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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 3, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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business. on the front line. the center and west groups occupied more advantageous positions. during the day , zelensky’s formation lost about 1,800 soldiers and mercenary officers, three tanks and nine other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as 30 self-propelled guns and rocket systems, mostly western-made. air defense forces shot down 39 combat drones with three hymers shells. about the work of tank crews pavel prokopenko. the t-80 is sent to combat work under our artillery fire. yes, in the general direction, as usual, it is very loud. our the reconnaissance copter saw an enemy support position in the forest belt; the tankers of the center group of troops were hitting there with their large caliber. the vehicles operate from a closed position, which means
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that they cannot see the target, but immediately after firing they themselves can become a target. we are being watched, we understand all this, we also try to secretly advance to our own positions. accordingly, stand up, disguise yourself, we do everything promptly, quickly, all people understand, the crew works perfectly, harmoniously, for camouflage, tankers literally use everything that is under their feet, that is, under caterpillars, so that it blends with the terrain, no matter how noticeable, iron reflections, so that the sun does not fade, so it is covered with roofing felt with everything that can be found, the more rubbish, the more secretive you will be, guys with a character as solid as ural granite, crew . from the sverdlovsk region, mechvod even named his tank ural by analogy with the legendary truck. you don’t even need to accelerate on it, you just get in and go. immediately after a combat mission, preparation for the next replenishment of ammunition - inspection of vehicles. t-72 is t-80 and this is what happens between them
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an impromptu resting place. crews spend their free time here during breaks between combat missions. those ukrainian soldiers who manage to escape the heavy fire of our tanks surrender. this fighter made the only right decision, surrendered, thereby saving his life. pavel prokopenko, sergey truskov, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, news, donetsk people's republic, avdeevskoe direction. a year ago i was where
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the war was raging, and now i’m in the rear, fighting for life and the right to be useful. that's exactly how you feel will be presented by a special operation veteran with the call sign pioneer, whose story now inspires many military volunteers. anatoly kolchinsky was there. as a sniper in one of the brigades of the northern fleet , he received many wounds, but each time he returned back to the front line, however, one of the combat missions ended with such a severe injury that it took many months to recover, in the end, as the fighter himself admits: to return to the northern military district for health reasons it won’t work out anymore, but the desire to serve your country goes nowhere not to do, i had to look for a way to show my abilities outside the front line, and this is how the active work of the pioneer actually began, for the benefit of our defenders, evgenia petrukhina will talk about patriotism and unbroken will. evgenia, good evening, hello, alexey, and how exactly is he helping the front? cars, electronic warfare equipment, motorcycles , everything else that our guys need. they were practicing combat missions in the kherson direction and three
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enemy boats moved towards them at once. the command order is not to allow the enemy to land on the dnieper islands, the sniper pair performed flawlessly. the vysushniks were greeted as they should be. the landing of the militants of the armed forces of ukraine failed due to fire. the enemy in the carriage covered the island with cluster munitions, fired at our snipers with mortars, and they evacuated their wounded comrades. mortars were working on us, the birds were constantly hanging, they were constantly being thrown into the boat ; when i jumped onto the starboard stern, the mine’s tail hit my head and exploded under me, i broke my neck, we started to get out along the channels, at the same moment we were still firing, because the enemy continued to fire at us, and then when we reached the large ...
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stern, we wound up further and swam to the end, seriously wounded, but not broken and not shot down from course, and even saved his comrades, here is the call sign pioneer anatoly kolchinsky, this is him and his comrade, this is a heroic sniper couple, the pioneer went to the esvo zone on the first day of mobilization, volunteers, because he could not say otherwise, he is a professional sniper.. . worked on asvatovo-flint direction, for the first time he was wounded, a ukrainian drone dropped a mine, a fragment flew under his helmet,
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but after four months in the hospital, kolchinsky went to the front again, my comrades are there, and as it were, well, i have my specificity and my specialization, it is really needed there, this was very important for me, and it was as if after the hospital i immediately went back. and then the pioneers found themselves in the kherson direction on the dnieper, where they received multiple injuries, returning to the combat zone was no longer an option, a long and difficult rehabilitation, so the pioneer uneven bars, but not everyone will repeat this, a will that cannot be broken. kalchinsky has a new mission today, he is collecting humanitarian aid for fighters in his zone, so in fact he is still in the same ranks with his comrades, work. one goal, i help technical equipment, units, that
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is, expensive ones, cars, sights, birds, this is what helps save the lives of soldiers, well , carry out combat missions, that is, it’s like i’m here, well, partially with the guys, in the last month it turns out to be three cars purchased. kalchinsky’s military family all help the front; his mother, for example, sews thermal imaging blankets; the soldiers already have hundreds of them. protection from the enemy’s thermal imager, our military personnel already camouflage artillery pieces, for example, so that the enemy from a drone does not notice the thermal spot. but motorcycles for the front, already in the hands of the soldiers, will be needed where you need to get through quickly. these are snipers from the 80th arctic brigade. thank you for the car for the humanitarian aid, which kalchinsky will absolutely try to do
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send again again. my immediate plans are to personally deliver to the soldiers a whole minibus of what the front so desperately needs. rifle casings, bullets for making electronic warfare systems, ribs, birds, blankets, and much other technical equipment. i want to go to the nearest islands, if possible. on the boat. senior sniper kalchinsky intends to go to his kherson direction, shake hands with his comrade and commander and continue to help our front line. the staunch pioneer sees his new mission in exactly this way, opening new opportunities both for yourself and for the front. evgenia petrukhina service to the motherland. in ukraine , summonses will be sent by mail, the experiment begins in zhitomir, but then the practice will spread to other cities. if the registered letter with the summons does not arrive, the police will begin searching for the addressee.
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thus, those who are now walking the streets in search of suicide bombers for the armed forces of ukraine will have an additional tool, but, by the way, men have become. resist desperately only until today there were two cases at once when those caught by military commissars decided to inflict on themselves injury, so as not to go to serve. in odessa , a conscript tried to cut his throat, and in transcarpathia he cut his hands. the topic will be continued by stanislav vasilchenko. the arbitrariness of the authorities, the outrage of the military commissars and the betrayal of the people's police led to the fact that people in ukraine became more interested in jurisprudence. after the tcc sent hundreds of thousands of people to slaughter, it turned out that many could have avoided this if they had known their rights. the law of goiter requires you to fight, you know who? according to the law, do you know who must fight, who is obliged? now you have obliged, and i am a civilian, you don't even have the right to approach me. if ukrainians try to conduct a dialogue, it is only with the police, who, by the way, have already been called anti-national; military commissars, by law , do not have the right to stop or inspect civilians, much less detain them and take them anywhere against their will. who do you
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think this is, what kind of person is talking to me, can you tell me who he is? this ukrainian conducted an educational program for police and military commissars for about 20 minutes; right before his eyes , tcc employees detained another civilian, who was probably not doing so well i am familiar with the constitution, but the author of the video was luckier; he defended his rights and went on about his business. you need to read the constitution of ukraine a little, you need to believe in yourself a little, there is nothing wrong if you...
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filed that a person cannot go out on the street abnormally, because the military registration and enlistment office will catch, beat, load and send to training, yet the kiev authorities do not intend to slow down the pace of mobilization, by the end of 2024 they plan to send another 2000 people to the front, however, the ex-commander extremist prohibited in russia's national battalion leader, aidar evgeniy dikiy, considers these measures insufficient. 2000 until the end of this fate. 2000 by the end of this year is only to level the situation so that the front stops collapsing, but if we want to turn the situation around, then we need half a million right now, and then we need to recruit another 50,000 every quarter. meanwhile , the ukrainians have already run out of patience, and if recently they simply got into a squabble with the military commissars, today arson of personal cars of shopping center employees is increasingly being committed, and this is already becoming a trend. the russian military
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also supported the idea and, with a well-aimed hit from a kamikaze drone, destroyed an anti-national police car near... ukraine, in which department employees showed up to see yet another person liable for military service. stanislav vasilchenko, alexander porkhunov. news. we'll be back after a short commercial, and here's what i'll tell you about. official extremist cell of society. the activities of a couple of foreign agents of unscrupulous ones on the territory of russia were prohibited and the property they had confiscated was confiscated in the country that they cursed. travel with alfabank, choose where to fly in the alfa travel service and get super cashback on air tickets, this alpha friday, july 5, we are giving 30% cashback on flights to sochi. it’s not just
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connect your subscription with berp more categories cashback to choose from, access to films and tv series wokko and music in sound, and also cashback up to 70% in the megamarket in sberbank, more profitable with prime on avito khvatamba discounts for people from people until july 7. the child's consciousness, i am in the house and no one will touch me, must leave those who harm our fatherland. a fair comment by senator andrei klimov about russophobes, who until recently reveled in their impunity, but now an indicative case has appeared that can sober up other haters of our country. we are talking about the trial, in which foreign agent alexander nevzorov and his wife lydia acted as defendants. the court in st. petersburg recognized them as an extremist cell and, as expected, banned
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any activity on russian territory. well, then another natural procedure followed. according to the court decision, the property of the banned association of the nevzorovs will be confiscated to the state. the resolution specifies a number of valuable objects: a house, land, shares, in general, all the assets that the extremists could. but by law it is no longer owned agent nevzorov and his wife, recognized by the extremist community. we are talking about this site in the village of lisenos, as
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the neighbors say, no one and no one appeared here. for some time, lidia nevzorova’s mother reportedly lived here; by the way, this is only part of the seized property. the total cost of real estate, by the way, is no longer for his wife’s agent, only in this village more than 35 million rubles. these are three plots of land with a stable. some opportunity, yes, not to complete the matter in terms of justice in part execution of russian law. by
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court decision, cars were also confiscated. tell all the opponents of russia, those who have escaped from us, who work for the west or are simply crap on little things by kakdorov, that being a russophobe is painful, painful, but freedom is worth it, russia betrayed me, sang a tedious song of fugitive cannibals and an agent of ignorance after the decision court, it is much more interesting for subscribers to cry, apparently, than to remind them that they voluntarily received ukrainian citizenship, which
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regularly throws mud at the people of our country, along with the spouses, an explanation appeared about an extremist community banned in russia, a lawyer and an extremist cell, by the way, the foreign agent alexei pryanichnikov himself was indignant, saying that the court decision was unfounded, how can the spouses be an extremist association? maybe, lawyers told us, the name is formally in the law, but radical
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statements. were and are, the seventh article of the law on countering extremist activities states that organizations registered in the established legal order are subject to liquidation, it is difficult for yourself imagine that people who have united to commit some crime go to the tax office and register there as individual entrepreneurs, actions are carried out without any specific registration, this is why the law has the concept of prohibiting activities. which refers to those organizations that are not legally registered. the natural outcome of the action of the foreign agent nevzorov and his wife, who themselves were inflamed with hatred of the country, where they earned money and lived, but now there’s definitely nothing connecting them with russia anymore, isn’t that what they wanted? anastasia ivanova memo for russophobes. we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries
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. we look, we look, in the application or on the website. a peaceful resolution of the situation in ukraine is impossible without the participation of russia and , accordingly, any formats in which the participants are trying to agree on something behind moscow’s back are devoid of prospects. vladimir putin and sijin pin spoke about this today on the sidelines of the shosvostan summit. moreover, there the russian leader also had meetings with the presidents of kazakhstan, turkey and
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azerbaijan, as well. with the prime minister of pakistan and the head of mongolia. alexey konopko's report on his busy schedule. vladimir putin walked along the unusual blue carpet from the plane at the first rays of the sun. the long shadows gave away. he arrived in kazakhstan almost before everyone else. those who landed next had to cover themselves with umbrellas. the main day of the summit is tomorrow, but putin begins negotiations immediately. for host kazakhstan , russia is more important as its main trading partner. another visit to kazakhstan in november of this year, to combine it with participation in the meeting of the supreme council of the collective security treaty organization.


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