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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 2, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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the kiev media are rejoicing; print publications may soon see increased sales. ukraine is being warned of an impending shortage of toilet paper. the kiev cardboard and paper mill was not included in the list of enterprises with reservations for employees. and now his business smells bad. as far as i understand, the plant in question is not associated with the military-industrial complex, nor. makes a defense order, accordingly, there is simply no armor there, and they don’t even try to get a job there. kiev kbk is an enterprise with almost a century and a half history, one of the largest in europe in its sector, for the ukrainian market kbk is the undisputed leader in the production of toilet paper, rough, low quality, but cheap, and therefore popular, but now there is literally no one to work here, the thing
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is ... there are an extremely large number of vacancies in the paper industry that are physically impossible for women or the elderly to fill. there are also professions at the enterprise where, due to labor protection requirements , only men can work, so the option of replacing them with women is not possible if such employees will be mobilized, production will stop, where endurance is needed, a means of stability is needed, not attention to detail, that’s precisely the ability to continue one’s work.
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import of modern soft paper from russia or europe has been less than 10% in recent years, most local residents have never experienced truly high-quality hygiene products, but on the other hand, ukraine is not so dependent on the product itself, if again compared with europe and russia , the country's residents use several times less toilet paper, only a dozen rolls per year per person.
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for ukrainian exports, for ukrainian production there, first of all, steel, that there is a shortage of ordinary hard workers, a situation may soon arise that only women will work in the fields in ukraine or in foundries there, it is interesting that even enterprises suffer, those who straightened the reservation, defense, strategic gambling business in power. the state is filled with dead souls, people with money who bought themselves a warm place, but in fact they don’t do any work, well, at least someone will be able to afford toilet paper if the kiev kbk stops working. germany is about to take a leadership role in the baltic region to protect nato's eastern flank. such promises from the chancellors of the rg were made today in poland. olaf scholz came to polish prime minister tusk for negotiations, the result was expected, a conversation about defense plans and... the european border
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, a statement about tireless support for ukraine. at this very moment in kiev , the prime minister of hungary was saying that budapest does not consider the conflict in ukraine is theirs. about european contradictions, the chief of our berlin bureau, mikhail anton. germany's relations with poland have always suffered from mood swings, from one extreme to another. at the moment , warsaw and berlin are great friends again. and even the issue of reparations for the second world war, which the previous government of polish nationalists tried to extort from their western neighbors, seems to have been resolved, but that’s until the next attack of germanophobia. germany realizes the gravity of its guilt, its responsibility for millions of german victims. therefore germany append. to support affected people. nobody wants to outplay anyone on the issue of reparations. chancellor scholz says that in a formal and legal sense the issue of reparations is closed, he has arguments for this. just like that, scholz suddenly had arguments. it would be nice if
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germany remembered the leningrad siege survivors, but this is unlikely. as in the times before the second world war and the german occupation, berlin and warsaw embrace each other. no, it’s not just nato anymore. but a military alliance aimed at destroying russia. we are not a party to the ukrainian conflict - scholz repeats at every opportunity, but german howitzers are firing at belgorod, shells are coming to them through the polish rzeszow, where prime minister tusk visited just the day before. to coordinate long-term supplies of military aid to kiev and the training of ukrainian armed forces soldiers, the west is creating a new command in wiesbad, germany. for the summit in washington, where all this will be formalized in the form of a mission to...
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in it, it gradually changes its owner on the cheap. us senator linsey graham said that the trillions buried in ukraine should not go to russia and china. they have already divided this wealth. hence the increasing talk about freezing the conflict. although everyone determines the reasons for it
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differently. hungarian prime minister orban, for example, did not hide that he would like to maintain a buffer territory between his country and russia, without making any military efforts to do so. since july 1 , hungary has held the eu presidency. the visit to kiev was inevitable and orban decided not to postpone it. first in more than two year, a guest who did not hug zelensky at the meeting. the press conference was a little chilly, when someone comes to ukraine, it's easy to predict what will happen next. the final words are: ukraine and i are our war, and so on.
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we appreciate the peace initiatives of president zelensky and asked him to consider the possibility of a ceasefire before starting negotiations. in principle, orbán's initiative is consistent with russia's conditions as a first step. ceasefire, further, withdrawal of ukrainian forces from the occupied territories of four regions and a willingness to discuss a neutral status, after which negotiations can begin. in zelensky’s office , orban’s advice was immediately rejected: they will fight to the last, which means russian conditions will change, then it will be more painful, and not only for ukraine. europe is wasting its time on ideologically motivated goals without adequate consultation with industry. this is a quote from an interview with orban fine. the loss of competitiveness of the eu has been a growing trend in recent decades; this decline
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can be explained primarily by erroneous with decisions from brussels that run counter to the realities of the global economy, since energy prices are now 3-5 times higher than in the united states, european companies are losing their competitive advantage and are forced to allocate funds to pay utility bills rather than on innovation. in germany, the government of the richest country in europe for the second year in a row has been unable to submit a draft state budget to parliament on time, and its finances are in complete disarray. the berliner newspaper writes that germany will be forced to cut social and infrastructure costs to make ends meet. the upcoming nato summit will add to the budgetary tensions. in washington , scholz is expected to have germany take on an additional maintenance burden.
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ukrainian women began to receive offers from the american platform for taxi drivers, mailings from the company are sent to the post office, all ukrainian women are required to have is a driver’s license, free time and a desire to earn income, but they offer to earn extra money as private cab drivers both on an ongoing basis and as an additional bonus to basic salary, as the country's publication writes, the service was forced to launch an advertising campaign to attract women due to an acute shortage of men, mass mobilization crippled the transportation service, as well as other areas, in ukrainian regions, for example , they are already... hiring en masse representatives of the female sex as public transport drivers, but who in
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square definitely won’t have to worry about her husband being taken to the front, and she herself will have to turn the steering wheel of the bus, it’s elena zelenskaya, who, apparently prefers to drive high- class cars, in one of the french publications there was information that the wife of the kiev leader had reserved for herself an exclusive new product from the bugatti concern, from where evgenia petrukhina found out such data. a certain french publication publishes details, saying there was a closed presentation of the car, elena zelenskaya was just in paris, there is even a video where an employee of the bugatti car dealership seems to confirm the fact of the purchase. i am pleased to announce that the first bugatti owner will be the president's wife ukraine elena zelenskaya. and there is also, apparently
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, a copy of the invoice for the new car. here, look, the price with the addition of an option of 500,000 euros. the result was a bugatti for elena zelenskaya for 4.5 million euros. it’s a pity, of course, that from this amount she didn’t even allocate $100 for her husband, who is clearly saving on t-shirts. he apparently gives everything to his ukrainian wife. he is trying to make himself look poor, running around in dirty t-shirts, they can afford, i don’t know, that’s how many cars bugatti can make, that’s how many they can buy. it’s just strange that in this regard there is not a word on the car about legal requirements, currency, vat. the address of gorodesursen is indicated with an error. there should be two letters l in the spelling, here there is one. well, where in this document is the dealer’s nh, payment terms, delivery information? in general, a suspicious format. and the news itself was published in the publication verite kashe, which
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is definitely not popular and often quoted. there is also no confirmation that this jacques bertin, to whom this publication refers, actually worked at the paris car dealership. his page on social networks is closed, it seems like news about bugatti, zelenskaya, information dumping, but who needs it? in ukraine they call it, as you know, mackerel in eight. the nickname was born later. as she named the price of the popular fish as 8 hryvnia instead of 200, which was at that time, it is quite obvious that this is a blow to...
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suppose that they want to dump zelensky in this way, put a zaluzhny in his place, let's remove zelensky for the fact that his woman bought herself a car, but they can remove zelensky anyway, because he is not an elected person, remove him in principle, it is not difficult for him, just take a lawsuit to announce elections, he will no longer participate in the elections, well, for some reason, for example, he will have diarrhea, so maybe this is all a pr campaign
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for a car dealership, a dummy employee dealership jacques bertin, fake check, custom article, well, elena zelenskaya, who seems to have recently bought a million-dollar cartier, may well buy a bugatti. western tranches are unlikely to fly past her pocket. people easily believe that mrs. zelenskaya could have bought some extremely expensive item, they have a reason for this, since before this ms. zelenskaya had never been seen in work overalls. it is known that during the last...
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on the verge of default, here is a presentation of a brand new bugatti, sitting in which you will hardly remember those whom the ukrainian military commissars throw in the hundreds every day into the cauldron of the front line. let's return after a short advertisement, here's what we'll tell you: living well in russia is bad for the west. in ursap's frenzy, youtube is deleting the channels of its own citizens who simply talk about our country. what do they say about this? the bloggers themselves,
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share simple and quick recipes, and to make it even tastier, the right sauce is important , astoria, now it’s definitely delicious, i wanted to open a deposit at 18%, it turns out that it’s possible at 20. i was thinking about opening a deposit in one bank, but it turns out that you can open a deposit in different banks at once, for money you have your own marketplace, it turns out, open a deposit with a rate of 20%. financial services, financial marketplace from the moscow exchange. hello, my name is cashboy. i help you buy with maximum profit at the megamarket. for example, unison bed linen for rub 1,859. cashback 25%. enjoy your rolls at a tasty spot. caesar roll with tender chicken in a crispy coating. with tomato and cheese, try caesar rolls and other rolls only at a tasty point. appeal for reinstatement
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the account was rejected, they refused to answer any questions about why the channel was closed. a complaint about the actions of the youtube administration from a journalist and analyst from the united states, firarella isabel. now she lives in russia and produces content that sharply diverges from the official one. the american position, in particular, debunks western propaganda about life in russia. this, apparently, was the reason for the deletion of absolutely all of the american woman’s original videos on video hosting, although in the official response youtube simply states that isabelle’s publications themselves violated the norms communities. well, on the one hand, in this case we are talking about the usual political censorship, under which many accounts associated with russian media have already fallen, but on the other hand, at the same time, the american resource deleted other channels of foreigners living in our country, including those on which... clearly entertaining content was published, but also with positive reviews about russia, a trend studied by my colleague anastasia ivanova.
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russia, but not with love, otherwise they will block everything you need to know about american video hosting service that cancels its citizens. a striking example is blogger sasha jost. her father is american, her mother is russian, the girl lived in hong kong in the usa. i came to russia 2 years ago and spoke on my channel about our customs and culture. countries about tourist places for this suddenly became objectionable in america, because there was no negativity on the blog, sasha suggests, horror for the west, the youtube administration recognized the channel about life as dangerous, it was deleted due to violation of community rules, a template and only. after appeal sasha received a short comment without much explanation; the channel will not be returned to you. i ran it for exactly a year, i already had almost 100,000 subscribers there, thanks to my channel. many foreigners began to travel to russia, even some wanted to move, it seems to me that maybe because of this they were afraid that people began to be too
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interested in russia and love it, while on youtube sasha has no politics , a blogger tells a discussion, she has if and were, then on tiktok, it was there that western subscribers wrote provocative questions about crimea, you i tried to say at least some negative things about russia, but it didn’t work out, youtube deleted my personal account. another one, where i just sang songs, there was nothing about russia at all, i forgot about it there, he deleted it too, but those videos that people began to repost on youtube with bad comments, there’s something there they write nasty things about me, he leaves it, it’s strange that he also left this video with another foreign blogger jakub ziba, until he fell under the catastrophe of youtube cancellation, lives and studies in volgograd, moved from the western part of the czech republic from the city. the fact that everything
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is normal in russia, and not what is shown on the news in the czech republic, and of course, critics come who come to insult and threaten everything, that i’m lying, and these people have never been to russia, they only trust the pro-western smics, so you have to constantly explain and show somehow, earlier , of course, there was more criticism when i started running my channel, now there is less of it, because they have no arguments , yes... they have something to say to subscribers fiarella isabel, her channel was also deleted without explanation this is the reason why bloggers and journalists on social networks are now experiencing a boom in indignant comments about the video hosting service of america’s pseudo-democracy as a whole. the quote harassing western journalists on youtube says a lot about who they really are. fiarella herself moved to russia a few months ago, showed her subscribers the red square of vdnkh, it was too beautiful, apparently, for the western authorities, it was no
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good. i understand myself. and i didn’t even try to open my youtube channel, because i know i’ve been on the blacklist for a long time, and i our government doesn’t like me very much, because it is clear that youtube can have a big takeover, the audience, our government is very scared, because our government doesn’t want, doesn’t want the american people to know, in fact, how life is in russia, that it doesn’t everything is so scary, from the point of view of the informational information war, here is such a cunning trick, a move that, well, our government is playing with this person and... at every step they arrest, imprison people, oh, it’s so scary there, video hosting, delete and another channel rushion cat, traditional family from the usa six children moved to russia and told how they live freely without perverted rainbow propaganda, of course, which american democrats would be happy with this, all the media in the united states are owned by very specific people, youtube immediately noticed some powerful means of
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delivery, so to speak. video content, it was bought by google, this very youtube, the owners of google communicate directly with the us congress, the cia and the nsa, the national security agency, we need to build our own, independent youtubes, well, you don’t even need to invent anything, just steal everything from there, introduce your own first, so that no one wants to not go to any youtube, what unites foreign bloggers, we talked, is that they do not want to leave russia. sasha works as a translator and is going to get married. after training, yakub will probably become a guide, because they feel good here, not just in the picture.
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the russian army successfully repulsed all attacks of the ukrainian armed forces. zelensky’s formations lost another 1,800 soldiers and mercenary officers. a tank and six other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as 15 guns from missile systems and self-propelled guns. air defense forces shot down 91 combat drones and six british storm shadow missiles. in addition, the ukrainian armed forces lost nine aircraft in one day. including, as a result of a group strike with precision weapons on the airfield, five were destroyed and damaged. margarita semenyuk has all the details. ukrainian fighters left in the middle of the day are an unforgivable act of the ukrainian air force. 127 parked at the military airfield in mirgorod were destroyed by iskanders. five dryers were destroyed, two more were damaged. this is the worst day for the ukrainian air force, noted the american magazine forbes. perhaps it was one of the most costly days for the battered ukrainian air force since...


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