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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 4, 2024 11:00am-11:28am MSK

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it is correct that the shanghai cooperation organization has traditionally been closely involved in the problems of afghanistan. we support the idea of ​​resuming the activities of the sco afghanistan contact group. we think this will contribute to further normalization of the situation in this country. unfortunately, other potential sources of conflict still remain on the eurasian continent in greater eurasia. history has clearly shown the unviability and counterproductivity of individual attempts, in particular by the united states, to cut the palestinian knot and refuse implementation of un decisions, which clearly provide for the creation and peaceful coexistence of two independent and...
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sovereign states, israel and palestine. in general, issues related to ensuring security and stability, both in the eurasian space and in the broader global dimension, persistently require from the sco and its member states active involvement, an energetic, calibrated line that takes into account the aspirations of our like-minded people from among the countries of the world majority. dear colleagues, as already emphasized, as strengthening the authority of the influence of the sco, there is a growing interest in its activities on the part of other states and international structures, many of them are striving to establish an equal dialogue with our organization and join its work, and naturally, we need to carefully consider the entire solid portfolio of applications from those who wish to to cooperate with us in one capacity or another, in conclusion i would like to thank my kazakh friends for...
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before the start of the meeting, the heads of the sco signed documents on the admission of belarus to the organization. i would like to greet the president of the republic belarus, dear alexander grigoryevich lukashenko. in a short period of time, your country has completed all the necessary procedures on the way to full membership in the shanghai cooperation organization. if there are no objections, i propose.
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below ground level, there is, let’s say, a good chance of hiding kilometers from the front line, ammunition arrives in a timely manner in the required quantities, so the work is very active. they destroyed a lot of things , control points from the enemy and guns destroyed a lot, they even lost count, as it were well, initially they marked where they destroyed them, but now they seem to have stopped marking them. temporary deployment points. a vehicle for
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the destruction of this vehicle, the one who hit it is awarded the title of hero of ukraine, but the enemy cannot yet calculate, let alone hit, the small number of artillerymen from primorye; the gun continues to support the offensive in the southern donetsk direction every day. khabarovsk territory, in total over 600 people are involved in the fire extinguishing, about fifty helicopters and planes, another 100 aircraft are monitoring. in transbaikalia for additional airmobile units and equipment have been deployed to combat wildfires. over the past 24 hours , two more fires have been contained in this region, and dozens are being extinguished. our correspondent anton kalganov is monitoring the development of the situation. the curtains managed
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to arrive in the district only in the afternoon. as of july 3, there were 18 active fires in the county. special thanks, i would like to say this to our citizens, thank them very much for their response, and i have not seen anything like this, maslers are equipment that transports bulldozers, separately, this is udakan copper, inteka siberia, alliance, mk bank, the elements were unable to reach residential buildings, localization work continued even in the dark. days, but the fight against the fire, despite the fact that it left the villages of chara and new chara, must be continued, the governor demanded. we have no rain forecasts, time in this case is working against us. a short rain, such footage is distributed on social networks, but
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it significantly affects the fire hazard situation had no effect. the situation continues to remain tense. we would like to add that restrictions on visiting forests are still in effect in the region. anton kolganov, maxim labachev, lead. go to the moss exhibition, a reason to meet, a superbox with clips of hello kitty and her friends, have time to buy and win a trip, business needs acceleration, open a current account on and transfer money to any bank instantly, vtb help.
11:08 am
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russian cold. great, incredible taste. i wanted to open a deposit at 18%. turns out, you can get under 20. “i was thinking about opening a deposit in one bank, it turns out you can open a deposit in different ones at once, for money, your own marketplace, it turns out, open a deposit with a rate of 20%. financial services, financial marketplace from the moscow exchange. to mvidia eldorado? what a benefit! tv 55 inches for 54.999, video eldorado, the main expert in technology. real hunting is when the prey is almost in your hands, when the boss is right in front of you."
11:10 am
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11:11 am
british prime minister richa sunok voted in the general election to parliament. voting began this morning and the elections are taking place against the backdrop of a record low rating for the prime minister. only 1% of respondents believe in the victory of the conservative bloc. britain report by our own correspondent alexander khabarova. the voting that began today should radically change the balance of power in the british parliament. if opinion polls are to be believed, the opposition labor party has an excellent chance of winning, but a more detailed breakdown will become known only after all the votes have been counted. the yugov sociological service predicts that 431 parliamentary seats will fall into the hands of the liborists. we led this
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with confidence, we moved forward, because we have an election campaign with a smile on our faces , faith in imminent changes and clarity regarding who to vote for in this election, we have already endured 14 years of chaos, disagreement and failure, tomorrow's election should put an end to this, the ruling conservatives will move into the opposition, they are projected to have only 102 deputies from... liberal- democrats 72, 18 scottish nationalists have only three parliamentary mandates for nigel farage's reform party, although in the polls it was in third place. this is the specificity of british elections: the candidates with the most votes win the constituencies. farage to his the sudden appearance had already disrupted the company's routine operations. he states that it is important for his party that it enters parliament. this is our first significant step towards a much longer life.
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تشکر میکنیم راهبرد بسیار عمیق بین ما و جناب عالی و دولت روسیه یه راه نظارت میکنم.
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ان د و با تغییر دولت ها هم تغییری نخواهد کرد.
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به وضوح دیده میشه که رابطه استراجی که ما و شما معادلات قدرت را در دن یا کاملاً به هم ریخته و بحث یک جانبه گرایی تموم شده به همین دلیل.
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it was a broadcast from ostana. vladimir putin , on the sidelines of the sco summit, holds a meeting with the acting head of the executive branch of iran, muhammad. berom. graduates in russia are retaking the unified state exam today. according to the new rules, you can retake one subject before the end of the admissions process.
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116,000 people decided to take advantage of this opportunity. we will find out all the details from our correspondent anastasia ponko. she works at pushkin school 1500 in moscow. and now it's coming out direct connection with the studio. anastasia, greetings. how retakes are going and which subjects are being retaken the most this year. hello, daria, the retake will take 2 days in total, today is the first day, and schoolchildren take the unified state exam in russian, social studies, physics, computer science, chemistry, as well as the written part in foreign languages. applications to retake the exams were submitted in all subjects, with more than 31 thousand students wishing to retake social studies. computer science is in second place, with a little more than 21 thousand people, well, in third place russian language, today this subject will be rewritten. students, the sampler was higher, yes, most likely he was nervous about the exam itself, that’s why now is the second attempt,
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thank you that it appeared, it was really needed, i didn’t score enough to confirm the olympiad, it exists, so i need to score more, a little bit at all, score i can, i have the knowledge, let me remind you, before such an opportunity to retake the unified state exam for students. there wasn’t, if they were not satisfied with the score they received, then they could retake the unified state exam only in a year, well , now from 2024, finally the same one appeared a long-awaited opportunity for many students to retake the unified state exam. just like in previous years, retakes could only be in russian and mathematics for those participants who did not pass the minimum threshold. this year, according to a proposal, according to a message from the president. it was decided that just those guys who want to improve their results in one of the subjects, in any subject, here is such
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an opportunity, many students were really waiting for such an opportunity, today they told us about it just said, because the unified state examination is a very important stage in the life of every schoolchild, it determines which university on what basis the graduates will enter, and of course they are certainly worried about this too... to the fact that the previous unified state examination result in this subject will be cancelled, even if the first result was better than what will happen today or tomorrow, that is, students who
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are really confident in their abilities take the retake. in other subjects i scored a passing grade, but for english i only have a little bit it wasn’t enough, it’s just that the pass rate is 75, and i have 68, in other subjects it’s ok, now after a few exams it’s easier to cope. our correspondent anastasia panko was in direct contact with the studio.
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i, traveler, balloonist, jean. ivan! ah, so we go out of trouble. what a fairy tale without ivan. eh, eh! where did it start? without deception without a flint, whether you go to the lights imprisoned me, a self-written pen, magic ink, you’ll get it, the main thing is, van, hurry up, then i’ll have a horse, a mechanical one, but i don’t care damn your head, you have a nickname, where it goes, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need it. i can’t live without traveling and flint; he who has flint in his pocket doesn’t need a pen. soon,
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if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first, competition of ideas and money, there was a sensation, and what a sensation, they tensed inside america, outside its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why now do you need to watch and follow? this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand.
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welcome to asia. my heart will beat continent. now economic news, briefly. inflation could return to the target 4% by the middle of next year. deputy chairman of the central bank alexey zabotkin stated this in an interview with our tv channel. behind the july growth. a slowdown will follow in early autumn; as for the key rate, at the next meeting it could be raised to 17 or even 18% per annum. a significant increase, in our understanding , is an increase of more than one percentage point, at a meeting in june the possibility and feasibility of an increase of 17 up to 17 or even 18%. most likely these
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alternatives will also be on the table. at the july meeting, whether they need to be expanded will depend on incoming data. russian economic growth accelerated to 4.5% in may. this is reported by minecon development. the main drivers are the manufacturing industry and construction, also the production of computers, electronics and optics is on the rise, immediately by 40% in 5 months. according to the ministry's forecasts, by the end of the year , russian gdp will increase by 2.8%. russians with long-term deposits will receive tax privileges.


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