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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 2, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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we honor our history, value family and strong relationships, admire how the country is blossoming, even more achievements await us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition. this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. another ukrainian brigade of missing persons. kharkov social networks have planned posts about the disappearance of militants from the fifty-seventh motorized infantry that was near volchansk, where did everyone go? they ruin their own lives, being carried out by the chains. earn money that
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turns into treason, how many years they will get self-taught saboteurs, mobilization may leave ukrainians without toilet paper, all because the employees of the kiev kbk were driven to the front, when the pipifax square begins to be sold by linear meters, ukraine is on the verge of default, and zelenskaya is buying a bugatti. where is the photo with a new thing for 4.5 million euros, or is her new car fake? living well in russia is bad for the west. in rusopov's frenzy, youtube is deleting the channels of its own citizens who simply talk about our country. what do the bloggers themselves say about this?
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syrsky refuses to follow orders and will leave to resign due to zelensky’s dissatisfaction, like this, without equivocation or lyrical digressions , the ukrainian media today predict, in their opinion, the inevitable collapse of the current commander-in-chief in the ssu, who, according to a number of banking sources, came into direct conflict with the political leadership of the kiev junta, they say the office of the illegitimate requires not just protracted defensive operations, but new meat assaults. hoping to create a bridgehead for a hypothetical counterattack, but the commander himself is strongly against it, since the huge the losses had already damaged his reputation among his personnel. in general, there is a kind of paradox here, because it is no secret that sirsky , nicknamed general 200, was appointed to lead the army precisely because he does not save manpower and is ready to sacrifice thousands of soldiers, just to maintain the illusion of victory. on the other hand, even if he suddenly became concerned about the statistics on the two hundred, the situation is real.
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the name of the 57th motorized infantry brigade of the armed forces of ukraine comes up constantly, dozens of fighters of different ages see the number 57 everywhere, among not found, but more often among those liquidated. these are images published by kiev propagandists, pictures of how militants act in volchansk, trying to slow down the advance of the north group of troops, and as a result suffering huge losses. these formations were deployed to the most dangerous areas. front in the kharkov region, as long
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as the defense does not crumble. previously, analysts report, the brigade operated near senkovka, as well as in the kislovka kotlerrovka area, these are the settlements, but senkovka, according to armed forces the armed formation reportedly left, suffering huge losses. the battle-worn personnel were transferred to the area of ​​​​the border breakthrough, the acidification of the boiler. thanks to the heroic actions of the russian military, populated areas were liberated... on a collision course, as they say, trying with all their might to stop the advance of our troops in volchansk, it is natural that with this approach to the use of forces, the enemy’s losses now began to be truly exorbitant.
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there have been no known deaths from russian aviation for months now, and here are the lists of the missing are updated daily, dozens from just one brigade, ukrainians, whom the kiev
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command threw to slaughter, trying to patch up the cracks in the kharkov defense, because of such attempts , the third battalion almost completely disappeared in the area of ​​​​the settlement of glubokoye with... inside the armed forces of ukraine with the fact that to send these nationalists to the front in the hottest areas. the military command of square continues to grind down the most prepared formations, simply not being able to let them recover, much less find a replacement for them, and under russian factories drones, artillery,
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there will be more and more missing ukrainians, and we’re not just talking about the fifty-seventh brigade. evgeny nipot and the ghosts of kharkov forests. they tried to counterattack twice, but did not achieve the desired result, well, in the geographically opposite southern sector of the special operation , the new successful actions of our vostok group of forces are clearly visible, whose fighters occupied more advantageous positions; the successes of the dnepr group, which is dismantling enemy ugerprayns on the right bank of the kherson region, from there mikhail’s report andronika. fire, shot! tankers of the eighteenth army, which operates in the kherson direction as part of the dnepr group of troops, are firing at the positions of ukrainian militants on the right bank. the combat vehicle is completely enclosed over
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a construction site made of metal structures, the unusual tank is driven by a senior mechanic of the company with the call sign mozart, before svo he worked as a bus driver, performed in a folk song ensemble, says the defense has more than once rescued vehicles in combat. rare footage of the clearing of enemy strongholds in the village itself, turned into ruins by battles. k activity resistance they provided and plus there were airdrops, mortar work from the island zone, well, as if this did not in any way prevent us from doing our job , doing it well. now in the place where
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this settlement was located, only our observation strongholds are located, all work is carried out on the militants on the opposite bank, remotely. we are rushing through the burnt-out forest in the front-line zone.
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after anastasia has mastered the art of controlling a drone, learns how to repair it and bypass enemy electronic warfare systems, she will join the whole army of our specialists who control any enemy movement on the right bank of the dnieper. mikhail andronik, vladislav mirzayants, the leader of the kherson region, was interrogated by an investigator, then he very likely risks becoming involved in at least an administrative case, as it has become today. we know the new adventure of stepan zemin, who at one time served time for participating in the riots on bolotnaya square
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in moscow, but having been released on parole, it seems he did not draw the necessary conclusions, in fact, here the reason for his detention: why did you get a tattoo in the form of an obscene slogan of the ukrainian nazis about a russian warship, and such a tattoo on your neck under the shaved back of your head simply could not help but attract the attention of law enforcement agencies, people, including guys, offended a lot of people ... including the guys who are now on the co, and i apologize to all of them, i will undertake to bring it together in the near future. it’s difficult to say how sincere the repentance turned out on camera, but what is characteristic is that all kinds of media and agents of zemin actively sympathize, they say they are persecuting him out of the blue for some anti-fascist views, although the character, who is open to the support of the kiev regime, essentially clearly proves the opposite, as... like another hero of today’s crime chronicles named mikhail ishchenko, who, according to the same
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information dumps , received a prison sentence for civil protest, in fact he was punished in full accordance with the law, anton podkovenko will confirm, anton, greetings, greetings, well, this convict’s set of articles is quite remarkable, yes, there is a whole bunch of really criminal articles, including desecration of state symbols, sabotage, no matter what the pretext it is, this is a prison from a broken ... life, but the ukrainian special services, when they recruit performers, assure that they have nothing to do with it it won’t happen, it will happen, for example, mikhail ishchenko, 27 years old, was imprisoned on the basis of the just passed verdict of the khinkinsky court for setting fire to the russian flag and not only, in the fall of that year ishchenko, in a state of alcoholic intoxication, climbed up to the flagpole at the entrance to sports complex in khimki and set trikalor on fire, this is not only an outrage against state symbols, but also hooliganism. motivated by political hatred is also a criminal offense, and it was also established that ishchenko was going to join the ranks of neo-nazis,
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sentenced to 10 years behind bars. ishchenko, apparently, is an initiative person, that’s what they call in the language of the special services those who don’t really need to be recruited, but there are only a few of them, these characters from st. petersburg are classic arsonists according to ukrainaim. i found, in short, on the website, there i paid 40,000, back and forth, and sent a photo. like some kind of transformer is not a transformer, do something, then here’s what, both self-taught saboteurs were detained by our special services for jacking up the electrical panel of a cell phone tower, closing their future life for themselves, because excuse me, get 19 years for sabotage or 20, then everyone in the zone...
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this is very typical for the ukrainian special services , the money that is promised by the one who gives the tasks, who resets the coordinates to commit sabotage, the performer will not see.
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got caught, wrote with paint on the monument to zhukov in moscow gur, the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine. of course, he was detained by the police, who said that telephone scammers called him and convinced sergei that his account in government services had been hacked, that he needed to take out loans and send them to a safe, in quotes, account. the man transferred almost a million rubles, and then, as he was told, came to moscow, where he put a code word on the monument to zhukov. the scheme sounds like nonsense, but... the nonsense is dangerous, a criminal case has now been opened against sergei, under the charge of destruction or damage to monuments. this is exactly how tsypso works. planned special operations, which specifically identify such citizens of the russian federation in order to induce them in all sorts of ways, this is taking out loans, this is the promise of some kind of
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material benefits, they force them to commit illegal actions, precisely of an extremist terrorist nature. for them, human life is nothing, consumable, but let’s show firmness and simply not fall for it. telephone scammers from supposedly the ministry of internal affairs or the central bank and other manipulators, offering easy money online for provocations such as arson are elements of the information war waged against russia not only by kiev, but by the west, because recruiting equipment comes from mi-6 and the cia. this means that arsonists who fall for the bait become accomplices. those who sleep and see terrorist attacks in our country, they have an unenviable fate in russia. anton botkovenko, fair punishment. the russian ministry of defense today officially confirmed the fact of a very effective strike by our high-precision weapons on a deep rear airfield mirgorod, poltava region of ukraine, where, judging by the slightly earlier published objective control footage
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, several ukrainian armed forces aircraft were irrevocably disabled. this, of course, is not an f-16 yet, but for those who are planning to. to supply kiev with american fighters, another unambiguous signal has probably already reached. details in the material by margarita semenyuk. ukrainian fighters left in broad daylight are an unforgivable oversight of the ukrainian air force; parked s-27s at the military airfield in mirgorod were destroyed by iskanders. five dryers destroyed, two more damaged. this is the worst day for the ukrainian air force, noted the american magazine forbes. it may have been one of the most costly days for... the battered ukrainian air force since russia began its war against ukraine in february 2022. the air base itself houses the 831st tactical aviation brigade of ukraine. here are training centers, warehouses with weapons, probably with stormshadow missiles. mirgorod, by the way, was used as a jump airfield for attacks on russian targets in
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the zaporozhye region in the direction of crimea. operational-tactical aviation and unmanned aerial vehicles. accumulation of enemy manpower and military equipment in 115 regions, nine aircraft of the ukrainian air force were hit in one day, as a result of a group strike with high-precision weapons on the airfield, five were destroyed, two su-27 aircraft of the enemy air force were damaged, two more ukrainian aircraft mig-29 and su- 27 were shot down by russian air defense systems. now it's time. we need new patriots, we also need the air defense systems themselves, which i said have a short medium range, this is what will help us, including in the fight against russian reconnaissance drones, so they began to fly
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further, this is a problem. this is just one of a series of our attacks on the ukrainian airfield in june. the telegram feed of the air force square channel was drowned in alarming messages. they beat me almost every day and more than once. the mirgorod military airfield is located in the poltava region, 150 km from the russian border, the facility is vulnerable to high-speed ballistic iskander. the starokonstantinov airbase, in the khmelnitsky region, is located 540 km away, it could become one of the main bases for the f-16s that will soon be delivered to ukraine. at the same time, mirgorod is within our reach. was, and daggers are breaking through the air defense around starokonstantinovka, will it be possible in this case to ensure the safety of 24 fighters, which the dutch authorities will soon hand over to kiev.
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disaster one of the largest cardboard and paper manufacturers in the whole of europe. we are talking about a plant whose main profile is quote: sanitary and hygienic goods for mass consumption, that is, simply put, napkins, paper towels and , last but not least, toilet paper, and it is the last item that causes particular concern in the media. they say that as factory workers are called up by the armed forces of ukraine, the volume of output is inexorably decreasing. therefore, a logical question arises: will the citizens remain?
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the kiev media are rejoicing; print publications may soon see increased sales. ukraine is being warned of an impending shortage of toilet paper. kiev cardboard and paper mill was not included in the list of enterprises with reservations for employees, and now his business smells bad. as far as i understand, the person in question is not related to the military-industrial sector. doesn’t make a defense order, so there’s simply no armor there, and they don’t even try to get a job there. kiev kgbk is an enterprise with
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almost half a century of history, one of the largest in europe in its sector; for the ukrainian market, kgbk is the undisputed leader in the production of toilet paper, rough, low quality, but cheap, and therefore. the company also has professions where according to labor safety requirements , only men can work, so the option of replacing them with women is impossible; if such employees are mobilized, production will stop where needed.
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it is far from a fact that the paper shortage will hit ukrainians hard; on the one hand, the independent economy depends on domestic production; imports of modern soft paper from russia or europe have been less than 10% in recent years. and most local residents have never experienced truly high-quality hygiene products, but on the other hand, from the product itself ukraine is not so dependent, if again compared with europe. and russia, residents of the country use several times less toilet paper, only fifteen rolls per person per year. this in no way means
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that ukrainians. advertising booklets will be used, some options will be used, again cotton wool, cotton wool, for example, but there will also be cotton wool if there is a problem with paper, production of goods and the same thing, because this is one source of raw materials, well, whatever the story with kbk has ended, it is very indicative, barbaric mobilization bled ukraine dry, every industrial enterprise lost more than 10% of its employees, and
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was closed in chernigov. local theater, zelensky sent fellow actors to the front. in kremenchug , ambulance teams now consist of one person, the rest have gone to meat. representatives of the city administration are predicting a cessation of public transport and utilities. there have already been numerous statements from the heads of key metallurgical enterprises in the krivoy rog basin. in general, here it is for ukrainian export, for ukrainian production there , first of all, steel, that there is a shortage of simple laborers, a situation may soon arise that only women will work in the fields in ukraine or in foundries there. it’s interesting that even enterprises that have lost power are suffering.
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for each summons not received , an invoice for $600 is issued; then, as ukrainian media write, these funds will be automatically debited from bank accounts; in the absence of such, ukrainian bailiffs can seize any valuables, including the only home. well, however, men are willing to pay to hide in order to stay alive and not fall into the clutches of the military commissars. then, stanislav vasilchenko observes how mobilization is proceeding in ukraine. they are
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ready to do anything to please.
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manage to handle all calls. the kiev authorities offer a solution; they force people to go to the sick not as part of a team, but one at a time. this is a crime. let's even take resuscitation measures. it is impossible to do artificial things at the same time breathing, perform chest compressions and immediately fill the syringe for medication assistance.


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