-eight-year-old politician was laid on the floor, much like an economy. the signal that i sent to the people, i'm asking them, many, many of them on thursday to do something they 've never done before, vote for the lib dems, look, i just did something i've never done, to the leader of the ruling , while it’s time for the lishisunoku conservative party to take an example from the liberal democrats, public polls opinions predict a crushing defeat for the tories, their main rival leybarsts will most likely get more than half of the seats based on...
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illegal immigrants, so few people believe the conservatives and the criminal flow has not yet stopped, even the seemingly win-win promise of a large-scale tax cut does not help, therefore, in the tories’ election videos they mostly throw mud at their competitors, for example, a video dedicated to migrants, the conservatives claim that labor will roll out the red carpet for illegal immigrants right on the banks of the lomanche, the whole company of sunak’s party built on a simple thesis, yes, we failed, but under the laborites... it will be even worse, i know that you are disappointed in me, disappointed in our party, we did not do everything right, we made mistakes, i hear your indignation, but when you go
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to the polls on thursday, remember, if you give labor a blank check now, you won't get it back. the laborites, in turn , promise not to raise taxes and hit the conservatives with a big blow. the country is broken, almost nothing works better than at the beginning of the reign. as it should, the economy works for everyone. opponents also accuse each other of having ties to russia. sunok said that the kremlin allegedly dreams of tory’s defeat because labor will cut defense spending, and therefore aid to ukraine. in response, the conservatives were called upon to begin by accounting for the enormous amount of money they allegedly paid. received from russian businessmen. nigel farage, leader of the reform party, also came under attack. judging by the polls, she will take away many votes from tore. farage's election rally over
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the weekend was... torn down using a portrait of vladimir putin, nigel himself said that his opponents use lies all the time to discredit the party. clinton said that our brexit campaign was allegedly financed by russia, after 3 years of litigation, we proved in court that such statements were slander, and now they are back to their old ways. all i know is that there is a tragedy happening in ukraine, and that it actually could have been avoided to some extent. against the background of mutual mud-slinging at each other, election jumping with a rubber rope, the leaders of the liberal democrats are no longer seem overly extravagant, after lying down and went to fight for the votes of latin american dance lovers. anton dadykin, matvey popov, lead.
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the capital is melting. what else is at the front? viktor orban came to kiev for the first time since the beginning of the conflict in ukraine, but will there be a conversation with zelensky about achieving peace, since hungary is against pumping arms into ukraine orban also did not fly to switzerland. is his mission feasible?
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german chancellor scholz in warsaw. the first modules are already being created, and in 3 years the deployment will begin, which will give creation of a station for russian cosmonautics. gazprom neft is increasing production volumes of petroleum products and supplying them to the domestic market, developing large fields in the arctic and eastern siberia by more than 50%, and increased tax deductions in the first quarter, as stated by the head of the company alexander dyukov at a meeting with vladimir putin, president of in turn, he noted that the company is showing good results, what is encouraging is that these are capital investments, how many you have over 500.


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